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Chapter 221: Fairy Mother on Earth, Peach Festival

Chapter 221: Fairy Mother on Earth, Peach Festival


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 221 Fairy Mother on Earth, Peach Festival

  The gray fog slightly dissipated, and Yang Shifei appeared alone.

  Seeing the unexpected figure, the hunchbacked old man was slightly startled: “You are…”

  ”It doesn’t matter who I am.”

  Yang Shifei thought for a moment and said calmly: “And you look like a normal person.”

  ”I am just lucky to have a little lucidity left, and I don’t have much time left.”

  The hunchbacked old man waved his hand: “Leave quickly before the Fairy Mother returns.”

  Yan Lingshuang and Luo Xian’er both held their swords, silently waiting beside them, and exchanged glances secretly.

  Although this person was filthy, he was indeed a living person, not a demon in disguise.

  Yang Shifei confirmed again and again that this person had no ill intentions, and then continued: “We came here to investigate the changes in Qi State, and we don’t want to

  return empty-handed. If you are still rational, can you tell us the whole story–”

  Seeing that he was still trying to persuade him, the hunchbacked old man raised his hand to interrupt and said hoarsely:

  ”No need to say more, if you want to know, I will tell you everything, but we can’t talk for too long.”

  Yang Shifei clasped his fists: “Thank you, old sir.” The

  hunchbacked old man looked outside the mountains and forests and sighed: “As you can see along the way, Qi State is finished.” ”

  The filth has spread throughout the country, all living things have turned into demons, and even the land under our feet has completely changed.”

  ”You must be wondering why I know your identities.”

  The hunchbacked old man tapped the ground with his cane. “When you approached Ziling City, the demons in the city noticed it and sent the message to Haoyuan Sect through the earth, requesting reinforcements.

  Not only that, ‘we’ can also perform the magical power of shrinking the earth into an inch, almost immortal, and not afraid of pain. All of this comes from the flesh and blood land under our feet.”

  Yang Shifei was shocked.

  These flesh and blood actually have this ability? !

  ”We have also encountered it outside Qi, but we didn’t have these means.”

  ”Because, the ‘Fairy Mother’ was born.”

  The hunchbacked old man looked even more melancholy: “The flesh and blood originally grew from Haoyuan Sect and the palace, and only had the ability to hatch puppets. But as it gradually spread to a radius of a hundred miles, it continued to absorb vitality and turned into a flesh cocoon, and finally broke out of the cocoon.

  Its birth injected spiritual wisdom into the flesh and blood land, and the filth enveloped the entire Qi within a few hours. Thousands of miles of land became its body, and all living things became its nutrients.”

  At this point, the old man showed a self-deprecating expression: “All the people in Qi thought that this place had become an immortal country on earth, and everyone absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and ranked among the immortals. They even regarded that monster as the ‘Fairy Mother’. It’s really sad.”

  Yang Shifei’s eyes flickered.

  Listening to her story, this Fairy Mother looked more and more like the Great Demon Embryo

  , but unlike the Great Demon Embryo artificially created by Qiu, the Fairy Mother of Qi should be considered a naturally born adult.

  ”Perhaps it is fate that wants me to witness the purgatory on earth with my own eyes, and I am the only one who has a trace of rationality left.”

  The hunchbacked old man smiled bitterly and said, “It’s a pity that I am now exhausted and will not live long.”

  Yang Shifei secretly guessed that this person might have extraordinary cultivation or physique, so he could resist for a while.

  But looking at his dead face, he really didn’t have much time left .

  ”Old sir, is the ‘Fairy Mother’ very powerful?”

  ”It is the master of demons and monsters, and all the people in Qi cannot disobey it. Even the heavenly man and black tortoise cannot compete with it.”

  The hunchbacked old man shook his head: “It is now connected to the land of Qi, and the dragon veins and land have shaped its demon body. It has indeed become an immortal demon.”


  Yan Lingshuang and Luo Xian’er looked at each other with extremely solemn expressions.

  Such a monster is indeed not something that can be contended with by one’s own strength.

  Yang Shifei recalled the secrets recorded in the embedded dragon tomb.

  Once the great demon’s original fetus is unsealed and born, a terrifying demon will be born, sweeping the world.

  Now it seems that it is indeed true.

  ”However, you can rest assured.”

  The hunchbacked old man stroked his cane and said slowly: “The Immortal Mother is still slowly accumulating strength and cannot leave the territory of Qi.

  This process may take ten or a hundred years. As long as you escape from Qi and block the spread of filth from the outside, you can still live the rest of your lives in peace.”

  Yang Shifei thought for a moment, and suddenly said: “Since you understand what happened outside Ziling City, you should know our means of blocking-”

  ”You are here for the Taiwu Holy Soldiers.”

  The hunchbacked old man sighed: “If possible, I would also like to help you take out the holy weapons of the Haoyuan Sect, but now it is impossible.”

  Yang Shifei was shocked: “Why is this?”

  ”The holy weapons of this sect are surrounded by the remnants of the demon fetus shed by the Immortal Mother, which are connected to its original power. These filth have already eroded the holy weapons.”

  The hunchbacked old man poked the ground with his cane: “Once the holy weapons are touched, the Immortal Mother will find them at the first time. You do have a strange ability to hide, but it is impossible to hide from it.”


