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Chapter 205 Relocation Plan and Reinforcement

Chapter 205 Relocation Plan and Reinforcement


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 205 Relocation Plan and Reinforcement

  ”Is the war situation so tense?”

  Staring at the dark blue power armor on Chu Guang, the restless Night Owl couldn’t help but muttered in a low voice.

  Not understanding what he meant by this sentence, Du Conglin tilted his head slightly and asked hesitantly.

  ”What do you mean?”

  ”I put this thing on early in the morning,” Night Owl smacked his lips and said after glancing at the power armor. “If it were me, I wouldn’t wear such a bulky thing to walk around the house.” At least I

  wear it when I go out for a long time.

  Dolu, who was walking next to him, couldn’t help but laugh.

  ”Haha, do you have it?”

  Night Owl glared at him and was about to say something when the manager’s voice came from the front.

  ”We’re here.”

  This is the reception room of the outpost base. They came here yesterday and watched a “movie” at the invitation of old Luca.

  After asking everyone to sit down, Chu Guang walked in front of them.

  Because he was wearing a power armor, he did not sit down with the others, but chose to stand and talk.

  ”Regarding the relocation, my subordinates should have conveyed our suggestions to you last night. I want to know what you think.”

  The room was quiet for a while.

  Brown was silent for a moment, then slowly raised his head and said.

  ”Is this a discussion or a final ultimatum?”

  Chu Guang looked at him.

  ”Of course it’s the former. Even if you have your own plans, as long as you don’t surrender to our enemies, we won’t interfere.”

  This sentence also has another meaning.

  That is, we will not be responsible for your safety, let alone send reinforcements when you are attacked.

  The survivors exchanged glances, with a slightly embarrassed expression on their faces.

  Seeing the concerns on their faces, Chu Guang continued.

  ”I know what you are worried about, for example, whether you will be treated unfairly when living under someone else’s roof, and whether we will keep our promise to guarantee your safety.”

  ”It is human nature to have these concerns. My subordinates did not make promises to you for rigorous considerations. Here, as the manager of Shelter No. 404, I promise you that all survivors who move to Changjiu Farm will be fairly protected by the laws of Shelter No. 404 and live with dignity under our order.”

  When Chu Guang said this, the survivors sitting in the reception room whispered to each other.

  Some people have been moved, and some are still wavering, but it is obvious that their attitudes have been shaken.

  As Chu Guang said, as outsiders, they are worried about two things.

  One is whether they can be treated fairly, and the other is whether their safety can be guaranteed “as promised.”

  At present, there is no need to worry about the first point. These blue coats have taken in nomads, so there is no reason to treat them differently.

  As for the second point, let alone.

  Although I don’t have a more intuitive understanding of the strength of these shelter residents, they even have power armor, so I think they are at least not weak.

  It’s not a bad thing to rely on the strong, as long as everything is worth it.

  At least for those small-scale and decentralized survivors, it is much better to have a big leg to hold on to than to fend for themselves like an orphan.

  However, a friendly proposal for other survivors may not be so good for a certain landlord.

  The ambiguous attitudes on the faces of other survivor representatives around made Brown feel a little nervous.

  If everyone except himself accepts the olive branch thrown by Shelter No. 404, does his opinion still matter?

  He can almost foresee what his fate will be.

  Who knows if these blue jackets will take the opportunity to settle the protection fee they paid to the Blood Hand Clan before the Bone Chewing Tribe sets its sights on them, and raid his house to do something like fortifying the walls and clearing the fields.

  No one can guarantee that such a thing will not happen.

  ”Will you keep your promise?” Looking at Chu Guang, Brown said nervously, “I heard that you invaded Bette Street.”

  As soon as he said this, Brown regretted it, but it was too late to take it back.

  The survivors present were whispering.

  Chu Guang didn’t pay attention to those voices. He looked at Brown without hesitation, and the latter avoided his eyes in fear the moment he met his eyes.

  ”Invasion? If you have been there, you won’t say such a thing.”

