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Chapter 218: The Ninth Floor of the Greenhouse Ruins! With the First Awakener of the Perception and Intelligence Departments in the Server!

Chapter 218: The Ninth Floor of the Greenhouse Ruins! With the First Awakener of the Perception and Intelligence Departments in the Server!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 218 The ninth floor of the greenhouse ruins! With the first awakener of the perception and intelligence system in the whole server!

  ”Our enemies will not wait for the end of winter in an orderly manner and then swagger to our trenches.”

  ”They are predators, and they are best at sneak attacks. If they are fast, maybe when this blizzard is over, their army will march to the northern suburbs of Qingquan City.”

  ”My guess is… early January, or even on New Year’s Day.”

  After reviewing the new recruits of the guard, Chu Guang took Liu Ding, Wrench and Vanus back to the guard’s station at Changjiu Farm.

  There is a temporary bunker-style command post here, with a thick layer of snow on it, and only one tunnel can be entered.

  Among the supplies seized from the predators last time, there were a full 100 100mm shells.

  These shells weigh 20 kilograms in total, including a 3-kilogram warhead, and the charge is a mixture of T-En-T and RDX.

  The power of this shot will probably be quite amazing.

  Although it is unknown how many howitzers they have, these shells alone are enough to make Chu Guang alert.

  These predators are not easy to deal with!

  At present, Shelter 404 has lit up the production process of RDX with the information obtained by the old brothers on the forum and the continuous exploration of 30 life professional players with chemical-related experience, but unfortunately the output is not very high. It is

  still too difficult to develop reliable heavy support firepower before New Year’s Day. It is not only the problem of the barrel that needs to be solved, but also many problems including ballistics, and these require more experience in actual combat than theoretical knowledge. It is more

  practical to rely on the conscienceless rockets of mosquitoes than to expect to use heavy artillery in the war with the Bone Chewing Tribe.

  Wrench and Liu Ding subconsciously looked at each other, their expressions slightly confused.

  What is New Year’s Day?

  Although Vanus also did not understand what New Year’s Day was, his focus was not on such trivial issues, but on Chu Guang’s prediction of the next round of predators’ offensive.

  Staring at the paper map hanging on the wall of the temporary command post, Vanus pondered for a long time before speaking.

  ”If it were me, I would choose to launch the offensive in mid-January.”

  Chu Guang looked at him and asked.


  Vanus said.

  ”This is out of careful consideration. The snow on the road will make it difficult for trucks to move, and the pressure on logistics will be greater than expected. As the commander of the front line, I must first assume that you have evacuated all the survivor settlements that can be looted in the northern suburbs in advance, and built good enough fortifications, and are determined to fight us to the end.”

  ”And at that time, our troops will not be able to obtain any resources locally, and can only rely on the supplies they carry to fight a tough battle that may be delayed for a long time.”

  Vanus continued, his eyes locked on an abandoned urban area in the northeast.

  ”I will first establish an operation base, deploy artillery, and then send out mobile forces to harass your positions using the advantages of vehicles, guide artillery bombardment, weaken your defenses with multiple raids, and finally concentrate forces to launch attacks from multiple directions at the same time.”

  Liu Ding and Wrench couldn’t help but hold their breath.

  If the looters really did this, this battle would undoubtedly be more difficult than expected.

  Chu Guang nodded thoughtfully.

  ”That sounds like a good idea.”

  He certainly didn’t expect the people of the Bone Chewing Tribe to be like the Blood Hand Clan, foolishly launching a suicidal charge towards his position, and then being harvested like wheat by the players squatting in the trenches with automatic weapons.

  The group of goblin-like creatures were very cunning, especially now that they had learned the tactics of the Legion – even if they had only learned a small part.


  it was a pity that they ran into him.

  This continuous offensive consumption method might be useful for others, but it was simply a pipe dream to use it against players who had only one life in three days.

  He only needed to defend the new industrial zone located in the abandoned urban area and ensure the supply of weapons and equipment, and the looters would soon experience the nightmare of being dominated by the undead.

  When necessary, he could even abandon the large factory, break up the production equipment into small pieces, and retreat into the endless ruins, and then the players would take advantage of their individual combat effectiveness and engage in street fighting with the looters in the urban area.

  Noticing the not-so-serious expression on Chu Guang’s face, Vanus slightly raised his eyebrows in surprise.

  ”It seems that you already have an idea?”

  ”I guess so.”

  ”I’m a little curious. Can you let me know if it’s convenient?”

  Chu Guang smiled faintly.

  ”It won’t be many days anyway. You will know it naturally when the time comes.”

  He thought of many methods, but the situation on the battlefield changed rapidly, and he couldn’t say which plan would be adopted in the end.

