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Chapter 214: Is the spring of the Intelligence Department coming again?

Chapter 214: Is the spring of the Intelligence Department coming again?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 214 Spring is coming for the intelligence department again?

  It’s impossible to try it yourself.

  Chu Guang is such a cautious person, how could he use himself as a guinea pig?

  Without saying a word, he called a little player of the intelligence department, and Chu Guang threw the thing that Yin Fang threw to him to this little player.

  ”Put it on and try it.”

  Although the debt-ridden big-eyed man who received the headset was confused, he quickly reacted and hung the headset on his ears excitedly.

  Hidden mission!

  And it looks like it’s the kind of equipment!

  How could he miss such a good thing?

  After putting on the equipment, he immediately asked impatiently.

  ”Dear administrator, what’s the next step? What should I do?”

  Chu Guang looked at Yin Fang.

  Although he felt helpless about Chu Guang’s overly cautious move, this guy didn’t say anything. He turned and walked into the sanatorium, found a flat place to put the robot down, and then turned on the power switch behind it.

  Clapping his hands and standing up, Yin Fang made a gesture of invitation and said in a way that he thought was concise.

  ”First, turn on the switch of the connecting device, then try to imagine that you are a… uh, a four-legged animal, and then use a strong mental impulse to swing your limbs forward, and do your best to project your thoughts on the machine.”

  Chu Guang: “……?”

  Because there were too many points to complain about, he didn’t know where to start complaining for a while.

  Boss Xia was straightforward. After listening to it, he laughed out loud and crossed his arms and teased.

  ”Do you want to say that you imagine yourself as a dog?”

  Yin Fang shrugged, not taking the ridicule to heart.

  ”Although I added a gait adaptation program to the robot, the basic instructions still have to rely on nerve signals to convey. Directly waving the limbs is the most convenient choice, if you really can’t master the trick of mind-driven.”

  Xia Yan complained.

  ”I always feel that you are doing something unnecessary. It’s better to give me a tablet operation.”

  Of course, she can’t afford such expensive equipment, but some mercenary groups in Boulder City still have this condition.

  Although she hasn’t touched it, she has seen others use it, and it seems very simple.

  ”What do you know?” Yin Fang laughed and said, “Once you can master the tricks of using it, the complex operations it can achieve are far beyond your imagination!”

  Looking at the little player with an expectant face, Chu Guang was silent for a while and decided to express it in a more euphemistic way.

  He adjusted his face and said with a serious expression.

  ”Turn on the switch on the headset and feel it with your heart.”

  The debt-ridden big eyes were stunned.

  What does it mean to feel it with your heart?

  However, although he was confused, he still reached out and pushed the headset and pressed the switch.

  The signal light flickered slightly, and the red light turned green.

  Then, an incredible scene happened!

  The robot seemed to come alive, and suddenly jumped up from the ground, stomping its four mechanical legs on the spot, dragging its square head and square brain left and right.

  Big Eyes, who covered his ears with his right hand, was shocked and stared at the four-legged robot with a surprised expression.

  ”Fuck! Fuck! What’s going on?!”

  This feeling is wonderful!

  It was like part of his thoughts were projected onto the circuit board, and the circuit board converted part of the electrical signals into neural signals, creating a “mirror” in his brain!

  He could sense the existence of the robot and even the rotation of the motor, but this was not based on a series of conventional perceptions such as touch and vision, but a kind of existence closer to “intuition”!

  Slowly, he began to find the trick to control the machine, and the four-legged robot that was flapping its limbs randomly gradually became honest.

  Debt Big Eyes simply closed his eyes, kept in mind the “teachings” of the manager, and used his heart to feel the unprecedented sixth sense.

  When he began to try to understand this feeling, the four-legged robot seemed to have become his arm and a part of his flesh and blood!

  The “VM-same” laser sensors distributed on the robot can continuously map the space within a range of 5m by intermittently emitting lasers of a specific frequency, and scan the surrounding terrain, doors and windows, obstacles, bunkers, etc. on a three-dimensional image with a mesh structure.

  He can see the picture clearly in his mind!

