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Chapter 184: What the Queen Saw, Bath Room Style

Chapter 184: What the Queen Saw, Bath Room Style


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 184 What the Queen Saw, Bath Room Style

  The room was a little chaotic for a while.

  Liang Xin helped Tan Xiang clean up, blushing and looking back to glare at her.

  Yang Shifei could only smile awkwardly and wipe off the stains on the table.


  After cleaning up for a while, Tan Xiang finally calmed down and whispered, “I’m sorry for making such an ugly scene, Miss Er.”

  Liang Xin was also a little embarrassed: “It’s okay, after all, it’s not the first time I’ve seen it.” He

  said this subconsciously, and immediately realized that something was wrong, and quickly closed his mouth.

  Tan Xiang looked at him in shock, and the two women looked at each other in silence for a moment.

  Liang Xin’s face turned even redder, and he could only bite the bullet and confess: “When I was in Dongcheng, I saw you and my brother-in-law doing that.”

  Tan Xiang: “.”

  Seeing her cold face flushed with shame, Liang Xin waved his hands quickly: “I, I didn’t say that you guys were not good.”

  ”Miss, there is no need to say more.”

  Tan Xiang took two deep breaths, and then suppressed the shame in her heart: “I hope it won’t get out and let others know.”

  Liang Xin immediately covered his mouth: “Don’t worry, I’m very tight-lipped, and I won’t say anything.”

  Tan Xiang was slightly relieved: “Miss, I hope you don’t think I’m overstepping my authority.”

  ”You and your brother-in-law have a close relationship, and everyone can see it. What can I blame?”

  ”The young master and I are not that close.”

  Tan Xiang replied dryly, making her face hot.

  If they were not close, how could she not help but reward the young master carefully.

  Liang Xin was also a little embarrassed, whispering: “Anyway, I don’t dislike you. After all, you are so powerful, and your fingers are so flexible.”

  Tan Xiang’s ears turned red when she heard it: “Don’t talk about this kind of thing anymore!”

  ”No, no!” Liang Xin quickly covered her mouth again: “Don’t worry.”

  The two women leaned in front of the mirror, and the atmosphere fell into a subtle awkwardness again.

  Tan Xiang pursed her lips: “It’s cleaned up, we don’t have to sit here stiffly anymore.”

  ”Wait.” Liang Xin blushed and muttered: “There’s still a little on your hair, I’ll help you wipe it off.”

  Tan Xiang: “.Thank you.”

  After a while, Tan Xiang and Liang Xin walked back with subtle expressions.

  ”You finally finished talking–”

  Before Yang Shifei finished speaking, she was given a cold look by the maid, and the rest of the sentence was swallowed back.

  She could only grin and chuckle: “It was my fault just now.”

  Tan Xiang’s forced coldness suddenly softened, and she turned her head away: “It was me. I was too naughty, it has nothing to do with you, sir.”

  She felt her heartbeat getting faster, and hurriedly said: “I’ll go prepare some tea and snacks, you sit down and chat slowly.”

  After that, she ran away. She was so fast that Yang Shifei couldn’t stop her for a while.


  Seeing this, Liang Xin was stunned.

  After a moment, she spoke hesitantly: “Sister Tan Xiang is quite shy.”

  ”She is cold on the outside but warm on the inside, and she is thin-skinned.”

  Yang Shifei laughed helplessly and pulled her back to the table: “What did you whisper in private just now? Look at your blushing faces.”

  Liang Xin blushed and glared: “You are so embarrassed to ask, it’s not you, brother-in-law.”

  The girl’s eyes drifted down, her heart was beating, and she almost blurted out: “That kind of thing, is it really so comfortable?”

  Yang Shifei: “.”

  This girl, did she learn it wrong?

  Liang Xin snorted shyly: “Why do you have such an expression? It’s because of you that I was led astray.”

  Yang Shifei’s mouth trembled slightly: “I shouldn’t have done anything to you yet.”

  ”Anyway, it’s all my brother-in-law’s fault.”

  Liang Xin touched him lightly with the tip of her shoe, as if she was complaining.

  But having said that, she blushed and glanced at him twice: “You look so energetic, your injuries should have improved a lot?”

  ”Don’t worry, I’m strong enough.”

  Yang Shifei asked with concern: “But you, I heard from Tanxiang that you have been busy until now, have you had any rest?”

  Liang Xin rubbed her hands back and forth on her legs, pretending to be calm: “I am a martial artist after all, I won’t be too tired if I don’t sleep for a day or two.”

  ”Is there anything I can help with?”

  ”No, just take care of your injuries.”

  Liang Xin pouted slightly: “I work so hard, isn’t it because of your great military exploits, how can I ask you for help again.”

  Yang Shifei laughed and said: “When did you care about these reputations?”

  ”After all.”

  Liang Xin’s fingers were tangled together, and her tone was shy: “I don’t want to disappoint my brother-in-law.”

  Yang Shifei was stunned when he heard this, and quickly reached out and pinched her face gently: “You are good enough now.”

  ”Don’t, don’t touch me suddenly.”

  Liang Xin quickly moved his hand away, shyly angrily said: “I am the queen now, you can’t touch me casually.”

  ”Okay, Your Majesty is delicate and cannot be touched.” Yang Shifei smiled: “But is it wrong for me to pinch my own sister-in-law?”

  ”How can you pinch my sister-in-law, you stinky brother-in-law?”

  Liang Xin patted his cheek, calmed down a little, and took the package on the table.

