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Chapter 197 Captured by the Predators?

Chapter 197 Captured by the Predators?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 197 Captured by the Predators?

  Everyone will die one day, some are heavier than Mount Tai, some are lighter than a feather.

  If it were in reality, Lao Bai felt that he would probably hesitate for a long time before making such a decision, after all, it means that there are too many things to give up.

  But fortunately, this is a game world.

  And in games, you can die many times.

  Without even a second of hesitation, his body had already made a choice –


  While roaring and shouting this word loudly, Lao Bai raised the sickle assault rifle in his hand and pulled the trigger at the Death Claw who was looking at the wind.

  Da Da Da -!

  The muzzle spewed out a tongue of fire, and the bullets whizzed across the green vegetation and rushed towards the direction of the monster.

  Blood splattered on the black scales, and the Death Claw let out a painful roar.

  With a sudden force on its powerful feet, it dodged the bullets from the side and rushed towards Lao Bai, swiftly swinging its claws.

  Lao Bai was not panicked at all. He adjusted the output power of the exoskeleton to the maximum. His seemingly bulky body was like a rabbit, flexibly dodging the fatal blow that was whistling at him, and hiding in the dense forest behind him by circling the palm tree trunk as thick as his thigh. The

  immobile palm tree was not so lucky.

  It was torn into pieces as if it had been hit by a bulldozer.

  Seeing that the prey had avoided the fatal blow, the death claw let out an angry growl, and his amber eyes looked around vigilantly. Without hesitating for half a second, he immediately locked the direction of the prey’s escape and chased after it swiftly.

  Looking at Lao Bai who was dodging in the opposite direction from himself and others, Fang Chang was suddenly startled. Before he could ask Lao Bai what he was going to do, he heard Lao Bai’s roar at the top of his voice.

  ”You go to the elevator! Don’t bother me!”

  Ye Shi said in shock.

  ”What the hell? What do you want to do, Lao Bai?”

  ”Do something big!”

  Kuangfeng’s right hand, Fang Chang’s bow, and the sniper that Ye Shi seized from the mercenaries in Boulder City – although his exoskeleton was not cheap, he could still rely on his strength talent to output without the exoskeleton, but they couldn’t.

  Lao Bai never thought that he could survive to the end. How could anyone not die once in an MMORPG?

  Since he was standing in the front row, he was ready to sacrifice his life for his teammates.

  ”Speaking of which, I haven’t died once in this game.”

  I don’t know what it feels like to die in the game.

  According to those people on the forum, it seems to be a matter of closing your eyes and opening them –


  The roar from behind made Lao Bai dare not be distracted, and all his attention was focused on running.

  However, the death claw was too flexible!

  If he was like a rabbit running into the woods, that guy was just like a rampaging Gundam, and ordinary vegetation could not stop it at all.

  Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and before Lao Bai could react, there was a dull sound on his back, which made him stagger forward with his exoskeleton and almost fall to the ground.

  The tooth-grinding friction sound made his heart rise to his throat, but fortunately, the adaptive gait of the exoskeleton allowed him to stabilize his body and not fall.

  Feeling the wind leaking from his back, Lao Bai didn’t dare to look back, and continued to run forward with all his strength.

  This claw directly pierced three cracks in the steel plate behind him!

  Fortunately, there was a steel plate to block it!

  Otherwise, he would have been dead just now!

  Seeing that he could not support Lao Bai, Fang Chang gritted his teeth, raised the mechanical compound bow in his hand, buckled the bowstring to accumulate power, and let go and shot an arrow at the light source on the ceiling.

  The front end of the arrow pierced into the ceiling fiercely, the firing pin was triggered, and the charge exploded!


  transparent polymer fragments and electric sparks fell from the ceiling together, and the light in the ecological park dimmed instantly.

  The light in the rainforest was even dimmer.

  The Deathclaw that charged forward paused noticeably, and its amber pupils instantly dilated, quickly adapting to the suddenly darkened environment.

