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Chapter 20 The Mutant Tribe!

Chapter 20 The Mutant Tribe!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 20 Mutant Tribe!

  Before leaving Linghu Wetland Park, Chu Guang took Ye Shi to the mutant leech nest near the parking lot.

  ”We found those mushrooms there.” Ye Shi pointed to the broken cement pipe not far ahead.

  ”Fortunately you didn’t go in.”

  Chu Guang patted Ye Shi on the shoulder.

  ”Let’s go.”

  ”Our target today is not it.”

  It is said that leeches can be used as medicine, but I don’t know if mutant leeches can.

  The two carefully bypassed the mutant leech nest, avoided lush vegetation and concrete ruins, and tried to walk in the sun.

  They walked east for a while.

  Looking at the elevated road bridge and residential buildings in front, Ye Shi, who was following Chu Guang, couldn’t help asking.

  ”Aren’t we going hunting?”


  ”Then why are we getting farther and farther away from the forest?”

  ”The forest is ahead.”


  Chu Guang did not explain much, silently took off the iron pipe rifle on his back, pushed the bullet into the chamber, and his momentum also changed.

  Not far away, there was a broken elevated road bridge.

  On the concrete load-bearing columns covered with moss, the traces of time were hidden by the shadows of green plants.

  A mouse as big as a basin licked the muddy water in the stone pit of the gutter. When it found the two uninvited guests, it quickly rushed to the grass on the side.

  Ye Shi raised his head, his pupils slightly dilated, and a touch of shock was printed on them.

  Behind the broken viaduct, there were tall buildings covered with vines and moss. Thick roots drilled through the cracked concrete ground, and the tree trunks rose from the ground in the middle of the road, overturning the cars and bus stations that had long since turned into iron slag.

  This green hell is full of vitality, but also hides the murderous intent to devour everything.

  The world in his eyes was too shocking, and every frame seemed like a post-apocalyptic work of art, so that Ye Shi even forgot that this was the “game world”.

  At this moment, he finally understood the meaning of Chu Guang’s words.

  Here is the real forest…

  ”Be careful from here on.”

  Chu Guang said as he opened the safety of his iron rifle and explored forward step by step.

  Although this is only the northern suburbs of Qingquan City, far from the core urban area, we still have to be vigilant.

  High-rise residential buildings, sewers, vertical gardens, parking lots, drone hives, CNC planting towers, maglev stations, and behind every window…

  all man-made miracles, after being abandoned by civilization, have become natural greenhouses and seedling beds.

  After the nuclear war, this land did have a long winter, but it only lasted less than half a century.

  The power of nature reversed everything.

  The first to fall were high-rise buildings, and mosses began to erode along the backlit surface, eroding upwards, and eventually covered its entire body.

  And those non-high-rise buildings were not spared.

  In the years of human decline, only a few heavy rains and a sultry summer were needed to turn this place into a paradise for the wild growth of fungi and angiosperms.

  They provide abundant food for wild animals.

  After the city’s drainage system collapsed, the fresh water resources in the city were even more abundant than the nearby Linghu Lake.

  Wild animals and out-of-control poultry began to migrate from forests, lakes, and farms to cities with more comfortable living environments, and evolved into fierce and bloodthirsty mutants under the triple effects of radioactive substances, genetic weapons, and time.

  They are collectively called aliens!

  Of course…

  the dangers here are far more than that.

  Walking carefully along the side of Street 76, it was quiet all around. Just as Ye Shi was thinking about where the aliens had gone, Chu Guang’s voice came from the side.

  ”Something’s going on.”

  Chu Guang suddenly stopped in front of a scrapped car.

  Ye Shi immediately came to his senses, stopped his steps, and looked around nervously, but saw nothing.

  ”What happened?”

  Chu Guang looked solemn.

  ”There are traces of survivors’ activities.”

  ”Other survivors?!” Ye Shi was stunned, and lowered his voice like Chu Guang, but couldn’t hide the excitement in his tone, “Are they the natives of the wasteland?” He

  was finally going to meet other NPCs!

  He had been waiting for this moment for a long time!

  Chu Guang glanced at him and knew what he was thinking.

  ”You don’t have to be so excited. This is not something to be happy about.”


  ”Because in a place like this, strangers are more dangerous than aliens.”

  Without explaining to him, Chu Guang squatted down and found a string of cans strung together by wire behind the scrapped wheel.

  The aluminum cans broke outwards, and from the broken ends it looked like something had exploded, and the residual smell of rotten eggs could be faintly smelled.

