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Chapter 186: Sure enough, the European Emperor is more hated

Chapter 186: Sure enough, the European Emperor is more hated

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 186 Sure enough, the European emperors are more hated.

  Less than three seconds after the announcement was sent out, the official website forum became lively!

  Compared with the event announcement, no one felt much about the birth of the first LV10 player. After

  all, the upgrade speed of the strength system is faster than that of the other systems, and Lao Bai is an old player who has been in the server since Alpha0.1 version, so it is not surprising that he upgrades faster. The

  netizens who OB on the forum have witnessed how difficult this game was in the early days.

  Compared with players who become stronger by their own ability, it is true that the European emperors are more hated.

  The only thing that makes everyone feel strange is why such a thing as LV10 needs to be mentioned separately.

  In most MMORPGs, hasn’t LV10 just come out of the novice village?

  What’s there to mention specifically.

  Or is there any new change in LV10 of Wasteland OL?

  Makabazi: “LV10?! Damn! Old White is too fast!”

  Midnight Killer: “+1, both are strength type, I’m only LV8. ( ̄ー ̄)”

  Stop bullshitting: “You can buy the Miner I Exoskeleton at LV10, right?”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “The prerequisite is citizen + LV10, but generally speaking, if you can reach LV10, your contribution is basically enough to become a citizen.”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “2000 silver coins… Even if the threshold is reached, I’m afraid no one can afford it. ( (Looking up at the sky)”

  Irena: “Not necessarily, maybe Boss Crow can, I see she has been selling mushrooms and has never bought any equipment, maybe she is very rich. (Funny)”

  Ye Shi: “+1, let’s rob Boss Crow. (Funny)”

  Crow Crow: “That’s enough, I’m already unemployed, you should go rob Teng Teng. o(╥﹏╥)o”

  Teng Teng: “! ! ?”

  Most of the players in the server have only three-digit deposits, and those who can reach four digits are the best in the server.

  Even if there is no such threshold, few people can afford it.

  At this time, someone mentioned the European emperor of the last expansion pack – the [Fountain Commander] who drew the exoskeleton, and the post was immediately filled with envy and jealousy. It’s

  so annoying!

  Just because of good luck, I got the strongest god equipment in the version!

  Is this


  Is it appropriate not to cut it?

  It’s okay not to cut it, unless you give me a set too!

  The commander of the fountain, who was caught in the crossfire for no reason, dared not to post on the forum, and could only curse and complain in the small group he created.

  ”Fuck! Old White upgraded to LV10, why am I the one who got hurt! Aren’t the first batch of closed beta players lucky enough? Go and frame him!”

  I am the most ruthless: “Calm down, it must be because you are not strong enough, and everyone thinks it is a waste to give you such good equipment.”

  Battlefield atmosphere group: “+1, how about you give me the exoskeleton? It happens that I am an agile type, with fast reaction and not easy to die.”

  I am the most ruthless: “Give it to me, I am a newbie, a potential stock, and I am also a perception type, I will always be one step behind me in danger, and I guarantee that I will not lose a single piece of paint.”

  Battlefield atmosphere group: “How about we take turns to use it, anyway it will definitely be more useful than giving it to the intelligence type.”

  I am the most ruthless: “I can’t agree more.”

  The commander of the fountain: “I give you a thumbs up! (#`Д)”


  The next morning.

  The hardworking little players gathered in front of the square of the outpost and began to line up to receive the task of exploring Shelter No. 117.

  The NPC that triggered the mission was the deputy captain of the guard team, the orange with a horse face.

  After going online this time, players were surprised to find that this guy actually changed into an exoskeleton.

  ”What the hell? The exoskeleton of the captain of the guard team was replaced by the manager… Where did his exoskeleton come from?”

  ”Picked it up in Shelter No. 117?”

  ”According to the settings on the official website, the correct explanation should be that due to the outstanding work performance of our manager, the organization deep underground decided to support him with a new set of equipment.”

  ”In other words, as long as we work hard enough, our manager will soon be able to change to a brand new set of power armor?”

  ”Gan! Why do I feel like a leek when you say that?”

  ”Stop talking nonsense, the activity convoy is about to set off. Has anyone received a mission? Let’s go together.”

  ”Me, me, me, sir, take me with you!”

  In order to avoid players from entering Shelter No. 117 in large numbers, causing traffic congestion, and the noise is too loud to attract alien species from other areas of the tunnel, only 50 places are released every hour.

