Switch Mode

Chapter 193 Why don’t we develop the 88 cannon?

Chapter 193 Why don’t we develop the 88 cannon?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 193 Why don’t we get the 88 gun!

  The outpost base square is crowded with people.

  Although it is dark in the wasteland and dawn in reality, many players who just logged off have come back from the forum because of the recent update.

  Debt Eyes: “Brother, what profession did you choose?”

  Construction Site Boy and Brick: “Hey, in a game about picking up garbage, of course you have to bring a scavenger!”

  Xiao Xiaoxiao Bookworm: “I chose a soldier!” Quit

  Smoking: “Damn? Bullets are so expensive, and your shooting experience is already 3?”

  Xiao Xiaoxiao Bookworm: “No, but if you have participated in more than three war mobilizations, you can also meet the employment conditions, and the bullets in the NPC store are 10% off.” Quit

  Smoking: “I’m crying, I envy the old players!”

  At the door of the guard room.

  Wei Ba and Si Si led a big white bear and took it to forcibly register for the soldier profession.

  Looking at the VM tied to his arm, Meat Mountain Big Bun whispered with a wronged look.

  ”But, I don’t want to fight… I want to be a professional gamer.”

  Sisi pretended to be serious and said, “How can you say it’s a fight? We are clearly shields to protect everyone.”

  Tail raised his thumbs up enthusiastically, his eyes sparkling, “That’s right! Rourou, show some manliness!”

  Meat Mountain Big Bun whispered, “But, but I’m a girl.”

  Tail was shocked.

  ”Hey! If you didn’t say it, I would have forgotten it!”

  Sisi went up and pulled the fur on its belly, trying to make the big white bear stand up.

  ”In short, you should first shout that orcs will never be slaves, roar oh oh oh… Come on, come on, just try it once.”

  Meat Mountain Big Bun looked embarrassed and opened his claws helplessly.

  ”Roar, roar… Oh.”

  The air was subtly quiet.

  Sisi and Tail looked at each other and sighed at the same time.

  ”Tail, I give up.”

  ”Tsk, it’s better to be an emergency food.”

  Meat Mountain Big Bun: QAQ

  The industrial area not far away.

  Ye Shi, who had just come out of the shelter and worked as a scavenger for the warehouse manager, happened to see Brother Mosquito, so he walked over and patted him on the shoulder with a smile.

  ”Brother, what profession are you?”

  ”Craftsman! Scavenger! I haven’t decided on another one yet,” Mosquito said with a grin, “Why is there no inventor or weapon master? This doesn’t make sense!”

  Ye Shi almost choked when he heard this.

  ”Pfft, you think you are playing League–”

  Before he finished speaking, there was a slight tremor under his feet.

  The players standing in the square discussing the new version showed surprised expressions on their faces and looked around.

  ”Damn? Earthquake?”

  ”Are you testing some new system?”

  ”Awesome! There is even an earthquake. This game is getting more and more real.”

  The players didn’t feel anything about the sudden earthquake, but felt that the physics engine of this game was getting more and more realistic.

  On the contrary, the NPCs in the outpost were frightened by this sudden situation.

  North Gate Market.

  Qiu Cao, who was setting up a stall, held his sister Qiu Ye in his arms, hugged her trembling shoulders, and his eyes were full of panic.

  The nomadic tribe not far away.

  The animals in the livestock shed were restless, and the old herdsmen knelt on the ground, mumbling something in their mouths, praying to the gods.

  Maybe the prayer worked?

  The tremor only lasted for a while and then stopped.

  The NPCs ran to check whether the houses were damaged, while the players were discussing what new tricks their planner A Guang was doing.

  At this moment, an excited shout suddenly came from the square.

  ”Damn! Look at the VM!”

  Hearing this voice, the players looked at their VMs.

  ”VM? What’s on the VM?”

  ”New tasks! But it seems that only the three professions of soldiers, hunters, and scavengers can receive them!”

  Staring at the VM screen, Ye Shi opened the task bar and found something different in the column of professional tasks.

  [Task: Clean up the B3 floor passage]

  Ye Shi’s face showed a surprised expression.

  ”A new exit has been unlocked on the B3 floor?!”

  Mosquito was also shocked.

  ”What the hell?! Why didn’t I see it when I was down there just now?”

  Ye Shi said with a strange expression.

  ”Maybe the area hasn’t been unlocked yet… Anyway, let’s go take a look first!”

