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Chapter 210 Second Generation Currency and Medal System

Chapter 210 Second Generation Currency and Medal System


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 210 Second Generation Currency and Medal System

  The so-called “silver coins” are not enough, not to say that Chu Guang is short of money.

  Just kidding, as a game planner, he can change the value with just a flick of his finger, how could he be short of money? The

  ”foreign exchange” of the Stone City’s chips, the CR of the enterprise and the dinar of the legion is another matter. “Silver coins” are really just a number to Chu Guang.

  As long as there is a need, he can issue as many as he wants.

  Of course, in order to prevent hyperinflation, he will still ask Xiao Qi to help make a report, count the production and material consumption of the shelter on a monthly basis, and make a budget table in a planned way to ensure that the 404 Shelter, a growing organization, can run in an orderly manner.

  However, the problem now is that although silver coins can be issued at will, the “game coins” used as “silver coins” before are not enough.

  At first, because there were no conditions for coinage, Chu Guang adopted a method similar to that of the Stone City, using the game coins of a certain video game arcade as an equivalent exchange.

  This kind of game coin is similar to chips, with a certain degree of recognition in the surface texture and pattern. The exclusive currency and logo design are highly regional. This kind of coin can only be found in a specific arcade, and this arcade is located outside Qingquan City. In the case of small-scale use, it is a dream to be able to pick it up when scavenging.

  And the most important thing is that this coin has a special design, and like the chips in Boulder City, it has certain anti-counterfeiting technology.

  With the production process on the wasteland, it is definitely not worth it to make an identical one.

  However, the disadvantages of this currency are also obvious. The inability to replicate means that it cannot be issued at will. You

  can’t cut one out with “magnetic confinement plasma”, right?

  The cost is too high!

  Whether it is the inert gas used as a cutting medium or the fusion battery that powers the equipment, it is considered a non-renewable resource in the wasteland. Use a little less.

  If it is used up, only God knows when you can get it again.

  Fortunately, Chu Guang got the B2 level authority of the shelter at that time, found the VM piled in the warehouse, promoted the electronic currency through the VM, recovered some of the currency from the players, and solved some of the problems. However

  , with the influx of new players and the gradual flow of silver coins into the hands of the survivors around, his hundreds of thousands of coins have evaporated at the speed of light recently, and only a few thousand coins are left now!

  Next month, Chu Guang

  still has to pay the NPCs. Can’t IOUs be issued by then?

  It would be funny if the warehouse is so fat but the wages cannot be paid!

  Therefore, the issuance of the second generation of currency is imperative!

  At present, the gold reserves of the outpost are about 500 kilograms, and the silver reserves are relatively higher, reaching 4,000 kilograms, which can make some precious metal currencies.

  However, the problem is that precious metals in the wasteland are not scarce, and this can be seen from the legion that implements the “gold standard” monetary policy.

  The weight of a dinar is 9 grams, and the net content of gold is about 4 to 5 grams. Under the current market conditions, it takes 1,000 to 2,000 dinars to buy a strong non-quick clone slave, in other words, 8 to 10 kilograms of gold.

  A centurion can pay a ransom of 200,000 dinars, which is equivalent to one ton of gold. If calculated according to the prices in the real world, it would cost hundreds of millions of RMB!

  Obviously, the gold reserves of the pre-war society in the wasteland world are not of the same order of magnitude as those in the real world. They are at least ten times or even a hundred times more, and the per capita holdings are even more incomparable.

  Otherwise, a centurion would not be able to take out a full ton of gold.

  Therefore, the precious metal standard is difficult to work in the wasteland, and the reason is completely opposite to that on Earth.

  The Legion chose to solve this problem with quantity and relied on quantity to support the value.

  Enterprises are pure credit currencies, using paper money with highly anti-counterfeiting technology, similar to the mainstream monetary system of various countries in the real world, which is convenient for adjusting the money supply at any time. The reason why the financial industry in Ideal City is so developed is inseparable from the loose monetary policy.