  After receiving the task, a new activity task option will be updated in the task bar of the player VM. After clicking it, you can see the following interface——

  [Activity Task: Our Neighbors]

  [Content: Take VM to visit Shelter No. 117 and check in all scenes. ]


  1. Do not bring weapons into the shelter. There is a checkpoint at the entrance of the shelter where equipment can be temporarily stored.

  2. Do not take or destroy the props in Shelter No. 117 at will. If it is necessary to pick up and observe, please put them back in place after observation.

  3. Make good use of the marking function in the VM three-dimensional area map. There are hidden easter eggs in the shelter. Find and mark them, and they will trigger hidden rewards after the event ends. (Each player has only one chance)


  [Side quest:

  1. Investigate the reason why Shelter No. 117 was abandoned: Shelter No. 117 maintains its appearance before it was abandoned. The personal belongings of the residents are scattered in the room. We need to find out what happened there.

  2. Unknown clues: waiting for players to explore on their own


  [Personal exploration progress: 0%]

  [Overall server exploration progress: 0%]

  Regarding the Easter eggs mentioned in the “Notes”, to be honest, Chu Guang himself doesn’t know what they are. The reason why he mentioned that there are Easter eggs is mainly to stimulate the players’ desire to explore.

  Whether there are or not, just look for them.

  What if his little players find some clues that he missed?

  Then there will be Easter eggs,

  right? Besides, it doesn’t matter if they don’t find them.

  When the time comes, just browse around the forum and pick a few posts that are hotly discussed and look like they are real, and claim them.

  Players will never think that they copied the homework, but will be ecstatic for discovering the Easter eggs left by the planner.

  Standing in the corridor of the sanatorium, looking at the crowded and eager players in the square, Chu Guang’s face floated with a sunny smile.

  ”I am simply a genius.”

  Xiaoyu, who was sitting behind the bank counter, raised her head and blinked curiously.

  Is this something that needs to be emphasized?

  She always thought that Brother Chu was very smart.

  On the other side of the square, looking at the old players who were surrounded by Liu Ding and ready to set off after receiving the task, the new players of Alpha0.7 and 0.8 all had envious expressions on their faces.

  To buy VM, you need to reach the citizen level, and to be promoted to a citizen, you need 2,000 contribution points. If you are fast, it will take a week, and if you are slower, it may take half a month.

  Players of Alpha0.7 version are not bad. Except for those who are stuck with the resurrection bug, basically they have accumulated enough contribution points. And those small players who were unfortunately hit by stray bullets in the faction war, and those who entered the game in version 0.8, many people’s contributions have just reached four digits.

  It was the first time they had seen a game that required money to buy even the system interface.

  This was too much!

  Envy is envy, but it was useless to complain about the setting. If you want to experience the full content of the game, you can only prove your loyalty to the manager by playing hard.

  With a yearning for a better life, the newbies stayed in the square for a while, then went to the warehouse manager to get tasks and play daily activities.

  Of course, there are some who want to take shortcuts.

  For example, now, in the center of the square, a little player stood there and shouted at the top of his voice.

  ”Is there any brother who can lend me a VM? I, Zhang Hai, will definitely reward you handsomely!”

  WC really has mosquitoes passing by here. Seeing that this person looked familiar, he recognized that he was the newbie who squatted in the car with him last time, so he went over to tease him.

  ”Brother, you can’t even take out a VM, what kind of reward can you give me?”

  Zhang Hai laughed.

  ”I’ll give you something to eat.”

  Mosquito: “Get lost!”

  After shouting for a long time, no one else paid attention.

  Looking at the sparsely populated square, Zhang Hai sighed and shook his head, sighing.

  ”The world is going downhill, people’s hearts are not the same as before… Damn, I can’t even borrow a VM, this game is too real.”

  The 90% new Quit Smoking guy just came back to hand in the task, and saw the new guy still shouting in the square, and couldn’t help but say something.

  ”Don’t think about it, brother, VM and account ID are bound one-to-one. Don’t ask me how I know, I have tried all the methods you have thought of, this game has almost no big bugs, and there are almost no small bugs… It’s better not to think about bugs, it’s meaningless.”

  Zhang Hai was shocked when he heard this.

  ”Damn! Why didn’t anyone tell me?”

  Speechless by his reaction, Quit Smoking couldn’t help but complain.

  ”…Brother, don’t you go to the official website?”

  Zhang Hai suddenly realized and shook his head.

  ”Oh, you mean the forum, I don’t even go to that place. There are too many posts in it, and dozens of them pop up when I refresh it, which makes my eyes hurt.”

  Quit Smoking: “…” Is

  this guy…

  really only 30 years old?


  Qingquan City, the edge of the fifth ring road.

  In front of the main entrance of the abandoned commercial complex.

  Old White, wearing a light hunting suit, put down the javelin bag on his back, weighed the javelin in his hand, and locked his eyes on the gnawer closest to the gate.

  Ten meters away.

  For the battle-hardened Old White, this distance almost eliminates the problem of missing the target. Old White

  took a deep breath of cold air

  and calmed down. He focused all his attention on every muscle and joint in his body, and then threw the javelin in his hand.

  Boundary –


  It was a matter of a moment.

  The electrical and chemical signals shuttling between neurons suddenly increased, and his muscles also swelled violently in an instant.

  There was only a sound of breaking through the air!

  The javelin drew an almost invisible afterimage in the air, and blasted into the door like a cannonball, nailing the gnawer to the wall three meters away. The gnawer

  whose chest was pierced did not die immediately, but was still struggling with its last breath.

  The gnawer wandering nearby looked up blankly, and his frozen neck swayed slowly from side to side, as if he was looking for the attacker, but he found nothing.

  Looking at his right hand in surprise, Lao Bai’s face was full of excitement.

  Before he could speak, Ye Shi, who was standing by and watching, couldn’t help but say.

  ”Fuck! This skill is awesome!”

  When it was just launched, before the event started, there were already crowds of people around the event NPC, and it was impossible to squeeze in.

  Considering that there was no time limit for the event anyway, and there was no need to rush at this moment, the Niu Ma team came to the edge of the Fifth Ring Road in Qingquan City at the suggestion of Fang Chang, found a place suitable for leveling, and tested the combat effectiveness of the strength system LV10.

  Facts have proved that the gap between LV9 and LV10 is not ordinary.

  Lao Bai, who reached LV10, seemed to have broken through a bottleneck. Both the panel data and the actual combat ability have made a qualitative leap.

  ”More than awesome… This power is simply BUG-level.” Kuang Feng, who was standing by, had an envious expression on his face.

  Although he could also throw the javelin with the effect of a cannonball, that was with the help of a mechanical prosthesis.

  Unlike Lao Bai, who has no equipment bonus and can reach a level comparable to that of a mechanical prosthesis simply by relying on muscle strength.

  If the strength department is so awesome, what’s the point of mechanical ascension?

  The machinery has to be repaired when it breaks down, and it has to be maintained after a long time. It is more likely to break down when it encounters an EMP. The money earned from completing tasks is all used to repair equipment. A complete set of equipment is probably more expensive than your face.

  But physical enhancement is different. Even if you die accidentally, you don’t feel bad. You can wait for three days and be a hero again. The cost performance is simply unbeatable.

  A few days ago, Kuangfeng was still excited to think that the spring of the intelligence department was coming.

  Now it seems that it is too early to be happy!

  Lao Bai smiled and touched the back of his head.

  ”It’s not a BUG. I think it’s quite reasonable. After all, it is an early-stage profession. If the advantage in the early stage is not obvious, won’t you just stare blankly in the later stage?”

  Ye Shi couldn’t help but complain: “Your early stage is a bit long!”

  Lao Bai laughed heartily.

  ”It doesn’t matter!”

  ”No exaggeration, the power of that just now is enough to deal with the crawler,” Fang Chang crossed his arms in front of his chest, and he also had an envious expression on his face, “With my dynamic vision, I almost didn’t see the trajectory of the javelin!” The

  agility attribute affects not only the reaction ability, but also the visual enhancement. It was so fast that even he couldn’t see it, which was enough to show how terrifying the power of that attack was!

  I don’t know what talent will be unlocked by the agility system LV10.

  He has just been promoted to LV9, and he is looking forward to the world after LV10!

  After listening to Fang Chang’s evaluation, Lao Bai thought for a while, shook his head, and expressed his feelings.

  ”It’s still difficult to use a javelin. The crawler moves too fast, and the pre-swing action of throwing a javelin is too long. It’s hard to hit from a distance, and there’s no time to charge and aim if you’re close. But to be honest, this talent is probably better than throwing objects in close combat. With an exoskeleton and a long-handled weapon, it can deal tons of damage in a short period of time! Even if I run into a mutant, I have the confidence to knock him down!”

  His axe was specially made for the No. 81 Steel Plant. It has wide blades on both sides and a sharp point on the top. It can chop, poke, and hook. It is very useful for both humans and aliens.

  Fang Chang continued to ask: “In addition to the talent of breaking through the boundary, do you feel any other changes?”

  Lao Bai said after thinking for a while.

  ”Other changes… It’s hard to describe. Specifically, the muscles and bones feel stronger than before, and the athletic ability is stronger, but it doesn’t seem to be obvious from the appearance.”

  At this point, Lao Bai sighed with a little emotion.

  ”Hey, every time I play this game, I can’t help but think, if I

  can have such a good physical fitness in real life!” It’s okay to have the physical fitness in the game in real life.

  Hearing this, Fang Chang had an intriguing expression on his face.

  Let alone other things, just in terms of archery, if his physical fitness in real life can catch up with half of that in the game, I’m afraid he can go directly to the Olympic Games to show off!

  What does it mean to have an agility attribute of more than 10 points?

  Just in terms of vision and dynamic vision, there are few normal humans who can be his opponents.

  Unless they are mutated.

  After imagining the scene, Ye Shi frowned: “Wait, if that good thing really happens, wouldn’t I lose a lot of money? The perception attribute is completely useless.”

  Kuang Feng said calmly: “Not necessarily, you go to Macau and try it.”

  Ye Shi was stunned at first, and then suddenly shocked: “Fuck! Why didn’t I think of it!”

  Kuang Feng laughed and said nothing.

  If you really want to use this imagination, his intelligence system should be the most popular.

  At this time, Lao Bai, who was staring at VM there, suddenly spoke.

  ”It seems there is a new task in my taskbar.”

  Upon hearing that there was a new task, Ye Shi immediately came over and took a curious look.

  ”What task? Let me take a look.”

  ”Explore the ecological experimental base of Zhongzhou Aerospace in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City. The task rewards 200 silver coins and 200 contributions… What is the ecological experimental base?”

  While saying this, Lao Bai switched to the map page of VM, and dragged his index finger on the touch screen a few times, dragging it to the location of the task beacon.

  It is an unexplored area, located in the north-east direction of the outpost, with a straight-line distance of about 15.7 kilometers.

  Judging from the pre-war map, there are not many urban buildings nearby, and the terrain is relatively high. It is very likely to become a forest after the war.

  Kuangfeng, who also came close, touched his chin and said.

  ”It’s actually a mission for the scientific expedition team… After the official website updated the gameplay of the scientific expedition team, this is the first time I’ve seen Dr. Yin Fang issue a mission.”

  ”Maybe the condition for unlocking the mission is level 10?” Lao Bai looked at his good brothers with an interested expression, eager to try, “What do you say, brothers? Do you want to challenge it?”

  The B3 layer of the greenhouse ruins has just been conquered, the mission has not been handed in, and the B4 level has not been triggered. There is no need to rush to the strategy in the next two days.

  Anyway, the ruins will not run away, so why not take a look at what this new mission is.

  The name of this research institute sounds complicated!

  Ye Shi: “I have no objection!”

  Kuang Feng: “Me too, it’s just right to see what the mission of the scientific expedition team is like.”

  ”+1,” Fang Chang smiled, “It would be a pity to miss such an interesting thing.”

  Lao Bai said with a hearty smile.

  ”Then it’s settled! Let’s go back to the outpost base to change equipment and meet at the north gate of the wetland park!”

  Ye Shi raised his hand.

  ”Wait, how can we get there from such a long distance?”

  Lao Bai said with a smile.

  ”Don’t worry about that! The mission mentioned that the scientific expedition team will support us with a truck to take us to the vicinity of the destination!”

  Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

  15.7 kilometers!

  If we walk, it will take most of the day to go back and forth.

  Just as the ox-horse team returned to the outpost, the players who went to explore Shelter No. 117 had already arrived in front of the huge alloy door in the subway tunnel.

  This huge door has not been closed since it was opened last time. There

  were crowds of people in front of the door, and pairs of curious eyes looked inside.

  The guard stationed at the entrance of the shelter walked up to the players and said in a loud voice.

  ”Players who have received the mission, please leave your equipment with me.”

  ”Shelter No. 117 is a weapons control area. It is forbidden to bring firearms, knives, explosives, flammables, and dangerous goods into it.”

  ”There is no limit to the exploration time, but please try to control it within one hour!”

  ”Good luck to you!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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