  After all, it depends on which card the opponent plays.

  Vanus didn’t ask, but shrugged his shoulders.

  After all, his identity was just a prisoner of war.

  If Chu Guang asked for his opinion, he would express his thoughts and provide suggestions for reference. But if Chu Guang didn’t intend to let him know, he really shouldn’t ask more questions from his position.

  But Vanus was still very curious, what was this man going to do?

  The other side had a 100mm howitzer, and it was unknown how many there were.

  In addition, the number of those predators was more than 1,000, and the number of vehicles was unknown. Whether it was equipment or manpower, they had an absolute advantage.

  They are not ordinary looters. After the two previous encounters, the man in front of him obviously knows this.

  The chances of winning are not high.

  But his expression of being unmoved is really hard to understand.

  At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the temporary command post.

  After getting permission, a guard in a black coat walked in from outside, put his right fist on his chest and saluted.


  Chu Guang said concisely. “Go ahead


  The guard said.

  ”The scouts we sent to explore the north found a patrol of looters in Yuanxi Town, just north of Changjiu Farm. They are suspected to be from the Bone Chewing Tribe!”

  After hearing the report, Chu Guang was slightly surprised and immediately looked at the map on the wall.

  Yuanxi Town is about 20 kilometers away from Changjiu Farm, adjacent to the north side of Yumu District. It is the southernmost township under the jurisdiction of Xizhou City in terms of administrative division, close to Xicheng District of TS City.

  This distance is not very close, but it is definitely not far.

  However, what puzzled Chu Guang was why those looters appeared in Yuanxi Town?

  According to the marching route of those looters, their station should obviously be northeast of Qingquan City and south of TS City.

  Could it be that…

  they moved?

  Vanus stared at the map, and his expression gradually became solemn.

  ”Mr. Manager, although I don’t want to say this… but I’m afraid we have to prepare for the worst.”

  In the temporary command post, four pairs of eyes looked at him at the same time.

  Chu Guang had vaguely guessed something, but did not speak, but waited for him to continue.

  Vanus paused for a moment, took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled a breath of white air from his mouth.

  ”The unit to our north is obviously not the same group of looters in the southern suburbs of TS City.”

  ”You will probably face more than just a thousand-man team…”

  ”But two.”


  [Wartime Regulations Day 14]

  After confirming the information on the VM, Lao Bai wiped off the mucus on the steel arm guard and the cilia that fell from the moth’s wings.

  ”The difficulty of the B9 floor strategy is unexpectedly low.”

  ”After all, this is where the reactor is placed. There is no incubator and the area is not very large.” Fang Chang put away the mechanical compound bow in his hand and said casually.

  4 days ago, his level reached LV10, becoming the first agility awakener in the entire server.

  Just as Lao Bai guessed, his main attribute increased by 5 attribute points, and the other 4 secondary attributes increased by one point each.

  Up to 17 points of agility, he has almost three times the reaction speed of ordinary people, as well as dynamic vision.

  And the skills he obtained are also very satisfying to him-similar to the bullet time in Max Payne!

  This does not mean that he can become faster, but based on the bonus of the agility attribute, he can make everything around him play in slow motion when his attention is highly focused.

  Perhaps as long as the agility attribute is high enough, maybe one day he can see the trajectory of the bullet clearly.

  In any case, for a shooter, this can be called a magical skill.

  Praise the planner!

  Since unlocking the bullet time, although his teammates don’t have much intuitive feeling, Fang Chang feels that he is invincible.

  The task has entered the final stage.

  Carefully searching the blind spots on the B9 floor, Lao Bai used a short melee knife to clear out the demon moths that were not completely dead.

  Ye Shi, who was walking behind, saw that there was no chance to shoot, so he chatted.

  ”What do you think will be on the B10 floor?”

  Kuang Feng, who was walking beside him, thought for a while and said.

  ”I don’t know, but what is certain is that the mother nest of the demon moths is there.”

  Ye Shi: “Will there be moths as big as mutants?”

  Kuang Feng: “From the perspective of evolution, it is not realistic. The super-sized size is not suitable for arthropods to survive… at least with the oxygen content and gravity environment on Earth. However, this is not absolute. The wasteland is not a normal natural selection environment, not to mention that this is a game.”

  At this point, Kuang Feng suddenly paused and looked up to the front.

  ”But… this game is too real.”

  The group stopped, and in front of them was a closed door.

  Judging from the sign on the door that was similar to the power room on the B3 floor, and the mark on the VM map, this should be the reactor.

  Through a long and narrow transparent window, Kuang Feng could see the cylindrical reactor in the room.

  A reactor that has been running for two centuries and is still working.

