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Chapter 192: The new exit of the shelter and the tunnel that does not exist on the map

Chapter 192: The new exit of the shelter and the tunnel that does not exist on the map


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 192 The new exit of the shelter and the tunnel that does not exist on the map

  The raw materials are all ready in the warehouse. The power supply comes with a variable adapter, which can be powered by a generator or plugged into a fusion battery with a standard interface.

  Like the black box that Chu Guang got from the manager’s office of Shelter No. 117, the black box here also comes with a battery, and the remaining power is 98% and 99% respectively.

  Helium-3 is a stable isotope with a very long half-life. Under normal use, the loss caused by natural decay can be almost ignored. Basically, as long as the battery itself is not damaged due to improper operation or other reasons, the energy storage will be much longer than that of conventional chemical batteries.

  Chu Guang instructed Guo Niu through VM to send all the necessary materials to him, and also called Dr. Yin Fang, the chief explorer of Shelter No. 404 and the head of the scientific expedition team. As soon as

  he entered the door, Yin Fang’s eyes almost popped out.

  ”Black box?! And there are two! Where did you get them?”

  S-level relics!

  Two appeared at the same time!

  Just the day before yesterday, Chu Guang got a black box, but he didn’t expect that within three days, he got two more.

  Since graduating and becoming an explorer, Yin Fang has been doing archaeological excavations for the remains of pre-war civilization for the college for five or six years, but this is the first time he has seen such an exaggerated situation!

  Seeing this guy’s ignorant expression, Chu Guang rolled his eyes and threw the instruction manual he just picked up into his hands.

  ”I picked it up, take a look and see if you can use it?”

  Yin Fang chuckled.

  ”Any fool can use this thing, okay… By the way, have you checked the fuel in the reactor? How much is left?” ”

  Unexpectedly, there is quite a lot, about 40%.”

  Chu Guang was not sure what 40% meant. If it was a mobile phone, his charging obsession would definitely have occurred, but for a controlled fusion reactor, it is said that 1% of the energy can be used for a long time?

  I don’t know if the energy consumed by clone synthesis is large.

  But no matter what, the reactor is finally in his hands now, and Chu Guang finally let go of the stone hanging in his heart.

  Hearing Chu Guang’s words, Yin Fang was obviously relieved.

  ”40%? That’s good… I don’t have to worry about it for a short time!”

  Without any worries, Yin Fang began to operate the two black boxes.

  In the drawer-like filling port, he entered the materials in order according to the instructions, and then closed the drawer. Although it is not necessary to follow the order, it will be a little faster if this is done.

  The signal light comes on, indicating that the materials are qualified.

  Then turn on the power and press the start button.

  All the processes are completed, very easy.

  It’s so simple that it’s like some kind of religious ritual.

  Looking at the numbers jumping on the screen, Chu Guang touched his chin and said.

  ”The remaining time for production is 59min27s… Why did you wait so long?”

  The other black box next to it, which is smaller in size and produces VM, has a faster production speed. It only takes ten minutes to produce a product.

  Assuming that the raw materials are continuously supplied, theoretically 144 VMs can be produced in a day.

  This thing is a good thing.

  VM with processor, imaging equipment, and laser mapping function can not only be used as a “vital sign monitor” itself, but can also be used to modify other things.

  For example, a robot with laser mapping and automatic path finding functions.

  Another example is a simple computer, etc.

  Combined with the “neural connection device” produced by the black box left by Dr. Principle in Shelter No. 117, as long as the materials are sufficient, the players’ transformation degree may be directly increased by 10 percentage points!

  Intelligence players will usher in a real spring!

  It can be said to be very easy to use.

  Yin Fang: “I heard that the principle of the black box is to first powder the material, and then print out the parts of each component in accordance with the preset synthesis route and the spatial layer sequence, and generate the product as a whole… Compared with the assembly line mode, it will definitely take longer.”

  Chu Guang said.

  ”It is equivalent to building wheels and engines at the same time?”

  Yin Fang affirmed.

  ”You can understand it this way!”

  Chu Guang nodded thoughtfully, indicating that he understood.

  This thing is like a 3D printer.

  However, its function is much stronger than that of a 3D printer. It can not only print out the shape of the device, but also print out the “performance” of the material and the microstructure and macrostructure of the device, and complete automatic assembly during the printing process.

