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Chapter 191 Alpha09 version! Brand new career system and skill proficiency gameplay!

Chapter 191 Alpha09 version! Brand new career system and skill proficiency gameplay!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 191 Alpha 0.9 version! Brand new career system and skill proficiency gameplay!

  Official website:

  [Wasteland OL Closed Beta Server Alpha 0.9 version update announcement! ]

  [Major updates:

  1. The number of closed beta players has increased to 800!

  2. Update the “career system” and “skill proficiency” settings. 3.

  New identity level “Intermediate Citizen”: requires 10,000 contribution points, and the land purchase area is increased from 5 square meters to 50 square meters.



  1. New NPC “Heya”: a silver-haired mixed-race girl, a doctor of engineering, a DNA defective with a 79% degree of prosthetic modification, the only survivor of Shelter No. 117, and a new generation of residents born in the shelter. She has many stories and seems to have many secrets. (Figure 1) (Figure 2) (Figure 3)

  2. The shelter has been increased to the B3 floor, and more areas are open. Players are welcome to explore for more information.

  3. Added the new predator force “Bone Chewing Tribe”: Due to the defeat of the Legion Expeditionary Force, chaos spread like a plague on the dry land of the Valley Province. A huge predator tribe is rising at an incredible speed.

  ”Chaos, death, and barbarism! We will tear open the throat of civilization, suck its bones, and hang those superficial skins on the flag to dry!”

  4. Death penalty changes: The resurrection CD remains unchanged, the death penalty for players below LV10 is adjusted from 40 silver coins to 20 silver coins, the death penalty for LV10~LV20 remains unchanged, and the death penalty for LV20~LV30 is increased to 80 silver coins.

  5. Added the concept of awakening. The first awakening will be automatically completed when LV9 is upgraded to LV10, and the progress of gene sequence development will be upgraded from the first stage to the second stage. The player character will obtain at least one additional talent, and the panel attributes and actual combat effectiveness will be qualitatively improved.

  6. Fixed a small number of bugs.



  【Due to the further increase in the number of players, the Player’s Manual and User Agreement have been updated to the latest version, with new content on “War Rules” and “Prisoner Strategy”. Players who have obtained the closed beta qualification are requested to check it in time to avoid a bad gaming experience for you and others. Players who have already made reservations are also requested to confirm carefully. If you cannot accept the new rules, please cancel the reservation in time and wait patiently for the public beta version with richer content. 】

  【Current number of reservations: 23333 people】

  ”Alpha0.9 version developer log”

  Xiaoqi: “Hello everyone, I am your dearest planner A Guang——the dearest assistant! Since Xi La Ou took the lead in working overtime, it aroused the collective anger of the development department, planning department, and art department. We decided to put him in a can of starfish and sell him to the mutant tribe… In any case, we finally got the Alpha0.9 version. The significance of this update is very significant. Since A Guang is still working overtime, this time I am entrusted to talk to you about the design ideas and gameplay of the new version!”

  ”First of all, the biggest change of Alpha0.9 version compared to version 0.8 is that we have added a career system and skill proficiency settings to “Wasteland OL.”

  ”To be honest, we were very hesitant when making this decision. After all, what we originally wanted to do was a sandbox game that focused on leisure and entertainment with freedom and virtual community as selling points. We didn’t even plan to develop a character interface. The concept of career seems to run counter to this.”

  ”However, as the game content continues to enrich and players are increasingly involved in the affairs of the open world, our NPCs are gradually falling into a dilemma – that is, there are only a limited number of things that can be done, and how to allocate limited opportunities to those who need it more.”

  ”Zhang San likes fishing, Li Si likes farming, and we have a hoe and a fishing rod in our hands. Ideally, the fishing rod should be given to Zhang San and the hoe should be given to Li Si. But now the number of players has risen to 800. If we use a designated method to decide who will do the task, it is unfair, so we need to set a standard!”

  ”And the career system and skill proficiency are born for this!”

  ”Take logging as an example. When players carry VMs to cut trees or complete logging tasks, the proficiency of logging skills will automatically accumulate. When the upper limit is reached, the skill level will be increased, with a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 10. This level is not related to the gene sequence level, and the level of each skill is calculated independently. Although the skill level increase will not bring you an intuitive work efficiency bonus, it can unlock more tasks related to the skill with higher benefits, and even unlock exclusive titles – such as Ace Lumberjack or Forest Destroyer!”

