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Chapter 198: Ice Fairy Saint, One Sword to Kill Yan

Chapter 198: Ice Fairy Saint, One Sword to Kill Yan


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 198: The Ice Fairy Saint, One Sword to Kill Yan

  ”My name is Huang Hong.”

  The giant casually smashed the halberd into the ruins nearby, and the mountain shook again.

  A dark ghost fire ignited in his empty eye sockets, as if staring at the people in the ruins.

  ”The two unusual girls seem to be the same kind as us.”

  ”The difference is huge.”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “You are just a group of crazy monsters.”

  Hearing the sarcasm, Huang Hong finally cast a look, and a strange light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

  ”An incomparable perfect body, it is simply a rare talent in a million.”

  Huang Hong pulled his terrifying face and said in a voice like thunder: “No wonder the vanguard troops under my command were blocked outside, and no one could match you. With such a strong physique, you can indeed be called the best in the world among your peers.”

  Yang Shifei sneered: “Thank you for the compliment.”

  ”However, you, a genius, will die here.”

  Huang Hong immediately raised his halberd and pointed it at the ruins: “I will make good use of your body-”

  ”General Huang.”

  A cold female voice sounded, causing him to pause in swinging the halberd.

  Huang Hong stared at her intently: “Yan Ling.Shuang!”

  ”You still have the nerve to call me by my real name?”

  Yan Lingshuang emerged from the shadow of the ruins, her face as frosty as ice: “You colluded with the false emperor to betray me, and eventually got this end that is neither human nor ghost, is that what you want?”

  Huang Hong’s eyes flashed with ghostly fire: “I have now been reborn. Not only has my cultivation level broken through, but I have also gained a powerful body that is immortal.”

  His voice became deeper and deeper: “Yan Lingshuang, it is you who cannot see the general situation of the world. Only by accepting this spiritual energy of heaven and earth can you be among the immortals and achieve supreme success.”

  ”With your heavenly cultivation, you do still have a trace of self-awareness. Unfortunately, you have become an out-and-out lunatic.”

  The ground under Yan Lingshuang’s feet gradually froze, and the cold air filled the air. A frosty gauze condensed outside her skirt, scattered with ice crystals and snow dust.

  ”I used to respect you for your lifelong military service and your dedication to the State of Yan. In the end, you are just a selfish villain who doesn’t care about the survival of the people of Yan.”

  ”How ridiculous!”

  Huang Hong gradually showed his anger: “You still want to blame me for my mistakes!?”

  ”- Do you want me to look in the mirror for you?”

  Yang Shifei suddenly spoke, and his tone was even more sarcastic: “To live a life with such a dignified appearance, you really deserve the name of a traitor.”

  Huang Hong looked at him angrily: “Boy, what did you say?!”

  ”You betrayed your old master and caused countless casualties among the people. No matter which dynasty, you can be called a ‘shameless traitor’.”

  Yang Shifei was not afraid at all, but his eyes became more fierce: “You deserve to die.”

  ”What can you do to me!”

  Huang Hong’s muscles swelled all over his body, and he howled angrily and swung his halberd, chopping down at everyone’s heads-

  in an instant, a flash of ice-blue sword light suddenly pierced the night sky!

  The halberd that was about to be chopped down was directly cut off, and even shocked Huang Hong to stagger back, with his hands cracked.

  The surrounding demon army stopped all at once, and looked at the sword light rising from the ruins, and couldn’t help but be stunned on the spot.

  ”This is.”

  Yan Lingshuang stood proudly on the ruins, holding up the holy weapon, her ice skirt swaying, as if she was a banished immortal!

  Looking at the great sword in her hand that was shining brightly, Huang Hong and other demons were even more shocked and angry.

  Taiwu Holy Soldier?

  This weapon has been obviously corroded by filth, why can it still burst out with such power? !

  ”It’s up to Emperor Yan to eliminate the traitor.”

  Yang Shifei looked at Yan Lingshuang who was pacing and chuckled: “Aunt Shuang, it’s up to you.”

  ”Leave it to me, don’t worry.”

  Yan Lingshuang’s icy eyes gradually condensed, and more than a dozen black swords were coiled behind her.

  The great sword in her hand gradually covered with ice crystals, and the sound of the sword resounded through the sky. For the first time in the world, the Taiwu Holy Soldier burst out with shocking power!


  Yan Lingshuang slashed with his sword again and again, and a frost storm swept across a hundred feet.

  Hundreds of demonic soldiers were instantly frozen into ice sculptures without even screaming, and exploded and shattered under the strong wind.

  Huang Hong hurriedly held the handle horizontally to resist, but the storm seemed to contain thousands of sword lights, half of the halberd was smashed into pieces, and his arms were torn into pieces of blood and flesh.

  ”Holy weapon. How can a holy weapon have such power?!”

  Huang Hong groaned, and kept retreating in embarrassment, his feet plowing two furrows on the ground.

  ”If it were in the past, this holy weapon would naturally not have such power.”

  Yan Lingshuang landed lightly on the top of a big tree, standing on one foot, with her snow-white hair flying in the wind.

  The cold air of the holy weapon flowed, and the mysterious light shone like the sun. The power of the celestial being was amplified by the holy weapon, and it actually rose with the tide, exuding a domineering momentum!

