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Chapter 199: Silent City, Emperor Yan Returns

Chapter 199: Silent City, Emperor Yan Returns


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 199: The lonely city is silent, the Emperor of Yan returns

  . The snow is dancing in the sky, the glory of the Taiwu Saint Army is fading, and the lonely city is left with only the cold moonlight.

  Yang Shifei absorbed the last trace of filth in the sword, took a few deep breaths, and looked around. All he could see were ruins.

  ”I am the emperor. My country of Yan.”

  The intermittent wailing sound came again, and the three of them looked in the direction of the sound.

  ”Eternal life. Immortality.”

  The flesh and blood in the cracks of the ground were wriggling, and the face of the King of Zhennan could be vaguely seen. Others’ faces flashed one after another, full of dying madness and despair.


  Several black swords fell from the sky, piercing and freezing the remaining demon flesh.

  Yan Lingshuang fell down with ice and snow all over her body, and put the sword into the box. Watching the last bit of demon residue dissipate with the wind, there was only indifference on her icy face.

  To her, these traitors who committed heinous crimes were unforgivable.

  It can be said that they deserved their fate to fall to this point.

  Yang Shifei whispered, “Aunt Shuang, the demon army.”

  ”They were all annihilated by the holy soldiers, and I killed Huang Hong and others myself.”

  Yan Lingshuang showed a complicated expression, and stepped forward to embrace the three people.

  ”Thanks to you, I can get revenge and resolve the danger of Yan’s demise.”

  ”Don’t be cold,”

  Yue Rui shivered, “Ice woman, your body is covered with ice.”

  Yan Lingshuang quickly let go, “Are you not cold?”

  Yang Shifei wiped the sweat off his face, and looked at Luo Xian’er, both of them couldn’t hide their smiles.

  This trip can be called a smooth success.

  But the atmosphere eased a little, and looking at the desolate surroundings, the smile turned into a sigh:

  ”Although the capital city has been curbed from being filthy, I’m afraid this place is…”

  The entire capital city was covered with demon flesh and blood, and no one survived.

  Although Yan State survived, this place has undoubtedly become a dead city.

  ”This is my fault.”

  Yan Lingshuang looked depressed: “I was too indecisive and blindly trusted the old ministers, which led to this disaster.”

  ”This is not your fault.” Yang Shifei patted her shoulder: “The whole country of Yan is in chaos, and the Emperor of Yan needs to come forward to calm the situation and restore order in all places as soon as possible.”

  Yan Lingshuang took a deep breath and nodded calmly:

  ”Let’s go back to Zonglin County first and make a long-term plan.”

  In the early morning, Zonglin County was still noisy and brightly lit, and there were even fires in various places.

  The city gates were wide open, and many people still fled out of the city with their families.

  A few hours ago, they were still lucky and unwilling to leave.

  But as night fell, hideous demons appeared in the city one after another, wandering on the streets, killing anyone they saw.

  No matter how stubborn they were, facing the bloody tragedy in front of them, they had to pack their bags as soon as possible and escape from the dangerous place at night.

  But as soon as the people escaped from the city gate, they all looked surprised without exception –

  ”Am I really not dazzled? Why is there light there?”

  ”Is it a manifestation of the gods?!”

  Many people stopped where they were, in doubt.

  But soon, someone suddenly cried out.

  ”There is a monster!”

  The hundreds of people gathered at the city gate hurriedly turned their heads and took out their self-defense weapons.

  But after seeing the situation clearly, everyone was stunned.

  The possessed man who had just rushed out of the city gate suddenly screamed, twitched and fell to the ground, and soon there was no movement.

  Many people also found that black smoke was coming out of their bodies, and their whole bodies were quite warm and comfortable.

  ”What on earth is this…”

  In an instant, a horse leaped over the crowd and ran into the county.

  Looking at the back figure that left in a dusty manner, the people outside the city were all stunned.

  Who is this?

  In the Zonglin County government office, people kept coming and going.

  Many constables and yamen runners were trapped here and could only guard the gate. In the backyard, several county officials were anxious and almost desperate.

  ”Old Wang! Almost everyone in the city has run away!”

  ”We can only flee. Everyone, pack your bags quickly. We will fight our way out and flee to the west first–”

  ”County Magistrate Li!” The young constable ran to the door, panting: “There are demons outside.”

  The middle-aged man called County Magistrate Li slammed the table and shouted: “Can’t we stop the demons?”

  ”No, no! There are no demons. There are four people standing at the gate of the county government office, saying that the emperor is coming!”


  The four county officials in the room were stunned on the spot.

  Zonglin County is the closest to the capital. They more or less know about the strange events of Emperor Yan’s escape after being seriously injured and the false emperor ascending the throne.

  But now the capital has fallen into a dead silence, and there is no movement. Who is this person who claims to be the emperor?

  ”Who is looking for death? Tell me what those four people look like first!”

  ”Uh, this.” The young constable scratched his head for a while: “I only remember a tall and strong man with an amazing aura. The three people around him seemed to be as beautiful as fairies. I didn’t dare to look at them more.”

  ”You prodigal son, you can’t even see a woman’s face!”

  Magistrate Li slapped him on the head and hurried out.

  The other three county officials looked at each other and hurriedly followed. At the same time, they shouted loudly, calling their wives, children, relatives and friends in the house, and prepared to pack up and leave the city first.

  Not long after, Magistrate Li and a group of people hurried to the front yard. A large number of constables and yamen runners were blocking the door, and each of them was ready.

  ”Let me see who dares to call himself the emperor at this critical moment!”

  Magistrate Li cursed, pushed several constables away, and looked out of the gate.


  The next moment, he immediately knelt on the ground.

  ”Your Majesty!”


  Everyone in the yard was stunned for a moment.

  This is fucking, kneeling too fast!

  The dozen or so constables who were originally blocking the door with the fence and pointing their long guns at the door were even more dumbfounded.

  The person outside, is it really His Majesty the Emperor? !

  ”What are you doing!” Magistrate Li was sweating profusely: “I have seen the emperor’s face from afar before, I can’t fake it!”

  Hearing this, everyone suddenly woke up from a dream and knelt down in a hurry: “Your Majesty!”

  This respectful reaction made Yang Shifei mutter.

  It seems that the power of Emperor Yan is still there, so there is no need to argue anymore.

  ”Aunt Shuang became the emperor by force, so naturally everyone respects her.”

  Luo Xian’er gently pulled her sleeves and smiled softly: “Twenty years ago, she fought all the way to the capital and beat all the masters of Yan State.”

  Yang Shifei’s mouth trembled slightly. Aunt Shuang looked elegant and dignified, but I didn’t expect her to be so “wild” when she was young?

  ”–Since you know, why don’t you get out of the way?”

  Yan Lingshuang’s face was as cold as frost: “How long do you want to block the door?”

  ”I’ll remove the fence for you right now.”

  County Magistrate Li hurriedly stood up, but his movements suddenly paused, and his face showed a bit of embarrassment:

  ”Your Majesty Emperor Yan, there are demons everywhere now–”

  ”Don’t worry, I have taken back the Taiwu Holy Soldier.”

  Yan Lingshuang slapped the sword box, and the Holy Soldier flew into the ground.

  Seeing the glow of the big sword, everyone in the county government was dumbfounded.

  ”Your Majesty, this, is this the legendary…”

  ”With this holy weapon, the filthy demons within hundreds of miles will have nowhere to hide and will be reduced to ashes.”

  Yan Lingshuang casually put his hand on the hilt of the sword: “If you don’t believe it, you might as well come out and look around to see if there are still demons wreaking havoc on the streets?”

  Everyone showed ecstasy: “Your Majesty’s grace!”

  County Magistrate Li suppressed his surprise and hurriedly removed the fence with his own hands, while asking: “Your Majesty, why did you come to our small county?”

  ”Because of the rebellion of Prince Zhennan and others, we missed the opportunity to deal with it. The capital was completely swallowed by filth, and hundreds of thousands of civilians and soldiers lost their lives and turned into demons. After

  I recovered from my injury and returned, I rushed into the capital and killed all the traitors. With the help of the power of Taiwu Holy Soldiers, I was able to successfully clear all the demons.”

  ”This, this…”

  Yan Lingshuang’s short two sentences shocked everyone in the county government.

  Hundreds of thousands of people in the capital have already…

  ”Zonglin County is the closest to the capital, and there are still people available.”

  Yan Lingshuang said in a deep voice: “Now we need you to treat the people from all over the country as soon as possible, and send people to the thirteen counties in the radius to pass on my handwritten letter to stabilize the chaos in Yan State!”

  She looked slightly stern, and shouted softly: “This is related to the survival of all the people in Yan State, and we must not neglect it in the slightest. Did you hear it clearly?!”

  ”–Yes, sir!”

  County Magistrate Li and others saluted in unison, looking heavy-hearted.

  Although the casualties in the capital are extremely terrible, with the return of Emperor Yan, Yan State…is finally saved!

  ”Old Chen, go and call back those who have escaped!”

  ”Captain Jin, lead your team to put out the fire on East Street!”

  ”Your Majesty, come in quickly, I will prepare a residence immediately.”

  Seeing that everyone in the government office began to act, Yang Shifei also nodded silently.

  With Emperor Yan in charge, it can indeed boost people’s morale.

  He was about to pull Yue Rui into the mansion, when Magistrate Li and the others turned their eyes to him, with a look of surprise:

  ”Is this brother the guard of His Majesty?”

  ”Don’t be rude.”

  Yan Lingshuang brushed her sleeves and said coldly: “These two girls are of extraordinary status, and they should be respectfully called princesses.

  And this young man has made great contributions. No matter what orders he has in the future, you must take them seriously. Do you understand?”

  Yang Shifei smiled and was about to bow.

  But Magistrate Li and the others knelt faster and saluted in surprise.

  Emperor Yan has been in power for nearly 20 years, and this is the first time he has praised a man.

  Such a noble person must be treated with courtesy!

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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