  However, this also makes the purchasing power and influence of CR always fluctuate outside the East Coast.

  Even the caravans of the enterprise prefer to barter, and even prefer to use the dinar of the legion rather than a pile of colorful paper.

  After all, gold is still useful in their industrial system, but the supply is a little larger, so it is not very valuable.

  In fact, no matter which route is referred to, there is no optimal solution, only the choice that best meets the current needs.

  After a lot of weighing, Chu Guang combined some ideas put forward by the little players on the forum during the discussion and exchange, and under the premise of adopting a credit-based monetary system, added certain scarcity attributes to the currency. The

  second-generation currency still uses the setting of silver coins, but it is no longer a silver coin that sells dog meat under the guise of sheep, but a silver coin designed and minted by the shelter itself.

  The weight of the silver coin is temporarily set at 10g, and it is cast with 90% silver and 10% copper, and circulated with a banknote with a face value of 100.

  As for copper coins, they will be gradually suspended from circulation until they are completely withdrawn from the market.

  Old players can use electronic payments, but new players and most NPCs cannot, nor can the wastelanders and caravans that travel here.

  The new version of currency is mainly launched for this group of people!

  At the same time, in order to prevent the value of silver coins from seriously exceeding the value of the metal itself, Chu Guang plans to actively inflate by about 50% within two versions.

  The specific plan is to increase the purchase and sale prices of agricultural products, prey, garbage and other raw materials in NPC stores while maintaining the resurrection fee unchanged, and increase the minimum transaction unit to more than 1 silver coin.

  As for the prices of industrial products such as weapons and bullets, they remain unchanged.

  Since the establishment of the new industrial zone, the cost of industrial products has dropped significantly, which can offset part of the impact of inflation.

  Allowing more players to consume bullets and better weapons is also a disguised enhancement.

  At the same time, with the rise in raw materials, NPC wages and the basic income of player tasks will also rise with the tide. The prey caught by hunters can almost double in the new version.

  This can also be regarded as balancing the income gap between different gameplay and professions.


  New industrial zone.

  In a corner of the abandoned tire factory, in a brick building next to the guard post, a large pile of old parts are displayed here, some of which have been assembled into usable machines.

  Several workers wearing fur clothes are adding a special alkaline sizing agent to a large pot of pulp made from cotton, linen and other plant fibers.

  The production operation is in full swing.

  In the wooden box next to it, a batch of products have been produced.

  These papers are flax-grey in natural conditions, and slightly blue when light is transmitted. The reason for this is that the blue mushroom powder is added to the pulp.

  Chu Guang did not expect that the mushrooms that he had pressed at the bottom of the warehouse to eat dust would come in handy at this time.

  Standing next to the box, Chu Guang held a piece of paper cut into squares in his hand. After rubbing it between his index finger and thumb for a while, he looked at the old man standing beside him.

  ”How many sheets of this kind of paper can you produce in a day?”

  After hearing the question from the manager, the old man answered respectfully.

  ”Sir, in addition to blue mushrooms, a special kind of nettle is also needed to produce this kind of paper. Although it is not a rare thing, it is difficult to find in winter. If the raw materials are in sufficient supply, we can produce about 500 kilograms a day.”

  The old man’s name is Wu Mu. He comes from the survivor settlement in the central part of the Valley Province. He joined Jiuli and others halfway and came to the northern suburbs of Qingquan City with the refugee team.

  Before becoming a refugee, he was a papermaker and made a living from it.

  The profession of papermaker is quite rare in the wasteland, after all, paper is not a rare thing.

  Even though cash accounts for less than 1% of transactions in the era of the Human Union, the remaining banknotes are still a huge astronomical number.

  The survivors in the wasteland have been burning for more than 200 years and there are still a lot of unburned paper.

  In addition, there are educational facilities such as libraries and schools, as well as bookshelves in private homes. Those acid-free papers made of synthetic fibers are like plastic and can be preserved for a long time.