  ”Let’s go, together!”


  There is a new task, so of course we have to take a look.

  Several little players immediately formed a team and ventured to the tunnel outside the B3 floor to take a look, and found that there were quite a few alien species inside.

  However, there is a very serious problem now. Everyone’s weapons are in the maintenance room on the B1 floor.

  According to the shelter resident manual, the shelter is a safe area, and weapons cannot be passed through the buffer room. However, apart from the shelter, there is no other entrance that can directly reach the outer door of the B3 floor.

  It is equivalent to that their weapons cannot be taken down at all!

  You can’t fight alien species with bare hands, right?

  Except for the strength system and a certain intelligence system European emperor who has been transformed by a prosthetic body, I’m afraid that few people can fight alien species head-on!

  Fortunately, the dog planner probably discovered this bug and quickly fixed it.

  Now, you can submit an application for “carrying weapons through the shelter” through VM. As long as you check the bound equipment in the inventory, you can carry it through the gate of the buffer room and enter the shelter.

  However, after entering the shelter, players carrying weapons will have their rights to use the facilities temporarily locked. In principle, they only have the right of passage and need to leave the restricted area as soon as possible. In

  this state, players cannot return to their rooms, use weapons, or enter the living area to use the equipment there. If

  the stay time exceeds 5 minutes, VM will receive the first alarm and the second warning in the 10th minute.

  If you do not leave the shelter within 15 minutes, you will be kicked out of the game as a minor violation and your login status will be locked for ten minutes.

  Equipment brought into the shelter will also be considered contraband and confiscated by the shelter.

  It normally takes only 3 minutes to get from the buffer door on the B1 floor to the buffer door on the B3 floor, and 15 minutes is plenty of time.

  The administrator dragged two vending machines from Shelter No. 117 and placed them in the preparation room outside the buffer room on the B3 floor.

  However, the vending machines did not contain drinks, but bullets and bandages. The bullets are divided into two types, one is cheap reloaded ammunition, and the other is more reliable ramming ammunition.

  If players need supplies, they don’t even need to go to the surface, they can buy them directly at the exit of the B3 floor of the shelter.

  It can be said to be very convenient!


  Just as the little players were fighting with the aliens in the tunnel, Chu Guang was in the warehouse on the B3 floor, confirming the products produced from the black box.

  A hibernation capsule and a VM were lying next to the discharge ports of the two black boxes, and they were still hot to the touch, which was very magical.

  There was nothing much to say about the VM. It was the same model as the ones he had found on the B2 floor. Maybe those VMs were produced by the black box in front of him.

  As for the hibernation capsule for clones…

  Yin Fang stroked his chin and looked at it for a while before giving his evaluation.

  ”This thing is a bit like a simplified hibernation capsule.”

  Chu Guang asked.

  ”What is a simplified hibernation capsule?”

  Yin Fang replied.

  ”In simple terms, the organism lying inside will not stop metabolizing, but will just put the organism into a deep sleep state… Well, it seems to have a scanning function.”

  As he was talking, a light blue pop-up window appeared in Chu Guang’s field of vision, floating above the hibernation capsule. It seems that in the eyes of the administrator system, the things produced by the black box in the shelter are also part of Shelter No. 404.

  And now, it is the administrator system that exercises the right of interpretation.

  [Item: Hibernation capsule for clones]

  [Description: Contains organism scanning, genetic information, and DNA expression detection functions, and can upload data to the main server of the shelter within the signal coverage range. ]

  It is a save point!

  After reading this line of description, Chu Guang immediately gave his evaluation in his heart.

  What a pity.

  This thing does not have the function of cultivating clones. It can only help players go offline and save the progress of gene sequence development.

  It seems that the black box for producing culture chambers is not on this floor.

  But think about it, if it is on this floor, why do we need to put culture chambers in the 600 rooms on this floor?

  Can’t we just build them ourselves?

  Just when Chu Guang was feeling regretful, the door of the warehouse opened, and Heya walked in quickly from outside. As she walked towards him, she praised him.

  ”Your infirmary is really great. Not only does it have a pharmacy, but it also has a sample library. It is simply a small medical laboratory! It is much more complete than the infirmary in our shelter No. 117! Can you lend it to me?”

  ”Of course, it was originally prepared for you.”

  Seeing that Heya was so satisfied with the working environment, Chu Guang smiled. He liked hardworking employees the most!

