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Chapter 217 New Awakeners and Preparation for War

Chapter 217 New Awakeners and Preparation for War


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 217 New Awakeners and Preparations for War

  These days, Chu Guang has had good luck.

  As of the 10th day of the implementation of the wartime regulations, his little players have created a total of 371 reward points for him, which is even a little beyond his expectations.

  Logically speaking, as the winter continues and the blizzard continues, the range of players’ activities should have decreased.

  However, the completion rate of daily tasks has not decreased at all.

  While being moved, Chu Guang couldn’t help but make up his mind to make good use of the wealth created for him by his little players.

  Considering that the medicines are enough for the time being, Chu Guang used all the remaining 71 reward points, except for the three advanced blind boxes, to exchange for primary blind boxes.

  It’s not that he still believes in metaphysics.

  The main reason is that Chu Guang had a bored single draw before, and opened a bag of high-yield rice seeds.

  That was the second time he got seeds from a blind box after cotton seeds.

  Without saying a word, Chu Guang immediately used the bag of seeds in the soilless planting unit that had just harvested a batch of pakchoy for breeding operations.

  As for which of these rice seeds drawn out has a higher yield than the rice seeds given away for free on the B3 floor, we will know when the time comes.

  Let’s continue with the results of this lottery. Although no seeds were drawn, it was still quite gratifying.

  71 reward points, in addition to 25 lollipops, 15 chocolate bars and 8 boxes of canned meat, there were actually 10 bags of 500g salt, 8 bottles of soy sauce, 2 bottles of vinegar and 3 bags of 3 kilograms of cornmeal.

  Although these supplies cannot fundamentally solve the food crisis, they are undoubtedly a blessing for those small players who open shops.

  There are new seasonings to use.

  Life professional players are epically strengthened!

  The other three advanced blind boxes did not disappoint Chu Guang either.

  A set of five-style “light cavalry” exoskeleton, a hummingbird drone, and a carbon nano bulletproof vest.

  To be honest, the generosity of the shelter system this time made him a little unbelievable.

  Now he has three hummingbirds, and while overlooking the outpost and Changjiu Farm, he can also split one to go wild.

  After thinking for a while, Chu Guang planned to hang the Type 5 “Light Cavalry” exoskeleton on the shelf of the NPC store.

  Since the performance of the Type 5 is more than twice that of the Miner I, Chu Guang simply added a zero to the price of the “Miner”, which is 20,000 silver.

  As for the purchase threshold.

  It is also awakening (LV10) + citizen.

  Just when Chu Guang was enjoying the joy of the harvest and admiring the “manager allowance” sent from the conveyor belt, Xiao Qi’s voice suddenly came from the speaker on the wall.

  ”Master, you have two more little players who have reached LV10.”


  Chu Guang was slightly stunned, and immediately opened the manager system and switched to the player list.

  In the list, the gene sequence level behind the two names was printed with the LV10 mark, and the login status was also the same “locked for 5 hours”.

  ”There is a long way to go and Midnight Killing Chicken?”

  It turned out to be these two gentlemen.

  The awakening of Midnight Killing Chicken was expected. This gentleman himself was one of the players who entered the game early, and he was also a strength system, and he was very hardworking.

  Chu Guang still remembered the feat of this guy chopping down more than 200 trees in three days.

  ”Strength is indeed easier to upgrade.”

  ”Agility seems to be the next.”

  The highest intelligence level in the server is Kuangfeng, who has just reached LV9.

  Ye Shi of the perception system has been at LV9 for a while, and it is estimated that he will be awakened soon.

  Thinking of this, Chu Guang sighed.

  His little players are so powerful, and he has to work harder!

  Otherwise, there will always be people who think that the five months that he, Chu, survived alone in the wasteland were in vain, and any random “Little Master Ao” seems to be able to assassinate him.

  What are you thinking?

  Playing games and turning on the console, thinking that you are invincible?

