Switch Mode

Chapter 219 The recoil is huge! But it’s also very strong!

Chapter 219 The recoil is huge! But it’s also very strong!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 219 The recoil is huge! But it’s also very strong!

  Regardless of whether Lao Bai is bragging or not.

  After hearing what he said, Brother Levin immediately turned back to the next workshop and pushed out a 20mm cannon that had just been assembled on a cart.

  He returned to Lao Bai excitedly, and said with shining eyes.

  ”Brother, let’s go and try it.”

  ”If you can really carry this thing and fire a round, we will try to make the thing you said!”

  There is no point in making a weapon that most people can’t use. It is impossible for Steel Plant No. 81 to open a separate production line for a certain player.

  But on the other hand, if this outrageous weapon can be used, it will make a lot of money!

  The 20mm barrel and ammunition are ready.

  The rotating bolt locking is not very difficult. Just modify the receiver of the Arbiter I bolt-action rifle and make an enlarged version!

  There are at least two or three hundred strength players in the server, and at least half of them will be awakened in another month.

  What a huge market that is!

  When he thought of this, Brother Levin was excited.

  Hearing Brother Levin’s proposal, Lao Bai thought it made sense, so he readily agreed.


  After saying that, Lao Bai didn’t hesitate, stretched out his hand and picked up the machine gun weighing nearly 50 kilograms, and walked out with big strides.

  The might of the power system is indeed not exaggerated. In his hand, the machine gun is as light as a baseball bat.

  Brother Levin and Brother Ceso brought a few test ammunition, and Fang Chang and Midnight Killing Chicken also followed curiously.

  The group soon arrived at the Goblin Technology Rocket Test Site on the edge of the industrial zone.

  There were concrete slags everywhere, and a five-meter-high building had been blown to pieces by continuous explosions.

  When they arrived, Mosquito, carrying half of the rocket tail, was walking out of the ruins.

  Seeing this large group of people, Mosquito was stunned for a moment.

  ”What are you doing here?”

  Lao Bai said with a grin.

  ”Brother, can I borrow your space for a bit?”

  In this winter, all the aliens are hiding in the house. It’s not easy to find a target on the street.

  But Mosquito has enough targets here.

  In order to ensure the killing effect of the rocket, Mosquito made dummies out of wood, and many of them were hung with steel plates to simulate the armor of the Predator and Mutant.

  Since he was a carpenter, Mosquito was very good at doing these jobs. He even improved the tools and made a nail gun, which brought the craftsmen who did carpentry work in the entire industrial zone.

  Although he was very dissatisfied with these people interfering with his experiments, Mosquito was also very curious about the power of the big guy in Lao Bai’s hand, so he didn’t say anything and stood aside to watch.

  ”How about using a 20mm thick steel plate directly? Let’s see if it can be penetrated.” Glancing at Brother Levin next to him, Mosquito’s heart moved, and he muttered loudly.

  ”Isn’t this nonsense?” Hearing Mosquito’s nonsense, Brother Levin rolled his eyes.

  Brother Ce Suo, who was standing by to help Lao Bai adjust the weapon, couldn’t help but complain.

  ”That’s right! If it can’t penetrate a 20mm steel plate, what kind of cannon is that!”

  Mosquito laughed and asked curiously.

  ”Then tell me, how deep is your penetration?”

  Brother Levin laughed and spread out five fingers.

  ”Within 100 meters, 50mm, 500 meters, 20mm.”

  ”Tsk, you’re bragging!” Mosquito rolled his eyes, with an expression of “I don’t believe you”, “This is even more powerful than Barrett!”

  Brother Levin continued to laugh.

  ”Nonsense! I said it’s a cannon, don’t you see how long our rifling is, how long our bullet is, and how much powder is charged!”

  ”How much?”

  Brother Levin shut up and didn’t say anything.

  He felt that this guy was trying to get their business secrets.

  That was the powder ratio that they wasted a lot of budget to figure out. If

  you want it, pay for it!

