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Chapter 197: Brave and Fearless, the Rolling Demonic Tide

Chapter 197: Brave and Fearless, the Rolling Demonic Tide


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 197: Brave and fearless, the rolling demon tide

  In front of the basement, the demon soldiers roared and besieged, and there was chaos.

  Yang Shifei, who was trapped in the enemy’s formation, remained calm in the face of danger, and his fists whistled and shook. He fought three times and was as fierce as a killing god, and no one could stop him.

  ”This child Shifei”

  Yan Lingshuang saw the battle and couldn’t help but look surprised.

  Although she had seen it in Bingtan, it was the first time she knew that this boy was so brave and fearless.

  Facing the siege of demons, he only used a pair of iron fists to fight bravely, and his fighting methods were even more vigorous and decisive.

  For a time, Yang Shifei blocked the enemy tide with his own strength, and even became more and more courageous, and he didn’t know what fatigue was.

  ”Is it too…”

  Yan Lingshuang was more and more dumbfounded, and whispered with her plump lips: “Too brave?”

  Although these demon soldiers were not highly cultivated, none of them reached the level of Grandmaster. But facing a group attack, even a real Grandmaster would be beaten and run away.

  However, Shifei was able to take advantage of the terrain and fight against dozens of people alone without losing the upper hand.

  ”Although the young master has not been practicing martial arts for long, his talent is amazing.”

  Luo Xian’er smiled lightly: “If he enters the military camp, he will definitely become a fierce general.”

  After Yan Lingshuang sighed in her heart, she couldn’t help but worry:

  ”Are we really just watching from behind?”

  ”Of course not.”

  Luo Xian’er looked a little serious: “Aunt Shuang, can you use the Taiwu Holy Soldier?”

  Yan Lingshuang subconsciously looked at the big sword: “I have used it a few times after I ascended the throne, but there are too many rules, and I no longer use it over time. Xian’er, do you want to…”

  ”Huang Hong and others will come sooner or later. If you want to slay demons and eliminate monsters, you must use the Holy Soldier.”

  Luo Xian’er pondered and said: “Have you ever thought that the Holy Soldier only needs to be stored and can suppress the foul aura within a radius of hundreds of miles. How powerful is this?

  If we can concentrate this power and gather it on the sword, I think that even the monsters at the level of heaven and man will not be the enemy in a few moves.”

  Yan Lingshuang was shocked when he heard it.

  ”Aunt Shuang, you are more familiar with this holy weapon.”

  Luo Xian’er drew the big sword and handed it to her: “Let Yue Rui and I help you protect the law. While the young master is delaying, comprehend the use of this sword.”


  Yan Lingshuang looked solemn, holding the sword and calming her mind, once again sensing the spirituality of the sword.

  As one of the contemporary sword saints, and still the master of this sword, she soon comprehended some of its wonderful uses.


  Yang Shifei’s palms came out at the same time, and the fierce internal energy burst out, instantly knocking down several people.

  The magic knife wrapped around his arm turned into dozens of broken blades, whistling and dancing, blocking all the slashes and thrusts from all sides.

  With the magic knife focusing on defense, he shuttled through the enemy formation like a fish in water. As soon as his fists and palms came out, several people flew out, as if they were hit by a heavy hammer, and blood and flesh splattered.

  ”——Little thief, accept your death!”

  Behind the tide of soldiers, a burly man stepped on the crowd and flew over, roaring angrily, raised the Guandao and chopped it down with all his strength.

  Yang Shifei had just kicked the two men over, and turned around to attack them with a punch!


  The sword and fist collided head-on, and the ground under Yang Shifei’s feet sank, cracks appeared, and strong winds scattered. The

  burly man’s pupils shrank slightly, and he saw that his fist was wrapped in pieces of black blades, like a fist armor.


  Yang Shifei swung the sword, and his fist suddenly changed, and he attacked fiercely with several moves.

  The burly man hurriedly blocked with his sword, and raised his palm to hit him several times, but was shocked by the terrifying internal force and retreated again and again.

  ”This man is so powerful!”

  He secretly clenched his right fist, only to feel his arm numb from the shock.

  After twenty years in the army, this was the first time he met a young warrior with such advanced boxing skills and such terrifying strength.

  Seeing Yang Shifei charging into the battle array again, the burly man couldn’t help but narrow his eyes: “The weapon on this man’s arm is also quite strange, it can be transformed at will”

  ”Compared to me, you are still more weird.”

  Yang Shifei knocked two more soldiers away, shoulder-butted and knocked over three people, and kicked the burly man back a few steps.

  ”What did you say?!”