  Some survivors will use banknotes from the pre-war society to make paper shell bullets, or break paper into fibers to replace cotton as the lining of clothes or bedding.

  When Jiuli heard that Chu Guang needed a papermaker, he immediately recommended the old man named Wu Mu to him.

  And this old man named Wu Mu did not disappoint Chu Guang.

  In less than a week, he used the recycled parts and equipment of the players to make a set of simple papermaking equipment.

  Through a special alkaline sizing agent and a formula passed down from his ancestors, the paper made by Wu Mu feels exactly the same as the banknotes that players pick up from the wasteland as toilet paper.

  Chu Guang couldn’t help but wonder what his ancestors did…

  Chu Guang coughed lightly and said,

  ”Five hundred kilograms is enough.”

  A banknote weighs about 1g.

  After the printing problem is solved, these 500 kilograms of paper will be enough for him to issue 500,000 banknotes!

  Chu Guang paused and continued.

  ”I will find someone to solve the problem of raw materials. After this batch of products is produced, there is no need to rush to produce the next batch. Before resuming production, I need you to solve a key problem.”

  As he said, Chu Guang took out a thread thinner than a hair from his pocket and put it in Wu Mu’s hand.

  After looking at the thin thread for a while, the old man’s face suddenly showed a surprised expression.

  ”Is this… Devil’s silk?!”

  This thing is much rarer than the blue umbrella mushroom!

  ”Yes,” Chu Guang nodded and continued, “Since you know it, I won’t go into details about its characteristics. I need you to find a way to implant it into the paper, whether it is by weaving or pressing it directly when making paper. There is only one requirement, that is, to be able to reflect some of the characteristics of the devil’s thread on the paper. I’ll just say it directly, this is mainly used for anti-counterfeiting.”

  Wu Mu’s face showed a trace of difficulty.

  After hesitating for a moment, he said seriously.

  ”Sir, I haven’t tried this kind of thing… I can’t guarantee that I can do it. I can only say give it a try.”

  Chu Guang said.

  ”Well, try all the methods you can think of first. If you can’t solve it, I’ll think of other ways.”

  After explaining the matter, Chu Guang turned and walked out of the house.

  But just when Chu Guang walked to the door, he suddenly remembered something, so he stopped and looked back at the old man.

  ”By the way, who else knows the formula of these papers besides you?”

  The old man said immediately.

  ”I personally added the proportions of the various components of the pulp and the key additives. In addition to the detailed ratios written in the recipe in your hand, I am the only one who knows what materials are used and how much of them are used!”

  Chu Guang gave him an approving look.

  ”Very good, I hope you can keep it up.”

  ”In addition, I don’t want to see someone else making the same paper as ours somewhere else, do you understand what I mean?”

  The old man swore a poisonous oath with a nervous expression.

  ”Don’t worry, sir, I promise to keep the secret to myself.”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”I hope so.”

  It is impossible to expect the formula to be kept completely secret. There is no technical threshold for this thing, and it is likely to be discovered with a little research.

  At most, the blue umbrella mushroom has a certain resource scarcity. The technology of the post-war era can neither be artificially synthesized nor artificially cultivated. In Boulder City, it is even sold by gram, and the price is not cheap.

  There is also devil silk.

  With these two things, even if there is no watermark anti-counterfeiting technology as powerful as “Enterprise”, it can ensure that people who make counterfeit banknotes will not make any profit.

  Whether it is banknotes or coins, they are mainly prepared for NPCs.

  As for the players.

  Of course, more convenient electronic payment is still the main method.


