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Chapter 208: The Beautiful Woman Across the Wall, Seducing the Spring Lover

Chapter 208: The Beautiful Woman Across the Wall, Seducing the Spring Lover


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 208: The Beautiful Woman Across the Wall, Seducing the Lover

  Yang Shifei put away his posture and hurriedly ran to the corridor.

  ”Auntie Shuang, what happened?”


  Yan Lingshuang folded her hands, her expression slightly complicated.

  She was now wearing a gorgeous dragon robe, a white velvet cloak on her shoulders, and her tall figure supported her graceful curves. Her snow-white hair was tied up, three jade hairpins and gold hairpins were tied diagonally, and a tuft of hair fell in front of her chest.

  Looking at this elegant dress, it seems that she just came back from the morning court.

  But unlike the majesty of the past, His Majesty the Emperor of Yan today has a bit more of a woman’s resentment, adding a different flavor.

  Yang Shifei looked puzzled: “Is it really okay?”

  Yan Lingshuang held her forehead and sighed softly, it was really hard to speak.

  She couldn’t say that her bedroom was not far from you. With her own heavenly power, she could hear a little bit of the noise at night even though there were two or three walls between them.

  The babbling of the two girls really made her uneasy.

  Last night, he even went even further, pressing Xian’er against the wall and sucking her,

  making a popping sound, as if the person being sucked was herself.

  She couldn’t sleep all night, and her whole body was hot and unbearable, and her head was full of random thoughts for a long time.

  ”Auntie Shuang?”

  ”It’s just that I’m a little free today,

  and I don’t know what to do for a while.” Yan Lingshuang gradually came back to her senses, and said in a complicated tone: “So I walked all the way here, and I happened to see you practicing… uh, touching that knife.”

  Yang Shifei: “…”

  He immediately coughed twice: “Auntie Shuang, don’t get me wrong, it’s just that this knife is really spiritual.”

  Yan Lingshuang couldn’t help but roll his eyes at him.

  Such a spiritual knife, is it used to be intimate with you?

  ”Forget it, I have nothing to do now, so I can teach you a few moves, how about it?”

  ”It couldn’t be better!”

  Yang Shifei showed a bit of joy on his face. It is indeed a rare opportunity to be able to learn from Tianren Xuanwu.

  Seeing his high spirits, Yan Lingshuang’s mood eased a little, and a smile appeared in her eyes again.

  Although she was a little lustful, Fei was hardworking after all, and she was also very passionate about martial arts. As long as he was taught well, he would definitely become the best in the world in a few years.

  But on second thought, she couldn’t help but sigh. Why

  wait for a few years? With his unique and strange skills, this child can be called the only savior of the world.

  ”Aunt Shuang, I’m ready.”

  Yang Shifei took a few steps back and took a stance: “The junior has overstepped his authority!”

  As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly stepped back and blasted his right palm like thunder.

  Yan Lingshuang’s icy eyes condensed slightly, and he dodged sideways, blocked with his backhand, and then probed his arm tendons with his fingers.

  A finger pointed at him, as fast as a purple lightning sword!

  Yang Shifei hurriedly stopped, forcibly twisted the position of his arm, and hit back with his shoulder bone.

  With a bang, he was immediately knocked back two steps by the finger force, but he stepped on the ground and pushed back to the original position, clenching his fist and suddenly swung it!


  A trace of surprise flashed in Yan Lingshuang’s eyes. He easily blocked the heavy punch and fought with Yang Shifei for dozens of moves.

  The two sides fought back and forth, with ever-changing moves, and many strange moves were frequently used. They fought all the way along the corridor to the atrium, and then fought back to the untrimmed flowerbed.


  As the heavy fist was blocked by the slender finger again, the strong force turned into a gust of wind, whistling and blowing the beautiful flowers and plants around.

  Yan Lingshuang smiled a little, flicked his fingertips, and immediately knocked Yang Shifei back another three or four steps.


  Yang Shifei rubbed his wrist and couldn’t help but smack his lips: “Really amazing!”

  He thought he had made a lot of progress during this period of time, but he didn’t expect that there was still such a big gap between him and Tianren Xuanwu.

  He almost used up all his strength in the battle, but he didn’t use a single killing move. But Aunt Shuang was still calm and composed, as if she was playing with him. Her figure and steps were graceful and dazzling, as if she was dancing.

  ”Shifei’s ability is beyond my expectation.”

  Yan Lingshuang waved her sleeves and shook hands with him, saying meaningfully: “You seem to be an inner cultivator in the Condensation Dan realm, but your physique is stronger than that of an ordinary master.

