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Chapter 207 Brother Shui, where are we going to get killed today?

Chapter 207 Brother Shui, where are we going to get killed today?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 207 Brother Shui, where are we going to get killed today?

  The gunfire in the distance continued for a while.

  After leaving behind a total of 7 bodies and 3 wounded who were not taken away in time, the looters retreated in a panic on the trucks.

  The machine guns on the top of the two trucks fired into the forest, and another patrolling machine gun pickup truck in the distance also came to support, firing while covering their own retreat.

  The players did not chase out of the forest.

  Their transportation was on the south side, and this was the north side of the forest.

  After leaving the forest, there was a gentle slope. Without fast and maneuverable transportation, it was impossible to chase four wheels with two legs.

  ”Fuck, these dogs run so fast!”

  Carrying an Iron Fist rocket launcher, looking at the rolling snow foam in the distance, aiming at the battlefield atmosphere group for a while, he finally put the tube down.

  At a distance of 200 to 300 meters, with a speed of more than 30 yards, it is really difficult to hit without turning on technology.

  But thinking of leaving a truck to add 100 war points, he couldn’t help but smack his lips.

  What a pity!

  If only we had been faster!

  The commander of the spring came over from behind and patted him on the shoulder.

  ”It’s already pretty good. Our mission is to drive the people away. If we can repel the attack of the predators, we will win. As for the secondary goal, it depends on whether the other side will show favor. This AI is quite smart. If it sees that the situation is not right, it will turn around and run.”

  To be honest, it’s a bit cowardly.

  But it’s also quite realistic. If

  the two sides fight in this kind of terrain, it will easily become a tug-of-war. At that time, it will be a competition of who can reinforce faster.

  And this is Qingquan City.

  Without knowing the strength of the opponent, it is reasonable for the opponent’s commander to make the most cautious choice based on limited intelligence.

  However, this is not the style of those predators.

  The commander of the spring pondered silently in his heart and gave an evaluation of these predators.

  These monsters are not easy to deal with!

  On the other side.

  The captain of the guard, Wrench, wearing a “five-style” exoskeleton, walked to the center of the village square of Dongliu Camp and found the village chief here.

  Looking at the wrinkled old man, he said in a serious tone.

  ”…The ones who attacked you are the Bone Chewing Tribe. They have recently expanded from the central part of the River Valley Province to the south. Although we have the upper hand this time, I am not sure if they will come back.”

  After looking around, Wrench continued.

  ”I am sorry that this happened. We have tried our best.”

  The villagers dragged the bodies of their compatriots to the square. A rough count showed that there were at least twenty of them.

  Many of them died in miserable and shocking ways, which made him frown.

  What a bunch of beasts!

  He couldn’t imagine what would have happened here if he had come a few minutes later.

  ”Sir, please don’t say that,” Ma Zhanqiu shook his head and said, “If it weren’t for you… I’m afraid our fate would be even worse.”

  Next to the old man, a ragged man stumbled over.

  The left half of his face was burned, and his forehead was covered with blood. He seemed to be scared and kept muttering.

  ”I said a long time ago… We should escape from here. This time, it’s just a wave of little ghosts, and the more terrible evil ghosts are still behind. No one can match them, no one!”

  Wrench looked at him.

  ”Who is this?”

  Ma Zhanqiu’s Adam’s apple moved, and he sighed softly.

  ”He fled from TS City. He is a distant relative of our family. His name is Ma Shan. He is also a poor man. His family has been destroyed once. After escaping by chance, he didn’t expect to run into those people here again… He may be a little mentally abnormal.”

  Wrench: “…” It’s okay

  to run into them twice in a row.

  This is really unlucky.

  Seeing the man in the exoskeleton looking at him with pity, Ma Shan seemed to be stimulated and said emotionally.

  ”I’m not kidding! They have big guns and big cars… The most terrifying thing is that they have enslaved the Death Claws! I know it sounds crazy when I say this, but I saw it with my own eyes! There is no doubt that they are the minions of the God of Death, otherwise there is no way to explain why those Death Claws stand with them!”

  As the most ferocious beast in the wasteland, the Death Claw is regarded as a symbol of death, and is even worshipped as a servant of the God of Death by many ignorant tribesmen.

  Wrench was confused and frowned.

  Although he couldn’t understand what he was saying, his intuition told him that this man might have some very important information.

  ”I’ll take you to see the administrator.”

  Ma Shan looked confused.


  Wrench realized that he hadn’t introduced himself yet, so he said.

  ”I forgot to introduce myself. We are from Shelter 404.”

  ”Shelter?” Ma Zhanqiu was stunned and looked at Wrench in surprise. He obviously didn’t expect that he was saved by the blue coat.

