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Chapter 195 Another batch of fresh leeks are online

Chapter 195 Another batch of fresh leeks are online


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 195 Another batch of fresh young leeks are online

  . In the north of Linghu Wetland Park,

  there is an abandoned tire factory in the ruins.

  This was once the nest of the Blood Hand Clan, and with the demise of the Blood Hand Clan, it was once occupied by cockroaches and rats.

  Recently, due to the expansion of the activity area of ​​the residents of Shelter 404, this well-structured factory building has been reused.

  With the efforts of countless new players, the aliens that built nests here were all expelled, and NPCs set up guard posts in the surrounding high-rise buildings. Now this has become the northern industrial area of ​​the outpost, and all the light and heavy industries that were originally crowded on the south side of the sanatorium have been moved here.

  This includes the No. 81 Steel Plant, which was trained in a professional school. It

  also includes the Goblin Technology, which was born

  in a wild way. Although the generous administrator finally agreed to keep his hut on the south side of the outpost after the soft and hard persuasion of Brother Mosquito, the production activities involving chemicals and flammable and explosive materials must be moved from the vicinity of the resurrection point to here.

  It’s not that Chu Guang targeted him, but there were too many people complaining.

  This guy randomly tested weapons in the forest outside the base, either scaring away the fish in the lake or accidentally setting fire to the pine and cypress trees outside the base. In the past month, more than once, people have come to Chu Guang to protest, hoping that he can restrain Mosquito’s behavior a little.

  Chu Guang believes that Brother Mosquito did not do this intentionally, but to be honest, Chu Guang himself feels a little uneasy if he lets him continue to do this

  . There are no such problems at the old site of the tire factory. First of all, it is 5 kilometers away from the outpost base, and there is an abandoned uninhabited urban area to the east, south, west and north.

  There are enough alien species there for him to test the power of weapons.

  From now on, Brother Mosquito no longer has to risk being thrown into the lake by angry fishermen and secretly fire cannons and rockets on the lake!

  In short, under the planning of the wise and powerful administrator, the northern industrial zone will take steel and coal as the pillar industries, produce seamless steel pipes of various calibers, bullets, stamping receivers and other manufacturing products, and encourage players to be creative on this basis and make more cheap and useful things. There

  are usually no scavengers near the predator’s nest. There are abundant recyclable resources in the nearby area. Even if there is a shortage of inventory occasionally, scavengers can be hired to collect materials locally.

  The most important thing is that this place is close to the city’s elevated road. As long as the obstacles on the road and the vegetation along the way are cleared and the road surface is slightly repaired, the truck can even drive directly to the factory gate along the auxiliary road under the elevated road!

  Whether it is the advantages of transportation or resources, this place is much better than the outpost located in the wetland park.

  It is simply the gospel of industrial players!

  The “truck-accessible” factory building that originally hung with air-dried meat of unknown composition has now been transformed into the new site of the No. 81 Steel Plant.

  A circular hole was chiseled out on the top of the factory building, and a red brick chimney stood tall and drilled out of the hole.

  It was like a torch.

  On the ruins of civilization, a small but firm light was lit.


  Inside the factory building of Steel Plant No. 81.

  The blast furnace was filled with hot molten iron.

  His neck was sweaty from the heat. Li Niu unbuttoned all the buttons of his coat and fanned his palms to blow air into his neck.

  ”Today’s furnace feels twice as strong as yesterday. Is it my illusion?”

  If the two foremen wearing VMs hadn’t stopped him, he would even want to take off the fur-lined steel helmet on his head.

  Standing next to him was Wu Dahe, a neighbor from the same town, from the old Wu family next door. His family was a blacksmith, but there was not much business in winter, so there were few opportunities to open.

  When recruiting workers before, both of the old Wu family’s sons came in. The older one worked as a furnace worker like him, and also did some odd jobs. The younger one was selected to be a stick maker, operating the rollers for hot rolling under the guidance of the blue coats. Occasionally, he needed to use a hammer to hit some small pieces, but this was rare.

  ”The foreman said that the factory has received a new batch of funds, and the factory director plans to add boron to the blast furnace to try to make 50B steel… It is said that it is used to make gun barrels.”

