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Chapter 182 Black Snake Mercenary Group! Death!

Chapter 182 Black Snake Mercenary Group! Death!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 182 Black Snake Mercenary Group! Dead!

  In a half-collapsed abandoned building.

  Carl, lying on the side of the broken wall, aimed his sniper rifle at the street 800 meters away, pulling the trigger from time to time to clear out the targets exposed outside the bunker.

  The view here is very wide, and the entire street is covered by his gun. Even if a rat wants to sneak in here, it can’t escape his eyes.

  ”The fifth one… Die!”

  In the scope, a survivor carrying a rocket launcher burst into a string of blood mist from the back of his head. The survivor next to him seemed to be startled, but he didn’t panic. He immediately bent down to pick up the rocket launcher in his hand and hid in the bunker next to him with others.

  ”This group of rats that can’t be killed… How many are there!”

  After cursing secretly, Carl took a deep breath, skillfully pulled the bolt to remove the shell, began to look for the next target, and continued to pull the trigger to fire.

  Team C has already engaged the enemy and is engaged in a fierce exchange of fire with the local survivors.

  The battle at the entrance of Garden Street subway station was extremely brutal, and machine gun bullets wove a web of death on the empty streets!

  However, the dense firepower did not scare the survivors. Even if their teammates were beaten into pieces beside them, they would still bravely launch an attack.

  This made Carl feel incredible. He couldn’t imagine what kind of courage this was, and he couldn’t imagine what made them so fearless.

  Even though he had successfully suppressed at least 3 teams and held back at least a dozen people, the situation of Team C did not improve at all, and they were still dragged into a bitter battle by the human wave tactics of these survivors.

  The voices of teammates came from the communication channel.

  ”Damn, I’ve already used up a drum. If we weren’t in the northern suburbs, I would have thought our opponent was the ‘wave’!”

  ”Karl! How many people did you see?”

  ”Forty… no, maybe fifty,” Karl licked his cracked lips and said while aiming at his prey, “You’d better be prepared for a tough battle. As far as I can see the target, it’s like an ant!”

  ”Fuck! I didn’t hear there were so many survivors in the northern suburbs. Are they all here?!”


  Iron Fist rocket launcher, “Ripper” rifle, and the 60cm bayonet that was passed down from the Legion!

  Looking at these familiar equipment, Karl’s eyelids twitched wildly, and he always had an ominous premonition.

  He was sure that they were not from the Legion. In this case, there was only one possibility, that they had defeated the Legion at least once on the front battlefield!

  Even if it was just the remnants of the Legion!

  It is impossible to defeat the Legion on the front battlefield with just these cannon fodders, unless they have other trump cards.

  At this time, there was a sudden movement downstairs.

  As a professional scout in the team, Carl’s nerves tensed up instantly. He immediately put away his sniper rifle, pulled out the pistol on his waist, and lowered his footsteps to approach the door. The

  noise downstairs seemed to disappear.

  Most of the walls here were damaged, leaving only the load-bearing walls barely intact. The rest of the space has become a paradise for aliens. In addition to the gnawers, there are also some mutant rats and cockroaches.

  He did not clean up the aliens in the entire building.

  But he was sure that the noise was definitely not made by the aliens!

  Thinking of the target who seemed to be an awakener he saw yesterday, Carl felt his heart had risen to his throat.

  It was quiet and silent all around. It was so

  quiet that he could even hear his own heartbeat.

  Looking at the crazy flashing signal lights on the communication channel, a drop of cold sweat slid across Carl’s forehead.

  He knew that he could not delay here any longer and had to move to a new sniper point as soon as possible to provide support for the C team that was in a difficult battle! He

  could only take the initiative to attack!

  With a determined heart, he held the pistol, carefully walked out of the room, and touched the next room. There is a two-step wide hole there, which can directly descend to the floor below.

  Judging from the sound, it should be near the safe passage. After going down, just go through the corridor to the entrance of the safe passage and kill them from behind by surprise!

  With his feet touching the ground, Carl squatted down, but just as he was about to crouch down and get close to the wall, an arrow whizzed over his head!


  Carl cursed in shock, leaned out of the bunker and fired three shots in the direction of the arrow. With his other hand, he pulled out a grenade without hesitation and threw it forward.


  The fragmentation grenade exploded, and the shrapnel raged in the empty hall, attracting the gnawers from the next room.

  Carl was not panicked at all. The number of people on the opposite side was unknown, and he was alone. The more chaotic the situation was, the better it would be for him.

  This was also the reason why he did not clear out the aliens on the adjacent floors!

  When necessary, those gnawers would become his most reliable shields to cover his transfer between floors!

  At this moment, another arrow flew over his head and hit the concrete wall behind him.

  Carl sneered in his heart. Bow

  and arrow?

