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Chapter 209 They are true warriors!

Chapter 209 They are true warriors!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 209 They are true warriors!

  Outside the battery factory.

  Gunshots rang out, and bullets flew freely in the street.

  Suddenly, a predator leaned out of the bunker and aimed the Iron Fist rocket launcher on his shoulder at the gate of the battery factory.

  Although he was soon under concentrated fire, he still pulled the trigger.


  Makabazi shouted and rushed to the side.

  Almost at the moment when the voice fell, a rocket whizzed through the street and hit the outer wall of the battery factory at an angle.

  The flames exploded, and the concrete fragments flew everywhere, revealing large pieces of steel bars.

  A player leaning against the wall was caught off guard and fell to the ground after being shot by the bullets. The player squatting next to him immediately grabbed his collar and dragged him back to the bunker under the cover of other team members.

  Sporadic flames were burning on the street outside the battery factory.

  A pickup truck with welded steel plates broke down in the middle of the road. The steel plate on the front of the car was dented, and antifreeze flowed out through the gap of the hood and spilled all over the ground. The

  predator sitting in the driver’s seat was shattered like the bulletproof plate that was blown open, and there was no intact flesh on his body. However, the fixed machine gun behind the car was intact and continued to fire wildly at the battery factory, continuing to vent firepower.

  ”Their firepower is too strong!” The strength-type [Construction Site Boy and Brick] tried to set up a light machine gun to fight back, but was pushed back before he could show his head.

  The predator holding a rifle stuck to both sides of the street and pressed towards the battery factory.

  Under the suppression of machine gun firepower, Edge Paddling had to withdraw the team members who had just been shot back to the battery factory and shrink the defense line. In

  just one round of exchange of fire,

  they lost three team members, and Team B had seven people left!

  Although the predators also suffered five casualties, compared with the fierce offensive, these casualties seemed insignificant.


  Leaning against the back of the bunker, Bianbianshui changed the magazine while cursing, and glanced at the machine gun pickup truck that had broken down in the middle of the road.

  That bullet didn’t blow up the car!

  How thick must their fuel tank be? !

  Or is it that I’m too shameless? ?

  ”We have to find a way to kill their machine guns!”

  Seeing the captain looking at him, [Construction Site Boy and Brick], who was holding a light machine gun, shouted loudly: “Where’s the sniper! Stop aiming, you pick someone!”

  [Debt Big Eyes] was so angry that his nose was crooked: “There’s a hammer sniper, a semi-automatic sniper, what’s the use of it! I drew the scale lines of the scope myself!”

  Construction Site Boy and Brick: “Brother Shui! What should we do now!”

  Bianbianshui looked at the other team next to him.

  ”Does your team still have bullets?”

  Roller Shampooing Machine: “There’s only one bullet left!”

  Bianbianshui gritted his teeth and was about to order the bullet to shoot it down, when Makabazi’s shouting suddenly came from the side.

  ”Wait, don’t worry, use this!”

  After saying that, regardless of the bullets whizzing behind him, Makabazi ran back and quickly took out a barrel with a caliber larger than his face from the truck.

  To be precise, this should not be considered a barrel, but more like a portable rocket nest!

  There are 12 steel pipes inserted in the rocket nest, each of which is about 1100mm long and 20mm in diameter. All the steel pipes are inserted with a rocket weighing more than one pound!

  Seeing this thing, the edge was shocked.

  ”Fuck, what is this?!”

  ”Jab! Get out of the way!”

  Makabazi said, pulling the trigger excitedly.

  I saw the twelve steel pipes, all spraying flames and smoke! Twelve slender rockets drew a parabola, covering the center of the street in a cone.

  To be honest, this thing has no accuracy.

  But in the face of absolute numbers, accuracy is no longer important!

  Half of the street covered by rockets exploded with flames in an instant. At least three rockets hit the truck within three meters, and one of them directly hit the steel plate in front of the fixed machine gun! The

  144gT EnT has a small charge, but its power is comparable to 2~3 grenades.

  The machine gunner standing on the gun position was instantly blown to pieces and fell outside the truck and stopped moving.