  ”In addition to logging, the skills that can improve proficiency also include firearms, throwing, archery, fighting, medical treatment, scavenging, slaughtering, cooking, construction, tailoring, metallurgy, manufacturing, planting, mining, etc. … More than 40 kinds, players are welcome to explore for more details!”

  ”Compared to the skill proficiency system, the ‘profession system’ is more like a symbol of identity or a title.”

  ”For example, after the warehouse manager ‘Guo Niu’ takes a job as a scavenger, the proficiency of scavenging skills will accumulate faster, and he will be entrusted with important tasks in the scavenging work, receive the exclusive scavenger profession, and after the conditions are met, he can become a ‘scavenger master’ or even a ‘garbage king’!”

  ”Under the granary manager ‘Guo Ma’, you can become a farmer or butcher and unlock more seeds or receive more slaughtering orders.”

  ”In addition, some professions have certain skill proficiency thresholds. For example, if you want to become a hunter and hunt more worthy targets, you must meet the requirements of any one of the three skills of firearms, throwing, and archery to reach level 3, or pay 10 silver coins to start the hunting skill assessment. ”

  ”Similar professions include soldiers, architects, prospectors, etc. Mercenaries, adventurers, engineers and other professions will be opened in the future. Please pay attention to the official website for more information!”

  ”New players can only register one profession. As their status level increases, the number of professions that can be registered will also increase. For example, citizens can register two professions, middle citizens can register three, and so on. Registered professions can be cancelled at any time, but the achievements and titles related to the profession will also be cleared. Please choose carefully!”

  ”In addition, we will solve the photo-taking problem in the next version, allowing players to record beautiful moments with the camera.”

  ”If the next version is not solved, the next version will definitely be solved!”


  Less than a minute after the update announcement and development log were issued, hundreds of comments under the post were refreshed at the speed of light.

  However, the reason why the players were excited was not because of the newly launched profession system.

  It can even be said that it has nothing to do with the content of this major update.

  Shadow Moon Canfeng: “White hair! It’s white hair! White hair control ecstasy! (broken voice)”

  This kid is really terrifying: “Too bitter, too bitter! ”

  Irena: “No one calls me wife? Then I’ll call you that. (Funny)”

  Quit Smoking: “The planning dad is awesome! (Cracked voice)”

  Tail: “prprpr”

  Sisi: “Eh! This person! No, this Tail!”

  Canyon Runaway Mole: “Tsk tsk, you LSPs, no one cares about the updated career system and skill proficiency? Such an important thing, a topic! How come it’s all about an NPC! (Knocks on the table)”

  Fang Chang: “Sorry, this planner is too good. (Nosebleed)”

  Ye Shi: “+1, Mole brother gkd! (Funny)”

  Canyon Runaway Mole: “Fuck! How come even Fang Chang, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, has changed sides!”

  The post was lively.

  The forum outside the post was the same.

  The official website has been completely overwhelmed by these cloud players, silly netizens and people who just want to have fun.

  Especially this Alpha0.9 version, the number of players has directly increased from 500 to 800!

  This time, 300 test places were released at once, which excited all the newbies who had left non-non-Europe.

  What does it mean to have more than 200 acceptance speeches on the forum at the same time?

  Not to mention the tens of thousands of people who are eating lemons and tens of thousands of people who are eating melons.

  At the most exaggerated time, posts were refreshed at a speed of 5 meters per second. The posts just sent out were like stones thrown into the river, sinking directly to the second page.

  After refreshing again, they were completely gone.

  The server was not overwhelmed, it seems that the operator has also spent a lot of money!

  After reading the announcement, Lao Bai glanced at the number of reservations.

  My goodness, it was 23333 a few minutes ago, and in the blink of an eye, it jumped to 27777, heading straight for the 30,000 mark!

  Are these people so fast at solving problems? !


  Niuma Club Group.

  No one discussed the new version on the official website, so everyone could only go to their own small groups to discuss it.

  WC is really a mosquito: “It feels good! My contribution points are just enough for 10,000, and I can directly ascend to the top level on the spot! (grin)”

  Kuangfeng: “I have 12,000, it turns out that accumulating contribution is still useful.”

  Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes: “Fuck, I’m still 2,000 short, how did you guys brush it? How come it’s so fast!”

  Quit Smoking: “That’s right! I just became a citizen, you guys are too exaggerated! QAQ”

  Night Ten: “Great, I can buy land again! (Funny)”

  Citizen level requires 2,000 contribution points, and the middle citizen level has almost doubled five times.

  However, this does not mean that the difficulty of upgrading from citizen to middle citizen is also five times, after all, as the level increases, the income of the task also increases synchronously.

  If you work hard, you can reach it in about a month, and if you are more casual, two or three months will be enough. The daily active guarantee is 120 points a day, not to mention that after LV5, many tasks are directly on the 200~500 level. As long as the equipment and level are up, the contribution is still brushed quite quickly.

  For example, the group owner and dog managers have been brushing the greenhouse ruins recently. The silver coin and contribution income are basically four-digit, and the contribution will be slightly higher. The average daily income can be as high as 600 tributes, and the lowest is about 400 tributes.

  Some life professional players are similar, such as Mosquito. The warehouse has long-term orders for the production of nitrocellulose, and this demand has been strong for a long time.

  Especially after the 0.8 version updated the regional reputation system and opened the material donation function, life players have another way to brush contributions.

  As long as you donate strategic materials, you can not only gain the regional reputation of the “capital”, but also obtain some general contribution points of your own faction!

  Ten thousand contribution points are really not a lot.

  The topic soon changed to the newly added career system and skill proficiency system.

  Fang Chang: “I just logged into the game, and my archery skill proficiency is 4.”

  Lao Bai: “It seems that the previous proficiency is also counted.”

  Fang Chang: “To be precise, it should be the proficiency accumulated after getting the VM. We can boldly guess that maybe our current proficiency level is designed based on those behavioral data.” Ye Shi

  : “It is confirmed that the administrator collects our personal information through VM. (Funny)” Kuangfeng:

  ”By the way, Fang Chang, what professions do you plan to bring?”

  Fang Chang: “A middle-class citizen can bring three. For me, I will tentatively decide on hunter, soldier, and prospector.”

  Kuangfeng: “No scavenger?”

  Fang Chang: “There are not enough slots, there is no way. I must bring a hunter, a money-making artifact, and I have to bring it just for the hunting income bonus. There is no need to mention the soldier, I guess he is the son of the version. Didn’t they update the bone-chewing tribe recently? Is it falling? There will definitely be a chance to use it. Is there any need to talk about the prospector? The ruins of the ecological laboratory is probably also a high-yield capital. ”

  Quit smoking: “Boss! What profession is good for newcomers? QAQ”

  Fang Chang: “You are a physical type, right? If you are a strength type, you can first choose a lumberjack to brush up the strength attribute. For physical and perception, choose a scavenger, this profession is a panacea. After upgrading to a citizen, you can bring a hunter or a soldier, depending on how you plan to play this version.”

  Night Ten: “The garbage picker is always the god! I don’t care, anyway, I want to bring the garbage picker. (Funny)”

  Garbage picker level 99: “Who is calling me? ? ? ”

  Ye Shi: “Hey! You are still in the group.”

  Garbage picker level 99: “Gan! Look, are you talking human language?”

  Since the last battle, this lizard brother has been “hibernating” and hasn’t been in the group recently.

  It’s been a long time since I saw him, and Ye Shi actually felt a sense of familiarity.

  Kuangfeng: “By the way, have you been to the new map?”

  Fang Chang: “I’m planning to go, do you want to come with me?”

  Kuangfeng: “Let’s go!”

  Laobai: “Huh? Don’t you have class soon?”

  Kuangfeng: “I don’t have class this morning, I can play until 12 o’clock and log off.”

  Ye Shi: “What a coincidence, I don’t have class today, I can reward myself for the whole day. (Funny)”

  Laobai: “You should take it easy, kid, don’t play games every day. If you don’t have a girlfriend in college, you will be cheated in the society.”

  Ye Shi: “Haha, why do you want to date a good person? Is it because you don’t like eating or playing games? Fragrance? The three-dimensional world is just a shit, you guys go and roll, I have small fish and that’s enough. (Funny)”

  Kuangfeng: “This sentence is enough to sentence you.”

