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Chapter 184 Ark Project

Chapter 184 Ark Project


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 184 Ark Plan

  [Server-wide announcement: Administrator “Dawn” has completed the takeover of Shelter No. 117, and a new base “Shelter No. 117” has been added to the VM map. ]

  [“Garden Street Subway Platform” map is open: The intricate subway network is a symbol of Qingquan City’s former prosperity, but now it has become a hotbed for the reproduction of alien species and slime molds. Gnawers, crawlers, martyrs, and even terrifying tyrants, barbarians living underground and rats spreading plagues… There is no concept of night and day here, and the unique ecological environment will be twice as dangerous as the surface! However, at the same time, this maze connected to the abyss may also hide unexpected treasures…]

  [Warm reminder from Xia Yan: I lost a leg here. If you must explore here, it is best to take your teammates with you, at least you can have a companion when you go on the road. ]

  About half an hour after the administrator entered Shelter No. 117, almost all players carrying VM received this series of reminders.

  ”Damn! A new map is open!?”

  ”The underground maze connected to the abyss is okay… But why don’t I feel it’s dangerous here?”

  ”That’s because all the aliens here have been cleared. What do you think Mole is busy doing here this week?”

  ”By the way, what kind of garbage can be picked up in the subway?”

  ”Maybe it’s a pre-war strategic reserve? But it’s been two centuries. I always feel that even if there is such a thing, it has probably been visited long ago.”

  ”Is there a convoy leaving? Constitution system and a perception system.”

  ”What the hell, what time is it! Tomorrow, at least let me go back and save a file. It’s not easy to gain some experience.”

  ”Hey, if you die once, all the progress of the day will be lost. This death penalty is too damn real!”

  In the tunnel.

  Fang Chang, who was watching the VM, switched to the map page, found the icon of Shelter No. 117, and stretched out his index finger to click it.

  When he saw the sub-page pop up on the screen, he was slightly stunned.


  Base Name: Shelter No. 117Base

  Level: Ruins (LV0)

  Prosperity: 0Industry


  0Business Index:

  0Requirement: NonePreference

  : Exploration (Scavenging Mission Income +10%), Hunting (Hunting Mission Income +10%)


  ”The data card of Shelter No. 117 has been updated…”

  Hearing the voice of Brother Fang, Ye Shi was stunned for a moment, and quickly opened the map, and then a surprised expression appeared on his face.

  ”What the hell? Will the data card be refreshed when the prosperity is 0?”

  If I remember correctly, it must reach 100 points of prosperity to become a survivor base. And here, let alone prosperity, there is not even an NPC.

  Kuangfeng also noticed the changes in the map, and after thinking for a moment, he gave a guess.

  ”Maybe the shelter is a special existence? Look at the level column, it says ‘ruins’.”

  Fang Chang nodded and agreed with his analysis.

  ”Well, whether it’s an outpost or a long-term farm, the level column is marked with ‘village’. Maybe it’s because the growth path of the shelter is different from that of a regular survivor base.”

  For example, as a save point at the entrance to the underground maze?

  As for what it is specifically, we can only know after the official website’s announcement comes out.


  Keeping Shelter No. 117 is a decision Chu Guang made after careful consideration.

  Although the area of ​​Shelter No. 117 is a bit small, it is small but complete, including full-cycle life support facilities. All the configurations that a three-digit shelter should have are available here.

  The reactor is out of flame, which is a problem, but it’s not a big problem.

  Even if it’s impossible to fully utilize the functions of this shelter, it’s also a good place for players to explore the underground world.

  Qingquan City’s underground transportation is well-connected. Not only can it commute to various urban areas of Qingquan City, but it is also connected to many civil defense facilities.

  The only trouble is the aliens wandering in the subway tunnels.

  But in fact, when Chu Guang took the VM off the arm of the last manager of Shelter 117, he found that this entanglement was unnecessary.

  Because soon, he received a task reminder from the shelter system.

  [Task: Refuel the thermonuclear fusion reactor of Shelter 117]

  [Reward: Highest (Manager) authority of Shelter 117]

  Looking at the task pop-up window that appeared in his field of vision, Chu Guang couldn’t help but complain.

  ”Where the hell can I find the fuel rods for the reactor?”

  The fuel rods used in the reactor of the shelter are not the same size as those used by the Pioneer.

  In other words, there is no hope of recovering the fuel rods from the carbon dioxide collector.

  Wrench, who was following Chu Guang, was stunned for a moment, confused by what the manager suddenly said.

  ”My lord?”


  Looking at the VM recovered from the manager of Shelter 117, Chu Guang put it on himself and waited for a while, and finally recovered some power.

