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Chapter 20: Filth and Pollution

Chapter 20: Filth and Pollution


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 20 Filth and Pollution

  Tan Xiang also realized that something was wrong.

  She quickly took out the letters and looked at the various strange marks painted on them, frowning.

  ”Perhaps, he was really possessed.”

  Tan Xiang analyzed calmly: “Xiang Tianlin accidentally killed his wife and daughter, so he went crazy and got in touch with the enemy’s secret agents.”

  ”Anyway, these are all physical evidence.”

  Yang Shifei put away all the letters: “Give them all to the government. Even if Xiang Tianlin can’t be sentenced to death, at least he can be restricted until more evidence is found.”

  Tan Xiang nodded slightly and turned her eyes to the black jade square box beside her.

  She reached out and carefully opened the square box, and found a piece of black jade inside. I don’t know what material it is –


  The jade piece suddenly made a sharp sound, and wisps of black smoke rose from it!

  ”This is-”

  The sudden change made the two of them change their faces and immediately closed the square box.

  But the speed at which the smoke dissipated was incredible, and in the blink of an eye it filled most of the room.

  ”Don’t breathe!”

  Yang Shifei immediately covered his face with a scarf, and was about to pull Tan Xiang away from here as soon as possible.

  But just as he was about to move, he found that a large amount of black smoke was automatically rushing towards Tan Xiang, and the nightgown and the scarf could not stop it at all, and it instantly sank into her body.

  ”Tan Xiang?!”


  Tan Xiang’s delicate body trembled slightly, and staggered back two steps.

  Yang Shifei’s face changed drastically, and he hurriedly supported her shaky body: “Are you okay?!”

  ”Don’t, don’t be nervous.”

  But unexpectedly, after a slight loss of consciousness, Tan Xiang quickly shook her head calmly: “I’m fine.”

  Yang Shifei said nervously: “Are those black smoke not poisonous?”

  At the same time, he was quickly recalling the various pharmacies and clinics in the city, thinking about where to rescue the fastest.

  ”I’m really fine, it’s better to say”

  Tan Xiang turned her head and looked at him, so that he happened to meet the scarlet eyes like ghosts.

  ”-I’m better now than ever.”

  The moment their eyes met, Yang Shifei’s breathing suddenly stagnated, and he felt a heavy force pinching his heart. It was only when the cold air in his body circulated that he felt a little better.

  Tan Xiang blinked her scarlet eyes, quickly looked away, and murmured: “I already know what happened to Xiang Tianlin, and I understand the ins and outs of this matter.”

  Yang Shifei knocked his forehead and sobered up a little: “What’s going on?”

  ”The black air just now was called ‘filth’.”

  Tan Xiang pushed his hands away and stood up staggeringly: “This thing has the ability to affect the mind. If ordinary people accidentally come into contact with it, they will slowly become crazy.”

  She picked up the black jade square box that fell beside her: “This thing should be the container for sealing filth. And Xiang Tianlin’s change may be due to this.”

  Yang Shifei’s face was heavy: “Then you now…”

  ”I also said that the impact of this thing is on ‘ordinary people’, and I happen to be not an ordinary person.”

  Tan Xiang lowered his eyes and whispered: “This filth is more like a tonic to me.”

  ”Let’s leave here first.” Yang Shifei quickly calmed down: “Let’s take all the evidence we should take, and then meet up with Chief Constable Tie after we get away.”

  Tan Xiang stared at him for a moment, and her clenched hands unconsciously loosened.

  But as soon as she relaxed, she couldn’t help but press her chest again, and a strange blush appeared on her pretty face.

  Yang Shifei was startled: “Didn’t you say you were fine? What happened to you?”

  ”I absorbed too much filth and lost control.” Tan Xiang’s forehead was covered with cold sweat, and she said in a trembling voice: “I might become a monster that is not in human form. You leave here first.”

  ”Who is the shadow in the master’s room?!”

  But at this moment, a cry suddenly rang out all around.

  Yang Shifei thought it was not good. His big movement attracted the attention of the disciples patrolling outside.

  He thought quickly and simply picked up Tan Xiang horizontally, flew over and broke the window and jumped into the corridor.

  He glanced left and right, and saw that not far away, the Nine-fold Sect members were running quickly with torches in their hands, as if they wanted to surround them on both sides.

  ”Hurry up and let me go.”

  Tan Xiang’s eyes in his arms became more and more scarlet and bright, and he gritted his teeth and said: “Here, leave it to me to cover the retreat!”

  ”Shut up!”