  ”After our people arrived at Bette Street, the residents of Bette Street took the initiative to open the door and welcome us. We ended the rule of a vampire, returned the street to their people, and let them live under a new order. Now they don’t have to endure the exploitation of the old mayor, let alone dig out their own flesh and blood to try to feed a group of jackals that can never be fed.”

  ”Compared to the word invasion, I prefer to call it liberation.”

  The reception room was silent.

  When hearing the second half of Chu Guang’s words, many survivors blushed and showed ashamed expressions.

  Digging up their own flesh and blood to try to feed a group of jackals that can never be full, isn’t that what they are talking about?

  If it weren’t for paying protection fees to the Blood Hand Clan, they wouldn’t have to live so poorly this winter.

  ”You and your residents are a group of noble people, I have never doubted it.”

  Du Conglin looked at Chu Guang and continued solemnly.

  ”The vanguard of the chewing bones has arrived at the border of Qingquan City. The crisis is imminent. The current situation does not allow us to disagree any more. We, the Morning Wind Community, are willing to accept your resettlement and are very grateful for your willingness to take us in.”

  ”Me too,” Night Owl, who was sitting next to him, also raised his hand, “The one hundred residents of Highway Town have no objection to this!”

  The other survivors also nodded and said they could accept it.

  Brown wanted to say something else, but in the end he didn’t dare to speak again, holding back the words that were already on his lips.

  Only Doru couldn’t help but whispered.

  ”Can you tell me the specific resettlement plan… I mean, in terms of property.”

  Chu Guang looked at him and said.

  ”Of course, that’s exactly what I’m going to say. I’m going to convince you that accepting our placement is not a bad thing.”

  As he spoke, Chu Guang took out a map and drew a circle between the northern part of Linghu and the Yumu District, encircling a large area of ​​land.

  ”It is ten kilometers from the northern part of Linghu to the Yumu District, and the usable land area exceeds 100,000 mu. I have visited this area before. It is rich in fresh water resources and fertile soil. It is a good place for farming. Although there are mutant jackals, mutant hyenas and even cracked crabs, it is not a big problem. Our patrol team will solve these troubles for you.”

  ”I hope you can move to Changjiu Farm. The garrison and walls there can guarantee your safety to the greatest extent. Next year, I will give you some land for cultivation. In addition, the forest farm in Yumu District will also be open to you. It is a natural hunting ground and one of our main sources of meat at present.”

  ”All your property is yours. We will not make any punishment. There are only two things you need to pay attention to. One is to abide by our laws, and the other is to use our currency on our territory. If you have any questions, you can raise them now.”

  Hearing this, Brown immediately asked.

  ”What about slaves? Slaves are also part of our property, but your laws don’t seem to recognize slaves.”

  Guessing that someone would ask this question, Chu Guang decisively brought out the rhetoric he had already thought of.

  ”Shelter No. 404 advocates equality. We advocate the employment system and prohibit anyone from enslaving others in any form. Of course, we will not ask you to give up your ownership of slaves for free. You can voluntarily release them or sell them to us. Here, a young and middle-aged man aged 16 to 35 can be exchanged for 5 acres of arable land, and the rest are all counted as 3 acres of land.”

  ”They will be incorporated into the pioneer team as semi-free people, and they will undergo ideological transformation in labor with our captives, and after a period of time, they will reintegrate into our society as free people.”

  It is not realistic to expect these wastelanders to understand the benefits of the employment system and voluntarily release slaves. They have neither the ideological awareness nor the realistic foundation in the wasteland. It

  is a good idea to exchange heads for land.

  This is the method Chu Guang summed up from practice when dealing with the problem of refugees.

  Some refugees who held slaves, although they were reluctant to hand over their slaves and even preferred to kill them rather than let them go, when they learned that the slaves could be exchanged for land, they immediately handed over the ropes tied around the slaves’ necks with joy.

  Only with land can they settle down, and only with a home can they get rid of their refugee status and no longer have to live a precarious life of wandering.

  As for Chu Guang, he just happened to have a large piece of land waiting for people to open up wasteland. Giving away some wasteland would not be a problem at all, but it would reduce his workload.