  Li Niu looked curious.

  ”What is boron?”

  Wu Dahe took out a small stone from his pocket, shook it in front of him, and put it back.

  ”It’s this small black stone. It is said that only a small amount of it can greatly increase the strength of steel, but the amount must be controlled, not a little bit… I don’t understand it very well. Anyway, the blue coats will handle this complicated matter, and you just need to do it according to their instructions.”

  Li Niu nodded, not quite understanding, and asked again after a while.

  ”What is 50B steel?”

  Wu Dahe shook his head like a rattle and repeated the sentence just now.

  ”I don’t know, just do what they say anyway.”

  Li Niu was speechless.

  Although he didn’t get the answer he wanted, he took it as an experience in his heart.

  Adding boron will make steel more durable, but you can only add a little, not too much.

  But soon, he had other confusions in his mind. But

  how much should be added?

  Also, the steel mentioned here, is all steel OK?

  Or is it limited to certain types?

  After all, the factory’s steelmaking method is very strange. Sometimes tungsten is added, sometimes chromium and nickel are added, and sometimes silicon is added. And depending on the materials used, the use of steel is also different. Some are sent to make gun barrels, some are made into receivers, and some are used to make bicycle frames.

  The blacksmiths on Beth Street don’t have such trouble making iron. At most, they add some carbon, and the forged tools are just as good, strong and durable.

  It is said that smart blacksmiths will also specially recycle steel from scrap car frames, especially those parked in indoor garages.

  The steel forged from those materials will be much more durable than ordinary steel.

  Li Niu is not a blacksmith. Before coming here, he was just a scavenger living on Bette Street. Occasionally, he would go hunting with Yu Hu, the second son of the Yu family, because he could always find wild boars’ dens… although he himself couldn’t explain why.

  As for why he was here.

  That’s a long story.

  A week ago, the outpost industrial zone was relocated, and Old Charlie posted a notice in the square, asking for the recruitment of 5 to 10 strong workers aged between 16 and 35 to help. Not only would he be provided with two meals, but he would also be paid 1 silver coin a day.

  In the street office store on Bette Street, 1 silver coin could be exchanged for 1 kilogram of green wheat or sheep’s horn potatoes, and 50g of salt. Where

  can you usually find such a good thing?

  It was so cold, and there was nothing to do. When he heard that it would save some food for his family, Li Niu signed up without hesitation.

  As for whether the reward was chips or silver coins, not many people cared recently.

  The caravans from Boulder City had not come here since the beginning of winter. For the survivors here, anything they could exchange for food and daily necessities was money.

  The work of relocating the factory was not very laborious. They only needed to transport some large and small things out of the forest with a trailer, load them onto a truck at the north gate of the park, and then follow the truck to the abandoned tire factory in the north. Under the command of the foreman, they just had to unload the things.

  The abandoned tire factory was once the base of the Blood Hand Clan. Many residents of Beth Street were afraid to get close to it, but Li Niu was not afraid.

  The Blood Hand Clan had been wiped out, and the flag of Shelter No. 404 was flying on the roof of the factory.

  He often followed Yu Hu to visit the outpost base and knew very well that those people in blue coats were all very good people.

  And it was indeed so. The relocation work lasted for three whole days. Not only did they have meat every meal, but they were also full.

  If the work had not been done, Li Niu would have wanted to stay here forever.

  It was at that time that the foreman of the steel plant came out and extended an olive branch to them.

  Steel Plant No. 81 planned to recruit a group of contract workers, with a monthly salary of 60 silver coins, and food and accommodation in the factory. There were 4 days of vacation every month, and you could decide which day to rest. If you did a good job, you could get a commission.

  In addition to age, there were two requirements for recruitment: one was strong, and the other was literacy… Those who knew more would be given priority.

  According to the foreman, the factory would open a night school literacy class to organize workers to learn writing, arithmetic and drawing, but because they had to sign a contract, they had to at least be able to write their own names before they could sign up, and they were not allowed to let others write for them.

  That was the first time in Li Niu’s life that he realized how great it was to be educated.

