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Chapter 22: Snow Melts Spring Mud

Chapter 22: Snow Melts Spring Mud


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 22 Snow Melts Spring Mud

  The absorption of cold air only took a few breaths.

  Yang Shifei soon noticed that the girl on top of him became softer and softer, as if all her strength had been sucked out. She had

  originally been kneeling, but now she had crossed her legs and wrapped her waist.

  As the name suggests, a faint and wonderful floral scent filled the air.

  The girl’s eyes were full of water, like burning firewood, and her eyes were filled with a heart-throbbing charm.

  The two of them rubbed their lips back and forth a little awkwardly.

  After the initial surprise, Yang Shifei soon laughed helplessly.

  It seems that not only he has been single since birth, but Tan Xiang is also the same. Even if he is in love, he doesn’t even know how to kiss.

  Thinking of this, he barely avoided the other person’s lips that were constantly rubbing against him: “This is not right, do you want me to teach you?”

  ”Who, who cares.”

  Tan Xiang blushed, and her eyes were full of water, and she was ashamed and angry, and there was a little grievance that was hard to explain, and crystal tears appeared in the corners of her eyes.

  But after being interrupted, she regained some clarity.

  You can’t do such shameless things.

  Yang Shifei blocked the words she was about to say, and warmed her cold mouth again.

  Tan Xiang’s beautiful eyes widened, and she whimpered, but her mind became more and more confused. Her slender figure swayed back and forth, and the soft persimmons under her clothes were squeezed into big persimmons.

  The next moment, the terrifying cold air swept around, and the girl’s clothes burst behind her, and her black hair fluttered.

  Yang Shifei’s heart skipped a beat.

  Revealed its true form.

  Under the moonlight, several black blades could be vaguely seen extending from behind the girl, stretching like claws, and suddenly falling down to pierce through the bed boards on both sides. Only the creaking sound of the bed twisting and breaking was heard, and the bodies of the two were slowly entangled and tightened.


  Yang Shifei’s breathing was slightly heavy, and the warmth in his heart did not diminish at all.

  The beauty is in my arms, and it’s just a spider’s leg. What’s there to be afraid of!

  He gradually calmed down and slowly stroked along the nightgown, while Tan Xiang’s slender waist swayed back and forth like a spoiled child, twisting and turning, extremely cute.

  It turned out that the maid’s figure was more plump and fleshy than he had imagined.

  This thought flashed through Yang Shifei’s mind, but his consciousness gradually became hazy.

  Two completely different cold airs fought back and forth in his body. Although there was no severe pain, it turned into waves of fatigue and sleepiness that surged into his heart.

  He resisted the fatigue and kissed Tan Xiang twice. In the end, he only had time to see the girl put on a charming smile, lifted her hair, slightly opened her cherry lips, and revealed her sharp teeth with cold light. The

  sunlight outside the window sprinkled into the house, stinging Yang Shifei’s eyelids slightly.


  As soon as he woke up from the dream, he couldn’t help but take a breath secretly, and felt that all parts of his body were sore and numb, as if he had lost consciousness.

  In a trance, he seemed to be entangled in a web by a huge spider in his dream, and layer after layer of pale spider webs tightly wrapped him until he was completely unable to move.

  ”What kind of dream is this?”

  Yang Shifei was about to sit up, but his face suddenly froze, and he quickly looked into his arms.

  Tan Xiang was still lying on him, her black hair was messy, and her nightgown had become rags without knowing when, revealing her slender body, her skin was white and moist, as tender as sheep fat jade.

  Under her fragrant shoulders, you can see the big persimmons that are about to burst out, rising and falling with the breathing of the two.

  Yang Shifei’s throat moved slightly, and he couldn’t bear to wake up the dreamy girl in his arms, even though the bed they were lying on was already tattered and the atmosphere had long been gone.

  He tried to move his body, and found that the other’s legs were still tightly clamped around his waist, hanging on his body like a small animal, completely unable to move.

  Yang Shifei’s face was complicated, and he gave up getting up to clean up, and tried to stroke Tan Xiang’s back.

  Those horrible limbs last night seemed to be illusions, and her jade back was still smooth, without a trace of it.

  Tan Xiang uttered a moan and rubbed against his shoulder, looking like a loving and clingy girlfriend. This unconscious coquettishness was really heart-stirring.

  Yang Shifei admitted that he was moved.