  ”I was interrupted just now, and I have a treasure to hand over to you.”

  ”What is this?”

  Yang Shifei was also very concerned about this thing.

  After all, Liang Xin was holding it when he first came in, and he even wrapped it in silk cloth, mysteriously.

  ”It’s a real dragon bone.”

  As the silk cloth was untied, Yang Shifei was surprised: “Where did it come from?”

  ”I heard from my sister that it was found deep in my father’s bedroom.”

  Yang Shifei held the real dragon bone, his eyes solemn.

  The smell was very familiar, and it was undoubtedly authentic.

  When we return to East City, we can try to put the two pieces of real dragon bones together to see if there will be any changes.

  Yang Shifei wrapped the keel back and said, “Have you planned what to do next?”

  ”Although the people in the capital were protected, not many survived, and everything in the city is in chaos.

  And after careful inspection, the palace is almost broken. If we want to repair it back to its original state, it will be no different from building a new palace.”

  Liang Xin chuckled, “So we should continue to expand the East City, build another palace, and designate it as the new capital.”

  ”That’s good.”

  Yang Shifei nodded and said, “It’s too far away, and it’s not convenient to see you in the future.”

  Liang Xin blushed slightly, pursed his lips and said nothing.

  Although Her Majesty was embarrassed, she felt warm in her heart.

  Not long after, Tan Xiang came back to the house with tea and snacks, and the atmosphere eased a little.

  The three of them sat and chatted for a while, drank some tea, and Yang Shifei simply said, “Is it a good time to go out for some fresh air?”

  ”Brother-in-law wants to…”

  ”Look around, and then go talk to Prince Dingjiang and the others.”

  Yang Shifei brought Her Majesty the Queen and appeared in the sight of the three armies.

  It attracted a lot of attention and congratulations. Many high-ranking members of the sects came to ask about her well-being and were very friendly.

  Thanks to the invisible majesty of Her Majesty the Queen, the situation did not get out of control.

  After the greetings, Yang Shifei and Liang Xin took a tour around the capital, and finally came to the crowded tent of Prince Dingjiang.

  There were dozens of generals and princes discussing important matters here. When they saw the two figures, they hurriedly stood up and saluted.

  With the arrival of Prince Dingjiang, everyone sat down and talked for a long time, chatting and discussing the future strategies and arrangements.

  It was not until the sky gradually darkened that they left side by side with satisfaction.

  ”——Brother-in-law, you are really amazing.”

  Liang Xin secretly praised: “Those people look at you differently.”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “It’s just relying on the support of the Luo family behind you.”

  ”That’s also a skill.” ”

  Don’t praise me. Do you want to rest in the inn tonight?

  ”Now that I am the Queen, I have to set a good example. Brother-in-law, you can rest assured. ”

  Liang Xin smiled and waved, and did not stay any longer, leaving under the escort of the maid.

  When the night fell, the lights in the inn gradually came on.

  Yang Shifei took out his change of clothes and prepared to go to the inn’s bathhouse.

  Although he did not do any strenuous exercise, his body was already covered with ointment, and he had been out all day, so he really needed to take a shower.

  But as soon as he opened the bathroom door, a mist of hot water hit him in the face –

  Yang Shifei was slightly stunned. Is there someone in here already?

  ”Sister Qiu?”

  ”Shifei, you. Uh?!” There was a scream from the room, and there was another splash of water.

  Yang Shifei hurried into the bathroom, and he could vaguely see bubbles gurgling in the bucket through the mist, and his hands were still scratching outside.

  ”What’s wrong? ! “He grabbed her hand and lifted her body out of the water.

  Qiu Buhuan’s face turned red, her beautiful hair was wet and spread out, and she took two breaths, causing the mountains and hills to tremble.

  The bath towel fell off, and her water-colored jade body was even more beautiful.

  Yang Shifei laughed and said, “How could the celestial being Xuanwu accidentally fall into the water?”

  ”I just applied soap on my body, it’s slippery. I heard your voice and was just about to get up.”

  Qiu Buhuan felt a little shy in his heart, and just when he was about to explain a few more words in a shy manner, two hot big hands slowly stroked him.

  The young woman’s charming face suddenly turned red, her eyes were all shaking, and she said softly: “Shifei, your injury has only healed a little bit. Don’t be so anxious now.”

  ”Don’t worry, I’m not kidding.”

  Yang Shifei held the big melon and said softly: “It’s you, your body is so full of filth, you need to comb it out well. ”

  Qiu Buhuan’s breathing was slightly disordered, and he glared at him with anger.

  It sounds nice, but these hands are not honest.

  Rustling –

  but at this moment, there was another sound of clothes being swiped.

  Yang Shifei was stunned when he heard it. Who else came in?

  Qiu Buhuan’s eyes were just filled with spring tide, but at this moment he suddenly sobered up.

  ”Wait, wait a minute, it’s Sister Luo -”

  Before he finished speaking, Luo Xian’er came in wrapped in a bath towel, just in time to meet the two of them.

  And Qiu Buhuan’s big melon was still being pinched in the palm of his hand, as if it was bulging out two meat gourds.


  Luo Xian’er pursed her cherry lips, her delicate face flushed with shame.

  She never thought that this kind of thing would happen in the bathroom while she was getting a piece of clothing.

  ”No, why don’t you two wash first, and I’ll do it later”

  While the eldest lady was hesitating, Yang Shifei hurried forward and pulled her over.

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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