  The machine gun stopped firing instantly.

  The players and survivors in the factory were relieved of a lot of pressure!

  Makabazi, who threw away the rocket launcher, excitedly punched, shouted “Nice”, picked up the rifle again and ran behind the bunker.

  Including Lu Bei from the guard team, and several local survivors who fought side by side with the players, they were completely dumbfounded.

  What kind of weapon is this? ! It’s

  quite powerful.

  The construction site boy and Zhuan seized the opportunity, set up a light machine gun, pulled the trigger and fired at the street, and the predators’ offensive was instantly repelled.

  The manager had allocated him 200 rounds of bullets, and now he had just over 100 left. If he used them sparingly, he should be able to last for a while.

  Seeing Makabazi squatting next to him, Bianbianhuashui’s eyes almost popped out.

  ”What the hell? Is that a Mosquito rocket?”

  Makabazi said with a grin.

  ”20mm twelve-barreled jab! Isn’t it awesome? I bought it from the market for 20 silver coins.”

  Bianbianhuashui: “20 silver coins?! Awesome! Do you have more?”

  This is too cheap!

  Makabazi shook his head: “No more! This thing is disposable, and it is said to cost 200 silver! After Mosquito gave it to me, he said he would never make such a low-cost weapon again!”

  Bianbianhuashui: “…”

  The looters squatting on the street were all stunned by the rocket. Obviously, they didn’t expect that the other side had such an awesome weapon.

  However, the deterrence of the rocket did not last long.

  Under the centurion’s shouting, someone quickly reacted and rushed to the machine gun pickup under the cover of his teammates to replace the fallen machine gunner.

  However, soon, the predator jumped off the car with a curse and ran to the ruins nearby.

  Seeing this scene, the debt-ridden big-eyed man who was holding a semi-automatic rifle and pointing at people shouted excitedly.

  ”Their machine gun is broken!”

  ”I see! Brothers, hold on, victory is just around the corner–“

  The words on his lips were only half said when Bianbianhuashui’s face turned black.

  The other players around him were the same. Before they had time to be happy, they saw a pickup truck with welded steel plates appear at the end of the street and parked directly behind the original scrapped pickup truck, using its wreckage as a cover to hide the body and the driver’s seat.

  The fixed machine gun once again vented its firepower, three shots at a time, sweeping towards the players’ cover.

  Caught off guard, [Construction Site Boy and Brick] holding a light machine gun was shot to death. Finally, they got rid of the fire suppression and the predators began to move forward again.

  Feeling the bullets whizzing overhead, Bianbianhuashui couldn’t help but curse in his heart. Damn

  planning! They

  were targeted again!

  ”How many predators did this guy spawn?!”

  Debt Big Eyes shouted.

  ”At least 4 teams! I heard that the group of looters in the experimental base seemed to have only three or four armored pickup trucks in total!”

  ”Fuck! Half of them are here!?”

  At this time, another team of players shouted from behind.

  ”They went around to the back of the factory!”

  At the same time, gunshots came from the south side of the rear of the factory. Those looters who went around from the front battlefield to the back had a fierce exchange of fire with Team A.

  Dragging the legion-style light machine gun from the body of [Construction Site Boy and Brick], Debt Eyes couldn’t help but said.

  ”Why don’t we charge? There might be hope if we charge! If they surround us, we’ll be finished!”

  ”Charging now is like giving away heads! Their machine guns are set up outside!”

  Edgewater gritted his teeth, installed a bayonet on the rifle, and shouted loudly.

  ”Prepare to abandon the wall, we will retreat to the factory building later!”

  To be honest, this is not a good idea.

  The more surrounded you are, the more you should break out. Only by fighting out can you open up the situation. Being trapped behind the bunker can only wait to be surrounded.

  These predators were very smart, and even used the tactics they had used before, using frontal firepower to contain the enemy and sending a team of people to attack from the side.

  If there were more people, Edgewater would choose to let a team of people fight their way out of the firepower gap and find a way to get behind the machine gun pickup.

