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Chapter 220: The Land of Demons and Evils, the Mountain of Demons Ahead

Chapter 220: The Land of Demons and Evils, the Mountain of Demons Ahead


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 220: Demonic Country, Demon Mountain In

  the former Ziling City, several figures stood silently.

  They all exuded a thick black aura, which was chilling and terrifying.

  Until the middle-aged man in the lead spoke, breaking the silence:

  ”They are dead.”

  ”Who killed them?”

  ”Four people in total, two of them are insignificant. But the other two have the cultivation of celestial beings.” The

  middle-aged man’s eyes gradually darkened: “Report this matter to Haoyuan Sect, and ask the Venerable to take action as soon as possible.”

  ”Wu Qicheng, you were the leader of the Langshan Army back then, you were so majestic and domineering, why are you so cowardly now.”

  The gray-robed old man behind him flicked his beard and sneered: “You are ordered to guard this city, shouldn’t you do it yourself, grind these ignorant mortals to ashes, and eat up their flesh and blood?”

  ”Old Monster Li, you claim to have a strong cultivation, you can give it a try.”

  Wu Qicheng turned his head and cast a cold look: “But if you can’t win, we won’t help you.”


  The old man called Old Monster Li grinned: “The people of our Qi country have been nourished by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and have the power of immortals on land. Even if they are celestial beings, what can I do? I can eat them alive–”

  ”One of the celestial beings is Luo Xian’er from Liang.”


  As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent, gradually showing shock.

  Old Monster Li’s eyes widened: “Is it Luoshui Sword Fairy Luo Xian’er?!”

  ”That’s right.” Wu Qicheng said in a low voice: “Although I don’t know why she came to my Qi State, this must be a great opportunity.

  Let the Venerable lead the army to set up a killing plan, and we can pull out the tendons and bones of this woman and refine her into the flesh and blood mother of my Ziling City to avenge the blood feud of Qi State!”

  In the wilderness.

  Yang Shifei turned over and dismounted, watching the blood and flesh ice residue on the ground gradually dissipate, his expression solemn.

  Although the demons were easily killed by Aunt Shuang and Xian’er, their words and deeds made him more concerned.

  ”The martial arts cultivation of these people themselves is between Ju Yuan and Tong Yi, and they can hardly resist the erosion of filth.”

  ”But they seem to be aware of their own changes, and even intend to use these abilities. The words they mutter are also very strange.”

  In just half a month, Qi State seemed to have undergone an unknown drastic change.

  He thought of the palaces of Yan and Liang, which were all covered with dense blood and flesh meridians, like a seedbed for the birth of life.

  Although the two demon caves were purified and restored by the holy soldiers, if they were allowed to continue to develop,

  ”I also find it strange.”

  Yan Lingshuang stroked the sword box and pondered: “Why do these filth turn into flesh and blood? It can’t be turned into a demon cave for no reason, and it doesn’t make much sense. Unless something is born in it.”

  ”The original embryo of the great demon?”

  Yang Shifei murmured subconsciously, frowning.

  Luo Xian’er hesitated and said: “Sir, I remember the secret of the embedded dragon tomb that you told me at the beginning. The royal family of Qiu State seemed to call the filth. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth?”

  Yang Shifei’s heart skipped a beat.

  The two names are quite similar, which is indeed strange.

  Thinking of this, his face became heavier.

  Qiu State’s research back then may still have many secrets.

  And the current situation of Qi State may be closely related to this, which has caused the black cloud to linger for several days.

  ”We have to be more careful.”

  Yang Shifei said in a deep voice: “There may be changes in Ziling City that we have never seen before.”

  ”Leave it to me.”

  Yue Rui had already woken up and patted her chest: “I will protect everyone and try not to be discovered by the monsters.”

  Yang Shifei got on the horse again, hugged the girl tightly in his arms, and continued on his way.

  Half an hour later, the towering city walls became clearer in sight.

  Everyone looked solemn and found that the city walls themselves turned black, as if they were connected to the rolling black clouds.

  ”The smell is different.”

  Yue Rui’s eyes flickered, and even the cat’s tail emerged in response, as if it had exploded.

  Luo Xian’er and Yan Lingshuang also had a stern look in their eyes. In their perception, the town ahead seemed to have life, opening its eyes and staring at them.

  ”It is indeed completely different from the capital.”

  Let’s take

  a detour.”

  Yang Shifei suddenly spoke up: “Aunt Shuang, can we bypass this city and go directly to Haoyuan Sect?”
Yan Lingshuang was stunned when she heard this: “Shifei, why don’t you go into Ziling City to find out?”

  ”The risk is too great.”

  Although the target was right in front of him, Yang Shifei was very calm. “It is difficult to predict what will happen in the city. If we rush in without any plan,
we might fall into a trap

  .” He looked to both sides again: “Although Ziling City is shrouded in black clouds, other places have not been affected by blood and flesh. Even if something unexpected happens, we can get out smoothly.”

  Luo Xian’er and Yan Lingshuang nodded in understanding, understanding his intention.