  The VM turned on.

  What came into view was the original operating system of the vital signs monitor. By retrieving the data saved in the black box, it was found that the previous manager died of an overdose of sleeping pills.

  The desk was very clean, with only three things: a pen holder with two pens inserted, a diary with a brown cover, and an empty goblet.

  Chu Guang searched his desk and soon found a bottle of medicine that had been opened in the drawer.

  Looking at the remains leaning against the office chair, Chu Guang could roughly imagine that the previous generation of managers sat here, took an overdose of sleeping pills, drank a glass of wine, and quietly waited for death.

  His eyes fell on the diary on the table. Chu Guang reached out and picked it up, and opened the cover with a thick layer of dust.

  The title page reads-

  [To the scavengers of the ruins world, the archaeologists of the utopian ruins, and the people who clean up the mess. ]

  [The manager of Shelter No. 117 and the gravekeeper of Utopia-Seven Willard rests here. ]

  [The most despairing tragedy is to witness the end of a great era. One year in the tomb is no different from a hundred years. I have decided to send myself away after my mission is over. If my body is still there, please find a place to bury me. You can take everything here. I don’t need it anyway. 】

  ”What does it mean after the mission is over?” Chu Guang fell into deep thought as he gently moved his index finger along the line of words.

  Perhaps it was because of the “Blood Hand Diary”, when he saw something like a diary now, he couldn’t help but associate it with the first manager of Shelter No. 404.

  The recording seemed to mention that he was the pioneer of the Grand Line and the most knowledgeable person in the old world.

  Could this diary appear here also be due to an arrangement two centuries ago?

  There are still some undecrypted data in the recovered VM, including this diary, and Chu Guang plans to take it back for research.

  There are three doubts that have not been resolved.

  What is the mission mentioned by the manager of Shelter No. 117?

  Where did the people here go?

  And who is the employer of Captain Pritt?

  The latter two questions may be answered from the first question.

  After collecting the clues, Chu Guang looked at the wrench standing beside him.

  ”I’ll change the exoskeleton later, and you put it on for me.”

  The wrench was slightly stunned.

  ”What about you?”

  Looking at the power armor standing beside him, Chu Guang raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

  ”I have it.”


  Subway tunnel.

  The entrance of Shelter 117.

  When the manager walked through the huge alloy door and came out of Shelter 117, it caused quite a stir among the players.

  The dark blue paint, sharp lines, and heavy armor, just looking at it, you can feel the oppressive feeling coming at you!

  ”Awesome! Our manager has changed his equipment again!” ”

  Oh my god… this power armor is so cool!”

  ”If you don’t understand, just ask, is this a warm-up for the NPC store to put the power armor on the shelves?”

  ”Strongly request the official to put a set of the same power armor on the shelves! I want to buy it!”

  ”Don’t even think about it. Even if you can buy this kind of SSSR-level equipment, it will probably be put in the capsule for you to draw.”

  ”Wow, please fix the bug that can’t be recharged!”

  Looking at the power armor on the manager and then at the beggar version on himself, Lao Bai looked envious.

  In fact, to be fair, the defense of the armor on him is not weak. The 20mm steel plate is enough to resist the shooting of ordinary bullets, which is enough in most cases.

  However, compared with the one worn by the manager, it is still a little brother. Whether it is defense or mobility, it is more than one level better.

  ”Hey, I wonder when our manager will change his equipment again.”

  He had no other pursuits, so he pointed to the equipment that the manager had eliminated and used it.

  Hearing this, Ye Shi’s heart moved and he asked.

  ”Speaking of which, where is the exoskeleton that the manager used before?”

  Kuangfeng looked in the direction of the entrance of Shelter No. 117 and said.

  ”It seems to be worn by the captain of the guard team.”

  Lao Bai: “Fuck!”

  Isn’t it usually auctioned to Boss Xia?

  Why is it directly transferred to another NPC this time!

  This is too real!

  Chu Guang stopped in the tunnel and looked back at the wrench following behind him.

  ”I need you to transfer two people from the guard team to set up a camp here to maintain order here and issue tasks to the ‘players’.”

  ”No problem, sir,” Wrench said cautiously after a pause, “but… our manpower may not be enough.”

  The guard team has only fifteen people.

  These people are not only responsible for the security of the outpost, but also have to take care of Changjiu Farm. In addition, a new gathering point has been opened recently, and now there is a serious shortage of manpower.

  After listening to Wrench’s words, Chu Guang thought for a moment and said.

  ”After I go back, I will tell Luca to recruit some new people from Beth Street and the refugee camp to gradually expand the establishment of the guard from the original 15 to 45. When the time comes, you will go with him and help him check the quality.”

  Wrench said respectfully.

  ”Yes, sir.”


  After returning to the shelter.

  Chu Guang made a data card for his new equipment according to the instruction manual of the power armor and updated it in the official website database.

  It’s not for showing off, but mainly to make a cake for the players.

  [Equipment: Power armor

  model: “Order” P-10A Carlos Industrial Security Power Armor.

  Durability: 100%

  Armor: 100%

  Energy: 79%

  Shield: 0

  Net weight: 1100kg.

  Left arm: basic armor.

  Right arm: basic armor.

  Chest: 70mm lightweight composite steel/ceramic lined arc armor

  Back: “Raptor-1” booster thruster x2

  Left leg: “Raptor-1” booster thruster

  Right leg: “Raptor-1” booster thruster

  Energy core: “Hippo-1” portable fusion reactor

  Paint: Klein blue

  Plug-in: None


  With a weight of more than one ton, it is no longer possible to move in the off state. This thing basically consumes power as long as it is worn.

  However, this power armor has an adjustable energy-saving mode, allowing the wearer to provide part of the driving force through muscles at the cost of weakening mobility, thereby reducing the energy consumption of the power armor.

  Chu Guang’s current strength attribute is 17, which is equivalent to 3.4 times the strength of a normal adult male, which is more than enough to bear the weight of 3.4 times himself.

  In addition, the power armor is designed with the characteristics of a non-powered exoskeleton. In fact, driving the power armor to move is not as physically demanding as imagined.

  The added weight can be regarded as physical training.

  Of course, for Chu Guang, the gains from this “Garden Street Subway Station Operation” are not only this set of power armor and the 200 reward points for completing the branch line,

  but also the black box that Dr. Principle entrusted to the manager of Shelter No. 117!

  Touching the black box with both hands, Yin Fang looked at Chu Guang with excitement and said.

  ”S-level relic!”

  Chu Guang was slightly stunned.

  ”S-level relic? What does that mean?”

  Yin Fang took a deep breath and continued.

  ”I should have mentioned it to you once before. In order to facilitate the recovery of pre-war technology, the academy divides the projects waiting for recovery in the ‘blueprint’ into seven levels of FEDCBAS for management based on factors such as the difficulty of technology reconstruction, the number of related projects, the total amount of data, and the application value, so as to ensure that high-priority projects can obtain higher budgets and personnel allocation. This rating system is not only used to grade technology, but also used to grade pre-war civilization relics and ruins.”

  Looking at the black suitcase in front of him again, Yin Fang said in disbelief.

  ”For example, this thing.”

  ”The ‘black box’ of the Ark Project is undoubtedly an S-level relic.”

  Chu Guang frowned and asked, “What is the Ark Project?”

  ”Another civilization preservation plan parallel to the Sanctuary Project. The plan assumes that under extreme conditions, social production will completely stagnate and the supply chain will be completely destroyed. We need a simple and convenient production tool that can use raw materials that can be found everywhere to produce what we need.”

  ”The ‘black box’ is the product of the Ark Project. It is based on the most advanced printing technology and only requires the most basic materials and electricity to create specific products. For example, the most common black box is about 30X30X20cm in size. It only requires electricity and is placed in the air to absorb carbon dioxide and water in the air to synthesize starch. Slightly more advanced ones can also directly synthesize barbecue-flavored pizza and cakes with carbon dioxide and water.”

  Chu Guang was surprised and said, “Can even such a thing be done?”

  Yin Fang: “Of course it can. It is the crystallization of pre-war social technology, like a wishing machine that grants every wish! Although its efficiency is not high, it is absolutely reliable. The only drawback is that it has a single function. What it can give you does not depend on your wish, but on what function its designer has given it.”

  Chu Guang looked at the black box in front of him.

  ”What about this black box? What can I get from it?”

  Yin Fang: “I don’t know. The Academy probably collected hundreds of boxes in the past two centuries. The only ones I’ve come across are those that can be used to synthesize cakes and pizzas. However, the size of this box seems to be M size… It’s unlikely that it can be used to synthesize pizzas and cakes. Do you want to open it? There are usually fool-proof tutorials inside. I heard that even illiterate people can understand it. Just take a look and you’ll know.”

  Chu Guang didn’t answer and directly entered the password on the box.


  He is very sensitive to numbers. Basically, he can remember them after reading them once and there is no chance of making a mistake.

  With a light click, the lock was opened.

