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Chapter 206: Fierce fighting at Dongliu Camp!

Chapter 206: Fierce fighting at Dongliu Camp!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 206: Fierce fighting at Dongliu Camp!

  There was a fire in Dongliu Camp.

  About twenty looters, led by two centurions, took advantage of the thick fog in the forest in the early morning and attacked here in two directions.

  There was no sign.

  Gunshots suddenly rang out!

  The old guard guarding the village gate was shot dead, and five Molotov cocktails flew towards the village, hitting the wooden fence and the houses at the entrance of the village, officially kicking off the looting.

  The looters wore coats made of hyena skins, with accessories made of human bones and animal teeth hanging around their necks. The ripper rifles with bayonets were like spears in their hands.

  Screams and howls came one after another, and the rude and presumptuous laughter and gunshots turned this place into a purgatory on earth.

  The fence wall of the village was on fire, and the fire spread from north to south. In the smoke, it was impossible to know how many people came.

  Men and women ran desperately out of the village. In the panic, some people fell down from time to time and were caught up by the predators chasing behind them.

  If they were valuable as captives, they would be beaten, tied up and thrown on the side of the road. If they were not valuable as captives, they would be stabbed in the neck or in the back and executed on the spot.

  At first, some people tried to resist, picked up hunting rifles and bows and arrows to fight back bravely, and even thought of dying together. They rushed forward with axes for chopping trees.

  However, the cruel reality is that almost all struggles are in vain.

  In the fight of cold weapons, these survivors are no match for the predators in terms of skills and equipment.

  The hunters who picked up guns to resist had not fired a few shots before they were pressed behind the bunker by dense bullets and could not move. In the end, they were either shot dead on the street when retreating, or stabbed into sieves by countless bayonets.

  In fact, the survivors of Dongliu Camp were not weak.

  But unfortunately, they encountered chewers…

  These people were completely different from the predators they had encountered before!

  They were not only well-equipped, but also well-trained.

  When advancing, someone would provide cover fire, and when charging, they knew when to gather together and when to break up.

  Even after they had already entered the stronghold, they did not scatter like a handful of sand, but planned to sweep and eliminate the resistance in the village, and divided and surrounded the fleeing survivors, and drove them to the northwest corner of the village.

  There was a mud wall there, which was also the thickest part of the wall in the entire village.

  The houses next door were far away, and there was no place to step on. The survivors who were driven there were like lambs in a sheepfold, and could only wait to be slaughtered.

  The man with a fist-sized skull hanging around his neck and a protruding jaw, holding an automatic rifle wrapped with tape, fired two shots into the sky, and shouted fiercely at the panicked survivors.

  ”Hold your head with both hands and kneel on the ground!”

  ”If I see you make any small moves, I will smash your skulls with the butt of my rifle!”

  His name is Yu, a centurion under Gangya. He was ordered to lead his men to search for supplies in the nearby area with another centurion named “Iron Knee”. His

  eyes swept over the villagers, and Yu’s eyes stayed on a few women who were pretty good looking.

  A trace of greed flashed in his eyes, but he quickly calmed down, cursed, and turned around to call on his men to search for supplies.

  ”Hurry up! Take away the food and valuables, and burn the rest!”

  ”Don’t fucking dawdle!”

  ”If you want to have fun, wait until we get back to the base, there will be plenty of time for you to mess around!”

  The supplies prepared for the large army were snatched away by a group of unidentified survivors. Their boss did not intend to give up, and decided to loot on the spot, looting the food, cotton clothes, fuel and other supplies they needed from the nearby survivor settlements.

  Before setting off, the staff officer in the navy blue coat specifically told them to fight quickly and decisively, and not to linger in the battle, let alone waste time on fun.

  If it weren’t for the prestige of the staff officer, Yu would never leave just like that, and he would at least take his brothers to have fun.

  In the Bone Chewing Tribe, the staff officers in navy blue coats have a high status.

  They didn’t know how to fight before, and they had never won so easily like this.

  Thanks to those people in navy blue coats, they are now almost invincible. Not only have they solved their enemies, but they have also swept across the entire central region. There are almost no survivors who can stop them.

  The culture of the plunderers is the worship of the strong. Whoever can lead them to rob more slaves and treasures is their alpha wolf!

  Even Lord Steel Teeth respects that staff officer. Yu doesn’t want to be caught as an example and shot to sacrifice.

  He knows what kind of character his leader is. Whether it is against the enemy or his own people, he is ruthless when he takes a ruthless approach.

  He pulled out all the more than 20 seriously injured friendly soldiers he picked up in the morning and beat them to death. Yu still remembers what their leader said at that time –

  a burden, not worthy of living!