  ”Thank you! I’m planning to start a new project, mainly focusing on the ecological environment and species research on the wasteland, and those equipment will come in handy!” Heya smiled cheerfully and said happily, “It would be great if you could lend me some more samples.”


  The samples here should refer to samples of alien species, right?

  Before Chu Guang could come to his senses, Yin Fang, who was standing next to him, suddenly took two steps forward excitedly, staring at her with his eyes fixed.

  ”Wait a minute, excuse me… Do you have implants installed?”

  Heya was slightly stunned and nodded slightly.


  ”Eyes? Hands? Or organs? Incredible… Can you lend them to me for research?”

  Looking at Yin Fang with a fanatical face, Heya’s face turned pale and she hid behind Chu Guang in fear.

  Chu Guang sighed and looked helplessly at another employee of his.

  ”You know, you look like a pervert now.”

  Yin Fang looked at Heya with a confused look and asked.

  ”You…are not a bionic man?”

  ”I just have more bionic organs installed.” Heya, who was standing behind Chu Guang, looked at him with a frosty face.

  Chu Guang, who was standing between the two, couldn’t help but hold his forehead.

  This guy is too good at talking.

  How can he say that others are bionic men!

  Not far away, Xia Yan, who was standing with Xiao Qi, suddenly muttered in a low voice.

  ”Too close.”

  Xiao Qi raised the camera and looked at the owner of the weapon shop next to him in confusion.

  Noticing Xiao Qi’s gaze, Xia Yan glanced at it.

  ”Why are you looking at me?”

  ”Xiao Qi is just curious.”


  ”Yes, Xiao Qi wants to know what strange things are in your little head. By the way, strange specifically refers to things related to reproduction.”

  Xia Yan blushed and stared at it murderously.

  ”You, you sweeping robot! What nonsense are you talking about!”

  The sweeping robot seemed to irritate Xiao Qi, and it was so angry that it turned around in place.

  ”You, you, you! Xiaoqi has decided that he will not say a word to you for 24 hours from now on.”

  Looking at this “wastebasket spinning top” spinning in place, Xia Yan rolled his eyes.

  Who cares!

  If you have the guts, don’t ask me to carry you up.


  On the first day of the new version’s launch, the forum received rave reviews.

  Previously, tasks were either thrown together on the public screen or brushed individually on a certain player’s VM. Every day, you have to worry about which one to do and which one not to do, and which person has traded with the dog planner PY again.

  Although “Wasteland OL” is still in the closed beta stage of crossing the river by feeling the stones, many players have obviously taken it seriously and regarded it as a second home outside of reality.

  Here there is the super righteous manager Shuguang, the super cute little fish, the arrogant boss Xia, the devoted old Luca, the hunter brother who always comes to visit, Dr. Yin who can connect his face to his butt, and the recently updated SSSR card.

  Tired of fast-food games and being ripped off by operators? It’s nice to occasionally play a slow-paced, non-grinding, casual game.

  Especially after playing the game all night long, you will not feel sleepy at all the next day, and you can greet the rising sun with a refreshed spirit.

  I am afraid there is no other game like this in the world.

  Official website:

  [Announcement: The exit of B3 floor of Shelter 404 is open, and more abundant underground mazes are open to players! ]

  [Deputy Captain Liu Ding of the Guard: 237 people joined the army today. Salute to you, warriors who defend peace! ]

  [Xiao Yu: The relocation of the rumbling steel plant is about to be completed. I heard that the new base is about to be established. There should be many interesting workshops. ]

  [Captain Wrench of the Guard: Who invented that bicycle? It’s so useful. I have to give him a medal! ]

  [Wasteland Tips: There were traces of death claw activity in the Elm District yesterday. Hunters in the Elm District should pay attention and be cautious in contact. Although the meat of the death claw can add buffs, remember not to eat it raw. It must be roasted before tasting! ]

  [Today’s recommended recipes: Egg Drop Rice Wine, Pretzel]


  Young Construction Site and Bricks: “Hahaha, the new version is so cool!”

  Kakarot: “Damn! There are still two days left, I’m so anxious to wait!”

  Aoao Sesame Paste: “Woo woo woo, I have already embedded my helmet on the pillow!” Quit

  Smoking: “?! What kind of weird strategy is this, no, how is this done!”

  Macabazi: “By the way, can the planting area on the B3 floor be open to players? I think something can be planted there!”

