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Chapter 184 Please ask Mr. Jiang to help me get rich

Chapter 184 Please ask Mr. Jiang to help me get rich


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 184 Ask Mr. Jiang to help me get rich

  There were about twenty tables in the magnificent banquet hall, and each table was filled with clinking glasses and laughter.

  Jiang Qin sat at the last table, closest to the door. The

  people at his table were all small-time people who came to meet for free. They often left with their glasses in their hands, ran around to find people to toast, and tried to please people who didn’t like them.

  This is how business works. You have to be shameless when you need to. Dignity

  is something that you can keep at home in the early stages of your career, and it’s not too late to put it back when you become bigger and stronger.

  It’s lucky to find someone you can flatter. There are a few people at the table who don’t even know who to flatter, so they can only sit there and worry.

  Among them, the most different one is Jiang Qin.

  He concentrated on eating melon seeds before the dishes were served, and concentrated on eating after the dishes were served. He was completely detached from the situation.

  When the drinks were about 50% to 60%, the greetings were over, and everyone let go, and the show-off phase officially began.

  Each of the Linchuan tycoons began to show off their magical powers, and the sky was full of applause.

  So he began to move, took off his coat, carried the bottle of wine, and quietly wandered in the hall, like a ghost, not talking or bragging, approaching each target with slow steps.

  Business people have their own small circles, and not everyone will make friends.

  Just like Jiang Qin, he only looks for the circle he is interested in to listen.

  ”Who are you?”

  ”A hotel waiter, specializing in serving drinks to the business tycoons. I’m here, so you just focus on chatting.”

  Jiang Qin reached out and picked up the bottle of wine, poured a glass of wine for the person asking the question, and then continued to listen.

  The boss who asked the question didn’t suspect anything, because the waiters present were all dressed in black, so he continued to devote himself to the discussion of the industry and his own boasting, and naturally passed the wine back after finishing it.


  Where is he?

  Where is the guy who specially served me drinks and called me a business tycoon?

  ”Mr. Wang, who runs a foot massage parlor, loves to chant Buddha.”

  ”Mr. Liang, who runs Xileyan and Juxianlou, is a vegetarian.”

  Xu, who runs a hotel, has mysophobia and doesn’t even use napkins. He brings his own handkerchief.”

  ”Mr. Zheng, who runs a western restaurant and a coffee shop, doesn’t drink red wine but only tea. He likes to eat roadside barbecue the most.”


  Jiang Qin turned around and returned to the table to silently recite a few key words. He felt that they all had a contrasting cuteness.

  An hour later, when the banquet of Linchuan Chamber of Commerce was halfway through, Jiang Qin couldn’t help but slip out, found a corner, opened the window and took a breath.

  He couldn’t stand it.

  Even a braggart like him couldn’t stand it after listening to an hour of non-stop bragging. He was

  too boastful, especially Mr. Chen, who was known as a retail giant. He got drunk in the later stage and spoke with a red face, saying that he wanted to sell cotton shoes to Africa and toilet paper to India. It

  ’s true that there are people beyond people and there are heavens beyond heavens. It would be great if we could sell humanity to a small life and sell modesty to the big sticks.

  ”Boss, all the useful business cards have been collected.”

  Wei Lanlan had already removed the signboard and pulled out all the business cards inside. There was a thick stack in her hand.

  ”Well, put it in your bag first, then go to their buffet restaurant on the third floor to eat something, and I’ll reimburse you when I go back.”

  ”What about you?”

  Jiang Qin stretched his body: “Boss He hasn’t left yet, I can’t just leave like this, it would be too disrespectful, see you in the parking lot later.”

  ”Okay.” Wei Lanlan nodded.

  ”By the way, don’t let those bosses see you, so as not to be exposed when discussing business later.” After

  Jiang Qin finished speaking, he entered the banquet hall again. It was not until the end of the meeting that he and He Yijun came to the door of the hotel.

  Boss He was not a wine lover, he didn’t drink much, his mind was still clear, so he couldn’t figure out why Jiang Qin came here.

  No drinking, no flattery.

  Although he walked around the venue several times, he didn’t say a word, just poured wine, and poured it for whoever he saw. What’s the point?

  ”Are you sure you don’t need me to ask for a business card for you?”

  Jiang Qin shook his head: “Those are big bosses. I’m too small now. They don’t look down on me. There’s no point having a business card. Forget it.”

  He Yijun couldn’t help but sigh: “I really still can’t see through you.”

  ”Mr. He, where’s your driver? Do you want to take my car back?”

  ”No, the driver is probably here to pick me up. I’ll get some fresh air at the door to wake myself up. You go back first.”

  The cold wind of the winter night was strong. Jiang Qin drove Wei Lanlan out of the underground parking lot, stopped at a random roadside, turned on the night light, and carefully read through the business cards one by one. He picked out the industries that he didn’t involve, leaving only the business cards that would be useful later, and then wrote down a few keywords with a ballpoint pen.

  Lao Zhou and the others are right. Short-term memory is easy to forget. After all, a good memory is not as good as a bad pen.

  ”Lanlan, do you think this business card is made of gold?”

  Jiang Qin took out a golden business card from a real estate developer and asked.

  ”Impossible, it’s just gold at most.”