  After those refugees had land, they would immediately change from time bombs endangering order to shields maintaining order.

  Of course, when mentioning the land issue, Chu Guang did not take the initiative to mention the issue of “tax”.

  Now is the early stage of entrepreneurship, he needs people to make the cake bigger, and it is meaningless to collect one or two pitiful silver coins. Anyway, the money in their hands is also distributed by themselves, so it is better to let it flow in the market and drive economic development.

  When Changjiu Farm developed, the wasteland outside the farm was fully developed, and the land that was originally worthless became valuable, it was natural to collect taxes.

  After listening to Chu Guang’s answer, Brown silently calculated in his mind.

  Slaves themselves are not valuable, and in winter they are even completely negative assets. If he doesn’t want them to freeze to death or starve to death, he has to spend food and fuel to support them.

  He has more than 20 serfs, and if they are all exchanged for land, he can get more than 60 acres.

  This amount of arable land may be less than the land he has now, but the attitude of the manager towards the land has ignited a glimmer of hope in his heart.

  The location of his farm is not very good. It is too close to the city, and the cost of land reclamation is too high. He has not expanded the planting area for many years.

  If he can buy some more land from the manager, he may have a larger farm than before.

  Of course, there are risks.

  No one has really dealt with this group of blue coats, and no one can guarantee that they will abide by the rules and will not kill the donkey after taking over his property.

  Brown weighed it in his mind.

  At this time, the night owl from Highway Town asked.

  ”What about weapons? Do they need to be handed in as well?”

  Chu Guang replied.

  ”Gun is prohibited in the settlement, but there is no restriction outside the settlement. Private armed forces that stay in our jurisdiction for a long time need to be registered, and the business and operating projects must comply with our laws. There are no other restrictions.”

  None of the survivors spoke.

  Although these conditions sound a bit harsh, at least they can survive.

  Seeing that no one was talking, Chu Guang continued.

  ”If there are no other questions, then the above are all the things to pay attention to in the relocation work.”

  ”We will provide you with a resident manual later, which contains all the things to pay attention to in our settlement. You can understand it as our law.”

  ”In addition, I hope the relocation work can start as soon as possible. According to the intelligence sent by our reconnaissance team from the front line, the reinforcements of the Bone Chewing Tribe have arrived in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City and are now in a state of panic about 16 kilometers northeast of us. It is hard to say whether they will do something irrational.” Noticing that

  the faces of several survivors changed slightly and they became restless, Chu Guang paused and continued.

  ”I’m not sure if any of you live nearby. If so, you’d better notify them to evacuate as soon as possible.”

  Before the voice fell, hurried footsteps suddenly came from outside the reception room.

  There was a knock on the door.

  After getting permission, a guard walked into the room quickly, saluted Chu Guang, and reported with a serious expression.

  ”Manager, according to the news from Changjiu Farm, we saw a lot of smoke in the northeast direction… It seems that something is burning!”

  Chu Guang was stunned when he heard this.

  What the hell?

  Is my crow mouth blessed? !

  With an ominous premonition in his heart, Chu Guang immediately said.

  ”Can you confirm the specific location?”

  ”Our captain Wrench has sent people to check the situation there. We can only guess the approximate location…”

  At Chu Guang’s instruction, the guard stepped forward, stared at the map hanging on the wall for a while, and drew a circle on it with a charcoal pencil.

  Looking at the circled location, the night owl closest to the map was slightly stunned, and blurted out subconsciously.

  ”Dongliu Camp?”

  It was the first time Chu Guang heard this word.

  However, judging from the reactions of the other survivors around, they were obviously familiar with this place name, and all looked at the thin man sitting in the crowd.

  Chu Guang also looked at him.

  The man had a low presence, and he had not said a word since the relocation work meeting began.

  The sudden bad news made his face lose color, as white as the snow outside the door, his lips trembled uncontrollably, and his dilated pupils were full of fear.



  Northeast of the outpost, in the wild.

  Two heavy bicycles were struggling to move forward on the snow.

