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Chapter 2 Shelter 404

Chapter 2 Shelter 404


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 2 Shelter No. 404

  Chu Guang, male, 26 years old, his parents divorced when he was young, and he grew up with his grandfather.

  The second year after he was admitted to university, his grandfather passed away, and he became a lonely man.

  Fortunately, he was born in a peaceful era, and he was able to complete his studies by working part-time. After graduation, he found a sales job. Because of his outstanding work performance, he was highly appreciated by his boss, and it didn’t take long for him to be promoted from a newcomer to a supervisor. He

  survived the most difficult days. Just when Chu Guang optimistically thought that he could finally live a few days of comfort, God just didn’t play by the rules.

  And this time, fate played a big joke on him.

  About five months ago.

  Chu Guang still remembers that he was negotiating a 20 million contract with a client at that time. It happened that the boss was having a great time and drank a little too much at the table. He fell down without paying attention.

  When he came to his senses again, he was lying in the wilderness.

  And this was not an ordinary wilderness.

  After walking for two miles, he didn’t see a single person, and was almost bitten by a big dog with two heads.

  It was all thanks to that beast with two heads.

  Chu Guang was so scared that he broke into a cold sweat, and when he sweated, he sobered up and ran away.

  Perhaps because the two heads were too heavy and the running was not coordinated, the dog chased him for a while and gave up after howling twice.

  Without seeing the beast, Chu Guang didn’t dare to go back, let alone where to go.

  Only then did he realize that his wallet and mobile phone were gone, and even his clothes had been replaced with a blue jacket that he didn’t know where to go. He

  found a small puddle and looked down in the moonlight. Wow, not only did he change his clothes, but he also changed his head!

  He didn’t know which mentally ill guy had knocked him out, changed his face, and thrown him into this ghost place where there was no village or shop in front of him.

  Just as Chu Guang was wandering aimlessly in the wilderness, the smoke from cooking in the distance attracted his attention.

  Looking back now, Chu Guang is still a little scared.

  At that time, he was thinking about calling the police and ran towards the trace of human smoke regardless of everything. Thinking about it afterwards, it was fortunate that he encountered a proper survivor settlement.

  If it were those ruthless predators, or cannibals, mutant tribes, etc., I’m afraid they would have been stewed in the pot.

  Maybe even the leather shoes would be cooked!

  After contacting the survivors living here, Chu Guang learned from fragmentary clues that this is no longer China, and it is not even the Earth he is familiar with!

  In this parallel world, the war two hundred years ago destroyed all the achievements of civilization, leaving only a devastated wasteland and the survivors who lingered on the wasteland.

  And now, it is 2340. It is

  also the 211th year since human civilization entered the wasteland era in early 2129!

  Confused. Shocked


  Unspeakable fear.

  Fortunately, Chu Guang’s acceptance ability was strong. After getting through the initial days, he gradually began to adapt to life here.

  He lived hard in the wasteland for five months, with no food to eat every day, and had to fight wits and courage with mutant creatures and malicious predators.

  Just when Chu Guang pessimistically thought that his life would be like this, everything took a turn a few hours ago.

  In the wreckage of an abandoned sanatorium, he found the entrance to the shelter numbered 404.

  To be precise, it was not Chu Guang who found it, but this facility called “Shelter No. 404” that found Chu Guang.

  The voice that sounded in his mind guided him here.

  When Chu Guang approached the sanatorium, he suddenly realized that this was the place where he had just woken up in this world!

  If he hadn’t run around, or if the sky was a little brighter, he might have found this place!

  In any case, the “plug-in” that was five months late finally arrived.

  At the same time, a brand new job was also placed in front of him.

  This shelter seemed to be prepared for him, and he had been waiting for a long time.

  From the moment he stepped into the shelter gate, his identity changed from a scavenger to the only resident and manager of this shelter No. 404.

  And his job is only one thing.

  That is to use the Internet on Earth to guide – or to deceive a group of creatures called “players” to come to this world to work for him.

  Yes, the black technology in this shelter can not only connect to the Internet of the parallel world Earth, but also has its own “official website”!

  Players who make reservations for the game will automatically receive a number and be registered in the [Shelter Resident Directory] of the manager system.

  As an administrator, Chu Guang can choose a specific number to issue “game qualifications”.

  The system will send the game helmet to the player in a special way. Players only need to put on the helmet to connect to the incubator in the shelter and wake up as a clone.

  Very humane.

  And very convenient!

  Although there will be no punishment for striking, the reward for completing the task is something Chu Guang can’t refuse anyway.

  For example, the bulletproof vest.

  After struggling to survive in the wasteland for five months, he knew too well how important this kind of life-saving stuff was.

  In addition, the points rewarded by the mission are also good things. They can be exchanged for rewards called “blind boxes” on the [Manager’s Allowance] page.

  It takes 1 reward point to buy a primary blind box, 10 points for an intermediate blind box, and 100 points for an advanced blind box.

  According to the explanation of the [Manager’s Allowance] function in the “404 Shelter Manager System”, the types and quantities of things drawn from the blind box are uncertain, but there will be some, that is to say, there is no “thank you for your patronage”.

  Different levels of blind boxes determine the guaranteed rewards.

  For example, the primary blind box can at least open food supplies, the intermediate blind box guarantees medicines, and the advanced blind box can open weapons.

  As for whether the primary blind box can open the prizes of the intermediate blind box, it is not written in the system’s instructions, but I think even if there is, the probability is estimated to be low.

  Just when Chu Guang was thinking whether to use all the 5 points to open the primary blind box or save up 100 points to draw a weapon, the “wastebasket” squatting in the corner spoke again.

  ”Master, the new task has been updated in your administrator log, please check it in time.”

  ”Got it.” Chu Guang replied impatiently.

  Damn it.

  Who is the master of whom?

  Chu Guang rolled his eyes at the corner of the wall, put aside the matter of drawing the blind box for the time being, and silently recited the administrator system in his heart.

  Soon, a light blue holographic screen was projected on his retina.

  ——Administrator Log——

  [Task: The activation conditions of Shelter No. 404 have been met, and the first batch of “contained objects” have been confirmed to be delivered. It is required to ensure that at least one player logs into the game.

  Type: Main line.

  Reward: Active substance extractor.


  [Task: Prepare a generator with a power greater than 10kw.

  Type: Branch line.

  Reward: Reward point +100.


  Oh my?

  100 reward points? !

  After reading the tasks updated in the administrator’s log, Chu Guang’s eyes were straight.

  But what he cared more about was the reward for the main line task.

  ”Active substance extractor… What is this thing used for?”

  Xiao Qi replied.

  ”Active substance is the raw material for making clones. As for how to use it, there should be instructions or something like that, right?”

  As an AI assistant, Xiao Qi actually didn’t know much information.

  At present, Chu Guang only has the authority to reach the B1 floor of the shelter. The authority of other floors needs to be unlocked through the main task.

  By the way, if the wall structure of the shelter is forcibly destroyed and other floors are illegally invaded, the power facilities and air exchange facilities of the shelter will be interrupted.

  This was told to him by the “Shelter System” loaded into his brain when he just entered the shelter.

  But even without this reminder, Chu Guang felt that he probably wouldn’t do the stupid thing of demolishing the house.

  Just kidding.

  Where would he live in the future if he demolished this place?

  Moreover, this kind of “pre-war technology is designed to withstand strategic nuclear strikes” shelter, it is probably not so easy to demolish.

  Let alone nuclear bombs, he doesn’t even have a gun.

  ”Okay, I roughly understand.”

  In other words, active substances are similar to “resurrection coins”, which are resources that players need to consume to synthesize clones again.

  At present, there are 100 culture chambers stored on the B1 floor, all of which are in an activatable state. It is thought that there should be 1 unit of active substances built in, which can supply the consumption of the initial synthesis of clones.

  According to the system’s “one machine, one number” setting, Chu Guang can now summon up to 100 “players” to come to this world in the form of clones.

  Of course, Chu Guang also knows that things are not as simple as they seem.

  First of all, there is no traffic on the official website of “Wasteland OL”.

  After hearing the propaganda of “100% real immersive virtual reality game”, most people’s first reaction is either it’s a lie or it’s still a lie.

  After all, this technology does not exist in reality, and even self-media can’t make up such nonsense.

  Secondly, even if 11 players were coaxed and deceived by him to make an appointment, he couldn’t be sure that these 11 people would listen to him.

  The initiative to enter and log out of the game is in the hands of the players themselves.

  And his power can only “force kick out”, “ban login rights”, and “confiscate game qualifications” for disruptive players, and cannot force them to wear helmets and go online to work for him.

  Therefore, the candidates for issuing game qualifications, especially the first batch of “closed beta” players, must be cautious.

  It’s better to have fewer than a mess.

  Otherwise, it’s just asking for trouble!

  Then, the most critical thing.

  The conditions in the wasteland also determined that the more people the better at this time.

  One more person means one more mouth.

  He is now as poor as a ghost. He can hardly support himself, let alone feed another hundred mouths.

  Even if he has the conditions now, opening all these 100 culture chambers is to provide food for the aliens and predators.

  Other than that, there is no meaning.

  Chu Guang returned to the computer and sat down again.

  After calmly thinking about the screen for a long time, his thoughts gradually became clear. After

  logging into his Penguin account again, Chu Guang then opened the game group called “Niu Ma Club” and created a discussion group for the group owner and three managers.

  Then, he wrote in the group.

  [When you make an appointment for the game, send me the number refreshed on the official website page. ]

  [There are only four closed beta qualifications. I will apply to the company to see if the closed beta qualification and game helmet can be sent directly to you. ]

  They are all teammates who often play chicken together in the past. It doesn’t seem abrupt to take care of them.

  The most important thing is that Chu Guang can’t think of any acquaintances in real life to ask for help. The only people he can rely on are these netizens who have never seen him in real life but have some friendship with him.


  After grandpa passed away, they haven’t been in contact for many years. If the police hadn’t notified them, they might not know that he was dead.


  I’m afraid he’s asking for rent all over the world.


  I haven’t contacted them since graduation.



  Maybe they felt unlucky, Chu Guang found that they had deleted him.

  Besides, even if they didn’t delete him, Chu Guang couldn’t send them a message, after all, he was having a rest at the table at that time.

  It’s scary to think about a dead person sending a message to a living person.

  In comparison, these stupid netizens are undoubtedly the best choice.

  They don’t know him in real life, and even if he hasn’t been online for five months, they won’t think too much about it.

  Time flies: [Big brother is awesome! ]

  Level 8 Gale: [Awesome! ]

  There’s a long way to go: [666! 】

  Woke up more than ten times in one night: [OK! Brother is invincible! Waiting for your gaming helmet! (funny)]

  Chu Guang continued to type and give instructions.

  [But there is one thing I have to make clear. The equipment can only be considered as loaned to you for use. Don’t lose it, let alone dismantle it, otherwise I won’t be able to explain to the company. ]

  [In addition, the device will be bound to the user’s identity information. In principle, one device can only register one account and can only be used by one person. ]

  In fact, although it is a reminder, he is not worried that the players will not comply.

  According to the system, the helmet will identify the player’s identity information, and non-players cannot use it at all.

  As for the equipment…

  he doesn’t worry about it.

  Since the system can deliver the helmet to the player, there must be a way to solve the problem of “after-sales service”, which is not what he needs to worry about. There is a

  long way to go: [Is it charged? ]

  Chu Guang: [There is no fee during the closed beta stage, but because of tight funds, there is no salary. ]

  There is a long way to go: [6666, I sent you my number privately, send me a copy. ]

  Bai Ju Guo Xi: [Cool cowhide, hahahaha, make one for me too. If it is really the fully immersive virtual reality you said, I will live broadcast handstand diarrhea! ]

  Level 8 Gale: [Haha, let’s support it too. 】

  Woke up more than a dozen times in one night: [(funny.jpg)]

  Although the four brothers obviously didn’t believe what he said, and didn’t believe that there really existed such a completely immersive virtual reality game in the world, they still sent their numbers with the mentality of “cooperating with him for fun”.

  It’s just a number generated by the official website.

  It’s not a bank card number and password.

  Besides, they are also very curious about what this guy is up to…

  After receiving the number, Chu Guang didn’t hesitate and immediately called up the administrator system, found the [Shelter Resident Directory], and checked “Issuing game qualifications” behind the four numbers.

  It takes three days to synthesize clones in the incubator.

  During these three days, the system will use special means to deliver the game helmet to the player… You don’t even need to fill in the delivery address.

  As for the specific means, whether it will attract the attention of modern society, or whether it is suspected of illegal operation, these troublesome issues, Chu Guang is even more lazy to worry about it.

  He hopes that more people will notice his official website, and it would be best if it can cause a sensation.

  This way he will have more room for choice.

  ”Master, haven’t 11 players already made reservations on our official website? Why are you only giving out 4 places?”

  Xiao Qi, who was squatting in the corner, expressed doubts, perhaps noticing the activated cultivation chamber in the next room.

  ”Because I don’t need that much for the time being.”

  He closed the [Shelter Resident Directory].

  Chu Guang then opened the [Management Sub-Allowance] page in the system and spent all five reward points on the “Primary Blind Box”.

  There is no point in saving up to buy advanced blind boxes.

  The reward for Task 2 is directly 100 points, and these 5 points are not bad.

  The fluorescent light flashed in the light blue holographic screen, and one side of the wall of the room shook gently again. With a slight click, the alloy door of the “shipping port” opened.

  Looking at the things lying on the platform, Chu Guang was slightly stunned.

  ”This… is a blind box?”

  Xiao Qi replied.

  ”It should be.”

  Chu Guang calmed down and said.

  ”I thought the prizes would at least be packed in boxes.”

  Xiao Qi tried to explain.

  ”Maybe the blind box is just a setting?”

  But what is the point of a blind box that doesn’t need to be unpacked?

  Why not just call it a lottery?

  Chu Guang was silent for a while, staring at the rewards in front of the conveyor belt.

  ”I understand the reason.”

  ”But why did I redeem five, but only four came up???”

   New book uploaded, please vote! Daolao! In addition, if you have an ID that is easy to remember and unique, you can also leave a message here, starting point ID or common group nickname, circle name will do.

    That’s right, this is Longtao Building, valid for a long time! (About)


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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