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Chapter 215: Someone outside the house, attacking the kidney area

Chapter 215: Someone outside the house, attacking the kidney area


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 215: There are people outside the house, attacking the kidney area fiercely

  . There are humming and groaning inside the house, and there is silence outside

  Yunqin waited patiently and almost finished watching half of it.

  Every time she thought that the two people in the house could finally calm down, they changed their postures and continued to make trouble, as if they were tireless, which made her feel helpless.


  Yunqin sighed secretly.

  These two silly children did such a thing without even closing the door, and they really care about it.

  Although this mansion was ordered not to allow others to approach, it was still too lax. If Lingshuang came back temporarily, wouldn’t it be seen clearly?

  However, Lingshuang seemed to have some accidents with this boy, which was quite ambiguous.

  That’s all, it’s a matter between the younger generation, why should I get involved.

  Yunqin thought secretly and glanced into the house again.

  Although Xian’er has become a demon, she has lived outside for three years, and her figure is well maintained, with the right convex and curvy, not ambiguous at all.

  But the size of the chest is so surging that it is hard for a woman to compare with it.

  What I didn’t expect was that the demon body was so unrestrained and could play so many tricks.

  After a while.

  Yun Qin opened her cold eyes slightly and glanced sideways.

  Yang Shifei just walked out of the study, closed the door with his backhand, turned around and was about to go to the kitchen, when he saw a beautiful figure sitting on the railing of the corridor.


  Looking at his stiff expression, Yun Qin said coldly: “Being in a foreign land in Yan State, it is too unprepared.”

  Yang Shifei forced an awkward smile: “When did Miss Yun come?”

  ”Half an hour ago.”

  Yun Qin’s eyes under the mask seemed to be piercing: “Since you pressed Miss Luo against the wall and kneaded her wantonly, I have been standing here waiting for you.”

  Yang Shifei was ashamed. Didn’t he see everything?

  He was always paying attention to the outside of the house, so how could he not notice the movement of this woman at all?

  ”Well, since Miss Yun is here, why didn’t you tell me earlier.”

  ”Do you want me to come in and keep you company?”

  ”Hehe! Don’t get me wrong, I just want to entertain you.” “Heh


  Yun Qin snorted coldly: “You only know how to torment women.”

  Yang Shifei: “…”

  Just as he was racking his brains to open the topic, Yun Qin stretched out her slender hand: “Give it to me.”


  ”Reply.” Yun Qin frowned and said: “Take the letter, I’ll leave right away.”

  ”Ah, I almost forgot about the important matter.” Yang Shifei hurried back to the study and brought the letter.

  ”Thank you, Miss Yun.”

  ”You two can enjoy your love slowly, I won’t bother you any more.”

  Yun Qin put away the envelope, turned around and was about to leave.

  Yang Shifei subconsciously said politely: “I wonder if Miss Yun has had dinner. Do you want to have dinner together?”


  Unexpectedly, Yunqin paused and looked back calmly: “Who is cooking?”

  Yang Shifei was stunned: “My wife is not in good health, so I will do it.”

  ”No servants?”

  ”In the first two or three days after arriving in Zonglin County, the county magistrate’s wife helped to take care of it.”

  Yang Shifei laughed: “But now there is a shortage of manpower in various places, and we can do it ourselves, so we didn’t ask for help.”

  Yunqin was silent for a moment, and immediately walked to the kitchen and said coldly:

  ”I have nothing to do, so I just borrow the kitchen here.”


  The smoke from the kitchen gradually rose, and the tempting aroma filled the air.

  Looking at the five steaming dishes with delicious colors and aromas, Yang Shifei was a little dumbfounded.

  Miss Yun really cooked directly, and her cooking skills…

  He looked at the dishes on the table and couldn’t help swallowing.

  This smell is so delicious.

  ”Don’t just stand there like an idiot.”

  Yunqin took off her apron and said with a sidelong glance: “I’ll serve the rice, you take the dishes out and call them to come.”

  Yang Shifei hurriedly turned around to serve the dishes, and then ran to greet Xian’er and Maomao.


  Yunqin served the rice silently, and couldn’t help sighing in her heart.

  She hadn’t cooked for many years, but her cooking skills had not deteriorated.