  Although it was only a momentary pause, it was enough to buy time for Old White to break through the edge of the rainforest and rush in front of the group of predators, knocking the unlucky guy closest to him with his shoulder.

  Facing this humanoid “tank” that suddenly rushed out of the forest, the predators around screamed and raised their guns.

  ”Stop him!”

  The muzzle flames sprayed, and the bullets flew like raindrops. The unlucky guy that Old White hit was the first to be hit and was shot into a sieve by his teammates.

  Then, the bullets rushed towards Old White.

  At the extreme distance, the steel plate that had suffered excessive damage was beaten into pits and pits, and the welds broke and collapsed from the exoskeleton.

  However –

  it didn’t matter anymore.

  Listening to the running sound getting closer and closer behind him, Old White finally felt relieved and pulled out the hatchet hanging on his waist. The corners of his mouth, which was oozing blood, curved slightly.

  Come on.

  Fight to your heart’s content!



  On the other side of the jungle——

  ”We have to save him!”

  Fang Chang grabbed Ye Shi and stared at him and shook his head.

  ”It’s too late.”

  Kuang Feng also looked at Ye Shi and said calmly.

  ”Staying here will only make Lao Bai’s efforts in vain… Let’s go.”

  Listening to the gunshots, there were at least a dozen or twenty people, and there were quite a few automatic weapons. If there were bunkers around to pull, they could still fight.

  In this kind of plain rainforest terrain, there was not even a reliable bunker to be found, and the advantage was undoubtedly on the side with more people.

  It just so happened that Lao Bai was also level 10, and he had been reluctant to update his equipment. Later, everyone pooled money to buy him a brand new Miner I.

  The three rushed into the elevator, and Fang Chang punched the up button.

  The elevator slowly rose.

  Lao Bai’s figure was no longer visible at the entrance of the passage. The Death Claws that were fighting with the predators were like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. Wherever the claws passed, there was a bloody storm.

  However, those predators did not seem to be vegetarians.

  Standing in front of the French window, Ye Shi saw a predator standing near the safe passage, carrying a tubular launcher, pulling the trigger at the Death Claw.

  Three rockets were fired from three different angles at the same time, and the orange-yellow tail flames drew three straight and interlaced trajectories in the air.

  Two of them were deflected, brushing against the Deathclaw’s tail and drilling into the bushes, while the other successfully hit the Deathclaw’s left shoulder, and the explosion of flames and fragments blew it apart.


  Letting out a roar of pain, the Deathclaw staggered and turned around and ran into the woods. At the same time, the fire protection system on the top of the ecological park was triggered, and it began to rain in the rainforest.

  The predators did not dare to pursue, and grabbed their companions who were still lying on the ground, firing at the dimly lit jungle while retreating towards the safe passage.

  Staring at the flames outside the French window, Ye Shi couldn’t help muttering to himself.


  The flesh body took a bullet!

  It’s really outrageous!

  At this time, the predator leader who had retreated to the entrance of the safe passage suddenly raised his head, squinting his eyes and saw the elevator rising.

  Even in the dim light, he still saw the three people in the elevator.

  He yelled at his companions in the back row, and while directing his teammates to run out, he fired a burst of bullets at the elevator.

  The whizzing bullets hit the floor-to-ceiling windows of the elevator with a clang, startling Ye Shi who was standing by the floor-to-ceiling windows.

  Fortunately, the elevator was strong enough, and the bullets only left a series of spider-web-like fine lines on the floor-to-ceiling windows, but did not penetrate.

  The elevator arrived at the station.

  Without waiting for the door to open completely, the three people immediately escaped from the elevator, ran north along the corridor, made a big circle, and left the wall from the back of Building 3.

  Only then did they realize that there were more than 40 or 50 people standing at the main entrance of Building 3!

  In the open space not far away, there were two trucks unloading goods. Several predators led mutant hyenas into the building to support their accomplices on the front line.