  But now, he has no better way. It is

  different from the battle last night.

  Although it was also a situation where the few defeated the many, at that time they only needed to hold on, even if there was only one person left at the end, it would be considered a victory.

  And now, there are more than a hundred households of villagers behind him!


  Cursing in his mouth, Edgewater shouted at the top of his voice.

  ”Team A, cover, Team B, retreat to the factory!”


  Without a radio, command can only be done by shouting and whistling.

  Fortunately, these are all old players, and they cooperate very well. They can understand what the other party wants to express with a look and a few simple gestures.

  The players on the wall retreated backwards in an orderly manner, and Team B retreated into the factory, and then covered Team A to evacuate backwards.

  When the looters saw the survivors on the wall retreating, they did not chase them immediately. Instead, they cautiously sent a few people forward to find out the situation inside the factory.

  Taking advantage of the short respite, Edge gathered the two teams together and counted the casualties.

  Of the two teams of ten, Team A was in a slightly better situation, with four people reduced. Team B, which had followed him earlier, was in a more miserable situation, with only four people left, a full 60% reduction!

  Most of the survivors were also injured.

  However, even so, no one was afraid!

  ”Each person can get 20 rounds of ammunition, everyone, share the bullets. Take off all the VMs and gather them together. There are positioning on them, and our people will find them for us.”

  After taking a deep breath, Edge looked around at the players standing in front of him and said in a sonorous tone.

  ”This is our last line of defense!”

  ”Hold it!”

  ”Until the last person!”

  In response to him, there were high-spirited – even excited roars and shouts.



  ”Decisive battle!”

  Outside the factory, the looters have surrounded this place.

  Bianhuashui asked the young guard to take the survivors of the factory to retreat to the warehouse behind the factory.

  The area of ​​hundreds of square meters is enough for a squeeze. There is only a row of ventilation holes connecting it to the outside world, except for a door.

  If they succeed in blocking the looters’ attack, then everyone here can survive.

  If they fail…

  they will die anyway, and there is no way to escape anywhere else.

  The transfer was completed quickly.

  However, there are still ten survivors who took the initiative to stay, picked up the only iron rifles and shotguns, and prepared to fight side by side with them.

  However, Bianhuashui did not have much hope for their combat effectiveness. After all, whether in terms of equipment or combat literacy, they are far inferior to the cunning hungry wolves outside.

  Using the shortest language possible, Bianhuashui asked the guard NPC to take them to guard the second line of defense to prevent them from not understanding the command in front and making trouble.

  All the deployments were completed quickly, and the footsteps and chattering shouts outside were getting closer and closer.

  After pulling the ring of the smoke bomb, Bianbianshui and other players threw it out, throwing it on the open space in the factory.

  The factory was soon filled with smoke.

  Almost at the same time, the predators with rifles rushed in.

  Bianbianshui roared, threw out the lit Molotov cocktail, then grabbed the assault rifle hanging on his chest, leaned out of the bunker and opened fire.

  ”Die for me!”


  Outside the factory.

  Listening to the gunshots coming from the battery factory, the centurion Beaver, who was in charge of commanding this operation, felt extremely heavy.

  This should have been a textbook raid.

  According to the plan, they would end the battle within five minutes, then pack up the spoils in twenty minutes, and retreat like the wind before the enemy reinforcements arrived.

  However, no one expected…

  these survivors actually held them back for half an hour!

  The original raid turned into a brutal siege.

  He couldn’t understand why these survivors were so tenacious. He had clearly left them two escape routes, as long as they went east or west.

  However, they didn’t seem to have considered escaping at all, so many of his deployments were not used at all. What

  Beaver couldn’t understand the most was that he had gathered two armored pickup trucks and fifty troops, and even broke through the factory wall and entered the factory.

  But those people still didn’t surrender.

  In fact, the really cruel battle had just begun!

  The plunderer with a broken arm wailed in pain and was dragged out of the factory by his comrades.

  Regardless of the expression on his face that was distorted by pain, Beaver strode forward, grabbed his collar and asked.