  Yin Fang was even more anxious than Chu Guang and couldn’t wait to open the box.

  Chu Guang, who was standing behind Yin Fang, noticed that the structure of the box was very simple. There were only a few buttons that were so simple that they couldn’t be simpler, a power interface that was probably used to plug in electricity, and a stuffing port designed like a drawer.

  The instruction manual was in the groove next to the buttons.

  There were some simple and easy-to-understand stick drawings on it, just as Yin Fang said, even illiterate people could easily understand it.

  It seems that the designers of the Ark Project have even considered the possibility that the survivors after the war may become illiterate.

  After unfolding the manual and taking a look at it, Yin Fang’s expression of interest became more and more intense, and he exclaimed in amazement.

  ”Neural connection unit! It integrates two parts, the neural signal collector and the modem, and contains three C-level technologies and two D-level technologies… This is a good thing.”

  Chu Guang: “Do you know how to use it?”

  ”Of course! I’m an expert in this area!”

  With a confident smile on his face, Yin Fang put down the manual and looked at Chu Guang, saying excitedly.

  ”With this thing, we can make some simple exoskeletons and mechanical prostheses!”


  Official website forum:

  ”Fuck! Do newbies have no human rights?”

  ”Too miserable, I was fighting monsters, and the screen went black!”

  ”Oh my god, I thought it was a bug! I was attacked after all this time!”

  ”That’s right, it takes three days to resurrect, this is too much!”

  Complaining about the resurrection CD is considered a daily post on the forum.

  Recently, there are more people on the server. Every day, there are one or two unlucky people who are either bitten on the neck by a dog in the hunting ground in Elm District or dragged into the water while fishing by the lake.

  Almost all the newbies who died for the first time have complained that the death penalty of Wasteland OL is too severe, but this time, fifteen people died at once, which is a little too much.

  As for the old players and the cloud players on the forum, they are no longer surprised by these posts that have no nutritional value.

  Three days is nothing.

  What a picture!

  When the last expansion pack had a bug, they didn’t go online for the entire expansion pack!

  Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes: “This game is just like this, Mofa. At least there are no bugs, be thankful.”

  Irena: “+1, authenticity is one of the selling points of Wasteland OL. It’s already very good that the planner didn’t let you reincarnate. If you’re unhappy, don’t play it. (Funny)”

  Ye Shi: “You newcomers, this time it’s at least a plot kill, and you don’t have to deduct money. What are you complaining about! Do you know how much we deducted at the beginning? 500 contributions! The first boss Crow who ate crabs was fined and cried. (Funny)”

  Crow: “No way!!! Don’t talk nonsense! ヾ(`Д)彡”

  Elf King Fugui: “I testify! What I ate was not crabs, but leeches. (Funny)”

  Crow: “(╯°Д°)╯︵┻━┻”


  a herd of cattle and horses.

  As usual, it was only lively in the early morning, because at night, the group owner and the dog manager were playing games.

  But at this moment, a message suddenly popped up in the group.

  Lao Bai: “I was just trying to log in to the game, why can’t I log in suddenly???”

  The group owner can’t log in to the game?

  This is big news.

  Ye Shi, who was bragging to his friends in the group, quickly typed and asked.

  ”Can’t log in? What’s the situation?!”

  ”The helmet prompts… the character is abnormal, and there is no specific time.” Lao Bai said nervously, “Damn, is it a violation?”


  He played very carefully, let alone attacking NPCs, he was actually very friendly!

  Kuangfeng: “I just tried it, and I can still log in.”

  Ye Shi: “+1, me too.”

  Lao Bai: “Damn, that’s weird, could it be a bug?”

  WC is really full of mosquitoes: “I’ll tag Brother Guang for you! @Guang”

  A Guang is probably working overtime and didn’t reply.

  This guy doesn’t seem to use QQ very often. He always logs in on the computer and only has a chance to pop up between 8 and 10 in the morning.

  The group gave Lao Bai bad advice.

  Some group members suggested that he soak his helmet in water to see if it would get better.

  At this time, Fang Chang’s heart moved and he typed.

  ”Lao Bai, what was your experience bar before you went offline?”

  Lao Bai: “Experience bar? Wait a minute, I’ll check the official website.”

  Not long after waiting, Lao Bai came back soon.

  ”The case is solved.”

  Ye Shi immediately typed.

  ”What? What case is solved?!”

  Lao Bai: “Hey, I just checked, my character is level 10!”

   There was a bug in the task design, which has been fixed. B3 level permissions require a complete exploration of Shelter 117. I only noticed this when I was reading the outline, and I almost missed the branch here.


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode