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Chapter 204 Everyone is hungry during the winter, why do you have so much food? !

Chapter 204 Everyone is hungry during the winter, why do you have so much food? !


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 204 Everyone is hungry during the winter, why do you have so much food at home? !

  Cow and Horse Club Group.

  WC is really a mosquito: “Strange, where are the dog managers? I didn’t see anyone all day.”

  Lao Bai: “Fang Chang and the others went on a mission, probably they haven’t logged off yet. By the way, is it really okay for you to say this in front of me? (side-eyed smile)”

  (Group member “WC is really a mosquito” withdrew a message.)

  WC is really a mosquito: “Fuck! They haven’t logged off yet? Don’t characters get tired?”

  If the characters in the game didn’t also need to sleep, I’m afraid many people in this game would stay online 24 hours a day.

  Lao Bai: “It seems that he is sleeping during the shift change. I just saw Fang Chang on the forum.”

  Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes: “Speaking of which, have you seen the post that A Guang posted on the official website? It seems that the 1.0 version will have a guild system. Should we set up a guild then?”

  WC Zhenyou Mosquito: “Do I even need to ask this? We must do it! The combat professional players and life professional players of the T0 echelon are all in our group. If we join forces, won’t we be invincible? (grin)” Ye Shi

  : “If you don’t understand, just ask. Is the T0 echelon life professional player you are talking about yourself? (funny)”

  WC really has mosquitoes: “Fuck! Do you look down on goblin technology? (angry)”

  Night Ten: “I don’t, I’m not, how dare I. (funny)”

  Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes: “(squinting)”

  Old White: “Haha, don’t blame Mosquito, some of the gadgets he made are still very powerful, I really can’t make them. By the way, Night Ten, why did you come down, have you completed the mission?”

  Night Ten: “I’m done, on the way back, we are taking turns riding bicycles. I was riding just now, and now it’s Kuangfeng’s turn to carry me. I slept on his back for a while. Brother Quitting Smoking hasn’t mastered the trick of going offline yet, I guess he’s dawdling, I just washed my face, and I’ll take Kuangfeng’s shift after dinner.”

  Before he tricked Old White into joining the team, Night Ten called Quitting Smoking.

  The bicycles produced by the No. 81 Steel Plant have large frames, which are more than enough for two people. Four people and two bicycles are just right for taking turns.

  Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes: “By the way, what mission are you guys on?”

  Night Ten: “Reconnaissance! There’s another group of people coming to our north, with about 6 trucks and 5 machine gun pickups with welded steel plates. Their equipment is obviously better than the group we met last night. They are probably the direct troops of the Bone Chewing Tribe. They circled the experimental base twice before going up. They must be furious now. I think I heard a few gunshots. (Funny)”

  Lao Bai: “Haha, they took away the fuel rods and supplies, and burned those that couldn’t be taken away. If it were me, they would definitely be furious!”

  WC Really Mosquito: “Don’t go off track, what about the guild? We have to think of a cool name, right?”

  Night Ten: “Do you even need to ask this? (Funny)”

  Lao Bai: “There’s really no need to ask. (Laughing)”

  The name of the Cow and Horse Club is about to become an urban legend in the single-player game circle along with “Wasteland OL”.

  It would be a waste if the guild is not called this name.


  ”Fuck! So stingy!”

  In the resident hall of the shelter, Chu Guang couldn’t help cursing as he looked at the rewards from the blind box.

  There was no power armor.

  The results of the prize draw were as follows:

  two lollipops, three treatment needles, and an active substance extractor.

  Chu Guang couldn’t understand what kind of weapon the active substance extractor was.

  Could it be because it could produce active substances used to make clones? And clones are considered consumables classified under the category of weapons?

  The indirect relationship here is too long!

  Chu Guang felt that if this logic was valid, bionic people should also be considered weapons.

  After all, they can be used as human bombs, cannon fodder on the line, and can consume the enemy’s physical strength after being captured. If this is not a weapon, what is it?


  can I draw one?

  ”Forget it, one more active substance extractor is not bad.”

  When there were only dozens of players in the past, not everyone might die in a week. Now that the number of players has increased, the strategy for the underground world of Qingquan City has been launched. There are “natural” casualties every now and then. The active substance extractor has basically never stopped since it was turned on, and it runs at full capacity every day.

  Chu Guang calculated that ignoring the time for filling and taking materials, an average of 1 to 3 units of active substances can be produced every hour.

  If it is a slime mold alien, the recycling speed will be much slower than that of mammals, with an hourly output of 0.9 to 1.5 units.

  At the same time, factors such as the integrity, moisture content, temperature, and degree of decay of the material will affect the recycling volume and recycling speed.

  After thinking for a moment, Chu Guang made a decision.

  ”The new active substance extractor will be deployed outside the B3 layer.”

  This will also save the need to cut the alien corpses into pieces and pack them and send them to the surface for refining.

  Chu Guang has already regarded Shelter 404 as his home.

  Bringing those bloody things home makes him feel a little disgusted.


  Shelter 404 B3 layer.

  Two guards carried a black “coffin” one after the other and walked out through the gear-shaped gate.

  Outside the gate is an underground tunnel that is not marked on the map. It connects to the Qingquan City subway network and extends to the outside of Qingquan City. It is unknown where it leads.

  At present, the players’ strategy progress is about 1 kilometer to the north and 800 meters to the south. Due to the existence of the Qingquan City Center Mother Nest, the strategy towards the city center will be more difficult, even though it is far from the city center.

  The construction team of the outpost built a checkpoint here with cement, bricks and sandbags.

  Two guards take turns to stand guard at the checkpoint. While issuing tasks to the residents of the shelter, they also prevent these residents from bringing some strange things back to the shelter or attracting some difficult-to-deal-with alien species.

  Although no accidents have occurred so far, the administrator has equipped this place with a machine gun and 300 machine gun bullets, as well as a simple 12kw wood generator and four searchlights.

  In addition, there are two Panzerfausts in the sentry post, which are placed in a locked wooden box, and the captain on duty keeps the key.

  This place is like a small bunker.

  Even if you encounter a tyrant, you can hold on for a minute or two and close the door of the shelter.

  After carrying the pitch-black “coffin” into the checkpoint and placing it next to the generator, the young rookie guard stood up and wiped the sweat off his face.

  Seeing the officer pulling out a wire from the generator and connecting it to the strange-looking device, he couldn’t help but ask curiously.

  ”Sir, what is this box used for?”

  Liu Ding clapped his hands, glanced at the new recruit, grinned and said.

  ”You don’t want to know.”

  As he was talking, two residents of the shelter came over carrying a pitch-black gnawer.

  ”We just saw the mission update!”

  ”Can the gnawer’s body be recycled?”

  After looking at the subtitles on the VM, Liu Ding followed the manager’s instructions, looked at them solemnly and nodded, and read the monologue in a non-standard accent.

  ”Yes, respected warriors, this is up to you.”

  The two players looked happy, walked forward happily, skillfully opened the lid of the active substance extractor, and threw the corpse that had been set up in it.

  They are already mature little players.

  They can produce and synthesize their own raw materials!

  Irena wiped the sweat from her forehead and stared at the active substance extractor that had started working and couldn’t help asking.

  ”By the way, how many resurrection coins can this thing produce in a day?”

  Canyon Runaway Mole answered casually.

  ”I heard that one per hour… but the synthesis efficiency of the gnawer is very low, and the specific output is unknown.”

  ”Fuck! Only this much?”

  ”No way, I heard that the synthesis efficiency of mammals is a little higher.”

  Irena’s heart moved and asked.

  ”You said… how much can be squeezed out of a living person?”

  Canyon Runaway Mole glanced at him.

  ”I haven’t tried it, why don’t you lie down in it and try it?”

  ”Are you a devil???”

  Liu Ding glanced at the VM. There were no subtitles on it. I thought these people were not talking to me.

  The young guard on the side looked at these warriors with a face full of longing.