  The three climbed over the half-collapsed wall, stuck to the wall of the experimental base, and went around to the west side of Building 3, observing from a distance of about 500 meters.

  Fang Chang: “Fuck, there must be half a company.”

  Ye Shi couldn’t help cursing, “Damn, where did this bunch of damn predators come from? Are they here to steal fuel rods too?!”

  ”I thought so at first, but it’s hard to say now,” Fang Chang hid behind the broken concrete wall, frowned, bit his thumb and thought for a moment, “They obviously plan to camp here… Look at those two trucks, do you think they look familiar?”

  Ye Shi squinted and was shocked.

  ”The same model as the Legion? What the hell? Are they from the Legion?!”

  ”Chew bones,” Kuang Feng, who had not spoken, suddenly said a word, “Remember what was mentioned in the alpha 0.9 version update… Due to the defeat of the Legion, a huge predator force is rising in the central region of the River Valley Province. Now it seems that they should have taken over some of the Legion’s equipment.” A group of predators

  came to Changjiu Farm before. The leader seemed to be Tu, and now he is repairing the road with the centurions and accepting labor transformation. The weapons they used, and even the coats they wore, were the same as the Legion’s.

  Even those guerrillas could get the Legion’s equipment…

  I guess these organized looters could get even more weapons from the Legion.

  The expressions on Ye Shi and Fang Chang’s faces also became serious.

  Fang Chang immediately made a judgment.

  ”We have to report the situation here to the administrator as soon as possible!”

  ”Yeah,” Kuang Feng nodded, “I think so too.”

  Lao Bai should have been offline by now.

  When I get back, I’ll go offline and accompany him on the official website.


  To be honest, Lao Bai himself felt that he would definitely die if he rushed into the looters’ faces. After all, the exoskeleton is not a power armor, and it is still the basic KV-1. Although the steel plate can be bulletproof, it can’t withstand the metal fatigue caused by continuous shooting and volleys from multiple angles.

  The “rogue warriors” in the battlefield can only appear in the battlefield.

  After slashing down three predators in a row and injuring four or five, he was shot twice in the stomach and finally fell down.

  However, what was unexpected to Lao Bai was that when he put on his helmet again, he found that his character was not dead?

  Lao Bai looked around and found that he was lying in a room.

  This was no longer the underground ecological park, but a room in the No. 3 experimental building on the surface.

  The wounds on his body were simply bandaged, the VM and equipment were taken away, and handcuffs were hung on his wrists and ankles to restrict his movements.

  Lao Bai tried and found that he couldn’t break free. Seeing that the blood on the bandage showed signs of expanding, he quickly stopped his reckless behavior.

  Although he was ready to die heroically, before that, he wanted to figure out what his current situation was. At

  this time, the door of the room opened.

  A man with tanned skin and tattoos on his face walked in from outside.

  Old White looked at him. He was wearing a very torn fur coat, with holes in his pants and a bunch of strange accessories hanging around his neck, including teeth and stones. He looked quite punk.

  Behind him was a strong man with a lip stud, who should be a bodyguard. If the iron pipe submachine gun wrapped with tape in his hand was replaced with a guitar or bass, he might be mistaken for a heavy metal band when walking on the street… The man with

  tattoos on his face walked up to him. Just when Old White was wondering what this guy wanted to do, he saw that the man suddenly squatted down, staring at him intently, and his eagle-like nose was close, almost poking his face.

  Old White felt a chill in his heart.


  No way?

  Although the residents of the shelter did look a little delicate, it was not that even the men…

  ”Are you the survivors of Qingquan City?”

  Old White didn’t understand what he was saying, and didn’t want to know, so he put on an expression of dying rather than surrendering.

  The man seemed to understand the expression on his face, smiled mockingly, and stood up.

  ”My name is Ka.”

  ”You are strong and brave, a strong man.”

  ”A warrior like you should have a status and wealth worthy of you, instead of being a cowardly alien feces.”

