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Chapter 18: Night Walk for Two

Chapter 18: Night Walk for Two


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 18 A Night Walk for Two

  About half an hour had passed since the incident at the government office.

  Chief Constable Tie believed the two’s speculation, but did not act immediately.

  In his opinion, if they wanted to conduct a large-scale search for the first sect in East City, or even arrest Xiang Tianlin with justification, these evidences were still insufficient.

  If they were to start a fight, they might be fooled by the Nine-Layered Gate.

  Because of this, the two sides decided to sneak into the Nine-Layered Gate after nightfall to see if they could find decisive evidence so that Xiang Tianlin could be arrested and convicted.

  Luo Mansion, pharmacy.

  Yang Shifei sat on the bed with ease, smelling the faint scent of medicine, and couldn’t help laughing secretly.

  He and this place are quite predestined.

  ”Sir, how do you feel now?”

  Tan Xiang’s questioning voice came from the medicine shelf, and she was tiptoeing to reach out for the medicine, her little skirt swaying.

  ”It’s much more comfortable, it’s okay.”

  Yang Shifei twisted his arm and chuckled, “Although I don’t know the reason, I’m still quite resistant to beatings now, and any injuries recover quickly.”

  ”.Your physique is indeed different from that of ordinary people.”

  Tan Xiang turned around and walked over with a bowl of ointment, her face cold.

  She stirred the ointment with a pestle, and frowned slightly again: “Since this matter has been handed over to Chief Constable Tie, you still have to go there in person?”

  ”I don’t know Chief Constable Tie very well, I’m always worried.”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “And Xiang Tianlin recognized that you and I are from Luo Mansion. If he gets away with this, it may be disadvantageous to us in the future. I’m a very afraid person, and I don’t want to leave a huge hidden danger. Of course, I want to kill this trouble with my own hands.”

  He didn’t think he could defeat Xiang Tianlin head-on.

  But with the help of the cold air, he can enter an extremely calm state. It is not difficult to sneak into the Nine Layers Gate to collect intelligence.

  What’s more, there is Chief Constable Tie to help cover up, even if there is an accident, there is a chance to escape.

  Tan Xiang was silent for a moment, then slowly sat aside.

  ”Is it worth it for the Luo Mansion?”

  ”What are you talking about, Miss Tan Xiang?”

  Yang Shifei pointed at himself, his face full of solemnity: “Although I haven’t passed your probation period yet, I am still the Luo family’s fiancé in name, so of course I have to side with you.”

  At this point, he couldn’t help laughing and said, “If the Luo Mansion squeezes me everywhere, I certainly won’t make myself unhappy. But whether it’s Miss Luo or Miss Tan Xiang, you are so gentle and considerate, I can’t be a shameless and unfaithful man.”

  ”. I’m just a servant, why mention me.”

  ”I don’t care about masters and servants, celestial beings and dragons are the same.”

  Yang Shifei said with a smile: “In my opinion, you are also a part of the Luo Mansion.”

  Tan Xiang pounded the ointment and pursed her lips without saying anything.

  The scene of Yang Shifei blocking the arrow for her flashed in her mind, and her eyes caught a glimpse of the scratch on his arm that had not yet healed.

  Even though these arrows couldn’t hurt her,

  Tan Xiang sighed faintly.

  ”Okay, take off your clothes, I’ll help you apply the medicine.”

  ”Ah?” Yang Shifei said dryly, “I’d

  better do it myself?” Tan Xiang looked at him coldly, “Are you still worried that I will take advantage of you?”

  ”.As long as you don’t mind.”

  Yang Shifei had no choice but to take off his robe, revealing his well-proportioned and strong upper body.

  Although he was once weak, he was more or less strengthened in Niujia Village.

  The cold air filling his body did not change his figure significantly, but it also made his muscles more prominent, and he no longer looked like a skeleton.

  Tan Xiang only glanced at him, and expressionlessly scooped up a spoonful of ointment and applied it to his chest.


  The cold and delicate touch made Yang Shifei tense all over.

  The girl’s slender and tender little hands stroking him made him look weird, and he could only keep a straight face and not speak.

  This little hand was incredibly tender, like tofu.

  But in silence, thinking of the scene that happened in the yamen, Yang Shifei hesitated for a moment and still spoke:

  ”The knife you threw at that time was very powerful, not an ordinary person’s skill.”


  Tan Xiang responded without raising his head: “I just felt that there was no need to tell you.”

  But as soon as she finished speaking, the girl paused slightly when applying the medicine: “After hearing what I said, you still want to get involved in danger for the Luo Mansion?”

  ”What’s wrong with that?” Yang Shifei just raised the corners of his mouth slightly: “Everyone has secrets, and so do I. If the girl wants to tell you in the future, I will certainly listen carefully.”

  Tan Xiang took a deep breath and glared at him unhappily:

  ”If you hadn’t come to our Luo Mansion, I really don’t know how miserably you would be deceived by outsiders.”

