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Chapter 180 The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind

Chapter 180 The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 180 The mantis stalks the cicada, while the oriole

  waits for the main food for lunch is palm-sized white bread, crispy and burnt corn kernels, and wolf meat cooked with soybeans.

  Not only was Liu Jiuyue, the envoy, entertained, but the eight serfs and two guards who pulled the cart with him also benefited from it.

  The guards were servants of the same status as him, but Liu Jiuyue did not expect the serfs to eat at the table.

  But after all, they were not eating in the same place, so Liu Jiuyue did not say much.

  Putting his hands together and thanking the owner who gave them the food, he could not wait to reach out and grab the white bread on the plate.

  Unlike the cold and hard green wheat cake, this bread was made of unknown ingredients and methods, but it was soft and fluffy. Just holding it in his hand, Liu Jiuyue could not help but feel his mind tremble, and he quickly put it into his mouth and took a bite.

  It smells so good!!!

  His eyes almost popped out, and he quickly picked up the spoon and scooped another spoonful of stewed beans into his mouth before swallowing the food in his mouth.

  Soft and fragrant, it melted in his mouth, and his taste buds gave it a very high evaluation at the first time!

  Without time to savor it carefully, he ate it voraciously, like a starving ghost reincarnated, completely forgetting the instructions given to him by his boss before leaving.

  Wolf meat is usually sour, but they stewed it with soybeans very well, and it tasted a bit fragrant. As for the method of cooking corn, it was even more amazing. Did they fry it in oil?

  This is too luxurious!

  There was plenty of white bread, and when Liu Jiuyue ate the fourth one, he felt that he could not eat any more. After

  drinking a sip of hot water, he tried hard to swallow the food stuck in his throat, and looked at Guo Niu who was eating across the table with an expression that had never seen the world.

  ”What is this?”

  Guo Niu was a down-to-earth person and answered truthfully.

  ”Steamed buns, salt and pepper corn, stewed pork and soybeans.”

  Liu Jiuyue looked confused.

  Three words that he had never heard of appeared at the same time. Unable to hide his envious eyes any longer, he could not help asking.

  ”Do you eat this every day?”

  Guo Niu shook his head and said,

  ”It depends on what’s available at the market.”

  There was no canteen at the outpost,

  and the residents of the shelter were the ones who cooked. Although the market at noon was not as lively as at night, there were also many people setting up big pots there to cook some strange foods.

  The administrator set a standard for lunch, with a budget of 3 silver coins per person, and Guo Niu took the money to go to the market to purchase.

  The residents of the shelter who were doing business at the north gate were very enthusiastic, scrambling to pull him to their stalls, and even said that they could get discounts for large purchases.

  Although Guo Niu did not understand why large purchases could get discounts, it was a good thing to save money for the administrator. In the end, this meal only cost 70% of the total budget, which could be said to be very economical.


  However, after listening to Guo Niu’s explanation, Liu Jiuyue’s expression became even more confused.

  This really sounds weird.

  In general, small survivor bases, there would not be such a thing as a market.

  After all, trade is the product of prosperity. If more than half of the people in a place are slaves without private property, who can they sell the things on the market to? They may not even own their own flesh, let alone things worth exploiting.

  I heard that there was a grocery store on Beth Street before, which was run by the old mayor and allowed the garbage collectors there to exchange some daily necessities. This can be regarded as a great act of kindness in the surrounding area, but that family has been driven away by these barbarians with guns. Now I don’t know if there is still such a thing as a “store” there.

  Liu Jiuyue has never been there, but I only heard that a group of beggars who pick up garbage live there. They occasionally go to the vicinity of the farm to pick up things, but they are usually driven away, unless they carry chips on them. The farmer does not want to have conflicts with his neighbors, so he usually allows them to exchange some green wheat to go back.

  ”Thank you for your hospitality.” Wiping his mouth with his sleeve, Liu Jiuyue took a while to hold back the burp, stood up and said respectfully.

  Guo Niu shook his head and corrected him seriously: “All this is the generosity of the adults. You should thank him, not me.”

  Liu Jiuyue looked at him with envy.

  It was strange.

  He actually saw loyalty on the face of a serf!

  However, what was even more strange was that he had to please him…

  After coming out of the dining room, Liu Jiuyue called on the serfs he brought to tie up the two-headed cow tied to the door.

  He waved the whip in his hand, as if he wanted to vent his suppressed emotions on these people.

  ”Hurry up, lazy dogs, we should get on the road.”

  The serfs did not dare to disobey him, let alone disobey the iron rifles on his and the guards’ backs. They quickly untied the ropes on the two-headed cow and set off at the urging of this adult Liu.

  However, people’s simple desire for a better life cannot be stopped by a whip alone. Several serfs whispered to each other while Liu Jiuyue and the two guards were not paying attention.

  ”The food just now was so delicious.”

  ”Yeah, even in a good year, we didn’t eat so well…”

  ”This is heaven!”