  Although not through the eyes, it is more accurate than the eyes!

  Standing aside with his arms folded, Yin Fang looked at the little player who was gradually becoming familiar with the operation in surprise, with an obvious look of interest in his eyes.

  ”Huh? This guy’s nervous system is quite active.”

  ”To be honest, it exceeded my expectations. I thought he had to use all his strength to lift a mechanical leg.”

  As a result, this guy took less than a minute to completely master the trick of using the neural access device!

  This is incredible! It was so incredible

  that even Yin Fang felt a little outrageous.

  Such a talent would definitely be one of the best geniuses in the pre-war society! If he were in the academy, there would definitely be someone willing to accept him as a disciple and train him as an F-level researcher or explorer.

  Chu Guang smiled faintly, thinking that he had a dozen or so little players like this.

  After a pause, he gave an order.

  ”Move the robot into the room and try it.”

  Chu Guang needed to understand the robot’s ability to move outside of its visual range.


  He had wanted to do this for a long time. After receiving the order, the big-eyed debt with his eyes closed immediately controlled the quadruped robot, dancing its four legs, flexibly getting into the house next to it, and flexibly crossing the obstacles on the ground to complete the scan of the environment in the room. The

  scanned image will be synchronized to the VM and contributed to nearby teammates.

  If it is within the signal coverage area of ​​the shelter, it can also be uploaded to the shelter server and shared with other players simultaneously. After

  two minutes of testing, Chu Guang gave an evaluation in his heart.

  This thing is simply a reconnaissance artifact!

  It would be even more perfect if an LD-47 could be welded on the top of his head!

  ”Enough, let him stop. I’m worried that his brain can’t bear it if he keeps tossing. Any neural connection device will put a load on the nervous system, especially external connection devices.” Yin Fang looked at Chu Guang and reminded him.

  Chu Guang asked.

  ”How long is the limit?”

  ”The limit?”

  Yin Fang was slightly stunned, and then hesitated for a moment before continuing.

  ”I don’t recommend using it for more than 60 seconds, but I don’t know what the specific limit is… It varies from person to person. Some people have an innate active nervous system and can last longer, but if they have innate defects in their nervous system, they may not even last 60 seconds.”

  Chu Guang checked the attribute panel of Debt Eyes and found that his level was LV7, intelligence sequence, and the attribute was 10 points.

  According to statistical observations, from the 9 sequence level upgrades from LV0 to LV9, the rule of adding points is usually 5 to 6 points of main attributes and 3 to 4 points of other attributes.

  Generally, above LV6, the main attribute can break 10.

  This player called Debt Eyes has an intelligence attribute of exactly 10, which is quite meaningful for reference.

  Chu Guang wanted to know where his limit was.

  ”It doesn’t matter, I want to see how long he can last.”

  Yin Fang looked at Chu Guang in surprise, as if he was looking at a madman.

  Xia Yan didn’t feel anything, after all, she had long been used to it.

  As someone who often comes into contact with corpses, she can more or less sense that these players may be clones, or something similar.

  But so what?

  Clones are not big news in the wasteland.

  To this day, she still believes in a rumor that there is some kind of technology in this wasteland that can synthesize a normal person in one day, and such technology is likely hidden in the small Boulder City.

  Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why so many people die in the slums every year, but never see all the people there die.

  This is too strange!

  Regardless of what the two people think, Chu Guang is very calm in his heart.

  Not only does he know all the secrets of these players, but he also knows that they are not afraid of pain. In theory, their ability to withstand injuries will be stronger than that of ordinary wastelanders.

  Sure enough, the little player in front of him did not disappoint him. He persisted for ten minutes before he began to feel a dizziness that hit his brain.

  Noticing his trance, Chu Guang immediately ordered him to turn off the power of the headset and disconnect the connection with the little robot.

  After losing the connection, the quadruped robot did not shut down immediately, but entered standby mode. According to the preset command, it retracted its four fragile mechanical legs and disguised itself as a square-headed, ordinary piece of metal – although anyone with a discerning eye could see that this thing was not simple.