  Yang Shifei became calmer. He turned his hand and let her lie on his back. He untied his belt and tied their waists tightly together.

  Although there was a soft touch from behind, like two small glutinous balls, now was not the time to think about it.

  He jumped into the backyard with the railing and ran towards the wall at full speed.

  But just as he was about to jump out of the wall, a long sword suddenly stabbed from the side!


  The sword rang and the other side was even more piercing murderous intent.

  Yang Shifei stepped on the wall and retreated violently, avoiding the attack. He saw two young men standing on the edge of the wall with swords in their hands, looking at him coldly.

  ”There are villains who dare to break into the Nine-Layered Gate. They really don’t know

  whether they live or die.” “Who are you? Are you a spy from the enemy country who sneaked into the East City?”

  At the same time, two more disciples of the Nine-Layered Gate rushed over from the side and stabbed with swords.

  Yang Shifei’s face was cold and cold. He immediately spread his hands and clamped the sword tightly with two fingers.

  ”Fuck this——”

  The two Nine-Layered Sect disciples were dumbfounded. Before they could react, they felt a huge force coming from the hilt of the sword.

  With two clicks, the two long swords broke.

  This move scared many disciples who were about to surround him and stopped, their faces full of shock. This man

  looked so young, but he could break gold and crack stone with his bare hands. What kind of cultivation is this?

  The two young men standing on the wall also looked gloomy, thinking it was dangerous.

  Yang Shifei threw away the broken sword with a cold look.

  ”They are the direct disciples of the Nine-Layered Sect Master, named ‘Xiang Zhao’ and ‘Xiang Yu’. They have the power of internal cultivation and gathering essence, and they are not easy to deal with.”

  Tan Xiang lay on his back, bloodshot in the corners of his eyes, and uttered a slightly soft low moan: “Let me do it”

  ”Don’t move first, be careful to show your true form.”

  Yang Shifei didn’t know what would happen then, but if Tan Xiang’s true form was really a terrifying monster, once it appeared under the eyes of everyone,

  unless he killed everyone present, otherwise if even a little news leaked out, trouble would ensue.

  At this moment, he was extremely calm, and spoke calmly: “Everyone, stop first, I have something to ask you.”

  ”What is there to say, trespassing late at night–”

  ”Have you noticed that Sect Master Xiang and Xiang Tianlin have been very strange recently?”

  ”Nonsense.” Xiang Zhao and Xiang Yu both frowned.

  ”Then let me ask again, have you seen your two wives recently?”

  ”What nonsense are you talking about.” A disciple couldn’t help but shouted angrily: “Everyone knows that the two wives took their sisters out of the city for an outing. How could we see them!”

  At the same time, a fierce battle sounded from the direction of the lobby. Perhaps Chief Constable Tie and Xiang Tianlin had fought.

  Yang Shifei glanced at it and spoke calmly again: “Why not go to Sect Master Xiang’s room and take a look? There is a mechanism under the bed that can open a secret room. Your wife is in it.”

  ”What did you say?”

  The disciples around were all surprised and suspicious when they heard it.

  Xiang Zhao, the leader, frowned and squinted at one of the disciples: “Chuanying, go in and take a look.”


  The young disciple hurried into the house and opened the mechanism after a while of groping.

  A moment later, a scream was heard from the house, and the disciples present shouted anxiously: “Chuanying, what’s wrong?!”

  ”No, it’s not me, it’s the master’s wife and the junior sister. They are all dead!”

  Chuanying ran out in a panic, his face pale: “There really is a secret room, and there is a coffin in it, and they are lying in it!” As soon as

  this was said, the scene fell into a dead silence.

  Yang Shifei looked around and broke the silence at the right time: “The secret room in the house is not built in a few days, and it is definitely not something I did. What’s more, I have to avoid the sight of all of you and move such a heavy coffin into the secret room under the eyes of the Xiang Sect Master, and even stuff the corpses of his wife and daughter into it.”

  The faces of the disciples of the Jiuchong Sect became more and more ugly, and the more they thought about it, the more uneasy they became.

  Moreover, when the master’s wife and sisters went out for an outing a few days ago, it seemed that their master personally escorted them out.

  ”We came here because the Xiang Sect Master attacked the government today, and we were ordered to sneak into the Nine Layers Gate to investigate. Unexpectedly, we found more evidence.”

  Yang Shifei narrowed his eyes and pressed on: “You don’t seem to know that your Xiang Sect Master has gone crazy a long time ago?”

   I hope everyone will follow and vote, thank you~


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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