  Even in a game, this is quite unbelievable.

  It seems that it is not boiling water.

  ”Is this a tokamak or a stellarator?” Ye Shi asked curiously.

  Kuangfeng thought for a moment and shook his head.

  ”Neither of them… It looks unremarkable from the outside, even smaller than a nuclear fission reactor.”

  And much smaller!

  Ye Shi laughed.

  ”Maybe the operator simply doesn’t want to edit it… I thought it would be designed to be cooler.”

  ”This design is actually reasonable. After all, in the pre-war society depicted in the game background, the popularity of controlled nuclear fusion has continuously replaced fossil fuels, and even replaced chemical batteries in some areas. Their understanding of energy technology is like a black box to us. It is more reasonable to present it in a simpler way than we imagined.”

  Kuangfeng was very curious about what kind of brain hole the operator used, after all, this involved a field he was familiar with.

  However, he was a rational person and would not risk the lives of his teammates.

  What’s more, he didn’t have the ability to break it.

  To destroy the first wall that can block the neutron rays, at least several hundred kilograms of explosives are needed.

  This thing is not made of tofu.

  The alloy door leading to the reactor is at least half a meter thick, not to mention the wall, which is even made into a part of the load-bearing structure.

  If this layer is blown down, it may not be possible to scrape off a layer of the reactor.

  At this moment, Kuangfeng suddenly felt a slight tingling in the middle of his eyebrows, and then a burning feeling spread to his whole body, making him frown.

  Ye Shi, who was standing next to him, seemed to have the same reaction, and screamed exaggeratedly and held his right arm.

  ”My god, my king’s power! That boiling feeling… is coming!”

  Fang Chang looked at him speechlessly.

  ”Can you be a little more normal?”

  Reaching out to support Ye Shi, Lao Bai also noticed Kuangfeng’s state, was slightly stunned, and his expression instantly became happy.

  ”Good guy, we awakened two today!”

  The first intelligence and perception players in the entire server were born at the same time!

  All members of the Niu Ma team entered the Hall of Fame!

  This achievement is simply invincible!

  Fang Chang’s face was also full of excitement, but they were in a moth’s nest at the moment, and it was obviously not the time to be distracted and happy.

  ”Exciting! Anyway, let’s go back and save the game first.”

  It is foreseeable that the forum will be lively for a while today.

  At Fang Chang’s suggestion, the Niu Ma team touched the door of the next floor, then left the greenhouse ruins and returned to the direction of the outpost.

  After escorting his teammates to the gate of the outpost, Lao Bai, standing under the concrete wall, suddenly stopped.

  ”I plan to go to the industrial zone before I log off. You guys go back and save the game first.”

  Ye Shi asked curiously.

  ”Industrial zone? Why go there?”

  Lao Bai said with a smile.

  ”I’ve used the LD-47 for a while, but I always feel that I can’t bring out the strength of the power system. I plan to go to the steel plant to see if I can order two pieces of equipment suitable for the power system to improve the firepower of our team.”

  Ye Shi and Kuang Feng looked at each other.

  Fang Chang understood what he meant and immediately became interested.

  ”I’ll go with you! Anyway, I won’t have anything to do after I log off.”

  Lao Bai said with a hearty smile.

  ”Okay, let’s go!”


  New Industrial Zone.

  At the gate of Steel Plant No. 81, Lao Bai and Fang Chang saw Midnight Killing Chicken discussing something with Brother Ce Suo as soon as they entered the door.

  ”I want an electric saw, can you do it?”

  ”What the hell, where can I get you a battery?”

  Faced with Brother Ce Suo’s rolling eyes, Midnight Chicken Killer still didn’t give up.

  ”Oil-burning ones are fine.”

  Hearing these light words, Brother Ce Suo almost burst out, and continued to ask soul-searching questions.

  ”Do you have a diesel engine? Do you have diesel?” It

  ’s outrageous that there is no diesel engine in the entire wasteland.

  He has been troubled by this matter these days.

  Midnight Chicken Killer was slightly stunned. He didn’t expect it to be so troublesome, and scratched the back of his head.

  ”Then… I’d better buy an axe.”


  Brother Ce Suo looked helpless.

  A short axe with a wooden handle is only 10 silver coins, and this is after the price has increased.

  Deducting the cost of raw materials, labor, electricity, etc., the profit margin is only 10%, and you can only make 1 silver coin.

  Selling axes is not as good as selling more bullets!

  ”I sincerely suggest that you consider more modern equipment.”

  Just when he was about to find a reason to send the chicken killer away, he suddenly saw Lao Bai and Fang Chang at the door.

  His eyes lit up immediately, and Brother Ce Suo immediately dropped Midnight Killing Chicken and went to meet the two.

