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Chapter 181: Tenderness in the Bed, Light Kiss with the Magic Knife

Chapter 181: Tenderness in the Bed, Light Kiss with the Magic Knife


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 181 Tenderness in the bed, a light kiss from the magic knife

  ”Girl you”

  Yang Shifei smiled helplessly, reaching out to touch her head: “What are you doing secretly in the middle of the night?”

  Yue Rui swallowed twice, her face flushed: “Brother’s body is burning hot, I want to help you cool down.”

  ”This fire is getting stronger and stronger.”

  Yang Shifei was even more amused and lifted her up from under the quilt.

  Yue Rui quickly supported the bed with her hands and knees, fearing that she would press on the wound.

  ”Brother, does it still hurt?”

  ”Much better.”

  Yang Shifei hooked her little nose bridge: “Don’t be so stiff, you can’t hurt me.”

  Yue Rui blinked her eyes: “But brother’s body is still hot.”

  ”I think the healing medicine in my body is taking effect.”

  Yang Shifei chuckled: “Your body is cold, just let me continue to hold you.”

  Yue Rui said softly: “Brother always likes to kiss the chests of those bad women, do you want to try it now?”


  ”Brother is very happy to kiss.”

  Yue Rui’s face turned redder: “Now that you are injured, I want to make you feel more comfortable.”

  While speaking, she casually took off her clothes, revealing her fair and slender figure, and hugged her gently.

  The faint cold fragrance lingered in the nose, which made Yang Shifei’s heart flutter.

  Although it was a small purse, it was also very exciting when rubbed on the face.

  It also smelled milky.


  Yue Rui whispered shyly, “Don’t despise me.”

  Yang Shifei kissed her twice, and the little cat blushed, lying on his shoulder and whimpering. The cat’s tail emerged from behind her buttocks, gently brushing back and forth.

  After a while, the girl in his arms gradually became quieter, until she uttered soft and sticky dreams.

  Yang Shifei hugged Yue Rui back to his arms, tidied up his loose chest, looked at her cute sleeping face, and couldn’t help laughing.

  Although the purse was not big, the reaction was really big.

  After a few shivers, he fell asleep by himself.

  He was about to hug the soft girl and continue to sleep, when the door was quietly pushed open.


  Yang Shifei was secretly puzzled, and glanced at her from the side. A graceful figure walked to the bed and sat down with her skirt touched.

  Although the room was dim, he only smelled a faint fragrance, and he knew that the person was Luo Xianer.

  The eldest lady did not say anything, but just sat quietly and stretched out her hand to brush.

  Yang Shifei felt his face being gently stroked.

  As a few strands of hair fell on her face, her lips were lightly kissed.

  ”It’s great to have you.”

  A barely audible whisper, full of tenderness.

  Luo Xian’er smiled faintly, leaning against the bed rail, waiting quietly with gentle eyes.

  Yang Shifei simply opened his eyes and raised his gaze, just in time to meet hers.


  Luo Xian’er was stunned and blushed: “Sir, you have been awake all the time?”

  Yang Shifei chuckled, “I just woke up, and didn’t expect you to come into the room.”

  ”Then I… I’ll leave first”

  ”No need.” Yang Shifei held her hand: “Are things outside settled?”


  Luo Xian’er said softly: “I’m so busy that I only have time to visit you now. It’s my fault.”

  Yang Shifei laughed: “You just made time and you came to see me, how can I blame you.”

  Hearing this, the eldest lady felt a little embarrassed: “What I said just now…”

  ”I heard it.”

  Yang Shifei said gently: “Instead of sitting next to me and watching over me, you might as well get into bed and have a good sleep.”

  Luo Xian’er hesitated: “But the injuries on your body…”

  ”My physique is strong and durable.” Yang Shifei slightly lifted the quilt to reveal Yue Rui in his arms: “Look at this girl, she is sleeping soundly.”

  Luo Xian’er couldn’t help laughing: “So Sister Lingmao is hiding here.”

  After laughing, she put aside some of her worries, took off her skirt and embroidered shoes, and got into the quilt with shame.

  The young lady was about to lie down, but was soon embraced and leaned against his shoulder.

  ”Sir?” Luo Xian’er tilted her head slightly: “Leaning like this will put pressure on the wound.”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “I’m not that haggard yet.”


  Luo Xian’er silently moved closer.

  The two were silent for a while, and Yang Shifei gradually held the girl’s shoulders tightly.

  ”If you have anything on your mind, don’t hide it. You will feel better if you say it out.”

