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Chapter 209: Xian’er’s passing, the knot in the heart is easily resolved

Chapter 209: Xian’er’s passing, the knot in the heart is easily resolved


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 209: Xian’er’s past, the knot in her heart is easily untied

  ”Do you know Xian’er in the past?”

  ”I heard from the Luo family that Xian’er was very lively at the beginning.”

  Yang Shifei said in a low voice: “It was not until her mother died for some reason that her temperament changed drastically.”


  Yan Lingshuang sighed lightly: “Xian’er was heartbroken at the time, and full of resentment. She ran to complain to Emperor Liang, wanting those concubines to pay with their lives.

  But Emperor Liang, considering the overall situation, ordered people to send her back to the bedroom to guard her and not let her go out again.”

  Yang Shifei frowned: “What’s the reason?”

  ”The reason why Emperor Liang did this was because there were undercurrents in the imperial city at that time. Putting Xian’er in confinement can also prevent her from being implicated.”

  ”A month later, with the tacit approval of Emperor Liang, the Luo family successfully eradicated all those forces, but Xian’er didn’t understand the tricks at that time”

  ”She had just been locked up in the confinement room for two days. She had injured herself countless times and beat anyone she saw. She hated Emperor Liang and everything in the palace to the extreme.”

  Yan Lingshuang’s tone was a little distressed: “Xian’er heard the rumor from somewhere that there was an unparalleled magical skill under the Huangqi Cliff more than ten miles away from the imperial city. She tricked Tanxiang and Jasmine into opening the confinement room and escaped into the mountains at night.

  But Tanxiang and Jasmine didn’t expect that Xian’er would jump down after escaping to the mountain, and her life or death is unknown.”


  Yang Shifei was speechless for a moment: “Xian’er didn’t want to live alone at that time?”

  ”They have a deep mother-daughter relationship, maybe it’s true.”

  Yan Lingshuang nodded slightly: “When Emperor Liang heard about this, he immediately sent soldiers to search Huangqi inside and out, but he could not find Xian’er’s body.”

  ”Everyone thought she was eaten by jackals, but a few days later, she walked out of the valley alone, without any scars on her body, and it didn’t look like she had been hungry.”

  ”She is still Luo Xian’er, but her temperament has changed drastically after her return. She doesn’t cry or make a fuss, and she is neither sad nor happy. She seems to have turned into a sculpture doll. Emperor Liang had no choice but to secretly send her back to the Luo family.”

  ”When I heard the bad news, I rushed all the way from Yan State to the Luo family, wanting to take the poor child Xian’er away from the sad place.”

  ”But the moment I met Xian’er, I…”

  Yan Lingshuang subconsciously clenched her hands.

  ”The old master and the others didn’t spend much time with Xian’er, so they may not have noticed anything wrong. But I can see that she is no longer Xian’er, and she is no longer a ‘human’.”

  ”I secretly took her pulse, but I couldn’t feel the existence of meridians and flesh and blood. I just pretended to have a pulse. This move can deceive the old master and the others, but it can’t deceive Tianren Wunian. In my eyes, she is just a strange black mud in the skin of Xian’er.”

  ”At that time, I wanted to tell everyone the truth, but looking at Xian’er’s lifeless eyes, I couldn’t open my mouth. Reason told me that this was a demon who occupied the magpie’s nest. But I instinctively didn’t want to hurt this child again.”

  ”At that time, I was extremely confused, and I left Liang State in a daze until Xian’er rejected my adoption request.”

  Yan Lingshuang seemed to recall the experience at that time, and a bit of depression appeared on her face: “Until the four-country debate, we didn’t see each other again.”

  Reason and instinct conflicted, making her unable to be sure whether Xian’er was really herself.

  Just listening to her words, you can feel her entanglement and pain at that time.

  Yang Shifei’s expression became more and more serious: “I remember that Xian’er was seriously injured afterwards, but Aunt Shuang, you didn’t rescue her?”

  It was this encounter that made the relationship between the two almost like strangers.

  Yan Lingshuang sighed: “Xian’er suddenly showed her extraordinary skills, which shocked everyone, and confirmed my speculation that this was definitely not the cultivation that Xian’er should have.

  I secretly sneaked into Liang Guo’s tent and spied on Xian’er’s residence. I saw with my own eyes that she tore open her skin, and bursts of cold air drifted from it. Under the skin, there lived a horrifying demon.”

  ”I didn’t know what to do at all, so I could only leave silently.”

  Yan Lingshuang spoke a little hurriedly, clenching her fists, and her nails were almost embedded in the flesh.

  ”At that time, many countries were plotting, and all parties were keeping their troops in place.”

  ”But before I could think about it, a conflict suddenly broke out between Qi and Liang, and Xian’er stepped forward and killed them, causing blood to flow like a river. At that moment, several celestial beings from various countries attacked together, trying to unite and kill them.”

  ”Although I don’t know what they were plotting, I did have a chance to rescue them at that time, but…”

  Yan Lingshuang hesitated, with pain flashing in
her eyes

  . Yang Shifei’s eyes moved slightly, and he slowly held her cold hands.

  ”You hesitated?”


  Yan Lingshuang exhaled a wisp of cold air: “My mind is full of the voice and appearance of Xian’er when she was young, and I think of Xian’er being eaten by demons, wearing human skin, and showing a cold and gloomy look. I was indeed a step slower, and Xian’er was seriously injured.”

  The beautiful woman’s voice became hoarse: “When Sandalwood Jasmine rescued Xian’er, I still can’t forget her eyes.”

