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Chapter 182 The maid was considerate and touched the wrong place

Chapter 182 The maid was considerate and touched the wrong place


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 182 The maid was considerate, but touched the wrong place


  Yang Shifei was stunned by the kiss, obviously he did not expect the magic knife to use this trick.

  The pink flesh swayed beside his face, and he licked a big mouthful with a slurp, and then he withdrew it with satisfaction.

  He looked at the magic knife that was still wrapped around his hand, with a slightly strange expression.

  This knife was really proactive.

  But it was not a bad thing that the magic knife was so close to him, so he touched the handle in response.

  ”You have to be more restrained when you are outside in the future, it’s easy to scare others.”

  The magic knife licked the palm of his hand, as if it agreed obediently, and then slowly changed back to the shape of a long knife.

  Yang Shifei calmed down a little, wiped the mucus on the table clean, and gently wrapped it with silk cloth.

  After everything was ready, he took out the Taiwu Holy Soldier of the Yunshang Sect.

  He naturally remembered Qiu Buhuan’s explanation yesterday that this holy weapon was stained with filth, and now he could

  try to purify it.


  Yang Shifei’s face trembled, and he felt the cold air rushing into his body again.

  The blood and flesh of the meridians that had just recovered were crushed again, and he grimaced in pain.

  But this time, he barely resisted the erosion of the cold air.

  Yang Shifei’s forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he smiled in a low voice:

  ”The meridians are indeed much stronger.”

  The rolling cold air rushed into his body, and then followed the cyclone to the dantian, and was suppressed and refined by other cold air.

  After a while, Yang Shifei loosened his left hand and shook it quickly, and then slowly regained some consciousness.

  ”It’s done.”

  He held the Taiwu Holy Soldier again, drew the sword out of the sheath, and the purple light flashed.

  Compared with the holy weapons in the palace, this sword contains much less filth, and it can be absorbed and refined by one person.

  ”In this way, it can be regarded as rejuvenating the power of the holy weapon.”

  Feeling the faint warmth on his face, Yang Shifei’s expression was a little solemn.

  The fact that the Taiwu Holy Soldier can transform and merge with filth made him more concerned.

  Creak –

  the door was gently pushed open.

  Tan Xiang walked into the room with light footsteps, and just met Yang Shifei’s eyes.

  She frowned slightly and walked over quickly: “How are your injuries? Why did you get out of bed suddenly–”

  ”I’m fine.”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “Don’t forget, the coldness in my body can help heal my injuries. Now I have recovered a lot.”

  Tan Xiang’s eyes narrowed slightly, and she carefully checked twice before she was completely relieved.

  ”It’s good that you are fine.”

  The maid looked a little relieved and glanced at the holy weapon on the table: “Did you just repair this sword?”

  She could feel the warm breath emanating from the sword.

  ”Just absorbed the filth in the sword.” Yang Shifei pointed at the sword: “Compared with Shuili, how does it feel?”

  Tan Xiang frowned and thought for a moment: “The breath is similar, but the ‘level’ is different. Shuili Sword is much stronger.”

  Yang Shifei thought about it, and tried to hold the hilt again, communicating secretly in his heart.

  But this sword did not respond at all, which was completely different from the spiritual Shuili.

  ”Sure enough, it’s just like what Sister Qiu said, Shuili’s spirituality is a ‘special case’.”

  As soon as the voice fell, the holy weapon flashed purple light twice.

  Yang Shifei smiled: “Although they are not as good as Shuili and Zhenmo, they are indeed holy soldiers with extraordinary spirituality.”

  Tanxiang whispered: “With the restoration of this sword, the capital city inside and outside will finally be completely stable.”

  ”What’s the situation outside?”

  ”There are not many casualties in the army. But many people in the capital city died.”

  Tanxiang pursed her lips and murmured: “With the young ladies in charge of the situation, Prince Dingjiang and others in charge, the situation is relatively stable.”

  ”Let them busy all night.”

  ”Young master, don’t worry too much.”

  Tanxiang opened the food box and took out the medicine from it: “The young ladies have all instructed that you just need to rest here with peace of mind, and don’t think about anything else.”

  Yang Shifei laughed: “It’s not good to pamper me too much.”

  ”You are a hero in this battle, no one will say anything wrong about you.”

  ”Okay, then I’ll stay here with peace of mind.”

  He drank the medicine in one gulp, and saw that the hot breakfast was already on the table.

  ”The capital has been abandoned for more than two months, and there are not many ingredients available. I can only make these medicinal foods to help you replenish your body.”

  Tan Xiang handed over the bowl and chopsticks, and said softly: “If your hands are inconvenient, I can feed you.”

  Yang Shifei held her little hand: “You have been busy from morning till night until now, have you ever sat down to have a good meal?”