  Wei Lanlan really didn’t believe that someone would mix gold in a business card. That would be a fool.

  Jiang Qin also felt that it was impossible, and he felt a little regretful, but he still decided to go back and try to burn it.

  It didn’t matter if it was fake, these useful business cards were his biggest gain tonight, and each one of them might become a paving brick in the future.

  Bang, bang, bang –

  at this moment, there was a sudden and slow knock on the window outside. Jiang Qin thought he had met a traffic policeman. He opened the window and looked out, and saw He Yijun’s face with a complicated expression.

  He looked more flushed after drinking, and his eyebrows were twisted, a bit like Zhong Kui.

  At this time, He Yijun’s eyes were on the thick stack of business cards. He was silent for a long time and finally looked at Wei Lanlan who was sitting in the back row.

  ”Manager Wei?”

  ”Boss He, what a coincidence…” Wei Lanlan responded with some embarrassment.

  After confirming the other party’s identity, He Yijun couldn’t help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

  He felt that the check-in girl at the door looked familiar from the beginning, and he was going to take a few more glances, but was stopped by Jiang Qin.

  Now thinking back, it turns out that the biggest pit has been dug at the door, and one person falls into it, and one person falls into it.

  What a good trick, this Jiang Qin really has a good trick.

  People really don’t want business cards, what they want is that everyone hands over their business cards obediently.

  ”Mr. He, why are you here?” Jiang Qin couldn’t help but ask.

  He Yijun smiled: “I just got in the car, and when I got here, I saw that your car didn’t move. I thought there was some trouble, so I got off to take a look. I didn’t expect that I was really…”

  ”You are so kind-hearted.” Jiang Qin flattered.

  ”I want to say that I really opened my eyes, Mr. Jiang, if you don’t get rich, who can get rich?”

  ”Do you believe me when I say I picked up these business cards?” Jiang Qin didn’t blush or breathe.

  He Yijun said that only ghosts would believe it: “It’s not that I can’t see through you, I underestimated your appetite.”

  ”How could it be, I didn’t eat much food, didn’t drink a single sip of wine, and my appetite is very small.” Jiang Qin looked humble.

  ”Don’t talk about that nonsense, just satisfy my curiosity. How did you come up with this crazy idea?”

  Jiang Qin got out of the car and pulled He Yijun to the side of the road: “Didn’t you say that the people who went there were arrogant and looked down on others, and they especially liked to show off at this time. I just provided everyone with an opportunity to show off and helped myself by the way, that’s all.”

  After listening, He Yijun showed an incredible look: “Just because of this sentence?”

  ”For me, I don’t need too much useful information, just one sentence is enough.”


  He Yijun didn’t know what to say.

  His original words were: The members of the Chamber of Commerce have little education and bad tempers. It is easy to be arrogant, especially in this kind of social occasion, everyone is rushing to show off. You are young and energetic, so you should talk less and watch more after you go in.

  Normal people usually focus on talking less and watching more, right?

  Who would hold on to the previous words used as a prelude to in-depth research?

  But Jiang Qin just grasped the key point that he had never thought of, turning an absolute disadvantage into an absolute advantage.

  He Yijun has been in business for many years, and suddenly felt that he was too honest before. If he had such a dirty heart as Jiang Qin, his wealth would have increased hundreds of times.

  ”Mr. He, I really didn’t hide it from you on purpose.”

  ”Mr. Jiang, just remember to help me get rich in the future.” He Yijun said faintly.

  Jiang Qin grinned: “Look at what you said, I still expect you to endorse my credit, you are my thigh in Linchuan.”

  ”What do you mean?”

  ”After the New Year, if there are Mr. Xu, Mr. Liang, Mr. Wang and the like who ask you about me, please help me say a few good words, and don’t mention the learning star.”

  He Yijun is also a businessman, and he understood it immediately after hearing this.

  The business card was obtained, but Jiang Qin’s identity as an entrepreneurial college student was too weak to enter the eyes of those big bosses. When he went to negotiate with all parties later, he might weaken his college student image and do the opposite, packaging himself as a partner of Wanzhong Mall.

  In this way, the reputation of Wanzhong Mall became his credit endorsement invisibly.

  To be honest, if He Manqi hadn’t come to Linchuan University, He Yijun would never have agreed to this.

  It’s true that they are partners, but that’s a public-to-public relationship. But the person my daughter now admires seems to be Jiang Qin’s girlfriend, and she has vowed to become a top student like that sister. This is not just a public-to-public relationship.

  ”Let’s talk about it later.”

  ”Thank you, Mr. He.”

  He Yijun looked at Jiang Qin with a complicated expression, turned back to his car, took out his mobile phone and called Yue Zhu, asking her to prepare a recent shipment record of Pintuan.

  Yue Zhu didn’t know what He Yijun was going to do, but still found Xu Mei, who was in charge of warehouse shipments, and asked her to sort out a record.

  After getting the record, Yue Zhu looked through it first, and couldn’t help but look a little surprised.

  ”Is the shipment volume of Pintuan so large in the past few days?”

  ”Well, especially after they added the market of science and technology, the shipment volume has almost doubled, which is equivalent to our offline orders on weekdays.”

  ”It seems that we still underestimated the purchasing power of the university market.”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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