  ”Gunpowder with excessive sulfur, as well as thumbtacks and iron sheets…”

  Chu Guang frowned.


  Or predators?

  Ordinary survivors would not deploy tripwire mines near settlements.

  This kind of thing is difficult to hurt aliens with a keen sense of smell, in other words, humans.

  Judging from the residual smell, the explosion should have been not long, at most five hours or even less.

  Chu Guang turned around and asked.

  ”When you came out of the underground, did you hear the explosion coming from the east?”

  Ye Shi shook his head nervously.


  ”Wait for me here.”

  Ye Shi asked nervously, watching Chu Guang put down the can and stood up.

  ”What are you going to do?”

  ”Investigate the situation ahead.”

  ”I can go with you–” ”

  You, stay here.”

  Ye Shi wanted to insist, but when he met Chu Guang’s eyes, the words on his lips were choked again, and finally nodded slowly.

  The pressure from the authority dog ​​made him feel that the man in front of him was not talking nonsense with him, and he might really be kicked off the line…

  He ordered Ye Shi to hide next to the scrap car.

  Chu Guang put away his gun, pulled out the sharpened steel pipe from his back, crouched down and quickly slid into the building on the side of the street.

  Although he did intend to use this player as bait when he came out, the situation is different now.

  There are other survivors on the other side, and it is very likely to be a predator or a mutant tribe. The bait has lost its meaning and will alert the enemy.

  Chu Guang’s face is solemn, and he tightens the steel pipe in his hand.

  The straight-line distance from here to Linghu Wetland Park is at most 1 kilometer, which is too close to Shelter No. 404!

  Especially now that the players are engaged in large-scale production, the smoke and sound generated will be discovered by the people here sooner or later even if they are partially blocked by plants and concrete barriers.

  Keeping these dangers is always a hidden danger.

  Chu Guang is ready to kill.

  Once he determines that the other party may pose a threat, he will not hesitate to strike first.

  The ten-story building along the street has a narrow safety passage and the small space is covered with moss.

  But fortunately, there are no particularly dangerous alien species here.

  On the fifth floor, there were a few fat mutant rats. They might have felt that they were “outnumbered” and bared their teeth at Chu Guang without knowing whether to live or die.

  If they had run away with their backs turned, they would have rushed over in a swarm. However, they were not afraid of this uninvited guest at all. They were timid by nature and did not dare to act rashly. They only dared to tentatively pounce and bared their teeth. They

  were used to this.

  Without saying a word, Chu Guang directly stabbed the nearest mutant rat with a pipe and killed it immediately.

  Seeing how fierce this guy was, the rats immediately fled like birds and beasts, entered the floor entrance, and disappeared into the shadows.

  ”It doesn’t look like a rat’s nest.”

  ”There should be only about ten or twenty…” If

  there were more, these guys would be difficult to deal with.

  A group of mutant rats would be difficult for even a fully armed mercenary to deal with, not to mention himself who only had an iron pipe rifle.

  Chu Guang heaved a sigh of relief and swung the pointed steel pipe, throwing the fat rat and the blood off. He

  went straight to the top floor of the tenth floor.

  Chu Guang used the steel pipe in his hand as a crowbar to pry open the rusty door panel and enter the rooftop.

  The wind on the rooftop was very strong.

  He walked to the rusty water tank and looked towards the community in the east. The scene he saw really confirmed his guess.

  In the open space in the middle of the concrete building, there stood a camp made of wood, with rags and construction waste blocking the view from the outside world.

  The survivors’ strongholds in the wasteland can be roughly divided into two categories. One is to live directly in the house that did not collapse before the war, and the other is to start a new life in the ruins or on the open space, depending on the surrounding conditions.

  Predators living in urban areas usually live in buildings and rarely build such primitive residences and fortifications.

  Only mutants with an average height of two meters and a weight of more than 300 kilograms will build such wooden shacks when there are ready-made houses to use.

  The wooden stakes at the entrance of the camp were sharpened to resemble the fangs of wild animals, with several broken limbs and corpses randomly pierced on them, and dried blood on the ground.

  They eat everything.

  Not only fungi, but also fruits of plants, and even the meat of mutant flies, mice, and cockroaches.

  Of course, their favorite food is their former kind –

  people with two legs.

  Looking along both sides of the street, Chu Guang saw a mutant sentinel carrying a metal longbow on the roof of a shop at the end of Street 76.