  Not to mention his “magic suit” that the players helped him to get, the little arms and legs of the newbies are as slow as mosquitoes, and they can be hammered even if they take off their equipment.

  So far, the only person in the server who can really tear apart the creeper by hand is Chu Guang himself. The martial virtue of Shelter 404 is not exaggerated.

  However, it is still necessary to maintain the level advantage.

  It is not entirely out of caution, but mainly out of consideration for the game experience of players.

  After all, it is well known that the leader NPC of a faction in an MMORPG is always the highest level.

  If the level of the leader NPC is not higher than that of the player, then this game is too unreal!


  Official forum:

  Stop bullshitting: “It’s the 10th day, brother Meng! There are only 50 days left before the end of the cold winter!”

  Elf King Fugui: “Giao! There are still 50 days!”

  Tail: “Since we can’t go out to fight, let’s have a snowball fight! (`)Ψ”

  Sisi: “Oh, this is good.”

  Ye Shi: “Hahaha, then isn’t the strength system a bug? (Funny)”

  Tail: “No, Tail is super fast! (*`*)”

  Peak offline period.

  Just when everyone was running to the official website to exchange strategies as usual, an announcement suddenly popped up on the forum.

  [Announcement for the whole server: Congratulations to the player “The future is long” for becoming the first player in the whole server to reach LV10 in the agility system! 】

  【Since the player chose to make it public, this achievement will be recorded in the Hall of Fame】 As soon as

  the announcement came out.

  The atmosphere on the forum was boiling.

  Tail: “!! There are actually people who are faster than Tail! w(Д)w”

  Sisi: “Ah Wei, wake up, he is a T0 boss after all, what can you compare with.”

  Tail: “QAQ”

  Elf King Fugui: “Damn it, damn cheater! I, the Elf King, am not the fastest! (Going crazy)”

  Lightning King Professor Yang: “Gan! One by one, you are all cheaters, okay? I didn’t even enter the game! TT”

  Silver Hand: “Strongly request that the official reset the data after the beta version is launched! (Cracked voice)”

  Silver Sword: “Agree! (Cracked voice)”

  Edge Pad: “Get out, don’t even think about it!”

  Debt Big Eyes: “That’s right! Do you know how hard it is for our brother Shui to give away heads? (Funny)”

  Edge Pad: “Go away!”

  Only on the issue of whether to delete the files, players and cloud players can never reach a consensus.

  Today is the same.

  The two sides are divided into two factions, arguing fiercely over whether to clear the closed beta data.

  The two awakeners did not appear from beginning to end, and I think they went to avoid the limelight.

  After reading a circle of posts in the forum, Chu Guang, who was peeking at the screen, showed a smile like an old father.


  It doesn’t exist.

  That’s what a serious game company does. When did he say that he was a serious game company?

  These accounts are all his things!

  However, players who entered the game early have begun to “awaken” one after another.

  It is foreseeable that in the next two months, players will usher in a wave of awakening peaks.

  Wait until winter is over, maybe he can get a company of awakeners.

  This individual quality, as long as the equipment keeps up.

  It’s exciting to think about it!


  No. 81 Steel Plant.

  Production is in full swing, and looking up, it is a lively scene.

  With the mobilization of the “Wartime Regulations”, more and more refugees are involved in production work. The number of workers in the No. 81 Steel Plant has expanded to 90, and they are divided into multiple workshops according to different production tasks.

  Workers who have mastered production skills have been promoted to foremen, and they take those inexperienced apprentices to learn how to use the equipment in the factory to recycle the garbage picked up by scavengers from the wasteland into what they need.

  At this moment, in the No. 1 plant of the No. 81 Steel Plant, a 20mm caliber machine gun is displayed in the center of the plant. The

  box-type receiver structure has simple buffers on both sides, and there is an air cooling box at the root of the barrel for heat dissipation.

  The magazine is located directly behind the receiver, close to the trigger, which is convenient for the gunner to load. It can be operated by one person, which is very convenient.