  ”She seemed to be wronged and sad like before. She looked at me silently and shed tears.”

  ”I just knew that it was the real Xian’er, and I didn’t believe her.”

  ”Until Xian’er was sent back to Liangguo, I was too ashamed to say a word to her.”

  Yan Lingshuang’s eyes flashed with tears, and she murmured: “I am not qualified to be Xian’er’s aunt anymore, and she will not recognize me anymore.”

  ”Even if I want to make up for it two years later, Xian’er has become more and more indifferent, like a stranger.”

  As he spoke, Emperor Yan actually lowered his head and shed tears.

  Looking at the tears dripping down, Yang Shifei was speechless for a moment.

  After hearing this, he finally understood the whole story.

  He thought there would be some shocking conspiracy, but unexpectedly, it was just two women who cared about each other. Because they kept everything deep in their hearts, they led to one misunderstanding after another.

  After a moment of silence, he put his arm around the beautiful woman’s shoulders and gently stroked her back to comfort her.

  ”Aunt Shuang, all this is caused by a misunderstanding.”

  Yang Shifei sighed lightly: “Xian’er fell into the valley and was very emotional, which caused her true self to lose control. All her flesh and blood were completely swallowed up, leaving only the human skin on the outside, and she almost lost all her human emotions.”

  ”But she was afraid that you could not accept such a ‘her’, so she chose to keep it secret.”

  ”And Aunt Shuang, you clearly found out that Xian’er had become a demon, but you never told anyone about it. It is enough to show that your love for her is greater than reason.”

  ”It’s just that Xian’er has changed too much, and she has the identity of ‘demon’ that the world cannot accept, so you caused the tragedy because of a momentary thought in the debate between the four countries.”

  Having said that, Yang Shifei patted her on the back again:

  ”In fact, after two or three years, Xian’er has long since calmed down. When she heard that something happened in Yan State, she was the most worried about you.”

  ”She understood your complicated emotions at the time, and she is no longer angry with you. But why is there still a trace of grudge in her heart, Aunt Shuang, do you know?”


  Yan Lingshuang looked at him with tears in her eyes, looking a little weak and haggard.

  Yang Shifei smiled gently: “She has been waiting for you to say it.”


  ”You two are not mother and daughter, but you are better than mother and daughter.”

  Yang Shifei laughed and said: “Xian’er still has a grudge because you are reluctant to take the initiative to mention the past.

  Aunt Shuang, seeing that Xian’er did not take the initiative to speak, you thought she was still resentful of not saving her, so she was too embarrassed to mention the past.”

  He clapped his hands lightly and said jokingly: “Isn’t this a dead end?”


  Yan Lingshuang was stunned for a long time before she lowered her head and said hesitantly: “Then what should I do?”

  ”Dignified Emperor Yan, where is your majesty?”

  Yang Shifei suddenly held her cheek.

  Such an impolite and presumptuous act made Yan Lingshuang stunned.

  ”Yes, yes, no.”

  ”Since everything is just a misunderstanding, just tell Xian’er straight out!”

  Yang Shifei frowned and said in a deep voice: “After practicing martial arts for half a lifetime, why should you be like a resentful woman in the boudoir, disturbed by these sorrows!”

  Yan Lingshuang’s tears were wet and her eyelashes were trembling: “I…”

  ”Don’t make excuses.”

  Yang Shifei interrupted her immediately: “If it were me, I would go directly to Xian’er and explain it clearly!

  If she is still angry, no matter if I pinch her shoulders and pound her back, serve her tea and water, or even hug her thighs, I have to let Xian’er calm down. Then reconcile with her and treat her ten times or a hundred times better!”

  ”I, I will.”

  ”If you still don’t have the courage, I’ll go with you!”

  Yang Shifei approached her and said word by word: “Aunt Shuang, don’t think about fooling her again.”

  ”Speak slowly!”

  Yan Lingshuang gently pushed him away, blushing and saying, “I’m just saying. When we have a chance to be alone, I’ll make it clear to Xian’er!”

  Yang Shifei raised his eyebrows slightly: “Have you finally thought it through?”

  Yan Lingshuang clasped her hands in front of her chest, her tone was very shy and awkward: “I’m not stupid, you said Xian’er doesn’t hate me anymore, why should I be shy.”

  She took a deep breath slowly, with mixed feelings in her heart.

  The knot that has troubled her for three years was actually so easy to untie?


  No, maybe it was just a lack of an opportunity.

  The beautiful woman’s heart trembled slightly, and she couldn’t help but smile with emotion.

  ”Shifei, do you know why I like you so much?”

  Hearing the topic suddenly turn to himself, Yang Shifei was a little surprised: “Why?”

  ”Because you also saw Xian’er’s true face, but your response was completely different from mine, and you were able to stand with her from beginning to end.”

  ”Whether she is a human or a demon, you can like her and your feelings are always the same.”

  Yan Lingshuang blinked her wet snow eyelashes lightly, like an iceberg melting, and smiled tenderly: “I am really relieved to hand Xian’er to you.”

  Hearing this, Yang Shifei was stunned for a moment, and coughed twice with a little embarrassment.

  ”Well, actually. It’s just that when I first saw Xian’er, she was too beautiful, and I couldn’t resist the temptation.”

  Yan Lingshuang: “.”

  The beautiful woman gradually showed her annoyance, and couldn’t help but slap him lightly: “Lecherous stinky boy!”

  Having said that, she smiled gently again, opened her arms and embraced Yang Shifei.

  ”Shifei, it’s great to have you”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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