  ”Speaking of which, that person is… Guoba?”

  ”It seems so.”

  ”Unbelievable, it’s him! I almost didn’t recognize him!”

  ”If we go to him…”

  ”Shh! Don’t let the man with the gun hear it. Don’t blame me for not reminding you that the kid who boasted about traveling with the caravan was hung at the door for three days and three nights last time. When he was let down, half of his body was eaten!”

  The serfs were silent and dared not speak again.

  Watching the tribute camel caravan disappear at the end of the woods, Chu Guang, who was standing by the window on the third floor of the sanatorium, suddenly spoke with envy.

  ”It would be great if you could give me a few more cows.”

  Xia Yan, who came here to eat for free, joked.

  ”Is this considered eating in the bowl and thinking about the pot?”

  She learned this sentence from Chu Guang. It is said that it is used to describe a person who is greedy. Although she didn’t think it was accurate to use this sentence to describe the manager, it was surprisingly appropriate at this time.

  ”Of course not,” Chu Guang looked back at her and said dissatisfiedly, “I didn’t teach you this sentence to say it to me.”

  Xia Yan rolled her eyes at him and continued to concentrate on the popcorn in her hand.

  Although Chu Guang always said it was junk food, she didn’t think so at all. Sprinkle a little white sugar on it, the taste is simply the best in the world!

  Silver coins are so great!

  She has already started to think about how to spend tomorrow’s salary.


  It’s just noon.

  At the entrance of the Garden Street subway station, about 4 kilometers away from the wetland park, the pungent smell of gunpowder permeates the street, and even the howling north wind can’t blow it away.

  A group of happy little players skillfully repeated yesterday’s work – pulling monsters, focusing fire, counting the results of the battle, busy and happy.

  Except for two people who were not happy.

  One is a mole, and the other is a mosquito.

  These two “contractors”, one big and one small, have spent more than 400 silver coins to clear the passage from the subway station entrance to the gate of Shelter No. 117, which is enough to buy two LD-47 rifles!

  If this task cannot be passed today, it is hard to say whether the reward of 1,200 silver coins is worth it, both in terms of time and cost.

  ”Maybe we should learn from Brother Fang and his team,” Mosquito said with a sad face, looking at the mole standing next to him. “I talked to Lao Bai for a while yesterday. When they were passing the greenhouse ruins, they didn’t use so many people to pile up. Although they spent some ammunition, the cost was not much higher than ours.”

  Mole shook his head and said.

  ”Brother Mosquito, this is wrong. You think they are sharing their game experience with you, but they are just being Versailles. Elite tactics? Don’t you see what their team is equipped with? A set of exoskeleton of the same type as the manager, a mechanical compound bow with the strongest output of the whole server, a mechanical hand that can maximize the output of the intelligence system, and… the highest perception in the whole server.”

  ”This kind of hexagonal team, what tactics are you discussing with them? The output of one of them is equivalent to that of three people. It’s a huge profit to ensure that you don’t die. If we learn their way of playing, we can finish this task until next month. Listen to me, if the equipment is not enough, you have to use a large number of people to make up for it. There is no shortcut!”

  I understand the truth.

  But I am still so envious!

  With an expression of envy and jealousy, Mosquito couldn’t help but yell.

  ”Fuck! These damn European emperors!”

  Mole also nodded and said in agreement.

  ”Really? Now you understand the importance of balance?”

  The output of that mechanical hand is unreasonable. The projectiles are almost turned into cannonballs in his hand. Has the planner really considered the feelings of strength players? And that mechanical compound bow is more powerful than a gun. It can penetrate armor and throw explosives. The ammunition is cheap. Is it reasonable not to cut it?

  Of course, if he can be rewarded with a set of equipment of the same level or even better after completing the mission of Shelter No. 117, then he has said nothing. I

  don’t care. Anyway, I am the culprit for not being European emperor!

  Zhang Hai, who was responsible for pulling monsters before, finally checked his results. When he came over, he happened to hear the conversation between the two.

  Although he didn’t understand it at all, he still excitedly made up a joke.

  ”The right line of the sea of ​​people is always the god!”

  ”Zou Kai, you newbie, why are you joining in the fun? Have you understood your own sequence?” Mosquito, who was envious of the top, didn’t want to waste words, and stuffed a handful of coins into his hand, “Take it! No need to change!”

  Zhang Hai counted them, not a single copper coin was missing, and said with a grin.

  ”Thank you, boss! I wish you good fortune!”

  Hearing this word of good fortune, the stimulated Mosquito’s eyelids twitched again.

  Good fortune?

  If he continues to play like this, let alone good fortune, he will be bankrupt!

  Seeing the pain of Mosquito, the Mole sighed and patted him on the shoulder gently.

  ”Come on, victory is just around the corner. I have a hunch that the money in this mission may not be weaker than that of the Greenhouse Ruins, and I will definitely make it back by then!”