  He had participated in old Charlie’s night school literacy class before, and although he had not been there many times, he at least learned to write his own name.

  Those with three-character names suffered a bit, either they could only write two, or they could only write a surname after a long time.

  In the end, there were a total of fifteen people who were left. The foreman gave them safety helmets and warm fur coats, arranged collective dormitories for them, and told them that from now on they were workers of the No. 81 Steel Plant.

  As long as they work hard, they can bring their families to settle down in the future.

  Li Niu didn’t think so far ahead. His current life was enough to make him feel extremely happy.

  Wearing the fur coat issued by the factory, he even felt a little hot standing in the factory. Every time he changed shifts, he would go out to blow the cool wind.

  This kind of wonderful life was something he had never dared to think about before!

  Looking at the molten iron in the blast furnace, Li Niu couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

  ”Yu Hu, that kid, is always careless in his studies. I have to find a way to persuade him…”

  The wind-down time was over.

  As the molten iron in the blast furnace reached the expected temperature

  , under the instruction of the foreman, Li Niu and another worker cooperated to manipulate the joystick of the control machine to move the suspended blast furnace to the mold for casting and make a stick-shaped billet.

  The motor started.

  The rollers under the billet began to work.

  Under the transportation of a row of rollers, the stick-shaped billet was sent to the punching machine, and punched and drilled by a special high-temperature resistant drill.

  ”The temperature of the billet dropped too fast.”

  ”Indeed… We have to think of a way to get the hot stamping technology out, stamp directly in the mold, and keep the quenching state.”

  ”Can this barrel be thinner? Otherwise, the barrel is too heavy, has no mobility, and consumes materials.”

  ”Try your best. With such a large caliber, I’m afraid it will explode if it is made too thin.”

  Brother Ce Suo and Brother Levin, standing in front of the production equipment, pointed at the equipment at work and whispered to each other.

  As for why the two of them are so motivated?

  Because just this morning, they had just come online, and suddenly received a research and development fund of 5,500 silver coins!

  Maybe it was because the administrator was moved by their hard work. From now on, the research and development of new equipment can obtain special funds as long as the drawings and budgets are submitted according to the process. No longer need to pay for research and development for love!

  In addition to solving their urgent needs, the respected administrator also allocated two hibernation capsules for them, saying that it was a reward for their hard work.

  This hibernation capsule is a good thing!

  In the future, they don’t have to go back to the shelter, and they can go online and offline directly in the factory.

  If other players know about it, they will be jealous and crazy!

  Happiness comes too suddenly.

  However, Brother Ceso and Brother Levin were not stunned by this sudden happiness.

  They know the sour people on the forum too well. If they know that they have received so many benefits, they will definitely clamor for a cut.

  Therefore, the two of them did not make any noise, and made a fortune in a low-key manner. They hired scavengers to recycle the good steel and materials in the wasteland, rented the machine tools in the shelter to cut the required parts, and worked hard to increase the production capacity of the steel plant, secretly expanding and strengthening the steel industry.

  They decided to show their real skills to these cloud players who can only eat lemons and shout “I can do it too”.

  What is a real war machine!

  What I may not be able to do!


  [Announcement for the whole server: The northern industrial zone of the outpost has been fully started. In addition to the upgraded facilities, a total of 37 wastelanders have chosen to become workers and joined our great cause. (Industrial Index +100, Prosperity +50)]


  Base Name: Outpost BaseBase

  Level: Village (LV1)

  Prosperity: 100→150Industrial

  Index: 250→350Business

  Index: 150Requirements

  : Food, Weapons, Building MaterialsPreferences

  : Exploration (Scavenging Mission Income +10%), Industrialization (Factory Order and Production Mission Income +10%)


  On the fourth day of the new version being launched, production in the northern industrial zone of the outpost base was in full swing.

  At this moment, the B3 floor of the shelter below the base was also bustling with activity.

  The helmet finally completed activation, and three hundred players entered the game at the same time. Under the guidance of the broadcast, they came to the square in the center of the floor one after another, blocking the hall in front of the elevator tower on the B3 floor.