  ”Would you like to join us and enjoy all the glory and wealth, or become a lowly slave and be sold to the mines to work until death?”

  ”I’ll give you time to think about it.”

  After saying this, the man turned and left.

  Until the end, Lao Bai didn’t understand what he wanted to say, and only heard a string of bird calls.

  Facing the empty room, Lao Bai fell silent.


  what is his current status?




  Is he dead or not?


  Shelter 404 B3.

  Chu Guang, standing in the planting area, looked at the bean sprout-sized green dots in the soilless planting unit, and a smile like an old father appeared on his face.

  The cabbage sprouted very quickly, and it had sprouted only three days after being planted.

  The chives next to it will have to wait for a while, and it will take about a week for them to sprout.

  These leafy vegetables are crops used to improve the food, and the real good things are in the rows of planting units next to them.

  When the next spring comes, the corn, rice, wheat and sorghum crops planted there will be ripe. He plans to keep all the first batch of output as seeds.

  Not just the greenhouse ruins.

  Chu Guang plans to use all the land from the north of Linghu to the south of Yumu District.

  The land is ten kilometers long and wide. As long as there are enough refugees, it will be no problem to reclaim tens of thousands of acres of good land. If the situation is optimistic, maybe we can reach 20,000 acres in the first year.

  If the efficiency is not enough, we have to make up for it with quantity. No matter

  how efficient the 50 acres of theoretical planting area in the shelter is, one acre can only support five people, and it can’t even support a thousand people. No matter how inefficient traditional farming is, even if one acre can only support 1~2 people, it is still the food rations of tens of thousands of people.

  Compared with the cultivation chamber, food is the basis for explosive troops.

  You can’t really feed the players with rotten meat and cockroaches, right?

  This is too hardcore.

  Just when Chu Guang was admiring his cabbage, Xiao Qi’s voice suddenly came from the speaker in the planting area.


  Chu Guang replied casually.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  ”Your players seem to have encountered trouble!”

  ”If you encounter it, you encounter it, just take it as a lesson. Don’t worry, my players are very smart, they will solve the troubles they encounter by themselves.”

  Hearing Xiao Qi’s voice, Chu Guang was not panicked at all, and even comforted it.

  After unlocking the B3 floor, there were more and more players in the shelter, and Chu Guang could no longer take care of so many people.

  Before, there were few people and many people died, and it was painful to see one person die. Now, there is a shortage of food, electricity, mines, and production capacity, but there is no shortage of people and resurrection coins.

  He only needs to make rules and let the players toss within the rules. He can’t handle the troubles of one or two players and is too lazy to care.

  How can a tyrant serve his son for a lifetime?

  The fun of this game lies in exploration. Players are requested to find ways to improve NPC favorability and trigger hidden tasks.

  Xiao Qi: “But, but, the one in trouble is the cattle and horse team you sent to the northeastern ecological park to find fuel rods… Is it really not necessary to care?”

  ”Ahem-what the hell?! The cattle and horse team?”

  Chu Guang, who was choked, coughed twice and quickly opened the system interface, but found that the clones were still alive.

  Only Lao Bai was offline, but he was not in danger of life.

  Relieved, Chu Guang continued to ask.

  ”What trouble did they encounter?”

  Although he didn’t want to worry about the players’ troubles, the problem was that the cattle and horse team was doing the fuel rod task.

  Even if he didn’t want to care about the players, Chu Guang had to care about his own fuel rods.

  Xiao Qi continued.

  ”The player named Baijuguoxi seems to have been captured by the predators. The other three have just escaped from the predators’ siege and are now on the truck on their way back.”

  Lao Bai was captured by the predators? ? ?

  Chu Guang was a little confused.

  Wait, what’s the situation with the predators.

  ”Aren’t they looking for fuel rods? How did they get entangled with the predators?”

  Xiao Qi continued in a low voice.