  ”Hey, Brother Bai and Brother Fang, how come you have time to come here?”

  These two are big players!

  Recently, the progress of the Greenhouse Ruins Raiders seems to have been pushed to the 8th underground floor? Or the 9th floor?

  Although the cattle and horse teams have never made public the specific amount of rewards, it can be guessed based on the difficulty of the maze that the rewards are at least four digits.

  Seeing Brother Ce Suo decisively abandoning himself, Midnight Killing Chicken was stunned.

  Good guy.

  Is it so real?

  Looking at the old acquaintance walking towards him, Lao Bai said with a hearty smile.

  ”I’m planning to make a piece of equipment. Is there any with a stronger power?”

  ”What do you mean by strong power? We have grenades and imitation Panzerfaust rocket launchers here. They are very powerful!”

  ”I’m not talking about the one-time explosives. I mean,” Lao Bai tried to gesture with his hands, “are there any guns with a larger caliber?”

  As he was talking, Lao Bai’s eyes suddenly fell on the unassembled quadruple-mounted machine gun in the factory behind Brother Ce Suo.

  Seeing this, Lao Bai couldn’t move his eyes away. He immediately walked over and reached out to touch the thick and long barrel.

  ”Wow, this must be 20mm, right?!”

  Seeing that someone was interested in his work, Brother Ce Suo smiled and said confidently.

  ”20mm quadruple-mounted anti-aircraft gun! Three types of warheads can be selected. We call it an aerial cloth ripper, or ‘ripper’ for short!”

  The name sounded domineering enough.

  Lao Bai continued to ask happily.

  ”How much is it!”

  Brother Ce Suo was stunned and said with a dry cough.

  ”That’s an NPC order… The price is 3,000 silver for one machine gun and 20 silver for one armor-piercing bullet. Take a look.”

  ”What the hell?! 3,000 silver?” Lao Bai’s eyes widened.

  Just a machine gun, the price is equivalent to 1.5 sets of Miner I exoskeleton!

  And the price of the armor-piercing bullet is even more outrageous. One bullet is equivalent to 20 rounds of 7mm. Three rounds can buy a Panzerfaust!

  Although they have pushed the progress of 4 layers in the past few days and took down the most critical B9 layer, the money they earned cannot be wasted like this.

  After learning the price, Lao Bai immediately gave up the idea of ​​buying one, and was too embarrassed to ask if it could be cheaper.

  Seeing the expression on Lao Bai’s face, Fang Chang’s heart moved slightly. He walked forward and stared at the receiver for a while, and suddenly spoke.

  ”Why is this machine gun so expensive?”

  Just at this time, another factory director, Brother Levin, came out of the workshop next to him.

  Hearing Fang Chang’s question, he answered casually.

  ”It’s a cannon, so is there any need to ask? The receiver in front of you alone costs at least 2,000 silver, not to mention the barrel and other parts in front.”

  Fang Chang said thoughtfully.

  ”What if we need a…single-shot cannon? It doesn’t need such a complicated receiver, and it can even be changed to a rotating bolt lock and manual loading of bullets.”

  Brother Ce Suo and Brother Levin were stunned at the same time.

  ”Change to a rotating bolt lock…bolt?”

  ”Manual loading?”

  Seeing that the two didn’t seem to understand what he meant, Fang Chang continued.

  ”What I just described may not be very accurate. In short, it is to remove the full-automatic mode of this cannon and make a weapon similar to a bolt-action rifle, which can be easily held in hand and placed on the ground-”

  ”I understand what you mean, omitting the buffer and the continuous-fire receiver, right?”

  Brother Levin interrupted Fang Chang and touched his chin with interest.

  ”But that kind of gun would be very heavy, right? And the recoil would be quite strong, so it would probably need a fixed tripod… Are you sure it would be useful?”

  This thing is a cannon, not a gun.

  If the shock absorbers and buffers were removed and made into a weapon that can be carried on the shoulder, the shooter’s shoulder would be broken after firing a single shot.

  Unless the length of the shell is shortened and made into the size of a bullet.

  But in that case, the caliber of 20mm would be a bit redundant and it would have to be changed to 12mm.

  However, after hearing Brother Levin’s concerns, Fang Chang and Lao Bai looked at each other and smiled meaningfully on their faces.

  It would be a bit difficult for ordinary people.

  But are they ordinary people?

  ”You can help me install a bipod and a buttstock, but there is no need for a fixed tripod.”

  Lao Bai knocked on the welded breastplate of the exoskeleton with his fist, and a smile that made people feel safe appeared on his face.

  ”Don’t worry, I can handle it!”

   Next chapter before eleven o’clock!


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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