  ”.Young Master is still so perceptive.”

  Luo Xian’er lowered her eyes: “In fact, the relationship between me and Emperor Liang has not been good over the years.”

  Yang Shifei’s mind moved slightly. When he was around, Xian’er would directly call him “Emperor Liang” instead of his father.

  ”Is it because of your mother’s matter?”

  ”Although he didn’t kill her personally, the reason why my mother died was also because of his negligence and indulgence.”

  Luo Xian’er whispered faintly: “At that time, I was full of resentment, so I just…”

  The words paused slightly and turned into a sigh: “But in the past three years living abroad, I more or less understand the difficulties.

  If you want to maintain the stability of the country, not everything can go as you wish. Even if you are the ruler of a country, there will be times when you can’t help yourself.”

  Having said this, Luo Xian’er was silent for a moment.

  ”Although I understand his difficulties, I don’t want to recognize him as my father after all.”

  Yang Shifei stroked her hair gently: “So, you have no interest in the identity of ’empress’?”

  ”Part of the reason.”

  Luo Xian’er gradually closed her eyes: “But now that Emperor Liang has passed away, all the grudges are no longer important. It’s good that he can rest in peace without regrets.”

  The girl seemed to still be full of emotion, but she didn’t say much, just silently buried her face in her shoulder.

  Yang Shifei didn’t speak again, stroking the girl’s hair on her back, quietly and tenderly.

  ”. Sir.”

  ”I’m here.”

  ”Don’t leave me in the future.”

  ”I can’t bear to leave.” Yang Shifei kissed her on the forehead: “You and I will live a long life and grow old together.”


  There was no more conversation on the bed, the two leaned on each other tightly and fell asleep peacefully.

  The next morning, there was a faint noise outside the inn.

  Yang Shifei woke up a little and saw that Luo Xian’er beside him was gone, and looked at the sky outside the window again.

  Tens of thousands of soldiers and warriors were temporarily staying in the capital, and there were many injured people, so there would naturally be some movement.


  He slowly sat up, and seeing Yue Rui still sleeping soundly in his arms, he gently put her back on the bed and laid her down.

  Yang Shifei got out of bed and stretched his muscles. After a night of rest, the broken meridians and flesh in his body healed a lot.

  ”These filths have helped a lot.”

  Although the excessive cold air hurt his body, it was also repairing the injuries rapidly.

  After this back and forth, he even found that his physical strength had improved and his muscles and bones were stronger.

  ”Is it a blessing in disguise?”

  Yang Shifei stretched his arms and let out a long breath, his eyes moved slightly, and he looked at the head of the bed again.

  The magic knife was still lying quietly, as if it was still sleeping.

  Thinking of the magic knife’s efforts to help yesterday, he felt a little worried, so he picked it up and sat down at the table.

  ”Are you okay?”

  He whispered softly, and the magic knife trembled, and red light flashed between the cracks.

  It was just that the blade was slightly opened, and bursts of cold air spread from it, and the flesh and blood inside were powerless to hang down, obviously very weak.

  Yang Shifei frowned and whispered, “I’ll help you right now.”

  The coldness in his body was about half consumed by healing, which was enough to help the magic knife relieve the pressure of filth.

  As the thought came to his mind, waves of cold air quickly flowed into his body from the knife.

  Yang Shifei endured a little pain, but the magic knife in his hand trembled suddenly, and several icy water stains came out from the gap. After

  a long spasm, she split into large pieces of flesh and blood meridians, trembling and climbing up half of her arm.

  ”Sizzle. Chirp.”

  The flesh and blood were intimately entangled, sucking and making a sizzling sound.

  As the cold air gradually withdrew, the flesh and blood of the magic knife became warmer and warmer, rubbing and licking back and forth, and the numb feeling made people feel a little itchy in their hearts.

  Until the last strand of excess filth was sucked away, the magic knife twitched tightly and then softened.

  Yang Shifei exhaled lightly and said, “Do you want to drink more blood?”


  The magic knife separated a piece of broken blade and shook it, and licked it gently in the palm of his hand again, as if persuading the owner to take good care of his injuries.

  Yang Shifei felt warm inside.

  This knife really knows how to care for people.


  he looked at the mucus on the table and couldn’t help laughing.

  The amount of water produced by this knife is really a natural gift.

  As if it had sensed his thoughts, the magic knife sucked more vigorously, even climbing up to his shoulder and gently rubbing against the side of his neck – with

  a “pu chi” sound, it was like a kiss.


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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