  Mosquito looked up at the sky and sighed.

  ”I hope so.”

  In fact, the words of the old Mole were not entirely to comfort him, and victory was indeed just around the corner.

  Sixty-seven gnawers were killed in this round, which was much less than yesterday. The agile newbie named Zhang Hai spent more than twice as long pulling monsters this time. It was obvious that the density of the alien species was not as high as in the previous few days.

  Mole estimated that if the situation was optimistic, he should be able to complete the task in two more rounds.

  It happened to be lunch time. The young players who participated in the strategy took a short break and walked into the abandoned store on the side of the road. They boiled a pot of water with the charcoal they brought and the branches they picked up.

  The newbies had to save money to buy equipment, and most of them were reluctant to buy expensive supplies. The dry food they brought was mainly green wheat cakes or baked cakes made from okra.

  Although this kind of dry food has little nutrition and tastes ordinary, it is convenient. Whether it is thrown into the pot and cooked into a paste, or directly chewed, it can fill the stomach. There

  will be a debuff of low blood sugar on an empty stomach, which affects the output. The players are ready to start the next wave of offensive after eating dry food.

  However, at this moment, neither Mole nor Brother Mosquito noticed that on the road just one street away from the Garden Street subway station, a group of fully armed mercenaries were quietly entering the area.

  They were not many in number, only eight people. Although their equipment was not the most elite, it was much stronger than the scattered soldiers roaming in the wasteland. They were not only equipped with automatic weapons, but two of them also carried thigh-thick rocket launchers on their backs, with sufficient firepower.

  It can be seen that their boss spent a lot of money and learned from the lessons of the last failure. Not only did he hire a stronger mercenary group, but he also bought round-trip tickets for this group of people to the northern suburbs.

  Their mission was simple.

  Arrive at the Garden Street subway station, clear out the aliens under the subway station, and then enter Shelter No. 117, take the things inside to the evacuation point and return.

  In fact, if the situation was optimistic, they should have completed this task two days ago. However, no one expected that there was another group of people who also set their sights on Shelter No. 117.

  Those people seemed to be a newly emerged survivor force in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City. According to the nonsense host of the Boulder City radio station, these people not only killed the Blood Hand Clan, but also killed the mutants on Street 76. Recently, they have hooked up with companies passing through the northern suburbs.

  Although those people’s equipment is very weak and their side has obvious advantages, no one dares to take it lightly.

  Especially yesterday, the scouts who went to the high-rise building to set up a sniper point sent a message saying that they had found a target suspected to be an awakener.


  As the captain of the twelve people, Pritt felt that things might not be as simple as imagined.

  Instead of taking action immediately, they occupied a half-collapsed building along the street, placed a radio station, established a temporary command post here, and contacted the scouts who arrived at the front line first.

  ”Carl, is the awakener from yesterday still here?”

  After a short wait, the voice of the scout came from the communication channel.

  ”Gone… I suspect he hasn’t fully awakened, but there are signs of awakening.”

  Pritt said in a deep voice.

  ”What is the ability?”

  Carl replied.

  ”It may be related to the intuitive system or the spiritual system.”

  Intuitive system or spiritual system.

  Pritt frowned tightly.

  The so-called awakening is that part of the body’s traits are “alienated”, showing some characteristics that are different from ordinary people.

  There are many possible causes of awakening. The more common ones are the use of gene modification drugs, or the stimulation of the survival instinct at the critical moment of life and death, resulting in the unactivated fragments in the gene fragments being expressed.

  Compared with the “risk-controllable” mechanical prosthetic transformation, awakening is undoubtedly a thorny road. Although it can bring powerful power, it is not without cost.

  However, it is undeniable that the awakened are indeed difficult to deal with, especially the spiritual and intuitive ones. Many abilities are simply unreasonable and hard to guard against.

  Just like the energy weapon branch in light weapons!

  ”That group of people are preparing for the second wave of attack. I feel that the aliens under the subway station have been almost cleared by them… Boss, when are we going to start?”

  Pritt said calmly.

  ”Don’t panic, wait for them to lure the aliens out from below.”

  It might be a genius idea to lure the aliens out from under the subway station and focus fire, but these people obviously did not realize how big the noise they made and the flaws behind them were.

  Pritt’s thinking was very clear.

  They didn’t need to fight those survivors head-on. They just needed to wait quietly for the aliens to come out in full force, and then take advantage of the survivors waving cold weapons and rushing up to kill them.

  Even if there are awakened people, what does it matter?

  It’s as easy to eat these survivors and aliens in one bite, just like eating a sandwich.

  Thinking of this, Pritt showed a faint smile on his face.

  He will teach these survivors a lesson.

  Tell them what it means to be a mantis stalking a cicada, while the oriole is behind!

  (I will resume updating twice a day this Sunday. I feel like my body, which was drained from exhaustion, has recovered a little._(:3」∠)_)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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