  What era is this? There are still people using such primitive weapons. You dare to challenge me without even a gun. You are really tired of living!

  ”Apart from sneak attacks, is this all you can do–”

  Before the last half syllable came out, a loud explosion came from behind Carl. He didn’t notice that the arrow shot earlier had three round tubes as thick as thumbs tied to the side of the arrow body. The

  3X50g charge exploded instantly, and 3X20 steel balls exploded like a torrential rain, sweeping across the room. Caught off guard, Carl’s back was blown into a bloody mess, and he screamed in pain.


  The scream and blood squeezed out of Carl’s throat.

  In the smoke, a figure walked towards him.

  Almost instinctively, Carl barely raised his pistol, aimed at the man and fired several shots, but he only saw the bullets hitting the man’s breastplate, creating a string of sparks, like a tickle, without hurting him at all.

  The magazine was empty.

  Carl’s face was filled with despair.

  The man walked up to him, casually reached out and grasped his right hand holding the gun, and easily took the pistol from his hand. He

  also crushed his wrist.

  Looking at the red-named target curled up on the ground and wailing like a maggot, Lao Bai looked down at the scratches on his breastplate and couldn’t help but praise.

  ”Damn, this armor is so useful!”

  It is worthy of being the armor that the administrator once used!

  Ordinary bullets can’t penetrate it at all!

  At most, he can add a few more medals of honor to his breastplate!

  Kuangfeng, who came from the next room with a javelin, glanced at the man who was curled up on the ground and chattering.

  ”What is he saying?”

  Fang Chang: “Maybe begging for mercy? This is usually how it’s shot in movies.”

  Lao Bai looked at Fang Chang and asked: “Speaking of the bounty mission, did it say that you want to keep the prisoners?”

  Fang Chang thought for a moment and said: “200 silver coins should be the bottom line. I feel that this sniper will be very useful, otherwise keep him first… Ye Shi, what are you playing with?”

  ”Damn, this sniper rifle is so cool!”

  Holding the sniper rifle picked up from the ground, Ye Shi rubbed the barrel repeatedly with his right hand, his eyes shining, as if he had found a treasure.

  The light green shell, the heavy receiver, the safe length and the flash suppressor at the muzzle all demonstrate its power. What moved him most was the optical sight on the upper rail, with a maximum magnification of 6 times, and the magnification and focal length are adjustable!

  This is much more useful than the homemade telescope he bought from the NPC store!

  ”I’ve decided,” Ye Shiyi looked at Fang Chang seriously, “I’ll call it a cannon from now on!”

  Fang Chang couldn’t help but complain when he heard the name.

  ”Can you give it a less rustic name?”

  Ye Shi rolled his eyes.

  ”Tsk, no matter how rustic it is, it can’t be more rustic than your Dawn.”

  ”How is Dawn rustic!!”

  ”…Okay, there are still people outside,” Kuangfeng said, looking at the street outside through the window of the corridor, “I’ve got 200 silver coins, what do you say? Do you want to continue?”

  Staring at the street below where gunfire was heard, Fang Chang suddenly had an idea and looked at Ye Shi and said.

  ”Ye Shi, can we hit it from here?”

  ”Let me see!”

  Ye Shi, holding a sniper rifle, came to the window, glanced outside, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

  ”It’s a bit far, the angle is not quite right… but it shouldn’t be a big problem.”

  ”The map is 800 meters away, and we are now on the 19th floor,” Fang Chang shook his shoulder, “The first brother in the team to pull up the big bolt, it’s up to you.”


  800 meters away.

  The entrance to the Garden Street subway station.

  Gunshots rang out continuously, and the whole street was in chaos.

  Players used homemade smoke bombs made of phosphorus, potassium nitrate and sugar to cover the street, threw homemade grenades made of black gunpowder, and fired bullets from miscellaneous weapons as if they were free. They all greeted the mercenaries’ positions and pushed the positions to the middle of the street in just three minutes.

  ”Fire! Fire!”

  ”Damn, how many people are there!”

  ”I don’t know! I only know that if we keep fighting like this, I’ll run out of bullets!”

  The pungent smell of gunpowder filled the entire road, and bullets whizzed in the air.

  The flames from the machine gun made Lambert’s face red. At first he just fired in bursts, and later he had to fire in a sweeping manner to deal with it. By now the barrel of the gun was hot.

  However, even so, it still couldn’t stop the survivors’ surging offensive!

  Are these people crazy? !

  Aren’t they afraid of death!

  In order to prevent being drowned by the sea of ​​people, the defense line of Team C had to retreat again and again, and finally retreated to the entrance of Garden Street subway station.

  Lambert, who had re-set up the machine gun, couldn’t help cursing in the communication channel.