  This has far exceeded the concept of “printing”.

  It is more like the reconstruction of “atoms in the space of pm scale”!

  Xia Yan, who was standing aside, scratched the back of her head. She couldn’t get a word in on such a troublesome topic.

  She could use a wrench to repair the machine, or use a simple workbench to process parts. After all, the slums of Boulder City were built next to the industrial zone. There were only two ways for people there, either to work until death in the assembly line or workshop, or to become a mercenary with the weapons produced by the factory and exchange their lives for money.

  And she happened to have gone through both paths.

  After thinking about it, Xia Yan felt that if she didn’t say a word, wouldn’t it make her look useless? So after holding it in for a while, she reluctantly got a word in.

  ”This machine sounds strangely useful… Can we take it apart and have a look?”

  Chu Guang didn’t react when he heard this, but Yin Fang next to him was startled like a dog whose tail was stepped on, and said quickly.

  ”Don’t do this!”

  Xia Yan scratched the back of her head and asked, “Why? Logically speaking, shouldn’t this kind of thing be a good research material?”

  Yin Fang shook his head and said when he heard this layman’s remarks.

  ”It’s common sense that the more technology-intensive a product is, the more difficult it is to reverse engineer. To find a grain of gold from a pile of sand, you just need to sift it out. But if you were asked to stand on a sand dune and sort and recycle every grain of sand, it would be almost impossible… unless you have mastered more advanced tools and methods.”

  ”And the black box of the Ark Project, whether in terms of production methods or technical principles, represents the highest level of the human-linked manufacturing industry. It has no requirements for the performance of the materials and the education level of the operator – even the intelligence level. Even monkeys in the zoo can use it.”

  ”This wishing machine can be said to be the technological crystallization of pre-war civilization. Unless the civilization is far superior to ours in terms of production methods and basic science, no one can disassemble what is needed from this complex and cumbersome equipment.”

  Xia Yan muttered.

  ”I just asked casually, and I didn’t say I really wanted to dismantle it… But this thing is so difficult to service, how can I repair it if it breaks?”

  ”It can’t be repaired. If it’s broken, it’s broken,” Yin Fang shook his head and said, “In the academy, broken black boxes are usually sent to museums. Maybe someone can analyze it hundreds of years later… But at least it’s impossible now. We would rather study the products produced by the black box, at least it will be much less difficult.”

  Yin Fang’s answer answered part of Chu Guang’s question.

  It seems that even the academy does not have the ability to disassemble the technology in the black box. At most, it can only study the products of the black box.

  Finally, after taking a look at the timer on the screen, Chu Guang spoke.

  ”It seems that there is still some time to reveal the mystery… Let’s go check the buffer room next door.”

  Yin Fang was stunned.

  ”Buffer room? Isn’t this the B3 floor?”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”That’s right, Shelter No. 404 does not have only one door. I even suspect that the door on the B3 floor is the real entrance and exit.”

  From the perspective of space, the door on the B3 floor is obviously wider than the door on the B1 floor, and it connects the warehouse and the planting area.

  What does this mean?

  It means that this shelter is likely to be built from the B3 floor, and then extend upward and downward at the same time!

  Of course, this is just Chu Guang’s speculation. If he finds other more exaggerated exits on the lower floors, then he won’t say anything.

  Every time Chu Guang thinks that he has fully understood this shelter and the plan of the first generation of managers, the shelter under his feet always brings him unexpected surprises.

  Chu Guang even suspects that the designer of this shelter might be a game maker.


  Everything outside the gate of B3 is unknown, and no one can say what will happen.

  If the situation is optimistic, it may be an Easter egg left by the first generation of managers.

  If it is not optimistic, it may also be a nest of mutant rats or cockroaches.

  Just in case, Chu Guang brought the power armor from the preparation room on B1 floor, and while bringing the nitrogen power hammer and Gauss rifle, he also took two sickle assault rifles, a bulletproof vest and a backpack full of 7mm bullets.

  The bulletproof vest is for Boss Xia.

  Back in the preparation room on B3 floor, Chu Guang threw a sickle assault rifle and a police bulletproof vest into Xia Yan’s hands.

  ”I don’t think I need to teach you how to use it.”

  After putting on the bulletproof vest, Xia Yan tied her long red hair into a ponytail and picked up the rifle leaning against the wall.