  Tan Xiang’s crescent-shaped eyelashes trembled slightly, and she woke up in a daze.

  The girl raised her delicate head, met his gaze with a dazed look, and soon revealed a lazy smile: “Wake up…wake up.”

  As soon as the words came out, Tan Xiang’s smile froze, and her pupils shrank unconsciously until her face turned into shock.


  Yang Shifei was quick to cover her pink lips.

  ”Wait a minute, girl, listen to me first!”

  He racked his brains and thought frantically, sweating profusely: “You absorbed too much filth yesterday, and you were possessed for a while. And I can help you, so we…”

  ”I understand.”

  Tan Xiang forcibly moved the palm on her lips away, and the shock in her eyes gradually faded, turning into a complex and helpless face.

  ”.Don’t be so nervous, I remember what happened last night, and I understand that you are helping me.”

  The girl pursed her lips slightly, and her voice became a little quieter: “I should thank you, how can I blame you.”

  Seeing that she was so reasonable, Yang Shifei was relieved.

  Tan Xiang’s eyes were extremely complicated, and her heart was full of worries and uneasiness, which finally turned into a light sigh.

  ”Let’s get up first.”

  The girl loosened her legs and was about to get up, but soon found that she was naked and “miserable”, so she quickly raised her arms to cover her chest.

  At the same time, she also felt a rough touch from behind her waist, as if there was a palm pressing on her

  Tan Xiang gradually widened her beautiful eyes.

  Yang Shifei only realized it at this time-mainly because her left hand was numb from being pressed.

  Tan Xiang’s face suddenly changed, her breathing became more and more rapid, and a seductive blush flew up her cheeks, revealing a bit of seductive charm.

  Yang Shifei opened his mouth, and blurted out:

  ”The fleshy dough feels good?”

  ”You!” Tan Xiang blushed with shame, and glared at him with her almond eyes, as if she wanted to bite off a few pounds of Yang Shifei’s flesh.

  But when she saw the bloody teeth marks on his shoulder, the girl stammered slightly, but just glared at him indignantly: “Lecher, let go!”

  ”Oh, oh” Yang Shifei realized it belatedly and quickly withdrew his hand.

  Tan Xiang pulled the quilt aside to cover his face, and her voice gradually became cold: “Don’t take it away, close your eyes.”

  After that, she hurriedly turned over and got out of bed, and ran to the closet next to her to rummage for a while.

  After a long while, Yang Shifei heard a cold whisper:

  ”Open your eyes.”

  Yang Shifei lifted the quilt and got out of bed, and saw Tan Xiang changed into his wide robe. The hem of the robe was not suitable for her size and almost hung on the ground. The two sleeves also completely covered her small hands, which made her look more cute and playful.

  ”What are you looking at?”

  Tan Xiang subconsciously hugged her chest and cast a slightly contemptuous look: “Vile!”

  Yang Shifei could only smile subtly. What else could he look at when she was wrapped like a dumpling?


  Tan Xiang bit her lower lip lightly and stood there speechless for a while.

  She remembered clearly what happened last night.

  This man, it turns out, is not as gentle and refined as he looks on the surface. He looks honest, but he is actually a hateful and filthy bastard. However,

  Tan Xiang subconsciously stroked her hair and kept dodging her eyes: “Last night, we didn’t reach the last step. So you don’t need to be too nervous, sir.”

  Yang Shifei smiled helplessly: “Are you going back to Luo Mansion like this?”

  ”No one will find out.”

  Tan Xiang took a deep breath and tried to clear her mind. Only then did she return to the cold and ruthless maid of the Luo family.

  She glanced at him coldly: “Don’t reveal my secret to outsiders, and I won’t reveal your strange ability. As for what happened last night, you’d better forget it all.”

  ”Then can you tell Miss Luo?”


  After saying that, she turned around and left.

  Yang Shifei quickly put on his robe, stood up and sent her to the door, and did not say anything to stop him.

  Seeing her hurried and chaotic steps, it would be better to let her calm down a little.


  At this moment, a girl’s chuckle came from the back.

  Yang Shifei looked back and saw Yue Rui lying on the windowsill with her face in her hands. Her usual playful and cute smile was gone, and only her eyes were twinkling.

  ”You two have been fighting with your tongues all night long.”


  I almost forgot that this girl is a real night owl.

  Wait, how long has she been sitting in on the class? !

   I hope everyone will follow and vote, thank you~


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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