  ”My head is a little dizzy, Mr. Administrator,” the debt-ridden big-eyed man shook his head, and out of concern for the failure of the mission, he looked at Chu Guang nervously, “… I think I should be able to hold on for a while, can you let me try again?”

  Chu Guang looked at him encouragingly and said.

  ”No need, you’ve done very well, take a break first.”


  The little player nodded, he really needed to slow down.

  Just a moment ago, he actually disconnected and bounced out of the game.

  If he hadn’t logged in quickly enough, he would have been lying on the ground now.

  ”Unbelievable… ten minutes!”

  Yin Fang looked at Chu Guang in surprise with an expression of disbelief on his face, and couldn’t help asking, “Has his pain nerve been cut off?”

  The initial symptom of neural overload is headache, the brain begins to sound an alarm, followed by unbearable pain, and finally mental confusion or even coma.

  Almost no one can hold on to the end, and often takes off the headphones when the pain is unbearable.

  However, that person completely skipped the first two stages!

  To be honest, he didn’t think it was a good thing.

  Losing the sense of pain will also mean losing the warning.

  However, Chu Guang, who was standing next to him, was thinking about something completely different from him at the moment.

  Obviously, the higher the intelligence attribute of the player, the longer the control ability and control time of the neural connection device.

  In this case…

  it should be more reasonable to set the minimum attribute requirement of this equipment to 10 points of intelligence.

  Touching his chin, Chu Guang perfunctorily answered Yin Fang’s question.

  ”It’s possible, but my guess is that he doesn’t feel pain, but the transmission of pain signals to the consciousness is blocked, so he simply doesn’t feel ‘pain’… But let’s not discuss this issue now.”

  After a pause, Chu Guang turned his gaze away from Big Eyes, who was shaking his head and leaning against the wall to stand steady, and looked at Yin Fang and continued.

  ”Your endurance is still a bit worrying. What can you do in ten minutes? Can’t you find a way to make the time longer?”

  Yin Fang said speechlessly.

  ”What are you dissatisfied with for getting ten minutes of pseudo-intelligent AI?”

  ”Intelligent AI?”

  ”Singularity technology is difficult to explain… In short, the original meaning of the neural access device is not to let you turn it on all the time, but to replace the AI ​​to directly operate the device at critical times, and complete some operations or judgments that AI cannot achieve.” After a

  pause, looking at the robot on the ground, Yin Fang continued.

  ”This thing is just an experimental machine. Later, I will develop a practical elementary AI for it, so that it can recognize a few simple commands and realize operations such as returning to the original route, waiting in place, and following the target when the neural connection is interrupted. Well, I also plan to install a camera for it and use it in conjunction with laser mapping.”

  Hearing this, Chu Guang’s heart moved and he asked immediately.

  ”Do you have a way to make a camera?”

  Yin Fang looked at Chu Guang strangely.

  ”Of course, is it difficult? Security cameras can be found in many facilities, with various models and resolutions. Some are still working today, two hundred years later… Although most of them are broken, they can be repaired by finding some parts. It’s not very troublesome.”

  The communication chip is also easy to get.

  VM is like a microcomputer. Many components are integrated on the graphene circuit board. Many things can be used after modification.

  Including the processor and laser mapping system on this quadruped robot, they are all removed from VM.

  Chu Guang stared at him with his eyes wide open, and said for a long time.

  ”Is it that simple?”

  Yin Fang scratched the back of his head.

  ”Well, it requires a little bit of basics, but not too profound knowledge. The academy will give each explorer a 1.2G “Wasteland Survival Guide”, which will record some parts that are easy to obtain and use in the wasteland in the form of pictures and texts, as well as more advanced transformation knowledge, such as making some simple weapons, explosives, fuels and emergency medicines. The use of optical components and graphene circuit boards may be a little more advanced and require some basic tools, but it is still not a big problem for explorers above E level.”

  Chu Guang: “…”


  Why didn’t you tell me earlier that you have such a good thing!