  After hearing this, the ragged man’s face immediately glowed with hope. He stepped forward and said incoherently.

  ”Please take me there!”

  ”As long as we close the door, those predators will definitely not be able to get in!”



  The thin man sat in the reception room, fidgeting on the chair, with a distracted expression on his face. His eyes looked out the window and the door from time to time, and the slightest movement could make him nervous.

  Through questioning, Chu Guang learned that the man’s name was Ma Li, and he was the second son of the village chief of Dongliu Camp.

  He also had an older brother named Ma Yong, but such trivial matters were not important.

  Chu Guang did not want to take advantage of the situation, but he had to admit that the tragedy that occurred in Dongliu Camp sounded the alarm in the hearts of all the survivors in the northern suburbs.

  After seeing the tragic situation there through the drone, the representatives of other survivor settlements were frightened and finally recognized the reality.

  The Bone Chewing Tribe has already reached the northern suburbs of Qingquan City!

  They are brutal, well-equipped, and proficient in tactics. Ordinary survivor settlements are no match for these hungry wolves!

  Those who were hesitant and even considered relocating have now made up their minds and begged Chu Guang to help them, hoping to start the relocation work as soon as possible.

  The rest of the things will be easy.

  There are a total of thirteen survivor settlements in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City, scattered over an area of ​​nearly 500 square kilometers.

  Chu Guang quickly formulated a transfer plan, evacuating in three batches from far to near.

  The five survivor settlements closest to the Zhongzhou Aerospace Ecological Experimental Base were included in the first batch of evacuation plans.

  These include Chaowei Battery Factory, Hope Mountain Cooperative, Scavenger’s Home, Highway Town, and Dongliu Camp… There are more than 600 households and a total population of more than 1,000, equivalent to six Beth Streets. There

  are only nine trucks that can be moved at the outpost, and this is including the four newly captured trucks!

  People don’t have to take trucks, but goods can’t be transported entirely on two legs.

  Especially food.

  You can leave other things behind, but you must bring food!

  Otherwise, with so many people at Changjiu Farm, Chu Guang simply can’t find enough food for them to eat, and famine may come to him before the people of the Bone Chewing Tribe.

  Chu Guang found Liu Ding and mobilized 50 power players to form a transport team, and 100 soldier players to serve as the escort for the evacuation.

  They will start from the outermost survivor settlement and assist the local survivors to evacuate.

  All personnel and supplies will be evacuated to the new joint gas station 10 kilometers away from Changjiu Farm first, and then go to Changjiu Farm in batches.

  As for what will happen next…

  we can only think about it later.

  The top priority now is to drag people and things back first.

  If those looters are given supplies, who knows how many more people will come!

  The door of the reception room opened.

  Looking at the manager who came in from outside, Ma Li, who was sitting on a stool, immediately stood up and hurriedly greeted him.

  ”Sir, my family…is everything okay?”

  Chu Guang looked at him and said.

  ”My subordinates have seen your father, and his condition is okay, but…your village may have suffered some heavy losses. My people are assisting you in evacuating. If the situation is optimistic, you will be able to see your father at Changjiu Farm as early as tomorrow evening.”

  Hearing that his father was still alive, Ma Li breathed a sigh of relief, and his tense shoulders relaxed. However, after hearing the latter part, he couldn’t help but feel worried.

  This winter was hard to endure…

  Now that they have lost their village and their home, it is foreseeable that the days ahead will be even harder than before.

  But no matter what, the other party saved his life.

  Ma Li lowered his head and said sincerely.

  ”Thank you…”

  Chu Guang shook his head.

  ”You’re welcome.”

  ”Helping you is actually helping ourselves.”

  There are more than 70 households in Dongliu Camp, including the elderly, women and children, and there are nearly 200 people.

  Think about the darker place.

  So many people.

  It’s enough for those predators to eat for a long time…

  Ma Li looked at Chu Guang and said sincerely.

  ”Is there anything I can do? If I can help you.”

  Chu Guang’s heart moved and said.

  ”The transportation capacity of the outpost base is limited. We plan to evacuate the first batch of survivors in the relocation plan to the new joint gas station ten kilometers away from Changjiu Farm, and then go to Changjiu Farm in batches. If you want to help, you can go there. I can arrange some work for you to comfort the survivors, so that you can see your father soon.”

  Of course.

  This also means standing at the forefront.

  Ma Li took a deep breath, overcame the fear in his heart, and nodded solemnly.

  ”I’m willing to go!”

  Chu Guang admired the cheered-up man in front of him, and patted his arm.

  ”Then go.”

  ”The pick-up point is on the north side of the park, and my people will take you there!”


  Outside the east gate of the outpost.