  When will I be as strong and brave as them and fight those terrifying aliens alone…


  The east gate of the outpost.

  About a hundred meters away from the trench in front of the wall, the tribesmen were walking on the snow under the morning sun, carrying buckets towards Linghu Lake in the west.

  A new day starts with fetching water.

  Now in December, the surface of Linghu Lake has frozen over, and people can even run on the lake near the shore. They need to chisel the surface of the lake to get the fresh water they need.

  If they are lucky, they may even get two fish that can breathe through the ice.

  Because a new refugee tribe settled here some time ago, the tribesmen who were separated during the journey also found here one after another, and the village that was originally sparsely populated now looks much more lively.

  However, although the two tribes are located next to each other, separated by only a small path, they have not completely merged together to form the same village.

  Even though they are still friendly with each other and have even become two newlyweds recently, both sides also tacitly maintain a certain distance, neither too distant nor too close.

  The new tribal leader inserted a spear at the door of his settlement as the totem of the tribe.

  Seeing this, Wu Tiefu followed suit and found a wooden stake to put at the door of the settlement and inserted an axe on it.

  Thus, the two tribes of Frost Spear and Iron Axe were born.

  Patrolling outside the base with rifles on their backs, two guards stopped at the east gate for a while, glanced at the tribesman village, and chatted casually.

  ”It’s getting more and more lively around the base recently.”


  ”I heard that among the new guards, there are two tribesmen?”

  ”That’s true. I remember that they were two dark and thin guys. I don’t know if they are sixteen years old. I’m really worried that they will go to the battlefield and piss their pants when they are scared by the bullets flying over the trenches.”

  If the pants get wet in this damn weather, it’s no joke. It might be life-threatening.

  ”Speaking of which, is there going to be a war recently?”

  ”Eighty percent of it is. I heard from the brothers who came back last night that they had a fight with the people of the Bone Chewing Tribe more than ten kilometers away. Rockets whizzed in the sky and killed many people!”

  Speaking of war, although it makes people frown, but none of the boys in the guard are afraid.

  After all, even a strong enemy like the Legion has been defeated by them, let alone a group of barbarians who eat raw meat and drink blood?

  They had no doubt that the wise and powerful administrator could lead them to victory, and those hyenas and wolves who dared to show their fangs to them would be crushed under the iron hammer of justice!

  At this moment, a young guard trotted over from not far away.

  ”We need manpower in the north! Are you busy now? If not, come and help us.”

  The two patrolling guards looked stern and grabbed the straps of their rifles.

  ”We are patrolling, what’s the situation in the north?”

  Seeing the nervous expressions of the two, the young guard smiled and said.

  ”Don’t be nervous, it’s not the looters, it’s the spoils! In the operation last night, we dragged the spoils to Changjiu Farm, and now a batch has been delivered to the north gate of the wetland park. Trucks can’t enter the park, so we need to find a few strong people to help move things and unload.”

  Hearing this, the two breathed a sigh of relief and loosened their hands holding the straps of the rifles.

  ”I’ll notify the warehouse manager, please wait a moment.”

  The task of transporting is issued to the warehouse manager, who does not have the authority to issue tasks.

  The young guard nodded energetically.

  ”Well, we don’t need a lot of people, about 10 will be enough!” In

  the battle last night, more than 30 tons of food, a large number of legion standard weapons and bullets, and even artillery shells were seized from the looters!

  Part of the supplies were left at Changjiu Farm, and the other part was dragged to the outpost.

  At this moment, in the central square of the sanatorium, Brown, who had just woken up, stretched out his hand to rub his sore eyebrows, and couldn’t help yawning.

  All night yesterday, the aerial images he saw from the VM kept appearing in his dreams over and over again, making him unable to sleep all night.

  ”Oh, our old landlord also got up so early.”

  Hearing the voice from behind, Brown subconsciously turned his head and saw the man who spoke to him, and his brows suddenly wrinkled into three seams.

  ”Your mouth is still so smelly, it’s hard for you to live until now.”

  Night Owl, with his arms folded, didn’t take this to heart, and squeezed out a slightly mocking smile from his scarred face.

  ”Don’t get me wrong, I mean no harm, let’s talk business, what have you considered?”

  Brown raised his chin slightly.

  ”Before hearing the specific relocation plan, I refuse to express any opinion.”

  Relocation plan?

  What kind of plan is needed for this thing?

  ”You are still so hard to understand… Just say it, I plan to move there.”

  Brown sneered at this childish remark and replied indifferently.

  ”Is this your idea alone, or the idea of ​​all the survivors in Highway Town.”

  Night Owl shrugged.

  ”It doesn’t matter, I will convince them.”

  ”What can I convince you with?”

  ”We are no match for those looters, and Boulder City doesn’t care at all, let alone our life or death. If we don’t unite again, the fate that awaits us will be to be defeated one by one.”

  Such a naive speech.

  ”Can you guarantee that those blue coats can guarantee your safety? Even if they have that ability, can you guarantee that they will not use you as cannon fodder and throw you to the front line to consume the bullets of those looters?”

  To be honest, although Brown hoped that this group of blue coats that suddenly rose up could solve the troubles that were getting closer and closer to the north, otherwise he would not appear here.

  But the plan he envisioned was that the blue coats could organize a coalition army to appear at their doorsteps when necessary and deal with the looters’ attacks together with them.

  For this, he could pay a little price, whether it was food or something else.

  However, Brown never thought that the plan proposed by these blue coats was to let all of them move over.

  It was ridiculous!

  If he really did this, it would undoubtedly mean losing everything he had now!

  Even if he had to take a step back, if he had to run, why not run to the safer Boulder City?

  It was obviously more civilized there!

  The army was more powerful!

  It was also much safer than here!

  Just as the two were arguing with each other, there was a commotion at the north gate.

  I saw a group of residents of the shelter dragging wooden and iron trailers, bringing in bundles of food from outside.

  A rough count showed that the food weighed at least ten tons.

  Dulu, who had just woken up from a sleep and happened to walk out of the sanatorium, rubbed his eyes.

  Staring at the food being transported to the warehouse from the north gate, his green bean-sized eyes instantly shrank to the size of coins, and he couldn’t help muttering.

  ”Where does all this food come from?!”

  Everyone is hungry for the winter, why do you have so much food at home!

  ”Eighty percent of it comes from those looters.” Du Conglin, wearing a hunter’s hat, walked out of the door of the sanatorium with a mixed expression on his face.

  The good news is that this group of blue coats are very strong. Judging from these trophies, at least the dark video is not photoshopped. They did fight with those looters and won!

  However, the worry is that judging from the amount of food, the group of looters targeting the northern suburbs of Qingquan City is probably not small in number!

  Tens of thousands of kilograms of food were transported to the granary by carts. The food that could not be put in could only be piled in a temporary shed.

  It would take several trips by truck to transport this much food. It didn’t look like it was prepared for one or two hundred people!

  As we all know, those looters don’t farm, at least not for themselves.

  To be able to collect so much food, I’m afraid there must have been many broken families and deaths along the way…

  Representatives from other survivor settlements in the northern suburbs came out of the guest rooms one after another, looking at the residents of the shelter who were busy carrying the spoils, with their faces showing their own wonderful expressions.

  Some were envious, some were worried, and some were hesitant.

  At this time, a man in power armor walked out of the main entrance of the sanatorium.

  Chu Guang removed the mask of the power armor and looked at the strange survivor closest to him, and spoke in a friendly tone.

  ”Did you have a good rest last night?”

  Hearing the lord here talking to him, Du Conglin from the Morning Wind Community said with a stiff expression.

  ”Thank you for your hospitality. I slept well last night.”

  ”That’s good.”

  Chu Guang smiled faintly, paused for a moment, looked at the representatives of other survivor settlements around him, and continued.

  ”It just so happens that everyone is here.”

  ”Then please follow me.”

  (Next chapter before 11 o’clock!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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