  Official forum:

  [Announcement for the whole server: Chaowei Battery Factory, Hope Mountain Cooperative, Scavenger’s Home, Highway Town, and Dongliu Camp, a total of more than 600 survivors have been transferred to the New Union Gas Station. The first phase of the evacuation plan has been a complete success! Thank you all for your sincere cooperation! ]

  [Event: Due to the upcoming migration of a large number of refugees, the prosperity of Changjiu Farm has increased by +200 (currently: 360)]

  [Announcement for the whole server: In order to commend the outstanding contributions of 20 players such as Edge Paddy…, Shelter No. 404 will award them the Silver Shield Medal. The electronic version of the medal has been updated in the personal account. The physical version of the medal can be collected together with the mission reward after it goes online. ]

  [“Shield” Medal: Unlocked by winning the “Epic” difficulty defense mission. (Add 500 contribution points, and 1000 reputation in Changjiu Farm)】

  【Xiaoyu: To celebrate the arrival of Alpha 1.0, Bank 404 is about to issue the second-generation currency. We are now collecting currency designs. If your design is adopted, you will receive a mysterious gift! Everyone is welcome to sign up! 】

  [Xiayan: Light weapons upgrade! The weapon store will soon launch a light machine gun suitable for medium and long-range suppression, and a submachine gun for close-range street fighting. More details, please stay tuned! ]

  [Luka: A large number of refugees are approaching, and our food is running out. I hope everyone can save some. 】

  【Today’s recommended recipe: boiled okra, green oatmeal porridge】

  Tail: “Medal! Wait, does this mean that medals will have physical entities in the future?!! ∑(Дノ)ノ”

  Quit Smoking: “Fuck! The soldier profession has been epically enhanced! Fortunately, I chose the soldier as my second profession! (grin)”

  Canyon Fugitive Mole: “Collectors are ecstatic! This is not worthy of a 0.91 update?”

  Night Ten: “Brother Fang Chang is awesome! (funny)”

  Fang Chang: “What does it have to do with me? (squinting)”

  Crow Crow: “By the way, the recipe recommended today is so bland, will the administrator be able to eat enough? (*′·v·)”

  Irena: “Maybe the administrator has eaten too much meat and fish, so he plans to change his taste this time. (funny)”

  Night Ten: “Dawn: Oh, you found out that I ordered food secretly. (funny)”

  The topics on the forum are mainly focused on the upcoming Alpha 1.0 version and the medal system to be launched.

  As for the new weapon that Boss Xia is about to launch, not many people are discussing it.

  After all, the barrel and the receiver are made by the No. 81 Steel Plant. The two plant managers are spamming on the forum every day, discussing the manufacturing process of seamless steel pipes with some netizens who are more annoying than mosquitoes.

  They already know what the new weapon is that will be launched soon. The only suspense is probably the name of the weapon.

  Last time it was LD-47, what will it be this time?

  It can’t be a hammer.


  In addition to the serious discussion posts, there are also jokes about the guys who are slacking off on the edge.

  Worried that the teammates who are OB on the forum can’t find their way home, Debt Eyes specially opened a post and tagged everyone in.

  ”Closing! Today’s Death Lotto draw! The result is twenty! Unfortunately, I guessed six, which is too conservative. But it doesn’t matter, because no one guessed right, so the result is a tie! A world where no one loses money has been achieved. (Funny)”

  Makabazi: “Hahaha, the black car of death is confirmed! No, MMP, I’m dead too!”

  Construction site boy and brick: “Fuck! I was just shooting with a machine gun, how come the person is gone! I haven’t even used up the free bullets issued by the mission! (Angry)”

  Debt big eyes: “It’s okay, I’ll finish shooting for you. (Funny)”

  Construction site boy and brick: “MMP!”

  Edge paddling: “Hey, brothers, I’m sorry for not bringing you back.”

  When typing this line, Edge paddling really cracked.

  The first time I led a team was an encounter with the mutants on Street 76.

  From then on, whenever he was the captain, nothing went well for him. He often took on 10,000 tons of damage, so much so that some people even joked with him that he should just wear a gas mask next time so that he could COS the Krieg Death Corps when he was hiding.