  ”Damn it! Where’s Karl! Is that idiot asleep?”

  ”I have a bad feeling…”

  ”No matter what your premonition is, hold your position! Our A and B teams are still under the subway–”

  As he was speaking, a string of blood mist flew out of Lambert’s chest, and he fell to the ground without even a groan.


  Lambert was terrified and was about to retreat. Two more rockets pierced the smoke, one rushed into the subway station, and the other hit the concrete stone bunker in front of them.

  The flames of the explosion almost singed his hair. Lambert fell to the ground and crawled, grabbing his teammate’s rifle and hiding in the subway.

  After passing the security checkpoint and running all the way to the platform, he turned over and jumped into the carriage, aiming his rifle at the stairs behind him.

  He said while panting.

  ”This is Team C. The surface position has been lost. We must find a new one–” He

  was halfway through his words when a strong wind suddenly blew from behind and hit the back of Lambert’s head, knocking him unconscious.

  ”Hahaha! I got my money back, I got my money back!” Mosquito, who was holding the steel bar, was so excited that he wanted to give the red-named elite monster another blow. It’s

  so cool to pick up a head for free!

  ”Why are you so excited? This is only 200 silver. I still need one head to get my money back–what the hell?”

  Mole, who came with him from the next carriage, took a fancy to the black rifle on the ground at a glance.

  Reaching out to pick it up from the ground, looking at the tactical flashlight and vertical grip hanging on the rail under the muzzle, the mole’s eyes flashed with excitement.

  ”This rifle is so cool…”

  Although it’s not as good as his Black Swan, it shouldn’t be a problem to sell it for two or three hundred silver coins, right?

  ”A pistol, and two grenades… This bulletproof vest should be useful too!”

  Zhang Hai, who was covering his butt, had slipped over from the next car without knowing when, and was touching the elite monster with his free hand excitedly, muttering as he touched it.

  ”I’m rich, I’m rich.”

  The mosquito and the mole looked at each other and communicated without words.

  ’What does it have to do with him? ‘

  ’Who knows! ‘



  The street adjacent to the Garden Street subway station.

  Looking at the smoke in the distance, Liu Jiuyue felt sweat oozing from his palms even though it was minus ten or twenty degrees Celsius.

  He happened to pass by here while escorting the camel team back to Brown Farm and witnessed the whole battle from beginning to end.

  He had only one feeling in his heart.

  That was so strong!

  The guard beside him swallowed his saliva and whispered to another guard.

  ”Is the fight over?”

  ”It seems…”

  ”What is hidden in this subway station? Why are there not only those people from the northern suburbs, but also mercenaries from Boulder City appearing here?”

  ”Whatever is hidden, it’s not our business,” interrupted the guards’ whispers, swallowed his saliva, and continued.

  ”Let’s continue on our way, the battle is over.”

  The neighbors near the wetland park may be stronger than they thought.

  He suddenly understood why Mr. Brown took the initiative to donate food to those people…


  The headquarters of Boulder City Voice Radio Station.

  House, the ace host of the radio station, was sitting in the studio at this moment, with his feet on the table, looking at the press release just sent by his colleague.

  Although it was a very relaxed posture, his expression was not relaxed, and even gradually showed a hint of solemnity and tension.

  Suddenly, he sat up straight from his chair and looked at his colleague standing in the studio.

  ”The Black Snake Mercenary Group lost? Lost to a group of country bumpkins? How is this possible! Is there something wrong?!”

  The colleague standing in the studio shook his head and said.

  ”You are not the only one who was surprised. I confirmed it with the reporters at the Lookout twice, but the results were the same.”

  ”The sneak attack of the Black Snake Mercenary Group completely angered the country bumpkins in the northern suburbs. They sent at least a hundred people to encircle and suppress them. The team left on the surface by Captain Pruitt was completely wiped out, and the remaining two teams were trapped in the subway station. It seems that they are in great danger now.”

  ”According to the news from the Central Casino, many people watched our show and placed bets today. We will broadcast this news in fifteen minutes. You get ready.”

  After saying that, he turned and left the studio, closing the door.

  House’s face turned pale and blue, and his hand holding the news release clenched into a fist.

  Although it was not this group of mercenaries he hired, and Pruitt was not his acquaintance or friend, he had just bet 500 points on the death of two people in the Black Snake Mercenary Group not long ago.

  This is his salary for a whole week!

  If this report is true, he has worked for nothing this week.

  ”This group of guys who are more likely to cause trouble than to do good things are so shameful. Go to hell! It’s better if none of them come back!”

  House cursed and crumpled the press release into a ball and threw it into the wastebasket.

  He decided to write a new one to scold the group of country bumpkins in the northern suburbs who bullied the minority with their numbers and had no martial ethics!