  The villagers were taken to the well in the center of the village.

  This is the village square.

  Food, clothing, and daily necessities… all the spoils of war that were of some value were searched out of the house and thrown into a pile on the open space.

  Two looters walked up and pushed them with bayonets under the muzzles of their guns, dividing these villagers into two groups according to the criteria of useful and useless.

  They would kill a group of those who couldn’t walk as reserve food.

  Then let the rest of the people carry their spoils and follow them back to the base.

  There, waiting for them will be a more cruel hell…

  Seeing a looter carrying a bag of sheep’s horn potatoes from his home, the old man kneeling on the ground didn’t know where he got the courage from, and he rolled and crawled over, hugged the looter’s calf and begged bitterly.

  ”That’s the last bit of food in our family. Please… at least leave us some.”

  The looter was stunned at first, then he grinned and knocked the old man to the ground with the butt of a rifle.

  ”Where did you get that old thing!”

  Leave a little?

  Think about how to save your life first!

  With a bang, the old man fell in the snow, blood oozing from his head.

  The looter grabbed his collar with one hand, dragged him to the side from the middle of the road, stripped off his clothes and threw them into the pile of spoils.

  The survivors around were silent.

  The brutality of the looters made their hands and feet cold. No one dared to speak, let alone resist.

  The blood spread from the gate of the village all the way to the well in the center of the village, and also spread to the depths of their hearts.

  These people are devils!

  Looking at his grandfather lying in the corner, the boy covered his screaming sister and stared at the man who killed his grandfather, hatred flashing in his eyes.

  It seemed that he noticed the boy’s gaze.

  The predator looked at him with interest, as if he had found something interesting, and walked in front of him.

  ”Is that old guy your father?”

  The boy didn’t say anything, just stared at him.

  The predator narrowed his eyes, and suddenly noticed the girl in his arms, and a trace of evil thoughts flashed in his eyes.

  Thinking of something fun, he pulled out a rusty dagger from the side of his boots, threw it in front of the boy, and said in a teasing tone.

  ”I’ll give you a chance.”

  ”If you beat me, I’ll let you go.”

  ”If you lose, she’s mine.”

  The neighbor who was kneeling next to him pulled the boy and pleaded with the predator.

  ”He’s still a child…let him go.”

  ”Did I ask you a question?”

  The predator pulled the bolt impatiently.

  However, before he could raise the muzzle of the gun, he was hit by something, and a string of blood mist exploded on his back.


  Thunderous gunshots echoed in the forest.

  The blood spurted from the looters chest, splashing the faces of the survivors around. People fell to the ground in panic, fled into the buildings, and hid behind the bunkers.

  The looters around had no time to stop him. Their faces were also full of panic. They looked around and fired at the slope outside the village.

  However, they chose the wrong direction, and the bullets fell on the snow pile about a hundred meters away from Ye Shi and Kuang Feng.

  Seeing that no one noticed him, the boy picked up the rusty dagger on the ground and pounced on the looter who was shot in the chest like a rabbit. He stabbed him in the chest like crazy, and the knife went down like chopping meat.

  The looter was still twitching at first, struggling to dodge, but later blood gushed out of his mouth and nose, his eyes were blurred, and he stopped moving.

  The looters not far away saw it, cursed, raised their rifles, and fired a burst of bullets at the boy.

  In the chaos, bullets whizzed by, and no one knew where they hit. The boy rolled over to the right side of the corpse, and no one knew whether he was dead or alive.

  ”Damn it, I can’t stand it anymore!”

  This game is good in other aspects, but sometimes the reality is a bit redundant!

  Ye Shi pulled the bolt while cursing, aimed at the predator who was eyeing the boy, and pulled the trigger again.


  This time it was a headshot!

  The predator, whose head was shattered, fell silently in the snow pile next to the stone well.

  ”It’s okay, Fang Chang and Jieyan just happened to arrive… It doesn’t matter if it’s a second earlier or later.”

  After taking a deep breath, Kuangfeng held the telescope calmly, and after searching the village for a while, his sight quickly locked on the man with his jaw tilted forward.

  ”Do you see the shack with red cloth hanging on it at 2 o’clock? The man next to it has a skull hanging on his chest. He may be the leader of the looters.”

  ”I saw it.”

  ”Kill him–”

  As he was talking, Kuangfeng suddenly saw that the man was looking straight at him.

  The moment their eyes met, the man suddenly jumped to the side like a leopard.


  The gunshot rang out, and the bullet hit the snow, splashing a string of snowflakes.

  Ye Shi, who was pulling the bolt, moved his eyes away from the sniper scope in a daze, unable to believe that the shot was dodged.