  ”What’s the situation inside? Why haven’t you dealt with them yet!”

  The wounded man couldn’t speak because of the pain.

  The plunderer who dragged him out was not seriously injured, but the expression of shock on his face was obviously scared.

  No matter how he asked, he just kept repeating the same sentence incoherently.

  ”Mad men! Those people are a bunch of crazy men!”

  Beaver frowned.

  There were wailing wounded all around.

  Wounded looters were constantly being carried out of the factory.

  10 people…

  20 people…

  There were constant explosions and gunshots.

  Even though their men had rushed in countless times, they could not completely occupy the entire factory.

  The people guarding inside were like crazy, and they didn’t seem to be afraid of death at all.

  Even if they were shot several times, they would take someone with them before they died.

  After learning about the battle situation in front from one of his men, Beaver felt his fingers getting cold and forgot to breathe for a moment.

  What kind of monster was he fighting?

  At this time, a looter ran up from behind.

  ”Boss! Lord Steel Teeth told us to retreat!”


  Beaver stared at him in disbelief, his pupils widened and bloodshot, “We are about to attack! You come and tell me to retreat now!”

  The plunderer, whose collar was grabbed, said tremblingly with a trace of panic on his face.

  ”This is Lord Steel Teeth’s order… The enemy’s reinforcements are approaching and will arrive in 10 minutes at the earliest.”

  The looting has failed.

  Even if they completely captured the factory, the remaining time would not be enough for them to retreat with supplies. Instead, they would be surrounded by the enemy’s main force.

  An armored pickup truck, 27 corpses, and countless injured… They have already paid too many casualties in this battle!

  Beaver gritted his teeth, he was unwilling.

  Even if he couldn’t take anything away, even if he just dug out the intestines of these people and hung them on the wall, it would make him feel better than just retreating like this!

  However, he soon calmed down.

  The tribe allowed failure, but not disobedience.

  If he refused to follow the order, even if he paid a heavy price to take down this place, he would still be waiting for a bullet when he returned.

  Beaver gritted his teeth and looked at the factory building with thick smoke and the messy open space in front of the factory building.

  Even though he was reluctant, he finally gave the order.



  Not long after the explosion.

  Commander Quanshui received the task of reinforcing the battery factory and immediately rushed over with his team members.

  He was probably the first batch of reinforcements to arrive here.

  However, when he arrived, he found that the battle here was over.

  His mood sank to the bottom. He whispered and gestured to his teammates, signaling them to disperse and move closer.

  ”I hope we are not too late…”

  The factory area was filled with the smell of blood and burnt barbecue.

  Just after crossing the gate of the factory building, Commander Quanshui soon saw a bloody corpse not far from the door.

  VM could not be seen on half of his arm. It was estimated that he took it off and put it together with his teammates. The lower half of his body could not be found, but his expression was very peaceful.

  Unable to confirm his identity, Quanshui felt heavy-hearted and walked in quickened his pace.

  Following the traces of the battle, he explored the warehouse behind the factory. At the half-open door of the warehouse, he saw a bloody man.

  His two legs were gone, and two white bones could even be seen under the bloody half of his pants, but he still held a rifle in his hand, one eye was half-closed, and the other eye could not be opened. It was not known whether it was scratched by shrapnel or stuck by blood.

  Quanshui did not recognize who he was for a moment, and hurriedly walked forward.

  ”Brother, are you okay?”

  He regretted saying this. He was

  not okay in that state.

  He coughed up a mouthful of blood, and seeing that it was a friendly army, Bianbianhuashui smiled.

  ”What can happen… It’s just that the network connection is too fucking bad. I’ve been disconnected twice.”

  ”Wait a minute, I have a bandage here–”

  Bianbianhuashui quickly stopped him.

  ”Don’t! My injury is not a minor one. It would be a waste if I use it!”

  Commander Quanshui: “Then you won’t save the game?”

  ”Ah, it’s all just a passing cloud,” sighed Bianbian, helpless, “and I don’t think a bandage can keep me going. You might as well find a place to help me…”

  Just as he was about to ask Quanshui to help him, his sight suddenly fell behind the crack of the warehouse door, and he saw a pair of uneasy eyes staring at him.