  One kilometer away from the Garden Street subway station.

  Chu Guang, wearing an exoskeleton, sat on a bench on the street and overlooked the smoke-filled battlefield through the hummingbird drone connected to the VM.

  The player had rushed to the entrance of the subway station. It took less than a quarter of an hour from arriving at the battlefield to taking over the subway station.

  Except for the person who escaped into the subway station, the other three mercenaries all died under the random gunfire of his little players.

  The entrance to Shelter No. 117 is located in the middle of the tunnel.

  There is almost no cover there to use. It can be expected that those mercenaries will definitely guard the exit of the shelter. With

  a faint smile on his lips, Chu Guang reached out and grasped the war hammer leaning against the side, and stood up from the bench.

  ”Finally it’s my turn.”


  Under the surface.

  In the tunnel of the Garden Street subway station.

  ”Damn it! Team C is gone, we have to rely on ourselves now!”

  Listening to the noise coming from the communication channel, Jerry cursed angrily and put his rifle on the stairs next to the tunnel.

  This is the only ground shelter in the tunnel.

  The captain left them and went into Shelter No. 117 alone. As the captain of Team B, he received an order to guard the entrance at all costs.

  However, even with two light machine guns and two rocket launchers, he still couldn’t feel safe enough.

  They had no reinforcements.

  The last person left here was the last one.

  And according to the intelligence provided by Team C, they would face more than ten times the force. Jerry was not even sure whether the ammunition on his side was enough to hold on until the captain came out of the shelter.

  At this time, a noisy sound came from the other end of the tunnel.

  Not only Jerry, but everyone’s heart was in their throat.

  A figure appeared in the tunnel.

  He was wearing steel armor and holding a war hammer in his hand, pointing it at them provocatively.

  When he saw the figure appear in the tunnel, Jerry almost used up all his strength and roared.


  Da da da!

  Orange-yellow bullets poured down from both sides of the tunnel, cutting towards the man like scissors, forming a dense firepower network.

  However, a jaw-dropping scene happened.

  Hundreds of bullets poured down in an instant, just like hitting an invisible wall, without any reaction at all.

  Not even a ripple!

  Changing from holding the hammer with one hand to holding it with both hands, Old White, who was in the center of the storm, shouted excitedly.

  ”Fuck! This hammer is too awesome!”

  A few minutes ago, the manager handed this war hammer to him and told him that he only needed to press the button on the handle, aim the hammer at the enemy, and make a mocking gesture.

  Before entering the tunnel, Old White was still worried about whether he could hold on, but now it seems that this worry is completely unnecessary!

  The nitrogen shield that opened from the top of the hammer was like a transparent umbrella, blowing away all the bullets.

  The firepower net seemed fierce, but it didn’t touch his armor!

  ”Come on, use some strength!”

  ”That’s all you can do? Didn’t you have lunch?”

  Lao Bai was not sure whether these elite monsters could understand his non-standard Mandarin, and he was even more unsure whether they could hear it because they were drowned by the gunfire.

  But it doesn’t matter. It’s

  all about being handsome! For

  such a cool mission, please make sure to have more people!

  Looking at the “monster” standing motionless in the center of the firepower, Jerry was frightened and quickly ordered his men to set up the rocket launcher.

  However, before the man carrying the rocket launcher pulled the trigger, a bullet with a power comparable to that of a cannonball tore his upper body into pieces.

  Jerry was stunned.

  But in just a second, he came to his senses and realized what happened, and his face changed instantly.

  Gauss rifle!

  These country bumpkins in the northern suburbs actually have Gauss rifles!

  This did not give the mercenaries enough time to think of countermeasures.

  Seeing Old White successfully attracting the enemy’s firepower, Chu Guang, who had put away his Gauss rifle, decisively blew the whistle he had bitten in his mouth.

  The shrill whistle resounded in the tunnel.

  Deafening shouts of killing rang out at the same time, and the players with bayonets inserted rushed from the platform to the tunnel like a flood that broke through the dam.




  ”For the administrator!”

  ”Crush them!”

  The eardrums were hurt by the shouts.

  Looking at the cold rays coming from the darkness, Jerry’s heart was filled with fear, and his will was shaken uncontrollably.

  At this moment, the monster wearing heavy armor and charging with a war hammer had already rushed in front of them. He raised his hand and waved it lightly, and blasted a machine gunner away.

  The close combat began.

  A mercenary had just pulled out a dagger when he was stabbed into a sieve by countless bayonets.

  It’s over.

  It’s completely over.

  Even if their captain drove a power armor to save them, it would be impossible to break out from here.

  Completely losing his will to fight, Jerry threw away his weapon like a madman, raised his hands above his head, and knelt on the ground begging for mercy.

  ”Stop it!”

  ”We surrender!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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