  Seeing that he didn’t get any words out of him, Mosquito looked regretful.

  At this time, Lao Bai had already mastered the trick of using this machine gun. He put the magazine protruding backwards on his shoulder and confirmed with Brother Ce Suo next to him.

  ”Is it set to single-shot mode?”

  Brother Ce Suo said as he stepped back.

  ”It’s set. Pick a target and shoot it and you’ll know!”


  Lao Bai excitedly raised the long barrel and aimed the mechanical sight at the dummy about 100 meters away from him.

  The dummy had a 20mm thick steel plate hanging on its chest. The physique imitated that of a 1.8-meter-tall strong man, and the shape was made quite realistic.

  Taking a deep breath of cold air, Lao Bai tensed all his muscles, prepared to deal with the recoil, and pulled the trigger in his hand at the same time.


  A thunder-like sound exploded.

  A half-meter-long fire snake sprang out from the muzzle, and the recoil that followed spread throughout the body and instantly rushed to the soles of the feet.

  I saw a piece of snow foam spread out from the heel of Lao Bai, spreading backwards and hitting Mosquito and Brother Levin.

  The ground trembled!

  The wooden dummy in the distance seemed to be hit by a truck. It exploded with a bang, and the wood chips were shattered. The steel plate that was hit flew out and fell to the ground.

  ”Fuck! This power is quite strong!” Mosquito’s eyes were straight, and he forgot to wipe the snow off his face.

  He was a little unconvinced just now. This broken thing can penetrate 50mm at a hundred meters. Now he believes it a little!

  Lao Bai, who was carrying a machine gun, and Fang Chang and Midnight Killing Chicken who were watching on the side, were all dumbfounded.

  This power is too strong!

  The two factory managers of the No. 81 Steel Plant laughed, with pride written all over their faces.

  ”You’re kidding! I told you this thing is a cannon! Do you know what a cannon is?”

  ”That’s right! Do you think the X-4 fiber’s explosive velocity bonus is a joke?”

  Brother Levin was originally very proud, but when he heard that his teammate had revealed the secret, he was shocked and reached out to cover Brother Ceso’s mouth.

  ”Okay, stop talking!”

  ”Woo woo woo!”

  In fact, it doesn’t matter whether you say it or not, it’s all public information on the official website.

  They just referred to the information that could be found in reality and figured out a more reliable ratio, which allowed the barrel to withstand the chamber pressure while keeping the initial velocity of the shell close to the maximum.

  Mosquito swallowed his saliva.

  Although he had heard that the nitrocellulose made by replacing the general plant fiber with X-4 fiber could obtain “explosive velocity bonus”, he had never really tried it.

  After all, it was a bit against his common sense.

  But he didn’t expect it to be true?

  Not far away, Old White had taken off his exoskeleton.

  The previous shell gave him a general understanding of the recoil of this weapon.

  Next, he would try to shoot naked in a standing position!

  Everyone around stopped talking and looked at him.

  There was another loud thunder-like sound!

  Old White, who had the machine gun on his shoulder, shook his body back suddenly, but still relied on the strength of his muscles to hold it down.

  ”Hiss, the recoil is a bit strong…”

  ”But I can hold it!”

  Old White put down the machine gun and opened his collar to take a look at his right chest.

  The recoil left a red mark as big as the sole of a shoe, but there were no bruises or other injuries.

  His current level is LV12, with 19 points of strength, and one point short of muscle strength that is four times that of an ordinary person!

  With such terrifying muscle strength, it is no exaggeration to say that he is now half a mutant.

  And his skin has not turned green!

  If he had turned on “Boundary Breakthrough”, his body probably wouldn’t have shaken at all.

  Fang Chang couldn’t help but sigh.

  ”You are worthy of being the best man in the server. I will call you the strongest one in the future!”

  Lao Bai smiled.

  ”Thank you, thank you.”

  Midnight Killing Chicken walked forward with envy, stretched out his hand and touched the machine gun that was placed on the ground, and the barrel of the gun burned the snow and produced white steam.