  Ye Shi: “By the way, don’t always talk about me. When I go to the cafeteria, I occasionally run into school girls who ask me for WeChat. What do you think? I’m almost 30 years old. I go online to play games on time every day. I’m so self-disciplined that I don’t have a sex life. Is it appropriate to lie down like this?”

  Fang Chang: “Tsk, kick this person out.” Kuangfeng

  : “+1, and it’s not that I don’t want to, I just find it boring and boring.”

  Lao Bai: “Let me open a voting post.”

  [Group leader initiates a vote: Should we kick the shit out? 1. Yes, 2. Agree]

  Ye Shi: “Fuck! Where’s the friendship? And why are both options to kick me out!”

  Garbage Picker Level 99: “Hahahaha, who asked you to attract hatred, you deserve it!”

  We are all old friends, so it’s just a joke, so it’s impossible to really kick him out.

  The group leader had something to do during the day, so he didn’t go online.

  Fang Chang, Kuang Feng, and Ye Shi had breakfast, made an appointment to put on their helmets again, and soon returned to the line.

  I thought there would be a lot of people queuing in front of the elevator tower on the B2 floor, but when they came to the lobby, they found that there were not as many people as they imagined. After

  a closer look, wow, there was actually a safe passage next to the elevator tower!

  Was there a wall here before?

  It seems that the operator has also realized the problem of insufficient elevator capacity in the shelter.

  With the opening of the B3 floor, players who don’t want to wait for the elevator can now move between the open floors through the stairs.

  It would be great if the elevator outside could be upgraded as well!

  Arrived at the B3 floor.

  Fang Chang looked around, rubbed his chin and thought for a moment, and gave his own evaluation.

  ”The layout here looks very similar to the B2 floor.”

  Ye Shi also said.

  ”It can’t be said to be very similar, it’s exactly the same.”

  Kuang Feng looked at the wall on the side, where a plan structure diagram was reflected.

  ”There are still some differences. Look at the corridor between Area A and Area B. At the end of the corridor in Area B2 is a locked warehouse. In the same position on the B3 floor, the space is obviously several times larger, and there are several more explorable areas.”

  ”Well, I noticed it just now,” Fang Chang nodded, “It seems that the core area of ​​the new floor is there… Anyway, let’s go and take a look.”

  As he said, Fang Chang walked in front and led the two to explore the direction of the corridor.

  After passing through Area A and Area B, the first thing they passed was a white room.

  Judging from the operating table-like recliner in the middle of the room, as well as the layout and decoration in the room, this seems to be a medical room or a similar place.

  When the three stood at the door, there was already a female player with short hair and a high ponytail inside.

  Looking around, Sis said in surprise.

  ”It’s actually a medical office, and it feels like a medical laboratory… By the way, can’t the door inside be opened?”

  Tail: “Huh? How does Sis know so much? Is it because you go there often?”

  Sis glanced at Tail: “That’s right, but I’m going to treat patients.”

  Although it is a pathology department with a relatively low sense of presence, and it comes into contact with more formalin every day than living people, it can barely be considered as treating patients, right?

  Tail: “Doctor! I’m sick, take care of me!”

  Sis stretched out his hands listlessly and made a ghost-grabbing gesture.

  ”I’m looking at the brain, I have to cut it open to see it.”

  Tail: “!!!∑(Дノ)ノ”

  Sis: “Hey, how did you send emoticons in the game?”

  Looking at the two people behind the glass wall, the three gentlemen were silent for a while, and unanimously decided not to disturb them.

  Fang Chang: “Let’s go to another place to visit.”

  Ye Shi: “I agree.”

  Kuangfeng didn’t speak, but nodded.

  The three continued to move forward, and then passed by a planting area full of science fiction.

  There was not a grain of soil in the entire planting area, only planting units shaped like fish tanks – according to the settings on the official website, this seems to be the name.

  Kuangfeng took a look at the VM and was surprised to find that the name of each facility and the brief introduction of the facility’s function had been updated on the small map.

  It seems that the Alpha 0.9 version has updated far more than just the career system, and has also secretly changed some of the in-game settings.

  Not bad.