  The burly man stood firm and raised his knife angrily: “You, a scoundrel, sneaked into my Yan State’s forbidden area, and dared to ridicule-”

  ”Didn’t you notice it?”

  Yang Shifei snatched a spear from a man and swung it fiercely. A whirlwind suddenly arose, and more than a dozen soldiers were knocked to the ground with screams.

  Then he took the spear and twisted his waist, and suddenly threw it forward with force, turning into an afterimage and penetrating into the enemy’s formation, piercing through several people.

  ”You have an extra arm and an extra head behind you.”


  The burly man frowned slightly.

  Immediately, his neck turned 180 degrees to his back, and his eyes met the other head.

  ”What’s so strange about this?”

  He turned his head back with two clicks, and his face became even more angry: “Little thief, you dare to tease me with words?!”

  Yang Shifei’s expression remained cold, and his heart was calm. He punched into the battle again.

  No matter whether these soldiers and generals were loyal or evil in their lifetime, or whether they were forced to do so. Now they are just empty shells, just puppets driven by filth. What

  he has to do is to wipe out all the invading troops in the future, so that these Yan people can rest in peace as soon as possible.

  There was a flash of fire in the imperial mausoleum, and people kept pouring in.

  At the foot of the mountain, the filthy cold air was like a tide, and the black wind covered the sky!

  The mighty army lined up one by one, and under their helmets, they all had hideous faces, like walking corpses.

  ”——It is Yan Lingshuang indeed.”

  In the center of the army, the dragon chariot was carried out by dozens of attendants.

  The King of Zhennan sat on a chair in a dragon robe, his face stern: “General Huang, you didn’t do well and didn’t kill her.”

  ”It’s beyond my expectation.”

  With heavy footsteps, a giant who was five or six feet tall slowly walked over, carrying a long spear on his shoulder, wearing armor, and his face was even more terrifying like a ghost.

  ”Do you want to set fire to the mountain and force her out of the imperial mausoleum?”

  ”Cut the Gordian knot quickly, no need to delay.”

  The corners of the King of Zhennan’s mouth gradually cracked: “You and the four old guardians will lead the army to attack the imperial mausoleum and take Yan Lingshuang’s body. With her heavenly cultivation, she will definitely be able to be used by us.”

  Huang Hong glanced back.

  In the palace, flesh and blood piled up layer by layer, interweaving into a high tower, countless corpses flowed in it, gradually forming a distorted face.


  A low roar came from the flesh and blood tower, and the whole palace beat like a heart.

  Huang Hong said in a deep voice: “All the people in the area of ​​dozens of miles have been eaten. The ‘Prime Minister’ and his men have not eaten for a day. They are really hungry. It’s time to eat some meat.”

  Four old guardians came from behind, with bursts of black smoke coming out of their facial features. They said hoarsely: “It seems that there are other people in the basement. A young man is blocking the way.”

  ”As long as you are not a celestial being, you are all ants.”

  Huang Hong took the lead and stepped on the long steps of the mountain.

  The demon army followed in an orderly manner, and gusts of gloomy wind rolled up.

  Until he stepped into the gate of the imperial mausoleum, Huang Hong slowly raised the heavy war halberd, his arms muscles knotted and violently slammed against the mountain top!


  Instantly, the rocks shattered and flew, as if the whole mountain top was shaking.

  Huang Hong’s throat seemed to thunder, and bright red lines appeared on his dark body, spreading to the flesh-and-blood war halberd in his hand, and evil light shone everywhere.


  The war halberd slammed into the imperial mausoleum again and again, with a force of ten thousand kilograms, gradually drilling through and smashing the entire hill.

  Dust and smoke rose up, and half of the imperial mausoleum was almost smashed down. Countless soldiers were chopped into pieces.

  But Huang Hong didn’t care about it. He turned his waist and raised his halberd horizontally, and swept it with all his strength – snap


  The whole mountain was cut in half, and countless broken stones and bricks were blown away, scattered all over the mountains and forests like cannonballs.

  The basement deep in the imperial mausoleum was even blown off, exposed under the dark clouds.

  ”You are already dead.”

  Huang Hong held the halberd and looked down at the ruins of the imperial mausoleum indifferently. Under the cover of darkness, it was like a terrifying demon god.

  ”——It’s hard to say who will live and who will die.”

  A sarcastic sneer came from the smoke and dust.

  The collapsed stone wall was suddenly pushed open, and Luo Xian’er and Yue Rui’s pretty faces were cold, their skirts and hair fluttered in the wind, and their murderous intent gradually rose.

  Yang Shifei was protected by the two women behind him. He waved away the dust and raised his head with a grin:

  ”You, who are you?”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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