  After weighing it, it was not too heavy.

  Midnight Killing Chicken looked back.

  ”Can I try it?”

  Brother Levin nodded excitedly and said generously.

  ”Go ahead, you’re welcome!”

  I didn’t expect “Awakening” to be so awesome.

  If players of the power system can withstand the recoil after awakening, won’t their weapons sell like crazy? !

  This will make more money than selling axes!

  As expected.

  The power system is always the god!

  After getting permission from Brother Levin, Midnight Chicken Killer also tried a shot.

  However, his situation was a little more embarrassing than that of Old White. Not only was the barrel of the gun pushed up by the recoil, but his body also staggered backwards and almost fell.

  After all, he had just awakened. LV10 usually only has 17 points of strength, which is not as good as Old White who is already level 12.

  Without these 2 points of strength, it really can’t withstand it without opening the talent.

  From this, it can be inferred that the best use attribute of this weapon should be 20 strength and 10 constitution. Or as a fixed weapon, everyone should be able to use it.

  ”Good stuff!”

  Midnight Chicken Killer was excited, but soon calmed down, shook his head, and put down the machine gun.

  ”It’s a pity that with such a large recoil, it is definitely impossible to hold it and fire continuously.”

  ”It’s even more impossible to hold it and rush forward.”

  Strong is strong.

  But it doesn’t match the “Berserker” talent he unlocked!

  Hearing his words, Brother Levin almost couldn’t help but spit.

  ”What’s the point of you rushing forward with such a big thing? The barrel is poking people’s faces.”

  Brother Ce Suo couldn’t help but complain.

  ”That’s right! You don’t understand art, you should just play with your axe!”

  Midnight Killer: “…”


  What’s wrong with playing with an axe?

  Look down on melee players?

  If you have the guts, come and show it!

  Lao Bai and Fang Chang walked over and looked at the two factory managers of the No. 81 Steel Plant.

  ”How is it? Is it OK?”

  ”Can we change the machine gun to a single shot?”

  The two factory managers looked at each other.

  ”It’s already changed to a single shot, so why call it a machine gun.”


  Not caring about such trivial issues, Lao Bai smiled heartily and said.

  ”Then what do you think it should be called?”

  Brother Levin thought for a while, and his eyes suddenly fell on the modified chest armor of Lao Bai’s exoskeleton, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

  ”Cavalry Lance!”

  Looking at Brother Ce Suo standing aside, Brother Levin continued with a sharp look in his eyes.

  ”How about calling it the ‘Cavalry Lance’ anti-tank rifle?”

  He estimated that the cost was about 900 silvers, and the selling price could be set at 1,000 or 950.

  The ammunition is the same as the machine gun, and there is no need to modify it.

  When the number of awakened players increases, this equipment will definitely sell like crazy!

  Brainwaves quickly matched, and Brother Ce Suo excitedly raised his thumb.

  ”Okay, brother, I think it’s okay! But it’s 20mm, so it should be considered a cannon, right?”

  ”Tsk, stop nitpicking, just be cool!”

  Looking at the two people, Mosquito standing next to them was envious.

  Obviously, he also saw the commercial potential of this thing.


  They are all making a fortune from arms!

  It seems that he has to work harder.


  As the end of December is getting closer, the “Wartime Regulations” has entered the 25th day after its implementation.

  If there is no extension, this regulation has already gone through less than half of the time.

  In the past 25 days, the steel production capacity and the number of workers with literacy in the new industrial zone have doubled.

  Thanks to the night school and study group system implemented in the new industrial zone, after 12 hours of work, the foremen in the factory will organize workers to learn literacy, arithmetic, and geometric drawing.

  Especially literacy.

  According to the regulations of the new industrial zone, knowing basic characters is one of the main assessment criteria for promotion from apprentice to formal worker.

  Once upgraded to a formal worker, not only will the salary double, the daily wage will increase from two silver coins to four silver coins, but also a long-term and stable labor contract can be signed with the factory, and there is even hope to become a foreman directly employed by the shelter.