  ”Fuck? What’s going on?”

  ”We are on the west side…” Kuangfeng looked up at the rising sun in the east, his expression solemn, “I was careless.”

  The west side is a high slope.

  But this side is sunny!

  Now the sun has risen and the morning mist has dissipated. It is probably the reflection of the sniper scope that exposed their position!

  But Kuangfeng felt that things might not be that simple.

  The man’s insight and reaction speed were almost to the point that he found it incredible.

  At this time, Kuangfeng suddenly remembered the “bear” that was knocked down by the manager with a hammer during the decisive battle with the Blood Hand Clan.

  Could it be…

  an awakener! ?

  Ye Shi, who missed the shot, did not stop. He immediately adjusted the muzzle of the gun to aim at the next target and shot the predator lying next to the wellhead to death.

  ”The third one!”

  If we can’t kill the leader, it’s good to kill some living forces.

  However, at that moment, a burst of bullets suddenly came from a distance and flew over the heads of the two.

  Although it didn’t hit, it forced Ye Shi and Kuangfeng to retreat to the back slope.

  ”Fuck! How can the firepower of this group of predators be so strong!”


  Kuangfeng didn’t say anything. He silently took out a wooden-handled grenade from his waist, carefully leaned out of the bunker, picked up the telescope and searched in the village, and soon locked the source of the firepower pouring down on them.

  The man was holding an automatic rifle in his hand, with a bipod and a disc-shaped drum hanging under the barrel.

  Good guy.

  A squad machine gun modified from an automatic rifle?

  ”The distance is 250 meters, the fuse time is 6 seconds, and the initial velocity of the grenade needs to be above 41 meters per second… No, it has to be faster.” Kuangfeng muttered quietly in his heart and calculated in his mind.

  Under normal circumstances, projectiles cannot be thrown that far, and it is even more impossible to throw them with the same initial velocity as a javelin.


  his right hand is not an ordinary right hand.

  Not to mention a javelin.

  Even a shell is no problem!

  He raised his arm and exerted force violently, and the grenade flew out of Kuangfeng’s hand, drawing a parabola and smashing into the village.

  The bullets of the light machine gun quickly shot in and suppressed him back, but with a bang in the distance, the fierce firepower suddenly rose up, swept through the treetops, and suddenly stopped.

  The snow sliding down from the treetops hit the two people.

  Ye Shi shook his head, got out of the snow pile, and said excitedly while re-mounting the sniper rifle.

  ”Brother, you’re awesome! Over 200 meters away! You’re a human mortar!”

  Even movies don’t dare to film it like this!

  Picking up the telescope again to observe, Kuangfeng replied with an expressionless face.

  ”This right hand can adjust the strength… it’s quite useful once you get used to it.”

  ”Awesome! But what if your equipment explodes? Will you be uncomfortable using your original hand–”

  ”Shut up.”

  The position has been exposed.

  Logically, it’s time to move.

  However, there is a forest nearby, and only a gentle slope on the west side can overlook the village. Even if you move, there is no better sniper point. Besides,

  Fang Chang and his brother Quitting Smoking have already reached the east gate of the village, and they need support! Quitting

  Smoking, holding a sickle assault rifle, took the lead and rushed in through the gate, advancing forward with the support of Fang Chang’s bow and arrow.

  Ye Shi, who had re-mounted his gun, pulled the trigger cleanly and shot down a rifleman who was targeting the two of them, covering the two of them to continue moving forward.

  The attacks launched from both far and near caught the looters in the village off guard. In

  just 5 minutes of fighting, more than 20 looters had been reduced by 40%.

  The remaining looters could only hide in the buildings, relying on bunkers and obstacles to avoid sniper rifles, and stand in a stalemate with the uninvited guests who entered the village.

  Morale began to waver!

  ”I think we can wipe out both of their teams!” Ye Shi pulled the bolt and said excitedly, “There is no need for any reinforcements at all!”

  ”Don’t be careless, keep your eyes on your target…”

  Before he finished speaking, Kuang Feng suddenly saw a red flare rising from the village to the sky.

  A sense of uneasiness rose from the bottom of his heart.

  ”We should move.”


  Ye Shi was slightly stunned, thinking, is this necessary? People are trapped in the building and dare not move. What can we do with them?

  However, at this moment, the roar of the engine came from a distance.

  Kuang Feng was startled and immediately raised the telescope and looked in the direction of the engine sound.

  He saw two trucks parked at the edge of the forest on their north side, about five or six hundred meters away.

  About forty people jumped off the car and divided into four teams, advancing quickly from north to south. And their current position is just on the route of the team on the westernmost side!

  Ye Shi also noticed the situation in the north, and his face changed instantly.

  ”Fuck… We are done for now.”

  Forty people!

  One mouthful of spitting at them is enough to spit them to death!

  Kuang Feng’s face was also not very good.

  ”Can we hit them?”

  Ye Shi swallowed and spit.

  ”Can we hit them… shit! I don’t even have forty bullets!”

  Not to mention that he might not be able to kill a moving target with one shot, even if he shot every time in the head, he couldn’t get rid of more than forty!

  After hearing Ye Shi’s answer, Kuang Feng made a judgment in just one second.

  ”No choice, we can only retreat!”

  Although the reward for the mission is very tempting, the strength of the opponent has exceeded their business scope.

  Retreating now will only lose some ammunition, and if they continue to fight, their equipment will be left here.

  However, almost at the same time as he made the judgment, the VM on his arm suddenly vibrated.

  A line of pop-up windows appeared.

  [Mission: Reinforce Dongliu Camp (Completed)]

  [Mission (New): Cooperate with reinforcements to defeat the looters! (In progress)

  Kuangfeng was stunned for a moment, then his face was filled with ecstasy, and he suddenly looked up to the south.

  In the woods, dozens of figures had emerged from the outline of the forest!

  Ye Shi, who was lying on the ground, also saw the situation in the distance and shouted out in surprise.

  ”It’s reinforcements! Our reinforcements have arrived!”

  Before he finished speaking, with the sound of the charge whistle, the shouting and killing in the distance was boiling.

  ”Brothers, charge!”

  ”Oli Ge!”


  The earth-shaking shouts swept from south to north, like thousands of troops rushing in the forest.

  People haven’t arrived yet.

  But the overwhelming momentum has already scared the looters in the village, and they are sweating all over.

  A drop of sweat slid down Yu’s forehead.

  He was pinned down in the wooden house by a sniper rifle, and he didn’t dare to look out, and he didn’t know how long it would take for the reinforcements to arrive.

  He only knew one thing.

  If he didn’t retreat, he and his brothers would die miserably!

  ”Retreat! This sound is at least a hundred-man team!” Tie Xi, who was hiding in another wooden house, shouted at him.

  Reaching a consensus with another centurion, Yu immediately made a decision and shouted loudly.


  ”Everyone retreat!”

  In the Dongliu camp.

  The looters could no longer hold on, and they abandoned their bunkers and wounded, fled from the occupied wooden houses and sheds, and fled to the north. The sound

  of gunfire gradually faded away.

  The survivors who were hiding in the cabinets, under the beds, and in the ruins came out from their hiding places.

  Looking at the destroyed village and the bodies scattered on the ground, they were at a loss, and soon some people began to cry, or knelt on the ground silently.

  It’s not so much despair. It’s

  better to say numbness.

  No one knows how to face all this, and no one knows how to go on the next road.

  The boy found his sister, patted her on the back of the head, and muttered a few words to comfort her.

  Ma Zhanqiu, the village chief of Dongliu Camp, found his eldest son who was shot to pieces by looters on the street leading to the north gate.

  He held a shotgun in his hand, his eyes wide open, and two unloaded bullets in his hand.

  His Adam’s apple moved, and the old man closed his eyes and remained silent. Fang Chang,

  carrying a mechanical compound bow, and Jieyan, holding a rifle, walked out from one side of the street.

  Looking at the mess and the miserable scene like hell on earth, Jieyan swallowed his saliva.

  ”Has this game always been so real…”

  ”It has always been, and before you came, we have seen worse. Fortunately, there is an emotionally blunting filter. Taking off the helmet is like having a lucid dream. The part of the dream that makes your brain uncomfortable will be blurred, so don’t worry,” Fang Chang patted Jieyan on the shoulder, “You’ll get used to it.”

  If you can’t get used to it, there are easier ways to play.

  For example, fishing, hunting, picking mushrooms, etc.

  This game does not stipulate how players must play. In fact, the operator has been encouraging players to find a way to play that suits them within the rules. Quitting

  Smoking nodded, not quite understanding.


  If it were in reality, he would not be scared to pee his pants, but would definitely be scared silly. How could he chat and laugh with his teammates like this?

  We are all ordinary people, not crooked-mouthed gods of war.

  But think about it, the body in the game is different from the real one.

  If you really want to be as weak as your body in reality, what’s the point of playing?

  With his body hollowed out by cigarettes and alcohol, he would probably have to breathe for a while after running twenty or thirty meters, not to mention holding a rifle and shooting at the same time.

  There is no doubt that any scavenger can pin him to the ground and hammer him…

  (I dare not say that the next chapter will be before eleven o’clock, around eleven o’clock… I will read it twice and revise it and upload it.)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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