  ”Are you kidding? I am…”

  ”A mercenary who added a chicken leg to the crawler’s lunch box?”

  Looking at Xia Yan’s murderous face, Chu Guang quickly closed his mask, coughed and walked in front.

  ”Follow me closely.”

  Xiao Qi rolled the pulley and followed Chu Guang.

  Seeing that he was the only one without a weapon, Yin Fang hurriedly chased after him and asked.

  ”What about me? Give me a weapon too! In case of an accident, I can also fight!”

  Chu Guang thought about it and threw the Silver Snake revolver hanging on the power armor to him.

  ”Remember to return it to me.”

  ”Only six bullets?!”

  ”If you need it, I will give you more.”

  The gate on the operating table was pulled down, and Chu Guang pressed the red button.

  The alarm in the maintenance room rang three times.

  The bolts as thick as thighs were retracted one by one, and the gear-shaped alloy door slowly rolled to one side, revealing the dark tunnel. A

  cold and dry breath hit him in the face.

  Chu Guang turned on the searchlight on his shoulder and walked forward with the “Sickle” assault rifle.

  The soles of his feet made a creaking sound when they stepped on the ground. The dust here was very thick and no one had been here for a long time.

  The light in the passage was very dim, and it could be described as pitch dark.

  Fortunately, there were lighting equipment on the power armor, and the other two also carried flashlights.

  With the light from his shoulder, Chu Guang could see a steel rail laid on the ground and a few construction tools scattered around.

  ”There is no such tunnel on the map,” Yin Fang confirmed the map through VM, and then said, “Our south direction is facing the subway line 12 of Qingquan City, and the straight-line distance is about 4 kilometers! The north direction coincides with the elevated road out of the city, heading out of Qingquan City.” Line

  12 runs through Qingquan City from north to south, and Huayuan Street Subway Station is one of the stations on Line 12.

  Chu Guang raised his index finger and tapped the side of the helmet, opening the map on the eyepiece.

  The orange-yellow window was projected on the tactical eyepiece.

  The nearest subway station is located near Bethe Street, about 800 meters away.

  Chu Guang had been there before, but he didn’t go in. He just took a look from the outside. The inside was completely occupied by the Gnawers.

  There are probably other difficult things to deal with.

  ”What if we go north?”

  Yin Fang was slightly stunned and dragged the map.

  ”North… We are at the northernmost part of Qingquan City. Going north is outside Qingquan City. The subway line is not marked on the map.”

  The tunnel runs north-south. The exit of the shelter is on the side of the tunnel. After passing through the iron gate, there are roads to go south and north.

  ”Let’s go to the north first.”

  After saying that, Chu Guang took the initiative to walk in front and led the team to the north.

  After about 800 meters, the tunnel came to an abrupt end, and an alloy wall blocked everyone’s way.

  ”It seems that there is no way forward,” Xia Yan, who was shining a flashlight forward, turned his head to look at Chu Guang and asked, “Do you want to go back?”

  Chu Guang stared at the wall for a while, then walked to the side of the wall and found something like a distribution box.

  Pulling open the lid, he saw a handle and a round interface.

  Interestingly, the round interface just matched the small cold fusion battery.

  Chu Guang’s heart moved slightly, and he took out a cold fusion battery with 11% remaining energy from his pocket and plugged it into the interface.

  Then, he pulled down the handle next to him.

  A slight electric current sound rang out, accompanied by a tooth-grinding friction sound, and then there was a slight tremor under everyone’s feet.

  It was like an earthquake!

  ”What’s going on?!”

  Yin Fang looked around in a panic and took two steps back.

  Xia Yan was still calm. He looked at the ceiling vigilantly, then looked forward, his eyes slightly widened.

  ”It’s the wall! It’s sinking!”

  Xiao Qi slid to Chu Guang’s calf and said nervously, “Master, it’s so dangerous here, why don’t we retreat first?”

  ”No hurry, wait a little longer!”

  Chu Guang stared at the wall in front of him.

  It slowly sank, and after a shaking shake, the tunnel behind it was finally revealed.

  At this time, everyone realized that the wall was hundreds of meters wide!

  It was like a whole section of the tunnel that was lifted up!

  ”Incredible…” Yin Fang took two steps forward, with a shocked expression on his face.

  Such a thick concrete structure.

  It must be at least tens of thousands of tons, right?

  Counting the mechanical structure and the load-bearing structure below, it is equivalent to burying an aircraft carrier underground!

  This metaphor may not be appropriate, but the meaning is no different.

  Chu Guang’s face was also full of surprise.

  This mechanism itself is not complicated.

  However, what is surprising is that today, more than 200 years later, it can still be started and run without any obstacles!

  Just when the two were stunned, a hoarse roar and the sound of running came from the front of the tunnel.

  Hearing the sound, Xia Yan was startled and immediately raised the assault rifle in her hand, and her index finger picked up the safety neatly.

  ”Gnawer! In front of us!”

  Before the voice fell, she had already pulled the trigger in her hand, and shot three shots at a time, killing the two closest ones.

  ”It seems that the movement just now attracted a lot of people.”

  Chu Guang turned on the auxiliary aiming mode of the tactical eyepiece, raised the sickle assault rifle to aim, and swept over with a volley. The heads of the nearest gnawers instantly exploded and fell to the ground and died on the spot!

  At this moment, a dangerous omen suddenly hit.

  ”Damn, it’s a crawler–” Xia Yan’s face showed a trace of panic, and the fearful memories in her heart reappeared.

  But the next moment, the head of the crawler was blown into pieces.

  ”Don’t panic, I’m here.”

  Chu Guang threw the Gauss rifle on his back and held the sickle assault rifle again. He skillfully switched back to automatic firepower and swept the rushing gnawers to the ground.

  There were broken branches and arms on the ground.

  The rotten smell diffused in the passage.

  Yin Fang, who was hiding behind, breathed a sigh of relief and lowered the muzzle of his gun.

  Looking at the gnawers on the ground, as well as the black spots and slime mold on the distant wall, his Adam’s apple moved with difficulty.

  ”I have a hunch… there are probably a lot of alien species ahead!”

  ”You don’t need a hunch, as long as you have eyes, you can see it,” Chu Guang paused for a moment and continued, “The area ahead should be left to the ‘players’ to explore.”

  As he spoke, Chu Guang put away his rifle, tapped his helmet twice with his index finger, called up the visualization window, and edited it skillfully.

  [Task: Clear the exit of B3 floor]

  [Type: Hunting, Exploration, Attack]

  [Description: The passage outside the entrance and exit of B3 floor is occupied by slime mold alien species, we have to take it back from those beasts! ]

  [Release to: Hunters, scavengers, soldiers, and players above LV5]


  For each gnawer killed, 1 silver coin and 2 contributions will be rewarded.

  For each bomber killed, 1 silver coin and 1 contribution will be rewarded.

  For every crawler killed, 20 silver coins and 20 contributions will be awarded.

  For every tyrant killed…




  【Task: Explore the B3 layer channel. 】


  【Task: Investigate the source of slime mold pollution in the B3 layer channel. 】


  A total of 5 tasks have been updated in the task channel, and players who meet the “release object” conditions can claim them freely.

  This should be a good leveling point.

  Even if there are 10,000 gnawers, it’s only 10,000 silver coins.

  Even if 500 crawlers are added, it’s just another 10,000 silver coins.

  In this way, players not only gain experience, but also improve their proficiency in shooting, archery, throwing, and fighting skills, and can also make money.

  It’s perfect!

  If you can get an active substance extractor, you can also deploy one here.

  The extraction efficiency of gnawers is average, and it takes about 10 to refine 1 unit. However, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, and a small amount of money is a lot. It’s better than letting the bodies of those alien species rot and stink in the tunnel and become a breeding ground for bacteria.

  All he needs to pay is some values ​​that can be adjusted at any time.

  Thinking of this, Chu Guang couldn’t help but curl up a smile.

  Since the benefits are all for the players.

  This time, even if the players win twice!

  Looking at Chu Guang with admiration, Yin Fang couldn’t help but sigh.

  ”Your ‘players’ are so useful.” They

  are simply a model of hard work.

  He has never seen such a hardworking resident of the shelter!

  Chu Guang teased.

  ”It seems that you have gradually grasped the essence of this game.”

  Yin Fang was stunned when he heard a word he didn’t understand.


  ”Combined with the context, it means cutting leeks.”

  Yin Fang: “……?”

  (Next chapter at eleven o’clock!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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