  Those foremen with VMs are so enviable. Not only can they chat and laugh with the blue coats, but I heard that their daily wages have risen to 5 silver coins!

  Therefore, the workers are very enthusiastic about learning, especially the refugees from afar.

  They are the ones who are most eager to stay. They are

  also the ones who are most eager to gain the recognition of the “indigenous people” in this territory-those blue coats!

  In addition to the development of the industrial zone, what makes Chu Guang most gratified is his little players.

  So far, 13 players have awakened.

  Among them, 5 are strength, 3 are agility, and there are 2 perception, 2 physical and 1 intelligence.

  This includes the one who often wanders on the edge of life and death and becomes the second awakened perception player in the whole server after Ye Shi.

  The talents unlocked by the two are pretty good. With their personal playing styles, they should be able to play a lot of tricks.

  Then there was the elf king Fugui who was keen on hunting, the editor of the “Mole Daily” Canyon Mole on the Run, the physical system cabinet tomato scrambled eggs who always rushed to the front, and Lao Na who practiced internal skills.

  These were the players who entered the game early, two agility systems and two physical systems.

  A group of players who entered the game later also reached LV9, and were close to the edge of breakthrough. It is expected that they will break through one after another within a month.

  However, the intelligence system is different from the other systems. The polarization is quite serious, and there is even a clear fault in the advanced area.

  So far, among all the intelligence system players, only Kuangfeng has reached LV10.

  Among the remaining intelligence system players, there is not even a LV9, but some are at the peak of LV8.

  What also surprised Chu Guang was that the life profession players of the intelligence system seemed to upgrade faster than the combat profession.

  For example, Teng Teng has been at LV8 for a while, and the breakthrough is just around the corner according to the progress bar.

  Maybe the second awakened intelligence system will be a life profession player who does not go to the front line or fight monsters?

  Players on the official forum have debated whether this is reasonable or not.

  Especially Brother Mole, who even opened a thread specifically for this matter.

  ”A few thoughts on the Intelligence Department, written on the eve of Alpha 1.0″

  ”Hello, everyone. I am your big-nosed mole. What I write today is not a strategy guide, but a few small thoughts and insights.”

  ”As more and more players awaken, the Strength Department has once again confirmed its identity as the planner’s favorite son and has become the undisputed son of the version.”

  ”And the Intelligence Department, as usual, has been sitting on the bench without any surprises, becoming the only sequence that has been weak from the beginning to the end since the closed beta of the game, confirming that it is the dear younger brother of the Alpha closed beta version.”

  ”I have predicted the rise of the Intelligence Department more than once, and have been ruthlessly slapped in the face by the planning boss more than once. From the arrival of the Pioneer to the appearance of the scientific expedition team’s gameplay, the opportunities that seemed to rise time and time again did not benefit all players in the end. Only a few European emperors took advantage of it. And even the European emperors of the Intelligence Department have to spend a hundred times more effort to barely catch up with the taillights of the other sequences.”

  ”The dark clouds pressing on the Intelligence Department have never dissipated. Even if one or two players occasionally unlock different gameplay, their experience cannot be applied to others.”

  ”All common sense or conventions about MMRPG seem to be invalid in the intelligence system. It’s like an abandoned sequence, and perhaps the planner didn’t intend to let it play a role at all.”

  ”After all, its role is indeed difficult to reflect intuitively, and the gameplay that can be expanded is not as rich as that of the other sequences.”

  ”I thought so at first, but then I gradually began to realize that maybe it was not that the planner deliberately ignored the intelligence system, but that this sequence was designed like this.”

  ”Fighting monsters and upgrading is not all about the game, just like life is not just about going to school and getting promoted… From the moment you enter the game, you can feel from many places that the game operator is deliberately creating this atmosphere.”

  ”They made “Wasteland OL” into a nearly real world, making NPCs like people, and in addition to elements of violence and destruction, it also provides its players with a completely different path-that is creation.”

  ”Use your creativity and wisdom to change this declining planet and plant the flag of the human union on the edge of the Kuiper belt.”

