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Chapter 201 I suggest you move

Chapter 201 I suggest you move


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 201 I suggest you move

  [Server-wide announcement: Congratulations to player “白驹过影” for completing the first kill of the Death Claw! ]

  [Since the player chose to make it public, this achievement will be included in the Hall of Fame. ]

  Zhongzhou Space Experimental Base.

  The players who were cleaning the battlefield received these two messages from the VM almost at the same time.

  They were also confused almost at the same time.


  ”Lao Bai???”

  ”Ni Ma, wasn’t this guy captured?”

  ”What’s the situation with this hostage? It’s okay if he ran out by himself, but why did he get the first kill?”

  ”Bad review! Strongly request the planner to change the extras next time!”

  ”Wow, my first kill.”

  500 meters away from the experimental base.

  The roof of the double-layered field.

  Looking at the VM on his arm, Ye Shi’s eyes widened, with an expression of disbelief.

  ”Fuck, Lao Bai is good!” It

  ’s okay if he killed it by himself, but he also killed a Death Claw!

  Ye Shi couldn’t figure out how Lao Bai had defeated that monster that was over four meters tall and whose claws were as long as a leg.

  ”It’s probably the one we encountered this morning. I remember that the dead claw seemed to have been blasted into a mess by the predator with a rocket launcher before we came out.” Fang Chang tried to analyze.

  ”That’s too outrageous!” Ye Shiyi sighed, “Hey, they say that the strength system is in the early stage, and this early stage is too long, right?”

  The distance of the battle is getting longer and longer, and the perception system is almost useless!

  If the neural connection equipment is not popularized, the intelligence system will be exhausted to death!

  The sense of existence of the physique and agility systems has never been strong, and the second place is in turn.

  Only the strength system is strong from 0.1 to 0.9, and it upgrades quickly and fights fiercely. Even if it is moving bricks, one trip is more than two trips of others.

  Is this justice?

  If Lao Bai was not his own, Ye Shi would probably be like the sour people on the forum, shouting to chop it.

  ”Well, maybe the level before level 10 is considered the early stage?” Fang Chang’s expression was a little subtle.

  It was really embarrassing to talk about this.

  Every time the version was updated, he predicted that the intelligence game would rise, but from version 0.5 to 0.9, the whole sequence seemed to be forgotten by the game developer.

  Where are the implants?

  Where are the neural connection devices?

  The strength system is going crazy!

  Sure enough, muscles are the theme of this game!

  ”Hey, let Lao Bai send a red envelope after we go offline!”

  Fang Chang nodded.

  ”Of course, he must send a big one!”

  Ye Shi said impatiently.

  ”By the way, how long do we have to wait here? Can I beat the mutant hyena squatting in the corner? I’ve seen it baring its teeth for a long time.”

  Fang Chang glanced at the VM.

  ”I haven’t received any new tasks yet, but judging from the green dots on the map, our people have completely controlled the battlefield… Let’s wait a little longer.” Anyway,

  the equipment exploded in the team battle belongs to the group, so let them clean up the battlefield.

  It’s not bad to catch fish here for a while.

  However, just when Fang Chang was thinking about this, he and Ye Shi’s VM received a new task at the same time.

  To be precise, not only the two of them received the task at the same time, but also Kuang Feng, who was responsible for watching their anus.

  [Task: Go to the target area to establish a reconnaissance point]

  [Reward: 50 war points]

  ”What’s the situation, is this battle not over yet?” Ye Shiyi was confused and looked at Fang Chang involuntarily.

  He would do this every time he was confused about the situation.

  However, this time, Fang Chang was also a little confused.

  ”Don’t look at me, I’m not A Guang. After a rational analysis, this battle should be over… but I’m not sure if there will be another one.”

  Who knows?

  Maybe A Guang has been working overtime recently and has no time to take care of them. It is not impossible for other planners to target them when they see that they are developing too fast. Isn’t

  there another planner called “Xiao Qi”?

