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Chapter 185 The Player’s First Awakening

Chapter 185 The Player’s First Awakening

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 185 The Player’s First Awakening

  The “black box” was borrowed by Yin Fang for research.

  Considering that the space on the B2 floor was too small, Chu Guang found a slightly more spacious single room on the B1 floor and lent it to him as his laboratory and “surgical operating room”.

  However, Chu Guang soon discovered that this guy not only stuffed his personal belongings in, but also carried his bed and bedding in.

  This posture is that he intends to eat and live on the job.

  Regarding this situation, Chu Guang, as a manager, deeply reflected on himself for a few seconds.

  It can be seen that his little player has indeed caused a lot of trouble to Dr. Yin.

  But even so, Chu Guang still feels that Yin Fang’s behavior is indeed a bit redundant. After all

  , as long as he plans to go to Area A on the second underground floor to eat, drink, defecate and urinate, it is almost inevitable to run into players who are interested in him.

  ”Why bother?”

  Avoiding those energetic players too much will make them more likely to be targeted. Chu Guang is too experienced in this kind of thing.

  I hope Dr. Yin can adapt to his new life as soon as possible.

  Chu Guang silently blessed in his heart, and seeing that it was getting late, he got up and went to the market at the north gate of the outpost.

  As the new players of Alpha 0.8 gradually mastered the gameplay, many interesting stalls have opened in the market recently.

  For example, there is a ramen stall and a fried rice stall.

  The former is run by a player who uses his real name as his ID. It is said that the meat is cut thinner than paper and the noodles are as thin as data cables, which is quite authentic. The latter is

  not a newcomer. It is said that he is the apprentice of [Tomato Scrambled Eggs]. His ID is [Sour and Spicy Potato Shreds], which is also a name that sounds quite appetizing.

  However, due to the shortage of supplies in the outpost, there are no eggs and no Lao Gan Ma. Even though this guy fried it very hard, it always felt a little soulless when eating. Chu Guang tried it once and never tried it again.

  Seeing Chu Guang sitting down in front of his stall, Zhang Hai was so surprised that he almost cut his finger.

  ”Mr. Manager, what would you like?”


  And it’s still a manager!

  Is it going to trigger a hidden task? !

  Chu Guang was used to the newcomers’ fuss and didn’t take it seriously at all.

  He found a wooden table and sat down, and said,

  ”A bowl of meat.”


  After a while, the ramen was served on the table.

  White mist rose, and the aroma of noodles mixed with the aroma of meat made people’s mouths water. Especially the meat in the bowl, which almost covered the noodles. It seems to be different from the rumors?

  Chu Guang was just about to take a bite when he heard the shouting beside him.

  ”Damn! This is a rip-off, why do I only have so little meat?”

  ”That’s right! This is too little!”

  ”I seriously suspect that this bastard moved all the meat in our bowl to the manager’s bowl!”

  Seeing the guests complaining, Zhang Hai was not panicked at all, and he didn’t even act, licking it with confidence.

  ”What are you arguing about? You are also an NPC? Can you give me a hidden mission? Can you help me rush from T5 to T0?”

  Players: “%¥#@!”


  In order to avoid the players transferring the conflict to himself, Chu Guang decided to pretend that he didn’t hear it and concentrate on eating his noodles.

  Since the end of the month, the weather has been getting colder day by day.

  However, the market at the north gate is getting busier day by day.

  Everything is getting better slowly.

  The only flaw is that Ya Ya’s mushroom stall seems to be closed. Chu Guang hasn’t seen her open for business for several days.

  What a pity.

  Chu Guang also likes the mushroom soup made by the little player.

  I hope this damn winter will end soon!


  After dinner.

  Chu Guang returned to the shelter and washed his face first, and then exchanged the 200 reward points he got from completing the side quest for 2 high-level blind boxes.

  Perhaps because of washing his face, the rewards from the blind box did not disappoint him unexpectedly.

  In addition to an EMP grenade, he actually drew a set of Type 5 “Light Cavalry” light police exoskeleton!

  ”Fuck! It turns out that washing your face is really useful?!” Looking at the equipment lying on the conveyor belt, Chu Guang had a surprised expression on his face.

  To be honest, before opening these two blind boxes, he was a little pessimistic.

  After all, he had just opened the second Hummingbird UAV not long ago. From a metaphysical point of view, it would be reasonable for him to have a bad luck several times.

  However, the system did not play by the rules and directly threw him an SSR.