  Chu Guang had thought about recycling cameras in facilities such as bank buildings before, and even asked knowledgeable players to pick up two and bring them back for research, but after disassembling them, he was confused. In

  the electronic equipment of pre-war civilization, carbon-based chips were very popular, and to a large extent, they have even replaced traditional silicon-based chips. And this camera uses neither CMOS devices in the traditional sense nor CCD components.

  Many players on the forum discussed this issue and tried to fix it, but the final conclusions were nothing more than “the design looks very imaginative” and “the operator doesn’t know how to edit it.”

  After all, the technological gap is there, and it is more than a century, and there may even be a “technological explosion” in the middle.

  This is far from being understood by picking up two things and taking them apart.

  In the end, only the coated lenses of the lens part of these cameras can be recycled. Many optical sights in the weapon shop of the outpost base are obtained in this way.

  Xia Yan, who used to be a mercenary, is very good at making such things. His proficiency is probably similar to Yin Fang’s proficiency in the work of “analyzing pre-war civilization data.”

  Looking at Dr. Yin Fang eagerly, Chu Guang immediately asked: “That skill book… I mean, do you have the “Wasteland Survival Guide” with you?”

  Yin Fang was stunned for a moment, nodded and said.

  ”That thing? I haven’t used it since I was promoted to D-level. I guess I threw it at home… But if you need it, I can help you sort it out a little, but it may take some time.”

  Chu Guang said with shining eyes.

  ”It’s okay! I can wait!”

  A skill book that increases the scavenging skill by +3 – oh no, maybe it can even increase it by +5!

  How could he let go of such a good thing!

  Not only can players use it as a reference, but his NPCs can also use it as a textbook for learning.

  Even if you can’t learn the essence of it, it doesn’t matter. At least you can know what kind of garbage in the wasteland is valuable and what the use of picking it up is.

  This alone is worth it, okay!

  The little player standing next to him looked confused the whole time as he watched the communication between the manager and Dr. Yin Fang.

  Because there were no subtitles, he didn’t understand the cutscene after watching it for a long time.

  By the way, is this mission completed?

  Finally unable to hold it back, the debt-ridden big-eyed man cleared his throat and was about to ask.

  However, at this moment, the two NPCs seemed to have reached a consensus. Dr. Yin Fang picked up the robot, and the manager looked at him seriously.

  ”Thank you for your assistance!”

  ”Thanks to your help, we now have a new understanding of neural access devices, and a batch of new equipment will be available on the shelves of the store soon.”

  ”The mission rewards have been distributed to VM, I wish you a happy life today!”

  Debt Eyes: “???”


  That’s it? !

  Seeing that the manager took back his headphones and turned to leave, Debt Eyes was anxious, and suddenly a light bulb flashed in his mind, and he shouted in a hurry.

  ”Mr. Manager, I think there is a serious design flaw in that equipment!”

  Hearing this, the manager really stopped and turned around to look at him strangely.

  ”What design flaw?”

  Debt Eyes said immediately.

  ”Disconnected! No, it should be dizzy! When I was operating the robot just now, I suddenly felt a strong dizziness and almost fainted!”


  I thought it was something else.

  Chu Guang smiled and said to this kind-hearted little player.

  ”Neural access devices are all like this. Long-term use will cause a certain degree of load on the brain, not to mention equipment that has not yet been developed-”

  ”I am willing to be a tester for new equipment!”

  Before he finished speaking, the little player said solemnly.

  ”Dear administrator, as a member of Shelter No. 404, I am ready to sacrifice for our cause! For the great cause of the revival of the Human Union, please allow me to contribute to the research and development of the shelter army equipment!”

  Looking at the eager expression on the face of the little player in front of him, Chu Guang was slightly stunned, and instantly understood what this guy was thinking.

  Good guy.

  After laying the groundwork for so long, it turns out that he wants to get the god equipment for free!


  it’s not impossible.

  Chu Guang was also very curious about how the little guy held in Yin Fang’s arms performed on the battlefield.

  Since someone volunteered to be a guinea pig.

  It saved him the trouble of issuing tasks specifically.

  After thinking for a while, Chu Guang looked at Yin Fang and said.

  ”Do you need an equipment tester?”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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