  ”But, now you have degenerated into filthy puppets. This Taiwu holy weapon is your nemesis.”

  Yan Lingshuang looked at the tens of thousands of demon army with contempt: “Just right, kill you.”

  ”Wishful thinking!”

  Huang Hong forcibly shook off the frost, inserted his hands into the ground, and forcibly pulled out a flesh and blood halberd, and demonic flames burst out from his body!

  The four old guardians also tore open their outer robes, roaring and revealing their true forms, turning into ugly and twisted terrifying demons, with dense arms emerging from the tumors.


  The army roared in unison, surging like a wave.

  Yan Lingshuang was calm at this moment, her pupils melted into ice, and she rushed into the battlefield with her sword.


  The holy weapon swung, and the sword light rushed into the sky.

  The power of the heavenly man stimulated the power of the holy weapon, bursting out with unparalleled power to break the formation.

  Huang Hong was the first to bear the brunt, and he screamed miserably, and his halberd and right arm were almost frozen and shattered in an instant. The four old guardians were even cut in half and killed on the spot.

  Yan Lingshuang flew in the air, with the black sword following him like a long river, and the demon army was dispersed in the blink of an eye.

  Rustling –

  in the woods, three figures galloped and flew over the army and rushed into the palace again.

  Luo Xian’er pulled Yue Rui and Yang Shifei, and the gray mist was all over her body, leaping and moving on the palaces.

  ”It won’t be long before the front line decides the outcome.”

  Yang Shifei glanced back and couldn’t help but marvel: “Aunt Shuang uses the Taiwu Saint Soldiers, she is really like a god descending to earth.”

  ”Young Master, there is another army ahead.”

  Luo Xian’er murmured: “And there are men in dragon robes in the middle.”

  The three landed on the top of a palace and looked down. In the middle of hundreds of soldiers, there was a man with a panicked face, as if he wanted to escape from the scope of the battlefield.

  But unlike ordinary people, the dragon chariot and dragon chair under this man were made of flesh and bones, connected to his lower body, and looked extremely creepy.

  Yang Shifei’s eyes condensed slightly: “I guess this is the false emperor, the Zhennan King of Yan?”

  Yue Rui immediately called out the cat’s claws: “Kill him.”


  The three of them didn’t need to communicate much, and immediately leaned over and jumped out.


  The Zhennan King seemed to have sensed something, and quickly turned his head and shouted in shock.

  The guards around were all on martial law, but they didn’t notice the flash of gray shadow.

  The King of Zhennan was torn into pieces, and the dragon sedan chair was smashed and exploded into a pulp.

  After a successful attack, Luo Xian’er pulled the two of them out of the crowd quickly, without stopping, and ran straight to the center of the palace.

  ”That’s the center of filth.”

  Yue Rui raised her hand and pointed to the front. The huge blood and flesh tower was twisting constantly, as if it was still howling with hunger.

  ”It’s really big.”

  Yang Shifei’s face sank slightly: “Xian’er, can you handle it?”

  Luo Xian’er nodded calmly: “You can cut it.”

  The distance of hundreds of feet was only a few breaths, and the three of them quickly landed in front of the tower.

  The ground around them turned into blood and flesh, like a gloomy demon cave, and terrifying demons were everywhere.

  Yang Shifei and Yue Rui attacked brazenly, taking advantage of the surprise, and forcibly cleared a space in the demon pile.

  Luo Xian’er pressed the hilt of the sword at her waist, holding her breath and concentrating, and her long hair moved without wind.

  Extreme Martial Mystical Method –

  The girl used the power of her true form to the limit, the white sword hummed and screamed, and the brilliant galaxy instantly covered a hundred feet in radius.

  Endless stars flickered and flickered, as if a vast group of heroes fell from the sky, and the sword light followed!

  The ultimate sword, which was close to the peak of the Heavenly and Human Black Tortoise, brought thousands of stars and fell, and directly cut off the flesh and blood tower!


  For a moment, the flesh and blood exploded and scattered, and the filth surrounding it also dispersed.

  Yang Shifei suddenly looked back, and a beautiful figure outside the palace stepped on Huang Hong’s corpse and jumped into the air, with a cold light flashing.

  ”Shifei, take the sword!”

  The Taiwu Saint Soldier was thrown, flying over several miles like a meteor.

  Yang Shifei immediately jumped up with all his strength, grabbed the hilt of the sword with his quick eyes and hands, and his figure was carried away.

  Yue Rui killed the demons and followed closely, grabbing his arm tightly.

  The two of them held the sword together in the air, and took advantage of the situation to stab the flesh and blood base below!

  The Taiwu Saint Soldier, which was wrapped in cold air, was inserted halfway, and a dazzling light burst out.

  The entire palace, and even the entire capital of Yan State, shook together, as if countless demons and flesh and blood were screaming and trembling.

  Luo Xian’er rushed over, swung her sword to cut off a large number of tentacles that were dying and counterattacking, and pressed her right hand on the hilt of the sword, injecting all the remaining power into it.


  The icy wind suddenly roared up and swept across the entire capital.

  Countless flesh and blood were frozen and shattered, and all the demons died! The

  capital, which was originally howling with ghosts, suddenly became quiet, leaving only a few snowflakes and ice crystals withering and falling, like a winter night.

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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