  ”At least I have a good eye for people?”

  Yang Shifei laughed carelessly: “Seeing that the masters and servants of your Luo Mansion are so considerate, I am willing to stay here. If it were a bad master and evil servant, I would run away immediately without looking back.”


  Tan Xiang lowered her head and snorted.

  After a moment of silence, she calmed down again: “The medicine has been applied, how long do you want to be shirtless?”

  Yang Shifei quickly put on his robe, feeling a little amused.

  I don’t know who took advantage of whom.

  Although this little hand touched me, it was so comfortable that it made people feel half of their body numb.

  ”You go back and rest first.”

  Tan Xiang washed her hands, stood up and said: “I will go to the eldest lady to report this matter later, and she will help us deal with the subsequent troubles. When it gets darker, I will call you to go with me.”

  ”You want to follow too?”

  ”I’m not weaker than you, and I will go with you to prevent you from getting into trouble.”

  Tan Xiang left the pharmacy without stopping, and left a sentence lightly: “If you get hurt again, I can’t explain to the young lady.”

  Yang Shifei stood there, scratching his head, thinking that this maid was really sharp-tongued but kind-hearted.

  When the night deepened, the candles in the mansion had gone out.

  Yang Shifei put on the nightgown that Tan Xiang prepared for him and shook his hands.

  He wanted to absorb a little more of Yue Rui’s coldness before leaving as a safety measure. But he didn’t know when Yue Rui would go out today, so he had to give up for now.

  Fortunately, the coldness in his body was still abundant and would not affect the plan of this trip.

  ”Are you ready?”

  Tan Xiang walked out from under the tree quietly. Her slender and petite figure was more curvaceous under the nightgown.

  Yang Shifei nodded slightly and tied the face towel and gloves with her.

  They couldn’t afford to slack off on this trip. After all, they were going to the first sect in East City, and any mistake would cause trouble.

  ”What did Miss Luo say?”

  ”The lady will help keep an eye on those people from other provinces to prevent them from colluding secretly.”

  Tan Xiang’s tone was calm, and a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes: “Xiang Tianlin hurriedly came to meet the heroes of various sects at noon, with his whole arm wrapped in cloth. He used the excuse that he injured his arm while practicing martial arts, and soon claimed to be ill and returned home.”

  ”This person is quite fast.”

  The two confirmed the direction and ran towards the Nine-Layered Gate at night.

  The streets of East City were already dark and silent at night, and every house was closed. Only the sound of the night watchman could be heard faintly.

  As they walked along, a vast manor not far away came into view, with lights flickering slightly under the moonlight.

  ”–You are here.”

  Tie Hanyang appeared silently at the agreed location, with his hands behind his back and said in a deep voice: “I will go in and entangle them first. Do you have the confidence to find out the truth inside the Nine-Layered Gate?”

  Yang Shifei nodded calmly: “If we really can’t find any clues, we will have to trouble Chief Constable Tie to take action and capture him first.”

  Tie Hanyang sighed helplessly when he heard this: “We are on par with each other in cultivation, but it is not so easy to determine the winner.” Having

  said that, he still walked quickly to the front of the sect gate, knocked heavily on the gate, took a breath and said loudly:

  ”I am Tie Hanyang from the government office, and I have something to discuss with Sect Master Xiang!”

  Yang Shifei and Tan Xiang exchanged glances, sneaked to the other corner of the manor together, and jumped into it.

  Lights were lit up in the manor one after another, and figures rushed towards the lobby.

  Yang Shifei huddled under a tree, and in the light he could vaguely see Xiang Tianlin’s position. He quickly pointed in a direction, and the two of them ran into the corridor in secret.

  ”Don’t go too far, this is his bedroom.”

  ”Is there anyone inside?”

  The two leaned against the door and spoke in low voices, “I remember that the leader of the Jiuchong Sect has a wife and daughter, and a concubine. He went to the lobby to meet guests, inside the room.”

  Tan Xiang was about to take out the sleeping pills.

  But after listening to the door for a while, she quickly shook her head: “No one is in the room.”

  Yang Shifei’s eyes moved slightly, and he carefully pushed the door open.

  The two of them went into the room and closed the door again, without making any extra sounds.

  Yang Shifei quickly came to the couch, lifted the quilt and saw that there was indeed no figure.

  ”The quilt is cold, no one has been lying here before.”

  Tan Xiang ran to the desk to search, while Yang Shifei was looking around in the same place, and soon his expression was stunned, and he lowered his head quickly.

  There seemed to be some granular objects under my feet. I picked up some with my fingers and took a closer look.

  It was dried and broken black blood foam.

  ”Xiang Tianlin was scratched by me today. Could it be left from that time?”

  Yang Shifei touched the floor and quickly rejected this guess.

  It was only a few hours ago. Even if the blood was dried and lumped, it would not be stepped on so much and even scattered everywhere.

   I hope everyone will follow and vote. Thank you~


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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