  Chu Guang thought that it must be because he usually likes to do good things.

  This person’s luck is simply against the sky!

  After recovering this set of exoskeleton from the conveyor belt, Chu Guang originally planned to sell it in Boss Xia’s weapon store.

  However, after thinking for a few seconds, he gave up the idea.

  The reason is simple.

  So far, except for the one given away by lottery, none of the nine pieces of “Miner I” exoskeleton hanging in the store have been sold.

  It’s not just because of the purchase threshold of “contribution level citizen, player level LV10”, but also because of the price of the equipment itself.

  2000 silver coins.

  There are only a handful of players in the server who can come up with so much money.

  As a police equipment in the pre-war society, the Type 5 “Light Cavalry” exoskeleton is obviously better than the Type I miner designed by the enterprise in all aspects, not to mention that it also comes with composite bulletproof armor. The price can’t be lower than the latter, right?

  Take it to the East Coast enterprise, this pre-war equipment can be exchanged for 5 sets of “Type I miner” at least!

  ”How much silver coins can be negotiated, the Type I miner is a level 10 equipment, and a good thing like the Type 5… it must be level 15 or 20 to be reasonable.”

  ”The secondary equipment has not been sold yet, and now the higher-level equipment is hung on the shelf. There is no point except to let it gather dust there.”

  In this case, it is better to take it to the guard team and let the NPCs who need to go out use it first.

  Without destroying the balance of “Wasteland OL”, this is also the best way Chu Guang can think of to make the equipment play its due value.

  Seeing that there were only a few reward points left, Chu Guang threw them all on the primary blind box.

  However, the previous burst of luck seemed to have used up all the good luck. This time, nothing good came out. All that came out were lollipops.

  And they were all the kind without attribute bonuses.

  However, Chu Guang didn’t care.

  People can’t be too greedy.

  It’s already a big profit to get a set of exoskeleton!

  The blind box is finished.

  Catching up with the peak of players going offline, Chu Guang originally planned to go to the forum for a while, but just as he sat down in front of the computer, a line of light blue pop-up windows appeared in front of him.

  [System: The player “White Horse Passing by” gene sequence development progress has reached 10%. ]


  ”There are players who have reached level 10?”

  Chu Guang was surprised and immediately opened the player list and saw Lao Bai’s number at a glance.

  ”Xiao Qi, help me retrieve the attribute panel of this player!”

  The speaker on the wall responded immediately.

  ”Received, master!”

  Soon, a table appeared on the computer screen on the desk.


  ID: Baijuguoxi

  Gene sequence: Strength system (second stage)

  Level: LV.9→LV10

  ——Basic attributes——

  Strength: 12→17

  Agility: 6→7

  Constitution: 6→7

  Perception: 6→7

  Intelligence: 4→5




  Limit Breakthrough (Strength System): Break through the limits of the body within 0.5~3 seconds, gain 150%~200% strength attribute bonus, fatigue accumulation speed 200%~400%, cooling time 30s~1min.


  Staring at the attribute panel, Chu Guang touched his chin with interest.

  ”Strength system awakening, main attribute increased by 5 points, other attributes increased by 1 point… This panel data is good.”

  Especially the 17 points of strength, which are the same as his own!

  And that “limit breakthrough”, which can obtain a maximum 200% strength bonus in a short period of time, 17 points of strength will become 34 in a second?

  Although not being durable enough is a problem, for melee players, winning or losing is just a matter of a moment.

  Being able to gain the power of a mutant in a short period of time with a human body is already very terrifying!

  Chu Guang had no doubt that his little players could make the most of this skill.

  ”Awakening takes 6 to 8 hours, and the clones cannot be awakened during this period… It seems that my speculation is correct, and the upgrades are all done while sleeping.”

  Maybe it’s because the body grows while sleeping?

  Chu Guang noticed that the incubator can speed up this process to a certain extent.

  In addition, the active substances required for the awakened clones to revive have increased from 1 unit to 2 units. As for the CD, there is no change, it is still 72 hours.

  After Chu Guang sorted out the information collected from Lao Bai, he selectively updated it in the official website database.

  I hope this information can provide some reference for his players.


  Ten o’clock in the evening.

  After cleaning up the new room, Yin Fang came to the administrator’s office again and found Chu Guang.

  ”Can you give me a few more VMs? Twenty is enough.”

  Hearing this strange request, Chu Guang was slightly stunned and looked at Yin Fang.

