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Chapter 189: Civil strife in the capital, whereabouts of Emperor Yan

Chapter 189: Civil strife in the capital, whereabouts of Emperor Yan


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 189: Civil turmoil in the capital, whereabouts of Emperor YanThe

  old woman looked stunned, staring blankly at the two people walking down the stairs.

  Xiang Huai had already thrown away his weapon, his face full of anxiety, and was held against his back by Yang Shifei with a broken knife, so he dared not move any more.

  Facing the power of the Heavenly Man and Black Tortoise, no matter what status or position he had, he was nothing but grass, and he could only surrender obediently.

  ”Young man, we were blind and offended you just now-”

  talking nonsense.” Yang Shifei said calmly: “If you want to live, answer honestly.”

  Xiang Huai swallowed his saliva: “Young man, please tell me, I will tell you everything I know!”

  ”What happened in the capital of Yan State, and where did Emperor Yan go?”


  Xiang Huai became more nervous after hearing this, and subconsciously glanced at the old woman not far away.

  ”I advise you not to have any crooked thoughts.”

  The old woman reacted very quickly and sneered: “Don’t think about making up stories and deceiving this young man.”

  Xiang Huai’s forehead was covered with cold sweat.

  ”In the capital, the Prince of Zhennan joined forces with the Prime Minister and others to gather the rebels and attack the palace.”

  ”The Emperor of Yan was injured by a sneak attack by General Huang Hong. After breaking through the siege, she fled into the Dayan Valley and disappeared.”

  Yang Shifei glanced at the old woman behind him, and seeing that she did not speak to correct him, his face became more solemn: “Is the Emperor of Yan still alive now?”

  ”No, I don’t know.”

  Xiang Huai wiped the cold sweat from his face: “As far as I know, the body of the Emperor of Yan has not been found yet, and with his supernatural powers, he may not be dead yet.”

  ”Who is in power in the State of Yan now?”

  ”It’s the Prince of Zhennan, Yan Xuantong. He is the orthodox royal family, so he has the secret support of the Imperial Mausoleum Secret Guard, and the same is true for the Prime Minister and others.”

  ”He’s just a fake emperor!”

  The old woman suddenly snorted coldly: “As soon as he usurped the imperial power, he began to kill innocent people. Now that filth is rampant, he doesn’t think about saving the people, but instead racks his brains to eradicate dissidents.

  The State of Yan will perish in less than a year in the hands of this man!”

  ”We are just following orders.”

  Xiang Huai cursed in his heart, his back was soaked with cold sweat: “We will follow the orders of whoever is the emperor of the dynasty. The Emperor of Yan was not killed by our Tianchen Hall.”

  Yang Shifei thought for a while, and asked again: “Why did the King of Zhennan rebel?”

  ”I think it’s because the Emperor of Yan and the Prime Minister and others are not in harmony. It has been like this for many years, so he has a different mind.”

  Xiang Huai whispered: “The King of Zhennan has been praised by the ministers in the court, and he has a close relationship with General Huang Hong. They have been planning privately for many years, and it’s just right to seize power when the filth is at work.”

  Yang Shifei sneered secretly, these people really chose a good time.

  ”So, why did you chase and kill a child in the middle of the night?”

  ”Yes, General Huang Hong ordered that all people related to the Emperor of Yan should be killed to avoid any disaster.”

  Xiang Huai said tremblingly: “This child is the daughter of the princess. We can’t let her escape.”


  Yang Shifei raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the old woman behind him.

  ”The princess is not the daughter of Emperor Yan.”

  The old woman explained hurriedly: “Decades ago, the previous Emperor Yan was in power and had many concubines. But when he was dying of illness, Emperor Yan happened to appear and suppressed the strong men in Yan with his sword. With the special identity of a member of Xuanming Cave, the late emperor passed the throne to her.

  Emperor Yan was kind-hearted. After ascending the throne, he still retained the identities of those concubines. The princess was the youngest daughter of the late emperor. She married the son of a merchant family several years ago and gave birth to a child last year.”

  Yang Shifei rubbed his temples: “Does Emperor Yan have any relatives?”


  The old woman shook her head: “Emperor Yan himself is obsessed with martial arts and has never married. He just chatted with several concubines of the late emperor occasionally.”

  Yang Shifei frowned: “So, it’s because they have a good relationship with Emperor Yan that they sent people to kill them all?”

  ”Not only the Emperor of Yan, but even the people of the previous emperor were not spared.”

  The old woman showed a melancholy look on her face and sighed: “Now the palace is flowing with blood. I took advantage of the chaos to carry the child out of the palace.

  But when I was hiding in the capital, I heard that the pseudo-emperor was sending out the secret guards of the imperial mausoleum to clear out all the relatives of the previous emperor, so I immediately fled the city.”

  ”The so-called secret guards of the imperial mausoleum are this group of people?”