  In order to ensure the safety of the gunner and the ammunition rack, there is a slot at the front end of the receiver, which can be installed or welded with a 20mm steel plate.

  This thickness is enough to resist most bullets and explosion fragments, providing a relatively safe firing environment for the gunner.

  Standing next to Chu Guang, Brother Levin, one of the directors of the No. 81 Steel Plant, proudly promoted it to him.

  ”20mm caliber, 1500mm long barrel, 1300mm long rifling, a magazine can hold 10 rounds of shells, and all can be fired in less than 5 seconds! As you can see, this equipment can definitely become the nemesis of helicopters!”

  Brother Ce Suo, who was standing on the other side, also said excitedly.

  ”That’s right, Mr. Manager, it’s not just the nemesis of helicopters. I dare say that even the creepers and mutants running on the ground will definitely not be able to withstand a flat shot!”

  If it can withstand it by miracle.

  Then come another shot!

  ”Taking into account various combat needs, we also designed phosphorus-containing incendiary bombs, steel core armor-piercing bombs, and high-explosive bombs for it! But unfortunately, we didn’t get the proximity fuze. The high-explosive bombs with front-trigger fuzes have a small chance of misfiring, but it’s not a big problem!”

  ”Not bad, but isn’t 10 rounds in a magazine too few?” Looking at the machine gun in front of him, Chu Guang had a very interested expression on his face.

  As if he guessed that the manager would ask this, Brother Levin smiled and said.

  ”No problem! We can assemble four machine guns together and fire intermittently! That’s 40 rounds!”

  Brother Ce Suo also said.

  ”That’s right, if the firepower is not enough, we can also put on an eight-barrel base! Use a truck to tow it!”

  Chu Guang nodded approvingly.

  But at this moment, he suddenly remembered something and asked.

  ”By the way, where is the 88mm cannon you made before? Isn’t there an experimental model? Why don’t I see it?”

  In addition to anti-aircraft firepower, he now needs a sufficiently reliable support weapon.

  The support here is not the conscienceless rocket of the mosquito.

  Instead, it is the kind that can cooperate with the infantry on the front line and accurately drop explosives on the enemy’s head.

  For some reason, after hearing Chu Guang’s words, the expressions on Brother Ce Suo and Brother Levin’s faces were somewhat subtle.

  The latter coughed lightly and said,

  ”The speed of the shells of that artillery can never be increased… We originally planned to change it to a howitzer, but we really didn’t have the time. Then Mosquito came over and offered a price, saying that he planned to continue our research, so we packed all the gun barrels that had not been rifled and sold them to him.”

  Speaking of this, Brother Ce Suo looked indignant.

  ”In the end, he didn’t plan to continue our research at all. Later, I learned that he cut the gun barrel into small sections and planned to make a short-caliber 88mm mortar.”

  Brother Levin shook his head and said.

  ”It’s just a fantasy!”

  Hearing this, Chu Guang was slightly stunned.

  Then he was dumbfounded.

  Anti-aircraft guns converted into mortars.

  Is this possible? !


  The southern suburbs of TS City.

  The abandoned North Slope Industrial Zone.

  Ruined factories and buildings are everywhere here, and the concrete fragments scattered on the ground are as numerous as the snow in the sky.

  In a factory building with relatively intact walls.

  Ragged and skinny slaves are carrying materials from the warehouse into the factory building under the supervision of the looters holding weapons and whips. There is

  a very large boiler hanging here.

  The furnace is full of boiling molten iron. The slaves next to it are constantly using shovels to send coal into the heating room. The whole room is as hot as summer.

  The factory next door is just as hot.

  More than 30 iron anvils are displayed in the wide factory building. The naked slaves are waving hammers and hammering the red-hot castings on the anvils.

  After these rough castings are hot forged, they will be sent to another workshop, where some skilled craftsmen will use simple tools such as files to process them, and then they will be sent to the last factory building by porters for assembly.