  ”What do you want so many VMs for?”

  Although the VM reserve on the B2 floor is nearly a thousand, there are now a total of 500 players, and each player has less than 2.

  Even without considering the natural loss caused by unexpected situations, NPCs still need to use VM to issue tasks and communicate with players.

  Although Chu Guang has not encountered a shortage of VMs for the time being, the reserves of this thing are far from being abundant enough to be squandered at will.

  ”Although I also want a professional work computer, you obviously don’t have it here,” Yin Fang continued, glancing at the retro-looking “suitcase-type” computer on the desk, “Although the processor computing power of VM is a bit weak, it can be used after some modification. If twenty pieces are connected in series, it can barely meet my work needs.”

  Chu Guang shook his head and said.

  ”Twenty VMs are too many! If you need computing power, the server of the shelter has sufficient computing power. I can give you some. What do you think?”

  Yin Fang’s eyes lit up and said.

  ”That would be the best! But even so, I still need a few VMs to act as screens and operating interfaces-”

  ”Three pieces,” Chu Guang stretched out three fingers, “Is that enough?”

  Looking at these three fingers, Yin Fang scratched the back of his head with a headache.

  ”I’m not sure… To be honest, this is also the first time I’ve tried to DIY this kind of temporary workstation. In the academy, all personnel above D-level have their own independent laboratories, where they can modify equipment and analyze samples–”

  ”I’m really sorry, the conditions here are like this, and I can only trouble you to overcome them.” After a slight cough, Chu Guang looked at him seriously and continued, “However, I promise you that I will let my people pay more attention when scavenging. If I find any usable electronic equipment, I will definitely send it to you as soon as possible. As for VM… This is all I can give you for now, and tell me if it’s not enough.”

  ”After all, it’s the early stage of entrepreneurship, right?” Yin Fang made a helpless expression and shrugged his shoulders to show that he had no opinion.

  He knew the difficulties of Shelter No. 404.

  It was so clean here that it looked like it had been robbed. He had never seen such a poor three-digit shelter. Not to mention the most basic facilities such as the health station, there was not even an automatic kitchen, and food had to be brought in from outside!

  It was really difficult for the residents here. One or two of them were simply models of model workers, and their optimism was almost like that of human beings.

  If they were in another shelter, the fact that the managers forced them to eat mutant food would be enough to make them rise up.

  With the three VMs he received from Chu Guang, Yin Fang was about to walk out the door, but at this moment, Chu Guang suddenly seemed to remember something and called him.

  ”By the way.”

  Yin Fang stopped at the door and turned around to ask.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  Chu Guang continued.

  ”If I want to refuel the reactor in the shelter, where should I find the fuel rods?”

  Hearing this unexpected statement, Yin Fang was stunned at first, and then he was shocked when he came back to his senses.

  ”What do you mean, your shelter is out of fuel?!”

  Chu Guang coughed and said.

  ”It’s not my shelter, it’s one I picked up recently.”

  However, Chu Guang himself had no idea how much energy Shelter No. 404 could use.

  So far, he has not unlocked the floor where the reactor is located. Even if he wants to refuel the shelter, there is no place to refuel. He can only hope that the current energy consumption rate of the shelter is still within the expectations of the first generation of managers.

  If GAME OVER is caused by power outage, that would be too much!

  Hearing Chu Guang’s explanation, Yin Fang breathed a sigh of relief, paused for a moment and then continued.

  ”The fuel rods for the shelter are not easy to find. After all, the original intention of the shelter plan did not consider letting the survivors stay underground all the time. Some shelters will even gradually shut down the life support system after opening, or adjust the full cycle to half cycle to urge the residents of the shelter to return to the surface and invest in reconstruction.”

  Chu Guang frowned and said.

  ”Does that mean there is no way?”

  ”Not really,” Yin Fang shook his head. “As far as I know, the organization that designed the reactor for the Zhongzhou area shelter is Zhongzhou Aerospace. The specifications of this reactor are the same as those of the Gonggong series space station and the N series spacecraft.”

  Chu Guang couldn’t help but say.

  ”I can’t go to the sky to find this thing.”

  Yin Fang nodded and said.

  ”Yes, it is indeed unrealistic to go to the sky to recycle fuel rods. The situation there is not much better than on the ground, and it may even be worse. However, although we can’t go to outer space, we can find some stocks that have not been sent to outer space. In addition, some research institutions related to Zhongzhou Aerospace should also be able to find this kind of fuel rods… I heard that their backup generators are similar models.”

