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Chapter 219: Attack Qi at night, the demon changes

Chapter 219: Attack Qi at night, the demon changes


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 219: Attacking Qi at night, the demons change


  The cold wind whistled continuously, and the rolling black clouds seemed to connect the sky and the earth. The whole town turned into a dark demon cave.

  Countless flesh cocoons were everywhere, blood and filth flowed in the earth, and blood vessels and meridians were spread over dozens of miles.

  Until the flesh inside a certain place bulged, a dark figure bathed in blood slowly emerged, and said in a low voice:

  ”It is the breath of Taiwu Saint Soldiers. No wonder the spread of “spiritual energy” here is blocked.”

  ”Kill those people and take back the Saint Soldiers.”

  Behind it, another human figure condensed from the blood and said hoarsely: “Yan State needs the Saint Soldiers as an anchor to completely devour it.”

  As soon as the voice fell, all the dark eyes turned and looked at the border of Yan State.

  ”You, want to go to Ziling City?”

  Yan Lingshuang finished her work late at night and went into the tent. She was a little surprised when she heard the two people’s proposal.

  Yang Shifei nodded seriously: “We can’t just sit back and do nothing about the situation in Qi. We should at least go and find out the truth so that we can have a clear idea.”

  ”After thinking about it, I also think this trip is necessary.”

  Luo Xian’er nodded in agreement: “If we allow Qi to deteriorate further, no one knows what will happen.”

  ”This matter.”

  Yan Lingshuang’s expression was a little solemn.

  Having personally witnessed the demon army in the capital of Yan, how could she not know about this huge hidden danger in Qi.

  But the Taiwu Holy Soldiers at hand are needed to rescue the people in various places, and they cannot be taken away at will. If we rashly go deep into the devil’s cave——

  ”Aunt Shuang, Qi also has two holy weapons, one of which is controlled by the Nine Sects.”

  Yang Shifei took the map on the small table and said meaningfully: “And this sect is not far from Liling City, only a few dozen miles away, and it will take us less than two days to go back and forth.”

  Yan Lingshuang smiled bitterly: “Aren’t you afraid of not finding the holy weapons?”

  ”If we really get nothing, we can just come back.”


  Yan Lingshuang pondered for a while, and nodded slowly: “I have already made arrangements with General Chen and others, so there is no need to stay here. It’s just right to accompany you to Qi again.”

  Yang Shifei and Luo Xian’er both smiled.

  ”Shall we set off now?”

  ”I’ll listen to you. But.”

  Yan Lingshuang looked at the cat sleeping soundly in the quilt: “Should we let her sleep a little longer?”

  ”It doesn’t matter, she can sleep anywhere.” Yang Shifei turned around and picked up Yue Rui.

  The girl curled up like a cat, rubbing against his chest, and slept more sweetly.

  Yan Lingshuang couldn’t help but laugh: “This girl is really cute”

  Luo Xian’er quickly packed her luggage and left the tent with everyone.

  They found General Chen and others to explain their intentions and entrusted them with the safekeeping of the holy soldiers. The four of them left the border camp without any hesitation.

  Walking in the night, the desolate wilderness became even more lonely, and the wind rustled.

  The horse galloped, and the lone figure galloped under the night.

  Yang Shifei silently looked up at the sky, his eyes becoming more solemn.

  At dusk, the dark clouds over Ziling City were already shocking. And in the dead of night, the entire starry sky was shrouded in darkness, as if it was a huge mouth that could swallow everything

  . “Shifei.”

  Yan Lingshuang whispered behind him: “How much do you know about the Nine Sects of Qi?”

  Yang Shifei’s eyes moved slightly: “I heard Xian’er introduce it. The name of this sect is ‘Haoyuan Sect’. The clans under the sect are good at business, and their business is almost spread across the seven countries.

  And the sect itself is also full of strong people. The new and old sect masters are both celestial beings, good at using swords. It is said that there is a yin and yang fighting technique, which is extremely powerful.”

  ”That’s right.”

  Yan Lingshuang looked at Luo Xian’er, who was hugged by the waist: “One of the celestial beings was also one of the culprits who injured Xian’er.”

  Yang Shifei looked back in surprise: “Really?”

  The eldest lady pursed her lips and said nothing, but did not deny it.


  Yang Shifei’s eyes gradually became serious; “It seems that this trip has to be used to avenge Xian’er–”

  Luo Xian’er patted her waist lightly: “Sir, don’t be impulsive. Finding the holy soldiers is more important.”

  She turned back and glared at Yan Lingshuang: “Aunt Shuang, why bother to mention these past events again.”

  ”I hold a grudge in my heart.” The beautiful woman frowned and said, “If I have the chance to meet this person, I will definitely help Xian’er vent his anger.”

  ”I’ll help from the side, and I have to teach the other party a few lessons.”

  Listening to the two of them talking to each other, Luo Xian’er was stunned and couldn’t help shaking her head and chuckling.

  ”You really are… huh?”

  The girl’s expression suddenly became stern, and she stared forward.

  Not only her, but Yang Shifei and Yan Lingshuang also noticed something, and found that there was a faint figure in the distance, and it seemed that they were riding horses towards this side.

  ”Is it someone from Ziling City?”

  Yang Shifei secretly raised his guard. Seeing that the two sides were getting closer and closer, he slowly saw the other side’s appearance.

  They were several young men wearing embroidered martial arts robes, carrying long swords on their backs, and their faces were full of indifference.

  Luo Xian’er murmured: “People from Biyun Fort in Qi State. This sect is not far from Ziling City and has considerable power.”

  When the horses of both sides came to an abrupt stop –

  ”People from Yan State.”

  The leading young man looked indifferent, and his tone was even colder: “Now my Qi State is under martial law, and no one is allowed to approach. I advise you to turn back as soon as possible.”

  ”Thank you for reminding me, brother.” Yang Shifei said in a deep voice: “But I don’t know what happened in Qi State?”

  ”Of course it’s because -”

  The young man suddenly jumped up from his horse.

  Yang Shifei’s eyes suddenly fixed, and he saw the other party draw his sword out of the sheath and stab him.

  - Ding!

  Yan Lingshuang flicked her finger, and the Qi force sent the long sword flying.

  The young man was knocked back to the ground by the residual force, and took several steps back. Several of his companions behind him drew their swords and dismounted, and their murderous aura was overflowing.

  ”They are extremely filthy.”

  Yue Rui murmured in her arms: “Even… they are a ball of filth.”

  Yang Shifei’s expression became more solemn. These monsters actually communicated like ordinary people, and even… launched sneak attacks?

  ”I didn’t expect that a martial arts master would set foot here.”

  The young man clenched his right hand and said coldly: “It’s really an unexpected gain.”

  Yan Lingshuang said coldly: “What is your purpose.”

  The young man did not reply, but his right arm squirmed and turned into a flesh and blood long knife.


  As soon as the word was spit out, the five disciples of Biyun Castle moved together, surrounded and attacked.

  Luo Xian’er glanced at it with her beautiful eyes, and her jade hand stroked the sword. The pale sword light instantly passed through the necks of the five people.


  The sword of heaven and man, once closed, life and death will be determined.

  Five headless corpses staggered and fell to the ground, but no blood flowed from their necks, only black mist filled the air.

  Yang Shifei pulled the reins, drove the horse back a distance, and stared at the corpses on the ground.

  The next moment, the five heads that had fallen stood up on their own and spoke grimly:

  ”At least they are warriors of the upper third level, and they are rare and great tonics.”

  ”Our sect elders will be here soon, you should die.”

  Yang Shifei was shocked.

  The reaction of these possessed warriors was completely different from what he had seen before.

  He was surprised for a moment, and then he quickly asked in a deep voice: “You are about to die now, and you still have the leisure to threaten?”

  ”Why are we going to die?” The leading young man said expressionlessly: “We have become immortals and will never die. You were just ordinary people, and you don’t know the power of the immortals.”

  The five corpses trembled, and a lot of flesh and blood turned into silk threads to connect with each other.

  As everyone watched in amazement, the corpses were mixed into a twisted monster more than ten feet tall, with muscles wriggling all over its body, five heads hanging on its chest, and its arms turned into sharp blades.

  ”You mortals, why don’t you quickly offer your flesh and blood.”

  The five heads spoke at the same time, making a soul-stirring and piercing sound: “Become one with me and enjoy eternal life–”


  The sword light suddenly came, and its tall body was instantly chopped into dozens of pieces, and flesh and blood splashed in large pieces.

  The cold air was pervasive, and the flesh and blood on the ground were quickly frozen into ice slag, and there was no movement.

  Yan Lingshuang and Luo Xian’er put away their swords at the same time, showing a bit of disgust on their faces: “How disgusting”

  Yang Shifei silently gave the two celestial beings a thumbs up.

  They are indeed better than mother and daughter, and they really have a tacit understanding.

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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