  Some places where the snow was not very deep were okay, and they could barely ride with a little sliding. When they encountered the kind of snow that buried even the wheels, they could only get off and push.

  ”What’s the use of bicycles in this damn weather? It’s better to give us a few sleds!” Ye Shi couldn’t help complaining while pedaling hard. Kuangfeng, who

  was sitting in the back seat, looked at the VM screen and asked casually.

  ”Can you ski?”

  ”No! But I can learn!”

  Fang Chang, who was sitting behind Jie Yan, was also browsing the VM. He casually said, “I can ski a little, but it’s still a little difficult to ski on this terrain, unless you have two huskies running in front of you.”

  Ye Shi glanced at him.

  ”Damn, how come you can do everything?”

  Fang Chang thought for a while and said.

  ”Emmm… maybe it’s because I’m too idle?”

  The north wind was howling.

  It made people dazed.

  Unable to help but yawn, Ye Shi muttered softly.

  ”This game is too real… The game characters can also get sleepy.”

  Kuang Feng, who was sitting behind, nodded.

  ”Well, it’s really outrageous. I have already had a fatigue debuff, but the 5% debuff effect is not obvious… Wait, it seems that a new task has been triggered.”

  Upon hearing that there was a new task, Ye Shi, who was listless a second ago, suddenly became energetic.

  ”What task?!”

  Fang Chang, who was also staring at the VM screen, followed suit.

  ”I also received a mission… requiring us to go to the Dongliu camp one kilometer away to support the survivors there, prevent the looters from getting supplies from the local area, and buy time for the arrival of reinforcements.”

  Dongliu camp?

  What the hell is that place?

  Fang Chang dragged the map with his index finger and found a green tent icon on the map.

  The icon is located in a forest. No player has explored there, so they know nothing about the situation there. However, judging from the pre-war map, it should be a place like a forest park, with a ranger’s hut and a tourist rest area.

  In short, it is a place where no one lives.

  Kuangfeng touched the bridge of his nose and said calmly: “… In addition, the number of enemy units is unknown, so it is best to be prepared to encounter elite monsters or even trigger a boss battle. But fortunately, the battlefield is in the forest, which is half of our home court.”

  The quitting smoking brother who was pedaling his bicycle with a grunt could not get a word in, and shouted breathlessly.

  ”Brother, give me a direction, do you want to turn around?”

  Fang Chang said, staring at the VM screen and thinking for a moment.

  ”No need, just keep going in the current direction. I’ll tell you in advance where you need to turn right ahead… Tsk, this mission actually has a time limit.”

  The surrounding area is wooded, and the terrain is undulating. It is difficult to find a suitable sniper point. The terrain on the west side is relatively high, but it takes some time to get there.

  Fang Chang has already made a rough plan in his mind.

  Kuangfeng patted Ye Shi’s shoulder and urged him.

  ”The mission will fail in 30 minutes. Pedal faster. Can you learn to quit smoking?”

  Ye Shi cursed.

  ”Fuck! I’m a perception system. How can I compare with the physical system?!”

  Looking at the white snow in front of him, Fang Chang sighed silently in his heart.

  ”It would be great if I could make a motorcycle.”

  Think about it carefully. In the wasteland, the road conditions are not easy for four-wheeled vehicles to run, and the two-wheeled motorcycle is simply a magic weapon! After some modification, it can also be used as a sled boat in winter.

  The only pity is that the engine is a little difficult.

  I hope Brother Ce Suo and Brother Levin from Factory 81 can help!

  ”There’s a lot of smoke ahead!” Jieyan suddenly yelled, “Do you want to turn?”

  ”I can see it with my eyes, please keep your voice down!”

  Fang Chang couldn’t help but complain and took the compound bow from his back.

  As he was talking, there was a faint sound of gunfire in the distance. It sounded not very far away, just in the forest ahead.

  Fang Chang made a prompt decision and said,

  ”Stop the car.”

  ”Kuangfeng and Yeshi go to the high slope on the west side, Jieyan follow me, turn off the safety, and remember not to fire accidentally!”

  ”We will meet the enemy within 700 meters, and we will walk the rest of the way!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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