  The look in the eyes of the supervisors beside them as they looked at the slaves made them feel instinctively fearful, and their calves couldn’t help but tremble.

  It wasn’t like he was looking at people,

  but rather at the meat on the chopping board.

  However, being able to work here means at least they won’t be eaten. As long as they work hard, they can live… This is the “promise” given to them by the supervisors.

  The survivors who were kept in the dungeon were much more miserable.

  They had only two endings.

  Either they became cannon fodder or they became food rations.

  In winter, the latter was much more likely than the former.

  The office on the second floor of the factory was as warm as spring.

  Sitting behind the old desk, a man in a leather jacket and unkempt appearance had a wooden pipe in his mouth.

  The smoke from the burning spirit leaves made him squint in intoxication.

  His name was Black Snake, the centurion of the Bone Chewing Tribe. He was ordered to lead a team of a thousand people to plunder in the south, but he stopped here because of the heavy snow.

  Although the Snake Clan he belonged to was not as important as the Tooth Clan in the Bone Chewing Tribe, it was also considered a direct lineage, and the nine centurions under him were all ruthless and good at fighting.

  In fact, there were ten before.

  However, the centurion named Ka was attacked by local survivors in Qingquan City on his way to Qingquan City to establish an outpost, and his whereabouts are unknown.

  Black Snake didn’t feel sorry for a mere centurion. He could promote another one at any time if he wanted.

  What really distressed him was the loss of nearly 150 brothers in that battle, as well as nearly 100 100mm shells and dozens of tons of rations.

  Whenever he thought of this, Black Snake got angry.

  Those prodigals!

  They actually poured all his nutritional paste into the sewer and set fire to his rat jerky and meat strips!

  Waste is a shameful act.

  He swore that he would get the lost supplies back from these people intact.

  ”Listen to the sound of iron forging, it’s so beautiful… When winter is over, we can have the equipment of two more centurions!”

  Using nearly 1,000 slaves, the logistics problem of 1,500 people was solved.

  These slaves can not only be used as labor, but also as food.

  Black Snake felt that he was simply a genius.

  Staff officer Vides, who was standing at the side, looked at him, but his expression was not very optimistic.

  ”This battle should not be dragged on for too long. You should have noticed that your men encountered strong resistance twice when they attacked the local survivors’ settlements… Obviously, those survivors have realized the danger, even formed an alliance, and moved the settlements outside.”

  ”That’s just right.”

  Black Snake narrowed his eyes slightly, and a wisp of smoke floated out of his nose, and he continued.

  ”When they gather together, we can just catch them all in one fell swoop, so we don’t have to chase them around!”

  Hearing this, Vides shook his head.

  This idea is too idealistic!

  He had learned from Kevin before that the survivors in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City are suspected to have mastered the production technology of stamping receivers.

  This means that they can produce reliable weapons and bullets in large quantities in a short period of time at a very low cost.

  On the other hand, they lack production equipment and effective logistical support. Even if those slaves play a little role, to be honest, the role is quite limited.

  The later this war is dragged on, the more dangerous it will be for them!

  However, compared to Vides, Black Snake, as a centurion, was very optimistic.

  ”Relax, my friend.”

  ”I know they may be difficult to deal with, but we have that guy.”

  100mm howitzer!

  The 20-kilogram shell smashed down, leaving no grass within 30 meters, and the half-meter thick concrete fortifications could be easily crushed!

  The terrifying firepower was enough to make any survivor settlement with less than 10,000 people despair!

  And they had two of them.

  Black Snake leisurely added some dried spirit leaves to his pipe. Anyway, there was nothing else to do in winter.

  Just then, there was a knock on the door outside the office.

  After getting permission to come in, a predator in a fur coat walked in, saluted in an awkward manner, and said in a buzzing voice.


  ”Captain Lion Fang sent someone to bring you a letter saying that they have built infantry fortifications in Yuanxi Town and invite you to go there and participate in the spring hunt!”

  ”Yuanxi Town?”