  Tan Xiang was forced to sit beside him before she could answer.

  The girl looked a little helpless: “You are a wounded person, and you still have the leisure to worry about me?”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “Just sit down and have breakfast together.”

  Seeing him trembling as he began to drink the porridge and pick up vegetables, Tan Xiang’s eyes softened.

  She had indeed not closed her eyes to rest for a moment, let alone eat a meal from yesterday to

  now. Although she was not very tired,

  Tan Xiang’s face was calm, but her heart was particularly warm.

  ”Don’t stare at me stupidly.” Yang Shifei scooped up a spoonful of stewed soup and smiled and moved closer: “Take a sip.”

  Tan Xiang glanced at him lightly and drank it.

  Immediately, he took the bowl and spoon back: “Your hands are still shaking, I don’t know how much you have shaken off, let me do it.”

  Hearing the girl’s slight scolding, Yang Shifei’s face smiled even more.

  The two of them fed each other a mouthful and finished their breakfast, and the atmosphere was quite warm.

  Tan Xiang got up to clean the table, and caught a glimpse of “Xiao Bao” in the bed from the corner of her eye.

  ”This cat is really sleeping soundly.”

  ”After all, it’s daytime, so it’s natural to be sleepy.”

  Yang Shifei quietly stroked the girl’s slender waist.

  Tan Xiang’s body was slightly stiff, and she was about to glare at him coldly, but a warm current suddenly spread, and she couldn’t help but moan in comfort.

  She quickly covered her lips, her ears turned red, and she glanced at him with some shame and anger: “You…”

  Yang Shifei smiled awkwardly: “I want to help you comb your body as well.”

  Tan Xiang’s lips pursed, her cheeks slightly red, and she turned her eyes away: “Don’t worry about it.”

  Although she said so, her tone became quite soft, unconsciously carrying a hint of shame.

  Knock knock –

  the door was gently knocked, and at the same time a low voice came:

  ”Miss Tan Xiang, is Young Master Yang still awake?”


  Yang Shifei and Tan Xiang walked in together, opened the door, and saw two old men in Taoist robes standing outside the room.

  ”Are you two seniors from the Yunshang Sect?”

  ”Master Yang, you are too kind. We dare not call ourselves seniors now.”

  The old man hurriedly bowed and showed a gentle smile: “Young master’s heroic feat and the results of this battle have convinced me and others, and we admire you very much.”

  Yang Shifei smiled and waved his hands: “No need to be polite, you two old seniors want to ask me about the Taiwu Holy Weapon?”


  The two elders of the Yunshang Sect hesitated for a moment, nodded with a wry smile: “After all, it is the sect’s holy weapon. We are a little worried, so we couldn’t help but come to take a look.”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “It’s human nature, I can understand.”

  Tan Xiang took out the Taiwu Holy Weapon at this time: “Young master borrowed the secret method of Bingtan and just repaired the holy weapon. You can check it carefully.”

  The two old men hurriedly drew their swords and took a look. Seeing that the purple light was even stronger than before, they were immediately surprised.

  ”Master Yang, for your kindness, our Yunshang Sect–”

  ”No need for compliments.”

  Yang Shifei said with a smile: “Two old seniors, you should take the holy weapons to save people. I think there are still many people who are disturbed by the filthy evil spirits and need to be purified as soon as possible.”

  ”Thank you for your kindness, Master Yang. We will definitely return the favor later.”

  The two elders bowed solemnly and left quickly with the holy weapons.

  Tan Xiang whispered beside him: “It is also a good thing for us to get closer to the Yunshang Sect.”

  Yang Shifei nodded and said: “We are just going out–”

  But before he finished speaking, the door was gently closed.

  ”Before you go out, I’ll help you apply the medicine on your wound.”

  Tan Xiang blinked her eyelashes very quickly, and whispered, “Take off your pants first.”

  Yang Shifei was stunned: “Now?”

  ”When else?”

  Tan Xiang bit her lower lip lightly: “Just take it off like yesterday.”

  Yang Shifei’s expression was a little strange: “Yesterday I was injured and didn’t have any extra thoughts, but today…”

  ”What’s the difference?”

  Tan Xiang frowned slightly, and simply pushed him back to the table to sit down, and squatted in front of him with her skirt gathered.

  But after helping him take off his pants, she was stunned and her hands froze.

  The young master is in good spirits today.

  Yang Shifei was a little embarrassed: “Or, I’ll do it myself. It’s not like I can’t move now.”

  ”No need.”

  But Tan Xiang blushed and refused, pursed her pink lips, silently stretched out her right hand, and gently wrapped her delicate five fingers.


  Yang Shifei froze all over and took a deep breath.

  Didn’t we agree to apply the ointment? Why are you still rubbing it up and down?

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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