  She walked out of the kitchen with three bowls of rice, but saw Yang Shifei walking back with a wry smile:

  ”I’m sorry, Miss Yun, my wife is very tired now, and she’s not hungry.”

  ”What about the other one?”

  ”Uh, she’s sleeping soundly.”

  ”Forget it, let’s eat first.”

  Yunqin was not annoyed, and quickly took a seat.

  Yang Shifei took the lead and picked up the rice bowl and took two bites of food: “Thank you for cooking, Miss Yun, is it really good?”

  He was surprised when he chewed the fried meat for a while, “This cooking skill is incredible!”

  Yunqin said calmly: “If it suits your taste, eat more.”

  ”Miss, you don’t want to eat?”



  He looked at the mask that the other party had never taken off, and his mind moved again: “Miss, why don’t I go somewhere else to eat, you alone…”

  ”Don’t think too much.” Yunqin said coldly: “I don’t like hot food.”

  ”It’s my worry, don’t blame me, Miss.”

  Yang Shifei grinned, and then concentrated on eating rice and picking up food.

  Yunqin sat upright, her eyes calm and calm, just watching silently.

  Seeing that she didn’t say a word, Yang Shifei started the conversation first: “Miss, do you have a place to live now?”

  ”Emperor Yan found a small courtyard for me.”

  ”That’s good.”

  Yang Shifei took a bite of the rice and asked tentatively: “Do we know each other?”

  Yunqin said calmly: “I have a deep connection with the Luo family. This meal is just to take care of the younger generation.”

  ”Is that so?”

  Yang Shifei nodded suddenly: “I would like to thank the young lady on behalf of Xian’er.”

  ”No need to be so formal.” Yunqin said meaningfully: “Just treat Miss Luo better, that’s enough.”

  Yang Shifei almost choked and coughed:

  ”What happened before.”

  ”I can pretend that I didn’t see it.”

  Yunqin narrowed her eyes: “But you must understand the principle of overdoing it. Don’t rely on your strong physique and squander it.”

  As she spoke, she suddenly brushed her skirt and stood up.

  Yang Shifei was at a loss for a while while holding the rice, and watched her come to his side and put her hand on her waist.

  ”Miss Yun, are you going to…hiss!”

  A rather strange tingling sensation emerged on the side of his waist, making him feel numb all over.

  Yunqin leaned forward slightly, kneading her waist with her jade hands, and whispered: “You just did that kind of thing, it’s best to take care of yourself, it’s good for your body.”

  Yang Shifei quickly tightened his face and took a breath and said: “I can do it myself, no need-”

  ”You learn first.”

  Yunqin’s tone did not allow for argument, and she stroked the other side of his waist.

  Attacked from both sides at the same time, Yang Shifei almost lost his rice bowl, and felt waves of numbness spread throughout his waist and abdomen.

  The woman’s fragrance lingered beside his face, and the softness behind him was vaguely felt.


  After kneading for a while, Yunqin gradually stopped and whispered in his ear: “It’s not a profound technique. Remember the location of the acupuncture points, and you can knead them yourself in the future.”

  ”Ah, good.”

  Yang Shifei responded in a trance.

  Yunqin glanced at him and saw that he was almost asleep in comfort. She sighed helplessly and kneaded his waist and kidneys twice.

  Yang Shifei shuddered and woke up.

  ”Miss Yun, you…”

  He quickly bowed to block his sight, smiling awkwardly: “Thank you for your advice, I have kept it in mind.”

  Yun Qin ignored his little action and calmly sat back in her original position.

  Seeing that she had no reaction, Yang Shifei secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but he immediately heard:

  ”It’s just a normal body reaction, you don’t have to be so shy, it’s not like you haven’t seen it before.”


  Yang Shifei’s expression was subtle, he didn’t expect to be lectured by the other party in return.

  However, the romantic feeling in his heart was scattered, and he felt like he was facing an elder, which was quite reassuring.

  He quickly changed the subject: “Miss Yun, these dishes are cold, do you still want to eat?”

  ”Just right.”

  Yun Qin raised her hand and reached for the mask on her face.

  Yang Shifei’s eyes condensed slightly. Finally, he could see the other person’s true appearance, who could it be –


  The lower half of the mask was removed, revealing a smooth and white chin and plump and red lips.

  Yang Shifei was stunned.

  Damn, this thing is actually detachable?

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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