  And your profound and exquisite martial arts skills are even higher in actual combat. If you let go and fight for life and death, I’m afraid you can be compared with the top masters.”

  Compared with what he saw at the Thousand Blades Weapon Pond, his progress was so fast that he was simply a demon.

  Yang Shifei smiled helplessly: “Compared with Xian’er and the others, he is still a lot worse.”

  Yan Lingshuang smiled: “You kid, are you still thinking about competing with your wife?”

  ”In this chaotic world of demons, I can’t always be a burden.”

  Yang Shifei re-arranged his boxing stance and smiled in a low voice: “Eating for free is a bit of a man’s self-esteem.”

  Yan Lingshuang did not comment. In her opinion, this is more like caring and caring for his wife, which is more worthy of praise.

  ”Auntie Shuang, can you spar with me a few more times?”

  ”No problem.”

  Yan Lingshuang smiled indifferently: “I will accompany you.”

  The next moment, the two sides fought again, and the fight was in full swing.

  The beautiful woman dodged and moved among the flowers, waving her sleeves to block, and her icy eyes gradually showed some strange colors.

  This child, not long after the fight, has improved the details of his boxing, and his offensive has become more difficult.

  This kind of martial arts talent is really awe-inspiring.

  Yan Lingshuang was secretly amazed in her heart, and her hands kept breaking and blocking, and she fought with Yang Shifei for a long time.

  After a while, the sky became brighter.

  The two stopped sparring and sat back in the pavilion in the backyard.

  Yan Lingshuang’s breath was not disturbed at all. She glanced at Yang Shifei who was panting beside her with his head tilted up, and couldn’t help but curl her lips and chuckle:

  ”You have made considerable progress today, take a good rest.”

  ”Thank you Aunt Shuang for your patient guidance.”

  Yang Shifei smiled and clasped his fists: “If there is another chance in the future, I will definitely pester you for advice a few more times.”

  Yan Lingshuang laughed: “I don’t have so many skills to teach you.” ”

  Let alone skills, just being able to see Aunt Shuang’s beauty and style is worth going all out.”

  ”You kid.”

  ”Hehe, I’m just joking, Aunt Shuang, don’t mind it.”

  Yan Lingshuang couldn’t help but glare at him, and her heart beat faster.

  Even though she could hear that this was just a joke, she would inadvertently think about it.

  Moreover, when the two sides were fighting close to each other just now, there was more or less physical contact.

  Yan Lingshuang pursed her lips and subconsciously tightened her chest.

  Fortunately, I always dress tightly, so no shameful parts can be seen. However

  , after sparring for so long, does it seem like flirting?

  The beautiful woman had a complicated mind, and subconsciously glanced at him.

  When she found something unusual, she was a little surprised.

  I thought this child’s martial arts talent was already a monster, but his physical strength was even more incredible.

  After just two or three sentences, he had recovered almost completely, his face was not red, he was not out of breath, and he could no longer see the fatigue just now.

  Yan Lingshuang’s ears were slightly red.

  No wonder he could torment those two girls to death in the middle of the night without stopping at all.

  Xian’er was a celestial being like her, but she was also made to scream. The sound was soft and charming, and it made people’s hearts tremble.

  The cold and aloof Xian’er would become so charming and charming under the hands of Shifei, just like ice and snow melting

  . “By the way.”

  Yang Shifei asked curiously, “I remember that the reinforcements from Liang will come today. Have they arrived in Zonglin County now?”

  Yan Lingshuang quickly put aside his distracting thoughts and responded seriously, “According to the time, they should arrive in the afternoon.”

  ”Okay, I’ll just pick them up.”

  ”That’s not necessary. I’ve sent someone to pick them up.”

  Yan Lingshuang’s eyes moved, as if she had made up her mind, and whispered, “Shifei, now that I have some free time, I also want to talk to you about the past.”

  Yang Shifei smiled and said, “Auntie Shuang, just talk, I’m listening.”

  ”It was the agreement I made with you in Bingtan at that time.”

  Yan Lingshuang’s eyes drooped slightly, “Why did I almost stop communicating with Xian’er.”

  Yang Shifei’s smile gradually faded, and his expression became a little serious.

  Regarding this matter, he has been waiting for Auntie Shuang to take the initiative to speak, so that he can completely help the two women reconcile.

  It seems that now is a good time.

  ”Because to me, Xian’er three years ago seemed to have completely changed into a different person.”

  Yan Lingshuang leaned against the wooden railing behind her and closed her eyes for a moment, “Until I thought I had discovered the ‘truth’.

  I found that the real Xian’er seemed to have turned into that human skin.”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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