  ”There are so many newcomers this time!”

  ”And the quality seems to be good, and there are a few fewer weirdos who are making a fuss than last time!”

  ”Very good, it seems that the threshold for making an appointment to answer questions has been upgraded again.”

  ”By the way, have you seen any lucky players who have drawn alien units?”

  ”Not yet, the manager hasn’t started talking yet, most likely everyone hasn’t arrived yet, they are probably still dawdling in the room, let’s wait and see!”

  The Fountain Commander, standing in the corner of the square, looked through the crowd, looking for potential stocks among the newcomers, ready to start “passing the fire” as soon as the manager finished speaking.

  Although he didn’t want to start training from a newcomer, he had no choice, his two teammates were too bad!

  One of them was [I am the darkest], and the other was [Battlefield atmosphere group]. They were a group of people who were hiding in the dungeon when fighting monsters. Not only did he always have to hold the front with an intelligence system, but he was also always thinking about his equipment.

  In order to advance to the T0 echelon, the Fountain Commander decided to train a few obedient and useful newbies to be the front row.

  It would be best if they were relatively strong strength systems, or physical systems that could carry the load would also be good.

  If it was an alien player like Meat Mountain Big Mom, it would be even better!

  After all, there was someone holding the front, and he, wearing “pseudo-powered armor”, had an output environment.

  Just then, there was a commotion in the crowd.

  A little player who had just walked into the hall was groping on her head with her hands in a daze.

  Her nickname was Aoao Sesame Paste.

  For some reason, her game character was a little different from others.

  A pair of furry animal ears emerged from her hair, replacing human ears, and looked like some kind of headdress.

  ”Huh, huh, huh? Why are my ears on top of my head?”

  ”Didn’t you notice when you were in the room?”

  ”I, I, I don’t know. There’s no mirror in the room. I thought my hair was curled up after sleeping.” The expression on her face was so funny that it was hard to tell whether it was surprise or astonishment. Is

  this considered an SSSR?

  But it doesn’t seem to have any attribute bonuses…

  The players around her were excited.

  Is this testing krypton gold skins?


  It seems that there is hope for the public beta! !

  Tail’s eyes sparkled: “Cat ears! Damn, there are more and more European emperors!”

  Sisi: “Oh, there are more alien friends.”

  Tail: “Si! Pass the fire!”

  Sisi: “Oh, charge!”

  One wave has not subsided, another wave rises, and soon there is a commotion in the crowd.

  But this time it is not a surprise, but a shock.

  ”Ahhh! Alien!”

  ”Fuck! Why are there rats here!”

  ”Call the guards!”

  ”Hurry up and get my spear!”

  The first to be startled were the players on the edge of the square, and then the commotion spread among the crowd.

  ”I’m not a rat… Fuck! I’m a player, okay?”

  Looking at the people running away from him, the little player in the middle of the crowd – or the rat man, didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

  By the way, is this considered an SSSR?

  It should be, right?

  But the price is a bit miserable, losing the right to choose a mate on the spot.

  Although he is quite satisfied with his appearance, other players – especially female players, don’t seem to think so.

  After waiting for a long time, no one came up to rub him.


  These people who love beauty!

  Is it so real?

  Chu Guang, standing in front of the elevator tower, was also puzzled.

  Cat ears are fine… It

  ’s probably the first-generation manager’s bad taste.

  What the hell is this one-meter-tall rat?

  Before opening the can, he couldn’t see the specific data of the clones in the culture chamber, so this kind of “summoning accident” also happens from time to time.


  ID: Stronger than

  othersGene sequence: Alien·RatmanLevel

  : LV.0

  ——Basic attributes——

  Strength: 3Agility

  : 3Constitution

  : 3Perception


  5Intelligence: 3




  Fast synthesis: The active substance consumption of synthesized clones is reduced to 50% of the standard value, and the synthesis time is shortened to 24 hours.

  Iron stomach: A strong digestive system that can adapt to rotten food.


  Open the system and enter the player list.

  Looking at the latest scan data of the player’s culture chamber, Chu Guang’s face showed a hint of interest.