  Yang Shifei patted Xiang Huai on the shoulder with a broken knife: “What is this. Tianchen Hall?”

  ”I, we are just an external force!”

  Xiang Huai said in fear: “The real secret guards are a team secretly trained by the royal family, and they only obey the orders of the current emperor. In order to expand the military force, some martial arts sects will be recruited in secret to assist.”

  The old woman said: “A bunch of running dogs!”

  Xiang Huai clenched his fists, his anger inexplicably rising, and veins on his forehead bulged.

  Yang Shifei thought for a moment, and was about to ask for more information, but saw him turn his head and look at him, his eyes gradually became crazy

  ”You all will die!”

  Xiang Huai roared fiercely and turned around to attack.

  Yang Shifei attacked with lightning speed, kicking him in the chest first and forcing him to move several feet away.

  Xiang Huai staggered to his feet, his eyes were bloodshot with anger, and his roar became more and more weird——

  ”Is this man crazy?!”

  The old woman was shocked. With the heavenly Xuanwu guarding the scene, he dared to act arrogantly?

  ”He is indeed crazy.”

  Yang Shifei narrowed his eyes: “And he is very crazy.”

  As soon as the voice fell, Xiang Huai actually let out a hoarse beast roar, his flesh and blood kept squirming, and the ten fingers of his hands became sharper and sharper.

  The old woman was shocked and lost her voice: “Demon?!”

  ”The signs of being infected with evil and possessed by demons appeared almost at the same time.”

  Yang Shifei muttered to himself: “Is it because a lot of filth has been accumulated in the body for a long time, and it exploded out of control in an instant?” Xiang Huai’s

  eyes suddenly became angry: “Kill——”

  As soon as his figure moved, a sword light came from the second floor and cut a bloody light on his body.


  Xiang Huai’s expression became dull, and he fell to the ground and died on the spot.

  The old woman glanced in the direction of the second floor, then looked back at the corpse on the ground, still a little frightened:

  ”Is he dead?”

  ”With the help of the gods, of course he is dead completely.”

  Yang Shifei threw away the broken knife casually: “Without the pursuers, where are you going to escape to next?”

  The old woman quickly came back to her senses: “I plan to take the child to Liang State for temporary refuge.”

  ”I suggest you go to the East City of Liang State and report this to Luo Mansion. If the Emperor of Yan can return safely in the future, he will be able to find you.”

  ”Thank you for your advice, young man!” ”

  Don’t thank me yet.” Yang Shifei looked solemn: “Tell me, where is Dayan Valley?”

  The old woman thought for a while and knew that he came to save the Emperor of Yan: “Dayan Valley is about three miles north of Zonglin County. There are two high mountains standing, and there seems to be a rift in between. The young man can see it at a glance.”

  ”Are there any other pursuers behind?”

  ”After all, the child has just been weaned. They are very important to send this batch of pursuers.”

  The old woman shook her head: “The capital is in chaos, and the pseudo-emperor can’t spare more manpower.”

  ”Take a short rest here and leave as soon as possible.”

  Yang Shifei pointed casually at the backyard: “There is still some smoked meat and water in there, enough for you to last until Liang State.”

  ”Young man, we have to leave now.”

  ”We have packed up.”

  A clear female voice suddenly sounded, extremely ethereal and elegant. The

  old woman subconsciously looked up to the second floor, and saw the graceful and beautiful figure, and her expression could not help but be stunned.

  Such beauty is really a beauty that can overwhelm a country. With her experience, she has never seen such a moving beauty.

  The celestial being Xuanwu, so young and beautiful, there is only

  Luo Xian’er in the world wearing a moon-colored plain robe, with her hair tied up and tied with a hairpin, and she only glanced at her faintly.

  The old woman bowed her head respectfully: “Thank you Princess Luo for saving me!”

  ”It was my husband who stepped forward, you should thank him.”

  Luo Xian’er said calmly: “You can leave with peace of mind, we will do our best to rescue Emperor Yan.”

  After that, she looked at Yang Shifei: “Do you want to leave now?”

  ”Let’s go.”

  Yang Shifei said solemnly: “The life and death of Emperor Yan is unknown now, we can’t delay.”

  Luo Xian’er nodded slightly, and she and Yue Rui carried the luggage downstairs and went to the bamboo stable to get the horse.

  Yang Shifei casually searched the bodies and confirmed that there was nothing. He bowed and said goodbye to the old woman:

  ”Thank you for the information, take care on the way.”

  ”Your Highness, you should also be careful.”

  The old woman’s tone was even more sincere: “The survival of Yan State depends on you.”

  Yang Shifei didn’t reply, walked out of the inn quickly, and got on the horse.

  With a neigh, the horse galloped away, and the figures of the three gradually disappeared in the moonlight.

  The old woman looked into the distance in front of the inn for a long time, tightened the sleeping child in her arms, and couldn’t help sighing.

  ”This man is also a strange person.”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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