  Yang Shifei’s mind raced, frowning in deep thought.

  He thought of Ji Shang and the little white fox again, and a vague idea emerged in his mind. He glanced at Luo Xian’er and Yan Lingshuang beside him.

  Although they did not speak, the two women nodded secretly, obviously listening to his arrangements.

  Yue Rui silently clenched her right hand, as if silently supporting.

  Yang Shifei was certain in his heart, and asked, “Does the Fairy Mother also have the ability to shrink the earth into an inch?”

  ”As long as it is still within the range of the flesh and blood land, it can come and go freely. A distance of a hundred miles can be reached in less than half a quarter of an hour.”

  ”If we can’t touch the holy weapons, can we touch those demon fetus remnants?”

  ”Well, it should be possible. The Fairy Mother has not set up any defenses on the ‘body’, but the premise is that you have the ability to break it.”

  ”What will happen if the Taiwu Holy Weapon is lost?”

  The hunchbacked old man became more and more surprised: “The Taiwu Holy Weapon is very important for stabilizing the earth veins. If the holy weapon is taken away, it will be a huge blow to the Fairy Mother. Maybe she will have no time to hunt you down again.”

  Yang Shifei’s eyes gradually condensed: “Old sir, can you tell me the location of the Haoyuan Sect’s holy weapon?”

  The hunchbacked old man showed surprise: “Do you want to…”

  ”Since you are here, you might as well take a look with your own eyes first.” Yang Shifei said calmly: “If we can’t start, we will leave as soon as possible and will not put ourselves in danger.”


  The hunchbacked old man was silent for a moment, and smiled in a low voice: “The young man is really courageous. Even if you are from Yanliang, I have to admire your courage.”

  ”In the face of danger, it doesn’t matter which country you are from.” Yang Shifei looked very calm: “Old sir, can you give it a try?”

  ”This old man’s withered body can help others before he dies, which is not bad.”

  The hunchbacked old man was full of emotion, turned around and waved: “Come with me, there is a secret passage here, which leads directly to the underground secret realm of Haoyuan Sect.”

  ”I don’t know who you are yet.”

  ”The previous leader of this sect.”

  The hunchbacked old man laughed at himself, and his body gradually cracked and broke: “I have been secluded in the mountains for twenty years. As soon as I came out of seclusion, I realized that things have changed and the world has changed.

  Now I can wait for a few friends, and it is not in vain that I have survived until now.”

  Everyone stepped into the dark tunnel and slowly went deeper into the ground.

  According to the previous leader of Haoyuan Sect, the secret realm of this sect is located fifty feet underground and is naturally formed.

  But everything in the secret realm has now been swallowed by the Immortal Mother, leaving only the Taiwu Saint Soldier as a nail to dig open the ground veins.

  Yang Shifei stepped into the cave carefully. The ground under his feet was soft. Wherever he looked, there was a flash of blood. Huge tumors were everywhere, which was extremely shocking.

  ”These are…”

  Luo Xian’er’s eyes condensed slightly, and suddenly pointed to the front: “Sacred Soldiers!”

  Everyone looked at it hurriedly. In the center of the cave stood a blood cocoon, and a long halberd floated in it.


  The magic knife behind him trembled slightly, and Yang Shifei subconsciously pressed the handle of the knife.

  ”Sure enough.”

  He looked around with a calm face.

  The real magic knife had been dealing with the original fetus of the great demon for hundreds of years, and immediately sensed the “old friend”. These blood cocoons were indeed the remnants of the demon fetus!

  ”If we destroy these remnants and take back the Taiwu Holy Soldiers, will it work?”


  Yang Shifei glanced back without getting a reply from the old sect master.

  But he saw his body gradually turned into sand and dissipated, and he uttered a trance and praised:

  ”My friend, you can try it.”

  the murmur fell, his breath was completely cut off, leaving only yellow soil on the ground.

  Yan Lingshuang pondered, “This person has been able to hold on until now, so he must have a deep obsession, and now he has just let out his last breath.”

  ”Young Master.”

  Luo Xian’er frowned and said calmly, “Shall we do it now?”

  Yang Shifei retracted his gaze: “Wait a minute.”

  He looked at the demon fetus residues around him again, and thought: “These things may be a great tonic for you.”

  ”Great tonic?”

  Luo Xian’er was stunned, and soon remembered that the master of the Jintian Palace absorbed the demon fetus residues in the Embedded Dragon Tomb to complete his demon body and improve his cultivation.

  The eldest lady observed carefully again and indeed found that the meat cocoon was condensed with a very pure filthy aura.

  But Yan Lingshuang was still a little hesitant: “Shifei, can we really absorb these?”

  ”Try carefully first”


  Before the voice fell, Yue Rui took the lead in condensing the true cat claws and pierced into a meat cocoon.

  In a few breaths, the meat cocoon quickly shrank, and the cat claws became clearer.

  The little girl quickly withdrew her hand, with a strange look on her face.

  Yang Shifei asked quickly, “Do you feel uncomfortable?”

  ”It’s like eating fruit.”

  Yue Rui nodded her little head, “I can eat a few more. They’re sweet and taste good.”

  Seeing her greedy look, Yang Shifei was stunned for a moment, then looked at the meat cocoons on the ground.

  So to Yue Rui and the others, these things are really juicy ‘immortal peaches’?

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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