  ”Perhaps, this is the answer to the version belonging to the intelligence system.”

  ”It’s also an Easter egg left for us by the game producer.”

  666 likes, 200+ replies.

  After reading the post from beginning to end, Chu Guang had an indescribable feeling in his heart.

  ”What a talent…”

  To be honest, he hadn’t thought about it so much.

  But there seems to be nothing wrong with this interpretation.

  Chu Guang added a featured post and continued to scroll down in the forum.


  , his eyes stopped on a post that was completely different from the current hot topic in the forum.

  ”It’s almost New Year’s Day, where are you going to celebrate the holiday?” The post was posted by Yaya.

  Since the beginning of winter, this guy has been very active in the forum. After all, for her who is not good at fighting and is only good at giving for free, there are too few things she can do in the game.

  New Year’s Day…

  Looking at the post, Chu Guang’s face suddenly showed some melancholy.

  This is an important holiday.

  He still remembers that he died in March, came to this world in April, and found Shelter 404 in September.

  A year was almost over…

  He had no relatives worth remembering, and his life was very busy. Most of his friends were on the Internet, so after traveling here, he didn’t even think about finding his way home.

  What would he do back home?

  At least in the shelter, he was collecting rent from others.

  Dragging the mouse to scroll down, he saw some posts saying that they planned to be on OB for a day to spend time with their families, while others said that it didn’t matter, as the time in the game didn’t conflict with real life anyway, and they would just go online a little later at most.

  Chu Guang stared at the post for a while, and suddenly spoke.

  ”Xiao Qi.”

  Xiao Qi’s voice floated softly from the side.

  ”Here, Master.”

  Chu Guang said after thinking for a while.

  ”New Year’s Day is coming soon, do you think we should hold an event in the game… like celebrating a holiday or something.”

  Xiao Qi: “Eh? The same celebration as before? But Master… we don’t seem to have enough food.”

  ”I know,” Chu Guang sighed softly, “but we have to commemorate the passing of the 211th year of the Wasteland Era… Is there any cheaper way to celebrate?”

  I heard that there were many festivals in the society before the war. After all, the average working time per person was less than 300 hours a year.

  Coupled with the dual prosperity of culture and technology, there was a festival almost every two days.

  But after the Wasteland Era, there was no such good thing.

  There was no good day to celebrate here, and even the climate was often messed up.

  Coupled with the cultural fault, many people knew nothing about the Human Union except using the Human Union language. They only knew that if they didn’t work, they would have no food to eat, and if they didn’t pick up garbage, they would die.

  Some small and medium-sized survivor settlements mainly engaged in farming selectively retained some festivals to celebrate this year’s harvest and pray for a good harvest next year, but this obviously did not include Bet Street, where scavenging and hunting were the main livelihoods, and Brown Farm, where most people were serfs. It just

  so happens

  that the survivor settlements in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City are basically these two types, with at most one post station settlement for doing business with traveling merchants. Chu Guang has been in the wasteland for so long, and he has never seen the scavengers on Bet Street have any festivals.

  But if there is a festival, it will not only boost people’s morale, but also increase people’s sense of belonging and cultural identity.

  After all, in addition to players, there are refugees from all directions in his territory.

  There must be a way to unite them.

  Festivals and celebrations are perfect.

  Xiao Qi was silent for a while, and it was not known whether he was using the search tool or thinking about this problem seriously.

  After a long time, the well-behaved voice floated back weakly.

  ”Xiao Qi thinks that since it is a wasteland… there is no need to completely refer to the festivals on Earth.”

  ”Or… just take the opportunity of celebration to encourage everyone to try some new food?”

  ”Then in the name of the event, give an award to the most creative recipe or something.”

  Try some new food?

  Give an award to the most creative recipe?

  Chu Guang was slightly stunned.

  For a moment, he even changed his opinion of Xiao Qi.

  This guy…

  maybe he is a genius! ?


  (Thanks to the leader “Long Yin” for the reward~~~~~)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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