  ”There is no debuff that is difficult to upgrade the sequence level.”

  However, in contrast, the panel data of the ratman is very weak. Except for the perception of 5, the other attributes are only 3, which is equivalent to 60% of a normal adult male.

  ”The main attribute should be perception.”

  Chu Guang originally thought that at least the agility attribute would be a little higher, but it turned out not to be the case.

  The only advantage of this gene sequence is probably the BUFF provided by [Fast Synthesis] and [Iron Stomach].

  ”The resurrection cost of 0.5 units of active substances, and the synthesis time of 24 hours… this is quite awesome.”

  ”And the talent of Iron Stomach… if you can overcome the psychological barriers, it should save a lot of food.”

  In addition, another advantage is probably that the body is small and can shuttle freely in the ruins.

  As for the shortcomings of the panel attributes… if the first awakening can’t fill this gap, I’m afraid I can only rely on mechanical transformation.

  Or take the route of biological and drug enhancement?

  For some reason, Chu Guang thought of the Skaven in Warhammer.

  The plague army all over the mountains is simply a nightmare for the human empire.

  But unfortunately.

  The ratman here is an orphan…

  Chu Guang thought in his heart, why not give this guy a “hidden professional task”, upgrade to level three, give him a cultivation cabin, and let him go out to play in the wild.

  As for the little player with cat ears, what surprised Chu Guang was that her gene sequence did not have an alien prefix, and she was just an ordinary agility player.

  The only difference is the talent column——

  【Animal ears: I originally planned to create a leopard man, and only the partial expression of the ears was an accident. But except that it may be inconvenient to make a phone call, it seems that there is no harm. It depends on you——the first generation manager. 】

  Chu Guang: …

  This line of instructions is not suitable to appear in the player’s attribute column. Let’s change it later.

  Standing next to Chu Guang, Yin Fang stared at the mouse that spoke human language. After holding it in for a long time, he finally couldn’t help but say.

  ”Before the war… Whether it is implanting animal DNA fragments into human embryos or transplanting human DNA fragments into animals, it is a taboo among taboos. How did the person who invented this technology research these things without being discovered by anyone and without any external funding support?”


  How did he do it?

  Chu Guang was also curious about this question.

  Including the morphogenetic field that even the “former D-level explorer of the academy” had never heard of.

  ”Maybe it was made in the shelter.”

  Yin Fang looked at Chu Guang with a weird face.

  ”Are you kidding? In the shelter? With that half-baked medical laboratory?”

  Chu Guang’s eyes lit up, and he touched his chin thoughtfully.

  ”This is an interesting idea, maybe it’s really possible.”

  To be honest, he didn’t think there was anything strange about creating species.

  Aren’t mutants an example?

  To borrow the words of a corporate employee with a terrible alcohol tolerance, out-of-control technology is spreading across this land, and it’s not surprising that anything strange happens.

  Yin Fang: “…”

  Unlike Yin Fang’s surprise at the background of the technology’s development, He Ya, who was standing on the other side of Chu Guang, was shocked by the fact that “mice can actually talk.”

  Although it was a language she couldn’t understand at all, she was sure that it was talking!

  This was incredible!

  ”Bears, lizards, and mice with human minds…how did they do it?”

  Suddenly, He Ya looked at Chu Guang eagerly, clasped her hands together, and said in a praying manner.

  ”Can you give me some samples? No need for tissue sections, a little blood will be enough!”

  ”I have authorized you to obtain the DNA data of the residents of the shelter,

  and you can view it on the terminal in the infirmary.” Although Chu Guang did not expect her to crack the secrets hidden in the gene sequence, it was not bad as a project carried out simultaneously with the research on alien species.

  After all, there are only so many alien species active in the northern suburbs, and his players cannot always get new samples.

  Heya said excitedly.

  ”Has the collection been completed? That’s great!”

  If the crowd had not blocked the road, she would have wanted to rush into the laboratory right now.

  Yin Fang, who was standing aside, pinched his brows.

  Is it an illusion?

  He always felt that, except for himself, no one in the entire shelter was normal…

  (The next chapter should be around eleven o’clock!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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