  Stop Bullshitting: “Nonsense, that’s obviously a fish tank!”

  Macabazi: “You are the fish tank, you are all The whole house is a fish tank!”

  Zhang Hai: “Mom, can you type slower? I can’t see anything!”

  Kuangfeng: “Compared to the planting area, what interests me most in the new version is the power room. I am curious whether the operator imitated the tokamak or the stellarator when designing the controlled fusion reactor, whether it used magnetic confinement, inertial confinement, or the unpopular electrostatic confinement, and what the ignition device was. But there seems to be no content in this part, which is a pity.”

  Ye Shi: “Operator: Sorry, we really haven’t thought about it that much. How about you come and make one for us. (Funny)”

  Irena: “+1, since the rifle imitates CF, then I reasonably suspect that the reactor should be copied from Overwatch. (Funny)”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “I’m so angry, isn’t my great EVE worthy?”

  What can I do with my father: “What about tokamaks and stellarators? That’s bullshit! Someone in my family is an academician of the Academy of Physics, I won’t mention his name because it involves too many things. Anyway, he told me that the fusion reactors in those games are full of loopholes, just laugh when you see them!”

  Kuangfeng: “In front of the universe, we are all frogs in the well. I think naive ideas are not ridiculous. What’s ridiculous is The self-proclaimed arrogance of maturity, thinking that he had seen the whole sky by looking at the well mouth. ”

  Ye Shi: “Fuck, Kuangfeng is actually serious! He started to say things I don’t understand! (Funny)”

  Lao Bai: “I remember Kuangfeng was teaching physics.”

  Kuangfeng: “(Slanting eyes)”

  Yirena: “Can you guys be a little more friendly to the pets? How do you know that what he said is not true? (Funny)”

  Elf King Fugui: “This old monk is very bad. You said that he is a pet, but he is still pretending to be stupid. (Funny)”

  Makabazi: “Hahahahaha!”

  The forum was full of joy.

  There was no surprise. Brother Ye Ao ran away after pretending to be tough, and did not give people a chance to tease him. Everyone speculated that this guy probably didn’t get the closed beta qualification again, and came to the forum to vent.

  Speaking of which, Brother Guang was also bad enough. He secretly gave a forum badge to the players who made reservations, which was displayed on the personal page by default.

  Now everyone knows that this guy was spraying while clicking the reservation with a disapproving mouth, which was indeed the behavior of a younger brother.


  The next day.

  All players with VMs received a server-wide announcement.

  The abandoned tire factory between the outpost and Changjiu Farm has finally been repaired, and heavy industrial facilities including the No. 81 Steel Plant have finally been relocated.

  Because it is too close to the outpost, less than five kilometers away, no new base was set up, but it was used as part of the outpost.

  In the newly built factory, [Yaer I want to go to the toilet], [Ward’s athlete’s foot who Levin] and [WC really has mosquitoes] gathered together.

  The three most cruel little players in the server are discussing something fiercely.

  Toilet: “We need an anti-aircraft weapon!”

  Levin: “It’s best to be cheap and easy to make!”

  Mosquito: “And it can be both air-to-air and anti-ground!”

  Levin: “Why don’t we make the 88 gun!”

  Brother Toilet’s eyes lit up and gave a thumbs up.

  ”This is possible!”

  The two immediately looked at Mosquito, but they didn’t expect that Mosquito didn’t brainwave with them this time.

  ”I object! The 88 gun is neither cheap nor easy to make!”

  Levin: “We didn’t say we would make an identical one, can’t we modify it?”

  Ceso: “That’s right! At most, we can make an 88mm smoothbore gun, which can still be called a 88 gun!”

  Mosquito couldn’t help but complain: “What the hell is that 88 gun! Can it shoot down an airplane?”

  Ceso: “How do you know that what we make can’t!”

  Mosquito sighed at the sky, and suddenly said with a righteous face.

  ”For the future of Shelter No. 404, it seems that we can only go our separate ways.”

  Brother Levin looked at him cautiously.

  ”By the way, what are you going to make?”

  Mosquito said with a sharp look in his eyes: “Jabber rocket launcher! I plan to change the 9 launch tubes to 12! There is a fiber that can increase the detonation speed of gunpowder, I think it will be very good!”

  Brother Ceso: “…”

  Brother Levin: “…”

  Does this thing have a record of shooting down airplanes?

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode