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Chapter 196: Targeted by the Dog Plan!

Chapter 196: Targeted by the Dog Plan!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 196 Targeted by the Dog Planner!

  In the crowd, the Rat Man brother was lamenting the fickleness of the world, when suddenly a big, broad and warm hand was placed on his shoulder.

  He looked up and saw that it was a person.

  And he didn’t look afraid of him.

  ”Brother! Pass on the fire?” The Fountain Commander stared at his big round nose with a sharp gaze, as if he had discovered a treasure.

  [Forced to Do Something] was stunned for a moment.

  ”Pass, pass on the fire?”

  ”Pass on the torch! It’s that novice task!” The Fountain Commander smiled with a sunny smile, revealing a mouthful of white teeth, “Don’t worry about so much, just follow me, I will help you upgrade!”

  Help you upgrade?

  There is such a good thing? !

  [Forced to Do Something] nodded excitedly.

  ”Okay, brother, I will follow you from now on!”

  The corners of the Fountain Commander’s mouth were about to crack with joy.

  This batch of newcomers are too easy to please!

  However, at this moment, a shit-stirring stick suddenly came across.

  ”Brother! Don’t follow him, follow me! I promise to help you show off and fly!”

  Mosquito, who held the rat’s shoulders with both hands and pushed the fountain away, had an excited look on his face, as if he had drawn five golden legends in a row.

  Seeing someone ruining his own business, the commander of the fountain certainly couldn’t stand it, and snatched the fat rat back.

  ”Brother, don’t listen to him! This guy is the most unreliable!”

  Hearing someone say that he was unreliable, Mosquito instantly became anxious.

  ”Fuck! Who are you saying is unreliable! Touch the pieces of steel on your exoskeleton, doesn’t your conscience hurt?”

  It would have been fine if he didn’t mention this.

  As soon as he mentioned this, the commander of the fountain couldn’t help but spray.

  ”How dare you say that! I went to the No. 81 steel plant to ask! They only need 150 silver to make it!”

  Mosquito’s expression was instantly embarrassed, and he looked away and scratched his cheek.

  ”Ahem, this includes the design cost of 50 silver coins… I have to make some money.”

  ”What do you mean by a little?!”

  [Forced], who was sandwiched between the two, blinked his green bean-sized eyes, with a confused expression on his blank face.

  In the last second, he was still sighing that he had chosen an orphan race, and before his good friends came online, he was afraid that he would have to open up the wasteland alone.

  Unexpectedly, he was unexpectedly popular?

  This happiness came too suddenly.


  ”Recruiting newbies with strength, the tree-cutting convoy is leaving, and you will go from 0 to 1 in two days!”

  ”The B3 floor entrance and exit tunnel is leaving! Are there any newbies who want to get on the bus!”

  ”Are there any intelligence-type ones? If you don’t understand, just ask, where can I buy drones and implants?”

  ”In a dream.”


  After the daily lecture,

  Chu Guang left the time for the players, and turned back to the B1 floor of the shelter, sitting in front of the computer in the administrator’s office for a while.

  Chu Guang, who was sitting here, could easily grasp the movements of these new players through the old players who received the task of passing on the torch and the records of entering and leaving the shelter.

  Some of the players who planned to take the combat career route received the hunter profession and followed the old players to the underground tunnel.

  Another part was taken to the surface.

  With the liberation of Street 76, there is a large urban area in the east of the shelter waiting to be opened up, and his little players have discovered many high-quality resource points.

  With the increase in the number of players, in order to improve management efficiency, Chu Guang is trying to increase the workload of NPCs as much as possible, reduce the frequency of personally issuing tasks, and focus more on the allocation of human resources and the control of the general direction. There are

  112 people at the Huayuan Street subway station, 121 people in the tunnel at the exit of the B3 floor, and a total of 233 players exploring the “underground world”. There are a

  total of 255 people in Changjiu Farm, Yumu District Forest Farm and the abandoned urban area in the north. Except for some players who are performing special tasks, the rest are basically near the outpost.

  Chu Guang took a general look at the distribution of player types on the map through the program that Xiaoqi helped to make.

  The outpost is dominated by players of life professions, accounting for 60%, mainly concentrated in the new industrial zone and the old industrial zone in the south of the sanatorium.

  Frontline areas such as Changjiu Farm are dominated by players of combat professions, accounting for as high as 70%, of which soldiers account for 20%, hunters account for 20%, and scavengers account for 30%.

  In addition, the core/non-core NPC configuration, resource status, and remaining storage of each area are also reflected in the table.

  It’s a pity that the little people on the map cannot be dragged.

  Otherwise, it will really become an RTS game.


  Chu Guang said casually after hearing Xiao Qi’s voice.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  Xiao Qi, who was squatting in the corner, said quietly.

  ”Xiao Qi always feels that you are getting lazier and lazier.”

  ”What do you know?” Chu Guang laughed, leaned back on the computer chair, and said leisurely, “This wave is called catching the big and letting go of the small, reducing micro-operation.”

  Xiao Qi didn’t say a word after hearing this.

  What the master said is getting harder and harder to understand.

  In order to avoid ambiguity, it has to check it online first.


  North-east of the outpost, about 16 kilometers away in a straight line, is the site of the Zhongzhou Aerospace Ecological Laboratory surrounded by forests.

  In the messy hall, hundreds of corpses of gnawers were lying in a mess.

  Kicking the crawler lying on the ground, Kuangfeng pulled out the javelin from its body, wiped off the black blood on it, and put it back into the javelin bag.

  ”By the way, the newbies should be online by now.”

  Fang Chang glanced at the time on the VM.

  ”It’s almost time, they should be online, I wonder if there are any newbies who have drawn SSR European emperors.”

  Ye Shi said with a grin.

  ”How do you know it must be European emperors? What if it’s a non-African like Trash Brother?”

  Lao Bai said with a smile.

  ”Hahaha, bullying Trash Brother again! He’s actually pretty good, at least he’s been the boss for two versions.”

  About half an hour ago, the cattle and horse team that took a truck at the north gate of the wetland park arrived here.

  According to the data analysis results provided by Yin Fang, the head of the scientific expedition team, the No. 3 Ecological Park located below the No. 3 Experimental Building is still in operation, and the reactor and fuel rods they are looking for are in the Ecological Park.

  As the strongest combat force in the entire server, the hexagonal all-round cattle and horse team is naturally more than enough to deal with a group of novice experience packs.

  Even the “small BOSS” crawler in the previous versions could not stop the “anti-armor javelin” thrown by Lao Bai and Kuangfeng at the same time.

  That thing is like a cannonball.

  With a steel spearhead, two shots hitting the upper body can directly make the crawler lose half of its combat effectiveness.

  If it hits the head, it will be killed on the spot!

  It’s even better than a bullet!

  At present, among the slime mold aliens, only the “tyrant” in the background setting can pose a substantial threat to them.

  It is said that the hardened skin of that thing is quite fierce, and it can even withstand rifle fire. It is estimated that it will be a bit difficult to break the defense.

  However, this is a far suburb far from the city, and the activity density of mutant slime mold is very low. It is basically impossible to encounter this kind of alien species that can only be encountered in areas where mutant slime mold is highly active. Fang

  Chang, carrying a mechanical compound bow, walked to the side of the lobby reception desk, rummaged through the drawer for a while, and found a book with a floor plan printed on it.

  ”The entrance to the underground ecological park should be in the middle of the corridor on our right hand side, where there is an elevator that is still working… the same information provided by Dr. Yin Fang.”

  ”It seems that the data we found in the security room came in handy,” Lao Bai hung the crowbar on the exoskeleton, took off the “Sickle” assault rifle from his back, grinned and said, “Let’s go and take a look.”

  From the map, the ecological park is located on the underground floor of the laboratory, and there is only one elevator and a fire escape to enter. The

  area here is nearly 15 acres, about the size of a football field.

  Even after 200 years, the ultraviolet light on the ceiling is still on.

  However, due to lack of care, the ecological environment here has obviously been out of control, and the number of broad-leaved plants has an absolute advantage, and the whole thing has become a tropical rainforest.

  Instead of taking the elevator, the group took the more reliable fire escape and entered through two gates.

  The hot and humid air hit them in the face.

  Looking at the palm leaves swaying in front of his nose and the surprising scene in front of him, Ye Shi couldn’t help but whisper.

  ”Is the environment here imitating a tropical island? I actually feel a little hot.”

  ”After all, the temperature here is as high as 30 degrees…” Lao Bai, who was wearing heavy armor, took the initiative to walk in front and looked around. “There are no survivors staring at this place?”

  At this moment, Ye Shi suddenly frowned slightly and looked back behind him.

  ”Wait, why do I feel… someone is approaching us.”

  Lao Bai was slightly stunned.

  ”Is it true?”

  Although he asked this question, Ye Shi was the highest perception in the whole server after all. After hearing this, the three of them immediately became alert.

  Kuangfeng asked cautiously.

  ”Is it behind or in front of it.”

  Ye Shi frowned and tried to concentrate.

  ”They should have come from behind, but I’m not sure if they followed us in or found this place on their own.”

  ”Whether they followed us in or not, seeing the situation in the hall, they must have realized that we are here.”

  Fang Chang took the mechanical compound bow from his back and gave his teammates a look.

  ”Prepare for battle.”


  At the same time, in the hall where the Cow and Horse Squad had stayed before.

  About twenty wastelanders arrived here.

  Their equipment was extremely simple, and the clothes made of animal skins barely covered their bodies, and they were hung with some strange ornaments.

  Some of them held iron barrel rifles, some carried hunting rifles on their shoulders, and some held homemade automatic weapons, or simply did not have guns, only a baseball bat tied with wire and a machete with a rolled blade.

  ”There is a shell on the ground.”

  The man with tattoos on his face squatted down, picked up a shell from the ground, narrowed his eyes slightly, and stood up and glanced around.

  ”The blood is also new…”

  ”Someone has been here!”

  Judging from the respectful attitude of others, he is the leader here.

  The curly-haired man standing next to him whispered.

  ”It seems that someone else has set his sights on this place.”

  The man with the tattoo on his face gave the order without any nonsense, staring at the corridor in front with a vulture-like gaze.

  ”They should still be here.”

  ”Find them out.”

  ”Yes!” The curly-haired man respectfully accepted the order and led his brothers to move towards the corridor.


  In the ecological park.

  The elevator slowly descended and stopped on the ground.

  Looking at the five men dressed in predator costumes, they walked out of the elevator with alert expressions. Judging from the way they held their weapons, they were ready for battle.

  I couldn’t understand the chattering.

  Ye Shi, who was lying behind the lush vegetation, had already set up his sniper rifle and quietly gestured to Lao Bai, saying to his lips.

  ”I feel that they are not good people… How do you say, do you want to fight or not?”

  Lao Bai was silent for a while, still weighing it in his heart.

  However, Fang Chang, who was next to him, had already made a judgment. He pulled out an explosive arrow from his back, put it on the bowstring of the mechanical compound bow, and said in a voice that was lowered to the limit.

  ”There are two possibilities. If they are not coming for the reactor, then they are coming for us.”

  Kuangfeng, who was not far away from him, seemed to think the same as him. He had already grasped a throwing knife in his right hand, ready to attack at any time.

  Lao Bai was silent in his heart, looked at Ye Shi who was standing aside, and gently pointed his left hand at the high-threat target holding the automatic rifle.

  ’That is left to you.’

  ’Got it.’

  Ye Shi, who was lying on the ground, understood what he meant. He put his eyes on the scope, put his index finger on the trigger, took a deep breath, and was about to fire.

  However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

  The chattering of those predators seemed to disturb the creatures in the jungle. Only a sound of rapid running was heard, running from one side of the dense forest towards the direction of the elevator.

  ”Who is it!”

  ”Who is there!”

  The five predators standing next to the elevator immediately aimed their weapons at the monster, but they didn’t expect that the person coming was not a human at all!

  Fear was printed in all five pairs of pupils.

  Before they could pull the trigger, the four-meter-long black shadow rushed out of the forest and approached them in a few breaths.

  The sharp claws like blades pierced the chest, and before the prey even screamed, the unlucky guy holding the shotgun was torn in half.


  ”Damn it! Fire! Fire!”

  The fear was boiling in an instant.

  The predator holding the automatic rifle, regardless of his companion being bitten, fired wildly at the monster’s back, and his index finger almost broke the trigger. ”


  The monster let out an angry roar after being hit hard on the back. The swift claws swung out again, and like cutting tofu, it actually cut the man in half!

  The flames at the muzzle flickered.

  Gunshots rang out in the forest!

  Looking at the four-meter-tall monster, its thick tail and shocking claws – and the prey torn into pieces by it, the four members of the Ox-Horse Squad’s faces changed wildly.

  Death Claw!

  According to the official database, it is one of the most ferocious beasts in the wasteland!

  At this moment, Fang Chang finally understood why no survivors had set their sights on this place…

  Ye Shi swallowed his saliva, his eyes full of disbelief.

  His perception actually did not detect this monster at all!

  ”…Do you still want to fight?” He looked at Lao Bai nervously, his palms full of sweat.

  Lao Bai gritted his teeth and made a decision.

  ”Retreat first.”

  While the Death Claw did not find them and was still feasting on the prey on the ground, they could slip away from the safe passage not far behind them.

  However, at this moment, the gate of the safe passage suddenly opened, and a series of dense footsteps came from behind them. The

  Death Claw’s ears moved slightly, and it raised its head from the body of the prey when it heard the movement. Its amber pupils shrank slightly, and a cruel hissing sound leaked from under its sharp teeth.

  It is excited!

  Prey actually came to the door!

  Lao Bai and Fang Chang’s faces changed wildly. They were in an awkward position, sandwiched between the beast and the predators…

  Kuang Feng couldn’t help but curse.


  Targeted by the dog plan!

  Lao Bai made a prompt decision and shouted loudly.


  (Sorry, it’s a little late… embarrassing.)

   Thanks to “Zuo Yin Sala Zijun” for the leader reward~~~~


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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