  Black Snake subconsciously glanced at the map on the wall, but did not see where that place was.

  Vides, who was standing aside, reminded him.

  ”Yuanxi Town is located in the north of Qingquan City, about 10 kilometers away from the Yumu District of Qingquan City, and about 20 kilometers away from the concrete fortifications built by the survivors in the northern suburbs.”

  And the southern suburbs of TS City where they are now are roughly located in the northeast of Qingquan City.

  After a pause, Vides fulfilled his duties as a staff officer and gave advice.

  ”The survivors in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City are not easy to deal with. It is a good choice to concentrate troops to deal with them.”

  With two thousand-man teams, there will be no problems that he is worried about.

  With so many people, they can pile up the survivors in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City to death!

  However, his superior obviously didn’t think so…

  ”Why should we join them? We can take over the northern suburbs of Qingquan City by ourselves.” Black Snake’s eyes narrowed slightly.

  According to the rules of the plunderers, whoever conquers the territory has the right to plunder!

  If he acts together with the people of the Ya clan, he can only have a sip of soup at most.

  But if he takes over the northern suburbs of Qingquan City alone, it will be a chance to eat meat.

  He has artillery, armor, and a sufficient number of infantry, which is more than enough to deal with a group of scavengers picking up scraps.

  Why let others share the credit that belongs to you!

  ”Although Lion Fang and I are both centurions, they are direct descendants. If we act together, his rank is half a level higher than mine.”

  ”The survivors in the northern suburbs are easy to deal with, but that Boulder City is a tough nut to crack. If we follow them, we might be sent to be cannon fodder by them.”

  Black Snake continued slowly, squinting his eyes like a venomous snake.

  ”Not only can we not follow them, we must get ahead of them and kill the prey in the shortest possible time!”

  Vides’ face was somewhat helpless.

  He knew very well that this man would not listen to him on strategic decisions.

  Most of the plunderers are the same. They only have the spoils in their eyes. What drives them to fight is the savagery and ferocity engraved in their bones, not anything else.

  Even if the people of the Bone Chewing Tribe seem a little different, they are essentially the same.

  Just like a dog can’t change its eating habits.

  Looking at the silent Vides, Black Snake smiled and comforted him.

  ”Relax, my friend, I don’t underestimate our opponents. I learned about their strength from the brothers who withdrew from the front line, so I made such a judgment.”

  He still respected this military strategist who helped him win many battles.

  If it were someone else, the grass on his grave would be two feet high.

  ”Would you like a couple of puffs? You are no longer a member of the Legion. There is no need to follow the rules of the Legion. You can enjoy all the glory and wealth here.”

  Looking at the cigarette handed over by Black Snake, Vides shook his head and said.

  ”No need, I need to keep my head clear at all times.”

  The people of the Legion don’t smoke.

  At most, they drink.

  For him, having gold, beauty and wine is enough.

  Black Snake smiled and waved his pipe.

  ”That’s what it is. The spirit leaf can make you a hundred times more energetic, but since you don’t like it, forget it.”

  Leaning back on the chair, Black Snake looked at him and said.

  ”I need you to make a plan to help me win this war in the shortest time.”

  Widdes said after thinking for a while.

  ”How about mid-January?”

  ”The blizzard should have almost stopped by then, and the impact of the climate should not be very serious. We can give them a surprise before the spring.”

  Winter has just ended, and those survivors should not prepare too many fortifications. This cold winter will affect everyone equally.

  Whether it is the defender or the attacker.

  Black Snake snapped his fingers.

  ”Just do as you say!”


  (Sorry… I shouldn’t have set a flag.)

   Many readers want a map, but I think only I can understand the one I drew in my draft book. I got a mapping software yesterday, but I almost lost my manuscript when I opened it. Well, anyway, I want to get a desktop computer, mainly for graphics… Graphics card 3080, CP UI9 will do, is there any good brother who can recommend a configuration list, good sister is also OK.


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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