  However, Fang Chang is more inclined to believe what A Guang said-the plot and tasks in the game are completely dynamically generated by the server AI. Just like the setting of the old MMORPG online game novels, planners generally do not interfere with the game process.

  As for not interfering at all, that is unlikely. Just like the so-called “100% true”, this kind of nonsense is only put in advertisements. No one will really believe it, right?

  Fang Chang switched to the map, slid his index finger on the VM screen, and quickly found the mission marker.

  It seemed to be an amusement park, located about 10 kilometers north of the Zhongzhou Aerospace Ecological Experimental Base. Not to mention the question of whether it is far or not, the location is almost in the southern suburbs of TS City!

  It is an unexplored area, and no one has ever been so far away from the resurrection point.

  ”Can I save the game first? I killed two anyway.” Obviously Ye Shi also noticed the location of the mission beacon on the map, with a look of wanting to cry but not tears.

  ”Eighty percent of it is impossible to save it. We are at least 16 kilometers away from the resurrection point. It’s more than 30 kilometers to go back and forth…”

  Fang Chang’s Adam’s apple moved, swallowed his saliva and continued.

  ”Anyway, let’s meet up with Lao Bai first.”


  At the same time, the outpost base 16 kilometers away from the front line.

  Brown, wearing a coat and accompanied by Liu Jiuyue and three bodyguards, hurried here from the farm in the snow.

  ”I am the owner of Brown Farm. I am here to discuss the countermeasures of the Bone Chewing Tribe’s invasion of the northern suburbs of Qingquan City. Here is my invitation… Why are you here too?”

  When Brown saw the people surrounding the south gate of the outpost, he was stunned. The people

  standing here were none other than

  the ones he had driven out of his living room before!

  ”This is too coincidental.”

  Looking at Brown, the scarred man crossed his arms over his chest, whistled at him, and continued in a teasing tone.

  ”I didn’t expect that although our old landlord said that the blue coat was unreliable, his body was surprisingly honest.”

  ”Is this all you can say?”

  Brown’s face flashed with annoyance.

  Liu Jiuyue, who was standing behind him, took a half step forward, staring at the scarred man with a gloomy face, his hands already on his waist.

  He didn’t take the man’s actions seriously at all. The scarred man looked at him leisurely, his eyes slightly narrowed.

  The atmosphere at the scene gradually became tense.

  The two guards standing at the door had already set their sights on the people in confrontation, ready to physically persuade them to stop fighting at any time.

  At this moment, Brown suddenly caught a glimpse of an old man walking out of the south gate.

  The old man looked familiar, but Brown couldn’t remember where he had seen this face for a while.

  It was strange.

  I couldn’t remember it at all!

  Just as Brown was distracted, a middle-aged man wearing a hunter’s hat stepped forward and nodded slightly to the old man standing at the door.

  ”I am Du Conglin from the Morning Breeze Community. Please allow me to meet your manager. I have something very important to discuss with him!”

  The scarred man also stood up.

  ”Night Owl, from Highway Town, I also want to meet your manager, for the matter of the Bone Chewing Tribe.”

  Afraid of being left behind, the man with a head as round as his belly also stepped forward and said.

  ”Red Train Station, Duolu… Please help us for the sake of us being the survivors of the northern suburbs of Qingquan City.”

  Others also said similar words, looking at Old Luca with desire in their eyes.

  Brown, who was excluded from the outside, and Liu Jiuyue and a group of guards following him, were all confused at the moment.

  Who was invited?

  Old Luca did not favor anyone.

  Although there were more than ten people than originally planned, he still received them as the master’s butler according to the instructions of the manager.

  ”The manager has gone out of the courtyard and will be back later. If you are willing to wait for him for a while, please follow me in.”

  After saying this, Old Luca looked over the crowd and glanced at the farmer Brown in the back row.

  His expression did not change at all, and he said it in a businesslike manner.

  ”You are Mr. Brown, right? Please come in too.”


  Brown nodded quickly and walked into the outpost with the other survivors.

  On the way to the reception room.

  Brown had been wondering where he had seen this face before. Finally, he couldn’t help but wink at Liu Jiuyue, motioning him to come closer, and whispered to him in a low voice.

  ”Is that the manager’s butler? Or someone else… Why do I feel that he looks a little familiar?”

  Liu Jiuyue smiled bitterly in his heart. Of course, he knew why Mr. Brown looked familiar, but he was afraid of being blamed, so he had to play dumb.

  ”I don’t know, sir. The last time I came here to deliver a message for you, it was the first time I saw him… Maybe I recognized the wrong person?”

  Although he was suspicious of this sentence, Brown really couldn’t remember where he had seen him, so he didn’t ask any more questions and said casually.



  The group came to the reception room.

  The environment here is very simple. The most expensive things are probably the bear skin on the ground and the radio on the wooden table next to it.

  Brown recognized the radio.

  He had been a guest at the home of the old mayor on Beth Street, and the covenant of joint defense was even signed in the old mayor’s study.

  Brown still remembers that the radio was playing “The Book of Getting Rich” by the Voice of Boulder City – an article about the techniques of growing kamu trees.

  That’s why Brown felt a little uneasy.

  Although he sent a batch of food here in a timely manner, no one could guarantee that the lord here would not suddenly remember this and use it as an excuse to blackmail him. It’s

  a good thing to be able to buy peace with money.

  But the problem is that he really can’t squeeze out at all.

  Waiting for everyone to sit down.

  Looking at the survivors in the reception room, Old Luca spoke.

  ”We didn’t expect so many guests to come. The conditions here are a bit simple. Please overcome them.”

  Du Conglin from the Morning Wind Community shook his head and said politely.

  ”No, it’s us who disturbed you abruptly.”

  Although the environment in the reception room was a bit simple, no one doubted the strength of these blue coats.

  On the way here just now, Night Owl had been observing the people here. What surprised him was that he saw several survivors who seemed to be showing signs of awakening.

  When did “awakening” become so common?

  Night Owl remembered clearly that he had paid a cruel price and experienced such dangerous life and death tests before he was lucky enough to obtain the hard-won power.

  ”…Originally, we planned to invite you all to come here to discuss the situation in the north of Qingquan City, but since you are all here, let’s do it together.”

  After a pause, Luca continued.

  ”I believe you should have noticed that the chaos brought by the Legion is spreading from the central part of the River Valley Province to the south. Countless survivors were displaced in the war, and a huge tribe of predators was rising in the chaos. They burned villages, destroyed settlements, plundered and enslaved everything in sight.”

  The thin man shuddered and said tremblingly.

  ”Chew bones…”

  Luca glanced at him and nodded.

  ”Yes, that’s their name.”

  ”We expected them to march to the northern suburbs of Qingquan City in the spring, but we didn’t expect them to come earlier than planned.”

  Old Luca nodded to his assistant.

  The young man immediately understood and sent the prepared VMs to the survivors one by one.

  Looking at the VMs in their hands, they were a little overwhelmed. Just as everyone in the reception room was wondering what the blue coats were going to do, a picture appeared on the screen.

  It was the aerial view of the drone.

  In the research base dotted with bonfires, a group of looters had already occupied it.

  They were well-equipped, some carrying bolt-action rifles, some holding automatic rifles, and machine guns welded on the top of the truck. Some people even put on bulletproof vests outside their fur coats, and many people carried rocket launchers on their backs… Those were the equipment of the legion!

  After seeing this picture, all the survivors present, including Brown, had unhappy expressions on their faces.

  ”They are… people from the Bone Chewing Tribe?”

  ”Where is this?”

  ”It seems to be the Zhongzhou Space Ecological Experimental Base… I’ve heard of this place, it’s northeast of Qingquan City!”

  ”What?! The people from the Bone Chewing Tribe have already reached Qingquan City?!”

  Everyone was in a panic.

  The Bone Chewing Tribe has actually reached right under their noses?

  Didn’t the broadcast say that there was still some distance?

  ”It’s about 15 to 16 kilometers away from us. It’s not very close, but it’s definitely not far.” Luca answered some of their questions, motioning them to stay calm and continue looking down.

  In the picture.

  A flash of fire suddenly flashed beside the road below the high ground.

  Without the slightest sign, the silent forest was instantly lit up by dense gunfire!

  The battle broke out instantly!

  At this time, the whistling rockets crossed the battlefield and slammed heavily on the south side of the experimental base, and a group of exploding flames bloomed on the predator’s position.

  At the same time, the predator’s machine guns began to fire at the bottom of the mountain, and the whizzing bullets almost heated up the air they passed through.

  The intense atmosphere even penetrated the screen.

  Brown held his breath unconsciously, and the expression on his face was as stiff as a stone.

  At this time, he saw with his peripheral vision that the fat man named Duolu, who was sitting not far from him, had a row of sweat on his forehead.

  It can be seen that he was frightened by this scene!

  Du Conglin and Ye Xiao, who were not far away, were not frightened by the cruelty of the battlefield.

  However, when the battle became white-hot, their faces were still printed with surprise, shock, and disbelief.

  It was not just because of the strength of these blue coats.

  What made them even more difficult to understand was the strength shown by the predators guarding the high ground in this defensive battle. Are

  these people really just predators? ? ?

  In Du Conglin’s impression, predators are all bandits who pick on the weak, and the way they fight is similar to the fight between gangs… although he is also one of them.

  However, these predators have obviously shown a certain combat quality.

  Thinking of his side, who were still arguing over which family had two more or two less less than an hour ago, Du Conglin suddenly felt deeply powerless.

  If they were thrown there and fought these looters with real weapons, he was sure that less than one-third of them would come back alive.

  In the picture, as the survivors on the eastern front rushed to the high ground and attacked the experimental base, the battle was basically coming to an end. Only

  sporadic gunfire was left on the battlefield.

  The looters who retreated into the building were either shot behind the bunker or killed by grenades thrown into the room.

  There were even worse ones, whose clothes were ignited by the fire of the Molotov cocktail, and the whole person turned into a ball of fire, and was burned to death in agony.

  There was no doubt that the blue coats won this battle.

  A group of looters with their hands on their heads were lining up to walk out of a certain experimental building under the surveillance of rifles.

  The picture ended here.

  There was silence in the reception room.

  Looking at the survivors sitting here, Old Luca continued with a serious expression.

  ”Everyone, we are facing a group of organized looters, and their danger is far beyond our expectations.”

  ”The northern suburbs of Qingquan City are very large, and we cannot maintain a defense line of dozens of kilometers. This is neither realistic nor possible.”

  ”A cruel fact is that if we shrink the defense line to our feet and turn a blind eye to your situation, you who are scattered all over the northern suburbs will probably have only one end, that is, you will be defeated one by one by the bone chewing tribe with an absolute advantage in military strength, and become their slaves – or even food.”

  Looking at the survivors whose faces were gradually turning pale, Old Luca paused for a moment and put forward the proposal of the administrator.

  ”Our respected administrator has taken this into consideration, so we have a proposal here, and I hope you can seriously consider it.”

  ”If you don’t want to become the food of the looters, and don’t want to go far away, why not move to us.”

  The moment the voice fell, a commotion spread in the reception room. The expressions on the faces of the people sitting here were different, and each was wonderful in its own way.

  Especially Brown.

  He almost had the word “dream” written on his face.

  Move to your place?!

  It’s crazy!

  Brown’s heart was filled with anger and humiliation. These treacherous and shameless people actually! Actually… Well, he didn’t know how to criticize them, but they obviously accepted his tribute, shouldn’t they do something?

  Fortunately, he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart and rushed here in the heavy snow.

  I didn’t expect to hear such a ridiculous proposal!

  Without taking these wonderful expressions to heart, old Luca continued in a calm tone.

  ”We know that moving is not an easy thing.”

  ”But compared with the two roads and the possible consequences, I think you should seriously consider it. We sincerely propose it from the bottom of our hearts.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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