  If he hadn’t been targeted by the planner, he wouldn’t believe it even if he was beaten to death.

  Fortunately, his teammates didn’t blame him.

  Debt Eyes: “It’s okay. I feel more balanced when I see you coming down.”

  Fountain Commander: “Touch the edge, man, you’re a real man!”

  Drum Shampooing Machine: “Hahaha, +1, what’s the big deal? How can you not die while playing games? Our Makabazi has died several times, but he’s still smiling all day long.”

  Makabazi: “Fuck! What do you mean by dying several times? I was targeted by the planner!”

  Construction Site Boy and Brick: “Brother Guang: Say it again? I’ll dare to do it next time.”

  Makabazi: “@#%!” The

  little players of OB are still spamming on the forum, and the smart little players have already started drawing.

  Regardless of what the mysterious gift Xiaoyu mentioned is, this is a chance to design game currency!

  If you can pass this, won’t you be able to enter the Hall of Fame?

  In the future, all the players in the server will use the currency designed by themselves, just thinking about it is awesome!


  On the road leading to the southern part of TS City, a troop of 100 people is evacuating.

  Because they came in a hurry and left in a hurry, everyone looked very tired and sat listlessly on the truck.

  The man who was also sitting in the truck with only a tuft of hair on his head had a heavy face.

  Opposite him sat Yu, Beaver, Iron Knee and other centurions. At this moment, they were trembling and dared not breathe, lowering their heads to count the mud on their boots.

  Kevin, who was sitting next to Steel Teeth, comforted him.

  ”At least we annihilated their elite troops, and the situation is not as bad as imagined.”

  Steel Teeth gritted his teeth and uttered a word from between his teeth.

  ”Why do they also have the weapons of the Legion?”

  ”The weapons of the Legion are everywhere in the Valley Province, there is nothing strange about that. What you should be more worried about is that they not only have the weapons of the Legion, but also have their own standard weapons.”

  Kevin, who did not care about the victory or defeat at the moment, looked at the captured assault rifle in his hand with interest in his eyes.

  The design of this rifle is very clever.

  In particular, the receiver structure is extremely simple, even retro.

  However, it is surprisingly durable.

  The assault rifles of the Legion also adopt a similar design concept, but the number of assault rifles in the Legion is not too large. They are generally issued to elite troops or equipped with front-line centurions with submachine guns.

  In the Legion, a large number of light infantrymen who fill the front line and attack the enemy formation are mainly equipped with long bayonets and bolt-action rifles, and the supporting firepower is mainly provided by one or two machine gunners.

  After all, the life of a clone infantryman on the front line is too short. Let alone issuing automatic rifles, giving an extra pack of bullets is a waste.

  With that transportation capacity, it is better to send two more shells to the artillery position.

  ”If you stamp forge the receiver, you can stamp out the shell… This thing is much better than the iron barrel rifle.”

  Hearing Kevin’s words, Steel Nail frowned.

  ”What’s the difference?”

  The Bone Chewing Tribe can also imitate the ammunition and weapons of the Legion. Although the efficiency is a bit low, they have enough slaves.

  In addition, they have taken over a large amount of the Legion’s inventory and have the support of the Torch Church. He doesn’t think it’s a big deal to be able to make weapons.

  When the large army goes to the front line, it is only a matter of time before those ants are crushed!

  However, since it was the staff officer who said this, Gangya took it seriously.

  Kevin nodded and said concisely.

  ”Yes, and the difference is huge.”

  He looked out of the truck.

  Looking to the south, the man with a raised nose narrowed his eyes slightly.

  ”This means that they already have a certain level of industrial capacity, even if it’s just a little bit.”

  ”These people are not easy to deal with!”


  (There is only one chapter today, but it is also a big chapter of 6,000 words… Although I also want to read 10,000 words a day, I am a clumsy person. I have to think about the plot for a while, and time will pass. I really can’t finish the next chapter, so I can only leave it for tomorrow’s update. QAQ)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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