  The green skin looked very much like the orcs in fantasy movies, and in fact, they were as strong, savage, rude, and bloodthirsty as orcs. The

  two-meter-tall and knotted muscles were wrapped in armor made of metal garbage, and the billboard on the breastplate even read “Second half price”.

  The two steel bars on the shoulders were directly removed from the bicycle. This thing is very effective in dealing with chopping and blunt damage, and can jam the chainsaw or axe.

  It can be said to be quite cyberpunk.

  If Chu Guang and Ye Shi continued to walk forward, they would have been ambushed by the mutant sentry at the intersection at most!

  He was afraid.

  Chu Guang’s Adam’s apple moved slightly, and he moved his sight and continued to look at the mutant camp in the east community.

  Because there were too many obstructions, he couldn’t see how many people were inside. He could only roughly judge from the scale of this camp based on experience that the number of mutants should be between 20 and 30.

  ”Small mutant settlement…”

  Chu Guang’s expression gradually became solemn.

  These guys are not easy to mess with!

  Almost at the same time, a light blue system pop-up window appeared in his field of vision.

  [Mission: Eliminate the mutant tribe on Street 76

  Type: Branch

  Reward: 200 Reward Points


  Wait –

  can the mission be triggered outside the shelter? !

  Chu Guang was stunned at first, and immediately tried to call out the system, but there was no response.

  The light blue task pop-up window disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

  It seems that the system can only be opened near the shelter, but the task can be triggered anywhere outside the shelter?


  these two hundred reward points are quite awesome.

  Without hesitation.

  Chu Guang immediately put away his weapon, turned around and went downstairs, and quickly left the area with Ye Shi, who was confused.

  That’s a 200-point reward!

  The branch quest that summons 100 players only gives 100 points, but this reward gives 200. It is obvious that this task is not so easy to complete.

  Maybe there is a big pit hidden in it!

  Chu Guang is not stupid.

  He will not fall for such an obvious trick.

  ”Master Administrator, what did you see?” Looking at Chu Guang who finally stopped, Ye Shi, who was out of breath, rested with his hands on his knees and couldn’t help asking.

  Chu Guang, who stood still to rest, answered casually.

  ”It’s the mutant camp.”

  ”So… we just leave like this?”

  ”What else? Fight them? If we lose, we’ll be thrown into the oil pan?” Chu Guang glanced at him, “Think about it, we only have one gun.” There’s

  even only one person who can fight.

  Ye Shi closed his mouth and said nothing.

  He hadn’t thought about it before, and only thought that the mutants were NPCs in this game. Now that he heard what the administrator said, these mutants should be hostile forces?

  And they cannibalize people…

  After secretly noting this information, Ye Shi planned to share it with other players after returning.

  ”It’s not a good idea to provoke those beasts now. We need to be more fully prepared and concentrate our efforts to kill them once and for all.”

  Chu Guang cursed as he walked away.

  ”It’s so damn unlucky… The mutant camp is actually on Street 76, right opposite the east gate of the park.”

  ”No matter what, we have to be careful!”


  The original hunting route can only be deviated!

  Chu Guang led Ye Shi to bypass Street 76 and walked about a mile north along the elevated road bridge out of the city, and found an abandoned construction site.

  The construction site is very large, and it should be a building that has just started construction. One of the buildings has been built to the 17th or 18th floor, and the other several large pits should be the foundations being dug.

  Most of the construction equipment has been scrapped, and the crane has even fallen on the unfinished building, forming a slope.

  It can be seen that the quality of this house is still good.

  Even the tower crane was knocked down by the shock wave of the nuclear explosion, while the concrete building was only smashed into a gap, and even the main structure was not damaged.

  The steel piled in the construction site has rusted, and the cement in the bags has also hydrated and deteriorated and can no longer be used.

  However, what is surprising is that Chu Guang found a large number of unused blue-gray stones here!

  Chu Guang recognized it at a glance. This thing is limestone. If I remember correctly, the main component should be calcium carbonate, which can be used as a raw material for burning cement.

  ”Good stuff!”

  Chu Guang was secretly happy, turned out the map, and made a mark on it.

  If all these limestones are refined into cement, it will not be a problem to build two buildings.

  As long as Lao Bai unlocks the technology of burning silicate cement, they will not have to worry about the raw materials of cement for a long time in the future!

   Thanks to the leader of “Kakarot from the Future” for the reward! ! The new book is still a little immature, please support it~~~ and those who haven’t invested can click on a wave of investment. Believe me, it is a stable batch!


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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