  Instead of risking their lives to forcibly explore the truth of Ziling City, it is better to go to Haoyuan Sect first and search for the whereabouts of the Taiwu Saint Soldier.

  It will not be too late to come back and find out the truth when we have the Saint Soldier in hand.

  ”But if you want to bypass Ziling City, you need to take the mountain road.”

  ”It’s okay, this horse can run.”

  Yang Shifei pulled the reins, turned the direction forward, and quickly turned into the forest.

  In Ziling City, the atmosphere was extremely solemn.

  Countless flesh and blood were boiling and wriggling, and shocking blood vessels were interweaving from all directions. Several figures condensed from it.

  After a moment, they tore open the blood membrane and walked out. They were all more than ten feet tall, with pale bodies and covered with hideous and terrifying black lines.

  The leading man ignored the blood and smelled blood all over his body, and shouted in a deep voice:

  ”Where is Liang Guoluo Xian’er!”

  The deep shout was like thunder, and it could be heard clearly within a radius of ten miles.

  ”Reporting to Lord Jin.”

  Wu Qicheng had been waiting for a long time and calmly bowed, saying, “Luo Xian’er and her group disappeared when they approached the city gate, and even their breath could not be traced.”

  Old Monster Li sneered, “I guess they used some weird means to sneak into the city and try to steal the secrets.”


  Lord Jin’s eyes were wide open with anger, like a terrifying evil ghost.

  He looked around and suddenly shouted: “Search! Mobilize all the ‘descendants’ in the city, and don’t let any corner go!”

  ”Golden Master.” Wu Qicheng said calmly: “Luo Xian’er’s cultivation is good. Even if she has not yet absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, if she wants to escape, those weak descendants may not be able to stop her.”

  ”Don’t worry.”

  Golden Master suddenly inserted his hand into the ground and pulled out a bunch of strange wriggling worms from the flesh and blood: “‘Fairy Mother’ specially handed over this treasure to me, just to capture Luo Xian’er!”

  ”This is…”

  ”This worm is called Po Xuanxian, and it specializes in gnawing on the internal force of Dantian. After being cultivated by the Fairy Mother, even the celestial being can be corroded and hollowed out.”

  ”As long as she is still in Ziling City, her celestial cultivation will become our nourishment!”

  As soon as the words fell, the ground under everyone’s feet squirmed, as if countless worms spread everywhere, and flesh and blood spread around like waves-

  just to catch the four people who sneaked into Ziling City.

  In the forest outside Ziling City, a beautiful horse galloped past.

  The steep mountain road could hardly stop its footsteps. In just half an hour, it successfully bypassed Ziling City and rushed to the “Mengshan” where Haoyuan Sect was located.

  Yang Shifei looked ahead, his eyes still solemn.

  In his sight, the surging black clouds almost covered the sky. It was not unique to Ziling City, but almost covered the entire Qi State.

  ”It’s just a few days, but the difference is so big.”

  Yan Lingshuang’s face was even gloomier.

  Qi State might have completely fallen and become a country of demons.

  ”There is no figure on the road.” Luo Xian’er kept looking around and murmured: “Don’t say living people, even a demon can’t be seen.”

  ”Maybe they have gathered inside the town.” Yang Shifei felt the thick filth coming towards him, and frowned slightly: “Do you feel uncomfortable?”

  ”I feel a little cold, but I can still bear it.”

  ”If you can’t bear it, I will help you relieve the pressure, don’t force it.”

  The four people rode their horses silently, getting closer and closer to Mengshan until they arrived at the foot of the mountain.


  Yang Shifei stopped his horse and stared at the mountain in front of him.

  The whole mountain was also shrouded in black clouds, and the cracks between the rocks were pitch black, with blood flashing from time to time, which was extremely eerie and terrifying.

  ”The Haoyuan Sect is right on the mountainside, and there is a mountain villa.”

  Luo Xian’er got off the horse first, stroking her skirt and mumbling: “Let’s go directly up the mountain, or um!”

  The eldest lady showed a trace of discomfort,

  and black lines appeared on her skin. Yan Lingshuang, who got off the horse, also groaned, and the cold air was overflowing around her body. Ice crystals climbed up her black cloak.

  Yang Shifei was just surprised and found that Yue Rui in his arms had even her cat ears sticking out.

  ”What are you doing…”

  ”This place is a bit strange.”

  Luo Xian’er tried to clench her right hand, her face heavy: “The filth in the body has become extremely active, and the power of the true form is ready to move.”

  Just as the three women were trying their best to suppress the true form, a rustling sound suddenly came from the woods.

  Yang Shifei held the magic knife and was alert. Yue Rui immediately enveloped everyone with the power of the true form, isolating all breath and movement.


  After a moment, the figure of an old man emerged from the woods.

  His face was extremely haggard, his body was hunched, as if half of his foot was in a coffin, and he raised his cloudy eyes to scan the surroundings.

  ”Princess Luo, there is no need to hide anymore. I know you have just arrived.”

  He lowered his head and coughed twice, and said hoarsely: “Although I don’t know why you are here, you should leave quickly. Otherwise, when the Fairy Mother returns to the mountain, you will not be able to escape.”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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