  This game is sometimes a bit redundant.

  Especially those NPCs, they are so human-like.

  So much so that he always feels inexplicably involved in inexplicable places.

  Speaking of which…

  there is smoke everywhere here. It’s

  exactly the same as in a fire scene.

  His Adam’s apple moved, and Bianbian looked at Quanshui.

  ”Let’s go to another place.”

  Quanshui immediately understood what he meant and nodded solemnly.

  ”Okay, I’ll take you out.”

  Bianbian Pashui cursed with a smile and put his hand on his exoskeleton.

  ”Don’t be so serious… Damn, you make me look like I’m really dead.”

  We are all good brothers of 50 yuan.

  Three days later, I will be a hero again.

  The sooner I die, the sooner I will be CD.

  If he wasn’t worried that the looters hadn’t left yet, he would have gone down long ago.



  Through the hummingbird drone, Chu Guang had a panoramic view of the tragedy in the battery factory.

  The survivors had already evacuated from the factory, and the evacuation work continued with the help of the reinforcement players.

  According to the battle report sent back by the front line, the two teams responsible for the evacuation plan of the survivors

  of the battery factory, a total of 20 players, were all killed! The looters besieging the battery factory, there were five teams of ten people, in addition to two armored pickup trucks with fixed machine guns.

  After leaving nearly 30 bodies, these looters occupied the factory for a time, but were soon bravely repelled by the players in the factory.

  ”They are a group of real warriors.” Liu Ding held his breath and said slowly.

  ”Yes.” Chu Guang, wearing a power armor, nodded gently, his eyes fixed on the tactical eyepiece, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

  Liu Ding looked at Chu Guang and advised him seriously.

  ”My Lord, they have suffered heavy casualties. We should seize the opportunity to pursue them now!”

  ”The predators stationed at the experimental base are short of supplies. We only need to surround them on the high ground. They will surrender in a week at most!”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”Well, this is indeed a good idea, but the other side also thinks so.”

  Liu Ding was slightly stunned and did not react for a while.

  Chu Guang paused for a moment and then continued.

  ”The predators stationed at the Zhongzhou Aerospace Ecological Experimental Base are retreating. They are heading towards TS City.”

  Just half a minute ago, Chu Guang received a report from the Niu Ma Squad.

  The predators stationed at the Zhongzhou Experimental Base began to retreat to the north.

  To be honest, this was also within Chu Guang’s expectations, otherwise he would not have sent the Niu Ma Squad to take a look. In

  just one day, the two battles in the morning and afternoon directly reduced the number of predators by 20%. Not only did they not grab any supplies, but they also lost an armored pickup truck.

  It’s a pity that there are no vehicles that can move quickly.

  Otherwise, this is a good time to pursue.

  Chu Guang secretly said it was a pity.

  But it is worth being happy that this group of predators chose to withdraw. It must be that there are no reinforcements available behind, and they probably won’t come back for a while.

  They need to regroup and formulate a new invasion plan.

  And on our side, we can also buy some breathing time.

  Hearing the manager say that the group of predators had withdrawn, Liu Ding’s face was full of surprise, and then a trace of joy appeared.

  ”They withdrew?! That’s great!”

  Chu Guang glanced at him.

  ”Don’t be happy too early, at most we have pulled out a tooth of the jackal, they will come back, and they will definitely come back.”

  Fighting is to open up space for development.

  And the latter is the key to solving all problems.

  A large wave of refugees is approaching, and their number is several times that of those stationed outside Changjiu Farm.

  Eating, drinking, defecating, urinating, housing and keeping warm for these people will be a big problem.

  After the first batch of survivors are settled, the evacuation of the second batch of survivors can begin.

  There are still a lot of troubles waiting for Chu Guang to solve.

  Especially the most critical thing right now is…

  his “silver coins” are running out.

  (After thinking about it, it’s better to finish writing a plot. I’ve been delayed for a while. Sorry brothers.)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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