  ”That’s true, but when they were looking for reactors in the ecological laboratory of Zhongzhou Aerospace, they encountered a group of predators with more than 50 people and an unknown number. It is said that they also encountered a death claw. The specific situation is very complicated, master, why don’t you go to the official website and take a look for yourself.”

  There was a problem with the key project. Chu Guang did not hesitate. Without saying a word, he immediately rushed back to the B1 floor and returned to his office.

  Turn on the computer.

  Log in to the official website.

  Without much effort, Chu Guang quickly found Lao Bai’s post on the homepage of the forum.

  The title of the post also got straight to the point, summarizing his current situation in one sentence –

  ”I seem to have been captured by the predators? ? 》

  In the post,

  Lao Bai first briefly described the tasks he and his three teammates did in the ecological laboratory, as well as a series of events that happened.

  Including the tropical rainforest in the ecological park, including the sudden appearance of the Death Claws, and the sudden intrusion of the Marauders, as well as himself being seriously injured and captured by those Marauders while trying to cover the retreat of his teammates…

  ”These Marauders are a little different from the ones we encountered before. Although their equipment is uneven, it is not as bad as it seems. They have not only automatic weapons, but also anti-armor weapons such as rocket launchers! I saw that one of them looks a bit like the Iron Fist of the Legion, and there are two that look like iron pipes, and they look powerful.”

  ”The other one is the Death Claw. To be honest, this monster is too unbalanced! The big lizard that is taller than two people when standing up is outrageous, and it runs so fast that even the steel plate can’t stop it with one claw!”

  ”We are so unlucky that we are caught in the middle of that beast and the Marauders! I tried my best, even my exoskeleton was scrapped, but I finally led the Death Claw to the faces of the Marauders.”

  ”Then there was a melee. I found that the talents unlocked in the second stage are really awesome, and the actual effect is even stronger than what is shown on the panel data. It’s hard to describe in detail, you will know after you reach LV10.”

  Soon after the post was published, the number of replies exceeded 100.

  However, since the players are basically online at this time, most of the posts are cloud players who have clicked on the appointment but have not yet made an appointment.

  Although these players have never entered the game, they still have a certain understanding of the basic gameplay and settings of the game by listening to the discussions in the forum and combining the information updated in the official website.

  And many new players are selected from among them.

  Professor Yang, the King of Lightning: “Captured by the plunderers???”

  Mo Bu Gan Na is not good: “I am not right, why do several G plots suddenly appear in my head.”

  Riding a donkey to the market: “Fuck, you old dirty turtles!”

  Lao Bai: “Get out! I am talking seriously, what are you thinking about. (Angry)”

  ④Who knows: “Speaking of which, after listening to your description of the Death Claw, I feel that it is

  exactly the same as that Garbage…” Lao Bai: “Damn, now that you say that, I also feel that it is a bit similar. Will Garbage Brother really become a Death Claw when he reaches level 99?”

  Irena: “It’s a pity that Garbage Brother is killing like crazy in the tunnel, otherwise I might still run into him on the forum at this point. (Funny)”

  Lao Bai: “Huh? Why aren’t you online, old monk?”

  Irena: “Oh, it’s not convenient to explain in detail. I’ll be back later.”

  Lao Bai: “666”

  Elf King Fugui: “If you don’t understand, just ask. Why do you make flying so mysterious? If I hadn’t seen your circle of friends, I would have thought you were going to reward yourself later. (Funny)”

  Irena: “Get lost. (`Д*)9 ”

  At this time.

  Suddenly someone said something.

  Professor Yang, the King of Thunder and Lightning: “Speaking of which, if this kind of elite monster is killed first, is there a chance to report it to the whole server?”

  The post was silent for a few seconds.

  Suddenly, several submarines exploded.

  ”What the hell!”

  ”What the hell?”

  ”I skipped the night shift, I’m on my way!”

  (The next chapter will still be around 11 o’clock, it’s too difficult to adjust my schedule QAQ)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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