  Chu Guang stared at him with his eyes piercing.

  ”Do you have any good plans?”

  Yin Fang hesitated and said.

  ”I can’t guarantee it, but I can give it a try… If I can get the production data and product numbers of Zhongzhou Aerospace or its factories, I should be able to locate some usable fuel rods.”

  If I remember correctly, there should be such facilities in the southern part of the Valley Province.

  And there should be some electronic equipment that can be used there, which is exactly what Yin Fang urgently needs now.

  After hearing this, Chu Guang stood up from his office chair, walked to him with joy, and put his hands on his shoulders.

  ”Leave it to you!”

  Facing this eager look, Yin Fang was stunned and said without confidence.

  ”I can only say that I will try my best…”

  It is now the 211th year of the Wasteland Era. Before that, there was a three-year war. In these long two centuries, anything is possible.

  Even the sanatorium on the surface of No. 404 has been visited by scavengers more than once-it’s just that no one has discovered that there is a shelter hidden under the seemingly broken elevator.

  If the fuel rods can be obtained, not only can the related tasks of Shelter No. 117 be completed, but the potential energy crisis of Shelter No. 404 can also be solved. It

  ’s like killing two birds with one stone!

  Chu Guang, who was in a good mood, waved his hand and immediately allocated a “huge sum” of 10,000 silver coins to the project of recycling fuel rods.

  Finding fuel rods that match the reactor in the shelter will be the first task of the scientific expedition team in Shelter No. 404.

  As the leader of the scientific expedition team, Yin Fang can use this budget to recruit players to explore the target or issue a public bounty.

  However, Chu Guang also warned him that it is best not to spend all the money at once, and sometimes giving too much may not be a good thing.

  The specific use of the budget and the setting of the benchmark value of the task rewards at each level have been detailed in the “Shelter Resident Manual (NPC Edition)”.

  This is a compulsory course for every NPC in Shelter No. 404.

  If you have any questions about any of the clauses, you can click the question mark icon on the manual page of the VM to ask the administrator assistant “Xiao Qi”. Xiao Qi, who is online 24 hours a day, will answer every question.

  However, just like when Boss Xia first came here, Dr. Yin did not feel anything about silver coins, but took this opportunity to complain.

  ”You are still using metal currency? Don’t you think it’s troublesome?”

  Chu Guang said disapprovingly.

  ”Metal currency has its own advantages. The sound of coins colliding can make people work harder, and visible and tangible coins are more likely to be recognized by strangers… However, I have also been considering changing to a more convenient currency recently. Go and do your own thing. You don’t need to worry about this problem. I will find a way to solve it.”

  After Dr. Yin left.

  Chu Guang, who was sitting in front of the computer, switched back to the identity of a planner and logged into the backend page of the Wasteland OL official website.

  Before opening Shelter No. 117, Chu Guang only recovered the power armor, Dr. Principle’s briefcase and the administrator’s VM there, and there were many areas that he had not had time to explore carefully.

  At present, there are two tasks left in his task bar.

  One is to refuel the reactor of Shelter No. 117. After completing it, you can obtain the administrator privileges of Shelter No. 117.

  The other is a task triggered by Dr. Principle’s videotape.

  That is, carry the VM to explore all areas of Shelter No. 117. After completing it, you can unlock the B3 floor of Shelter No. 404!

  Chu Guang has entrusted the task of finding fuel rods to Yin Fang to solve.

  As for the latter task, the current exploration progress is 21%. Chu Guang intends to leave the rest to his little players.

  The aliens at the entrance of the shelter have been dealt with. Exploring the map itself is not difficult. It is a good opportunity to give his players some benefits. He

  already has an idea in mind.

  A smile appeared on Chu Guang’s face. With both hands on the keyboard, he began to assign homework for “tomorrow” to his little players——

  [Announcement: The player “White Horse Passing by” has been upgraded to level 10, becoming the first power player to reach 10% of the gene sequence development progress! ] [Announcement

  : The new version is coming soon, and the unlimited time event “Our Neighbors” will start on time at 19:00 tonight! ]

  [Event content: Bring VM to visit Shelter No. 117, check in all scenes, and reach 100% of the exploration progress to get a mysterious gift! ]

  [Note: The event is not limited in time, and you can receive it if you hold VM. To avoid traffic congestion, players are requested to travel during off-peak hours! ]

  (Tomorrow will resume two updates!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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