  At the gate of the nomadic village, the sisters Qiucao and Qiuye were standing next to the wooden stake with an axe stuck in it, each holding a wooden basket, craning their necks to look around. In

  the wooden basket was a full basket of raw silk wrapped around a wooden stick.

  Seeing Teng Teng coming from the outpost, the sisters’ eyes suddenly lit up.

  Especially the extroverted sister, she couldn’t help but tiptoe and waved, and excitedly trotted over to hug her and hold her close.

  ”Teng Teng!”

  ”Good morning, sister Qiu Ye… Ah! No, don’t hold me and spin around, that’s too weird!”

  Her feet finally touched the ground. Teng Teng blushed and smoothed her messy hair. Qiu Ye looked at her at a loss, like a child who had done something wrong.

  ”Teng Teng?”

  ”No, it’s okay… Don’t do this next time anyway!”

  Qiu Ye nodded, not quite understanding.

  Although she was not very familiar with the language of the residents in the shelter, Qiu Ye was very proficient when she said the word “Teng Teng”.

  Thanks to the beautiful and kind-hearted Miss Teng Teng, who taught them how to reel silk and gave them a set of reeling tools, the tribe now not only has a lot of beautiful and durable ropes, silk, and cloth, but also has an extra income.

  Every morning, Teng Teng would come to them and buy the raw silk produced yesterday from them.

  Everyone in the tribe was very grateful to this kind person, and the tribe leader also specifically asked himself and his sister to give her the best raw silk in the tribe. As for those of average quality, they can just keep them for their own use. Anyway, they don’t need too good ones.

  Qiu Ye is not very interested in those coins, but those devil moth pupae are so delicious!

  She has never eaten such delicious insects.

  They are white and tender, and they are crispy when you take a bite. Whether they are roasted or boiled, they are delicious!

  Just when Qiu Ye was thinking that she must find an opportunity to ask Teng Teng to taste the delicious food she made, her sister Qiu Cao came over from not far away and reached out to knock on her head.


  Qiu Ye covered her head and looked at her sister with a wronged face. The latter glared at her and scolded her softly.

  ”You can’t be so rude to them. They are our benefactors.”

  As she said, Qiu Cao looked at Teng Teng apologetically, lowered her head, and said seriously with a non-standard pronunciation.

  ”I’m sorry, sister, I’m causing you trouble.”

  ”No, it’s okay, no need to apologize so formally…” Teng Teng, who was not good at dealing with such occasions, looked a little embarrassed, especially Qiu Ye’s pitiful expression, so she quickly changed the subject, “By the way, raw silk.”

  As she said that, she took out a bag of silver coins from her pocket and handed it to Qiu Cao.

  Qiu Cao was slightly stunned, then politely took it and picked up the wooden basket on the ground.

  ”We’re done, we can help you, take it over.”

  ”It’s okay, it’s okay, I can take it back myself, it’s not far.”

  Looking at Qiu Ye standing behind her sister with a wronged face, Teng Teng walked up, gently touched her head, and said happily.

  ”Thank you, you’ve worked hard!”

  ”These materials are a great help!”

  With these materials, many, many clothes can be made!

  ”Thank you!”

  Qiu Ye’s eyes lit up and a smile immediately broke out on her face.

  She understood this word!

  It means to express gratitude and affirmation!

  At this time, there was a commotion at the north gate of the outpost. A large number of people carrying rifles marched northward with great momentum.

  It was the same yesterday.

  The tribesmen in the village stopped their work, looked towards the north, and whispered.

  ”What happened…”

  ”I heard it was in the north.”

  ”North! Has the chaos spread here?”

  ”May the spirits of the ancestors bless us, and may those warriors return victorious.”

  ”I hope the war will not burn here… We finally found a place to stay.”

  The days of wandering were too hard.

  No one wanted to go back to live that kind of life.

  Looking towards the north, Qiuye huddled nervously beside her sister.

  Qiucao gently patted her sister’s head and comforted her softly.

  ”Don’t be afraid.”

  ”The administrator will protect us.”

  Although he didn’t understand what the sisters were saying, Teng Teng could feel the uneasiness in their eyes.

  Giving them a firm look, Teng Teng comforted the two with an encouraging tone.

  ”Don’t worry, nothing will happen.”

  ”Everyone in the shelter will protect you!”


  At the north gate of the park.

  Two trucks stopped.

  [Edge Paddling], carrying a sickle assault rifle, called his teammates to get on the truck.

  ”Brothers, get on the truck, it’s time to work! It’s time to work!”

  [Mission: Go to “Super Power Battery Factory” (in progress)]

  [Mission: Cover the relocation of residents of “Super Power Battery Factory” (not started)]

  [Debt Big Eyes], who jumped on the truck carrying a “Sickle” semi-automatic rifle equipped with an optical sight, shouted and made a noise.

  ”Let’s go, let’s follow Brother Shui to put out the fire!”

  Edge Paddling rolled his eyes.

  ”Fuck, can you change your name? Can’t you call me Edge?”

  However, it would have been better if he didn’t resist. After this resistance, more people around him started to make noise.

  Construction site boy and brick: “Okay, Brother Shui! Where are we going to spray water today?

  Makabazi: “What water are you spraying, Brother Shui, where are we going to give away our heads today?”

  Edge Paddling: “@#%! ”

  Due to the ridiculously high casualties, the team that was paddling on the edge was well-known on the forum, and was often teased by players and cloud players as the black car of death.

  When they encountered mutants before, they suffered heavy casualties in two rounds. The last time, if the planner hadn’t changed the difficulty and spawned a team of friendly forces in power armor next to them, they might have been wiped out directly! The same was true

  when they attacked the experimental base at night last night. As a feint attack group, their team’s casualties were as high as 50%.

  Although everyone knows that it is not his fault that so many people died, he always encounters big scenes and is killed by the plot. It is indeed a bit too bad.

  But the strange thing is.

  He can survive every time.

  Because of this, many people are still arguing on the forum whether high perception will increase dodge or luck, otherwise it is totally unacceptable.

  After getting on the car, [Debt Big Eyes] still couldn’t stay idle, and smiled and teased [Construction Site Boy and Brick] next to him.

  ”Are you opening? A small bet for fun, just bet 1 silver coin and guess today’s death lottery. ”

  [The Boy and the Bricks at the Construction Site] Without thinking, he coolly stretched out five fingers.

  ”I bet five.”

  As for why five?

  Because he only had five fingers, and he was too lazy to take out his other hand from his pocket.

  ”Tsk,” Big Eyes said, “Then I’ll bet six.”

  Another player next to him heard it and shuddered all over.

  ”Fuck, don’t say that.”

  ”That’s it! I want to get off the bus! ”

  There were 10 teams mobilized, two of which were led by Bianbianhuashui and headed to the Chaowei Battery Factory, 22 kilometers away.

  This battery factory is located in a small town and produces safe, reliable and environmentally friendly solid-state hydrogen batteries. Its products were well-known before the war, and the two public elementary schools and kindergartens in the town were even funded by it.

  However, more than two centuries later, the only relationship between this battery factory and batteries is probably the sign with barely readable words.

  Most of the houses in the factory area collapsed, and only the walls were barely usable. There were no dangerous alien species nearby, so people came to settle down over time.

  The survivors built houses with the materials they picked up. They have been living here for many years, repairing the wall and making a living by scavenging and farming.

  Two trucks stopped at the gate of the factory.

  Survivors carrying large and small bags and even carts have gathered at the gate.

  Many people have confusion on their faces. Although it has been rumored for a long time that the Bone Chewing Tribe has spread the war to the northern suburbs of Qingquan City, no one expected that everything would happen so suddenly.

  The young guard jumped off the car, walked quickly to the gate of the factory, and met the village chief of the survivors’ settlement.

  He was a hunchbacked old man, his face was full of the vicissitudes of life, but he still looked very tough.

  Lu Bei stood in front of him, his expression serious, and spoke concisely.

  ”Lv Bei, the guard of Shelter No. 404! We are here to support your evacuation under the order of the administrator!”

  Although he was a little worried about the young man’s immature appearance, the soldiers behind him still made the old man feel relieved.

  Nodding, the old man said.

  ”My name is Li Zhong, and I am the village chief here. I have heard about the situation from the children. We have packed our things and can leave at any time.”

  ”We will abide by your rules, and we hope you can keep your promise and abide by the agreement between us.”

  Lv Bei nodded and said loyally.

  ”Don’t worry about this. The administrator has planned a bright future for you. Now please follow me–”

  Before the voice fell, gunshots suddenly came from a distance, and bullets whizzed towards the door. A string of bullet holes were instantly printed on the concrete wall, and dust flew.

  Startled by the sudden gunshot, the survivors around hid from the door.

  However, there were a few people who remained calm in the face of danger. They skillfully picked up their weapons and squatted at the door, firing back in the direction of the bullets.

  Looking towards the north, Lu Bei’s eyes widened slightly, and he saw a pickup truck with welded steel plates parked at the corner of the road.

  The black barrel of the gun was looking straight at this side!

  The man paddling on the edge not far away had already rushed up with a roar, firing to attract firepower while commanding the team members to disperse.

  ”Enemy attack!”

  ”Driver, don’t get off the car! The truck is driving into the factory area!”

  ”Team A defend on the spot, Team B follow me! We have to shoot out before they surround us!”

  ”Ready the barrel! 100-yard ruler, shoot for me!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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