  Finally, I don’t have to rely on my imagination!

  ”From the map on the VM, this seems to be a planting area… The theoretical planting area is 50 acres.”

  ”Is there 50 acres here?”

  ”There are 50 three-dimensional planting units like shelves. I guess it means that each three-dimensional planting unit is equivalent to one acre of land.”

  Speaking of which, there are already greenhouse ruins. Is there still a need for such facilities to exist?

  Or is there a seed bank here that stores seeds of pre-war crops?

  Fang Chang pondered in his heart.

  Not far away, Makabazi was holding a three-dimensional planting unit, excited and incoherent, and I don’t know what he was saying.

  And the person standing next to him seemed to be the fisherman “Stop talking nonsense.”

  ”Get lost! Don’t even think about touching my land!”

  ”What’s the land? This is clearly a fish tank!”

  ”Does your fish tank look like this!?”


  The three exchanged glances and tacitly decided not to disturb them and continued to move forward.

  Further ahead was a very small room with a radioactive sign printed on the door.

  ”This seems to be the power room?” Fang Chang thought, comparing it with the text on the VM. “According to the information in the official website setting set, it should be the place where the fusion reactor is placed?”

  Ye Shi looked around and muttered, “It seems that there is nothing to see here, and the open area is also very small… I thought I could see the inside of the reactor.”

  Fang Chang: “After all, it’s not easy to edit such technology beyond reality in science fiction games. Generally, you are given a bunch of models to imagine.” The reactor

  is not in this narrow room of less than 20 square meters. There is a very thick wall and a closed alloy door in front of them.

  There is a small window on the alloy door, through which you can see the metal bracket behind the wall and the half outline of the suspected controlled fusion reactor.

  Kuangfeng walked over, took a closer look out of curiosity, and gently pushed the door.

  However, the door seemed to be fixed to the space, not moving at all.

  Maybe this part was originally a texture?

  Or the operator hasn’t figured out how to edit it, or simply doesn’t intend to waste time on insignificant details.

  Seeing that there was no response no matter how he tried, Kuangfeng withdrew his hand and said with regret.

  ”What a pity.”

  Although he didn’t think the operator would have any eye-catching ideas, it was inevitable to be curious when it came to professional fields.

  It would be nice to see what it looked like.


  While players were exploring the new content of version 0.9, Chu Guang, the manager of the entire shelter, was standing in the last area of ​​the “functional area” on the B3 floor – a warehouse that was not open to players for the time being.

  There were two “black boxes” in the warehouse, one large and one small.

  [Item: Black Box]

  [Number: NO.11]

  [Function: Produce Vital Signs Monitor]

  [Instructions: Place in the atmosphere, connect to the power supply, input 3L of water, 300g of aluminum, 200g of iron, 100g of copper, 50g of nickel…]

  ​​[Available: Vital Signs Monitor, Organic/Inorganic Waste.]


  [Item: Black Box]

  [Number: NO.X]

  [Function: Hibernation Chamber for Clones]

  [Instructions: Place in the atmosphere, connect to the power supply, input 100L of water, 50KG of aluminum, 30KG of iron, 5KG of copper, 100g of nickel, 8g of gold…]

  [Available: Hibernation Chamber for Clones, Organic/Inorganic Waste. ]

  The small black box was only the size of an ordinary suitcase, similar in specifications to the one he found in Shelter No. 117.

  The other large one was more like a car than a box.

  At the same time, a light blue window appeared in front of Chu Guang – it was the data card projected into his field of vision by the administrator system.

  Walking to the box numbered NO.X, Chu Guang found an operating instruction with simple drawings in a palm-sized lid that even an illiterate person could understand.


  it did not explain what this thing was used for.

  After reading the manual in his hand over and over twice, Chu Guang had a strange expression on his face.

  At this time, Xia Yan, who came over from the side, muttered for him what he wanted to say but didn’t say.

  ”A hibernation capsule for clones?”

  ”Hey, what on earth is this thing for?”

   Good news, chapters can be redeemed. Before October 31, 2021, chapters with more than 30 likes can be redeemed by clicking on the post of the operation officer Qishen in the book review area “Post a chapter and win a recommendation position for the work” to participate. There are Qidian coins to be won. The top three will get a recommendation position! Please!


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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