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Chapter 222 New Year

Chapter 222 New Year


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 222 New Year

  North Gate.

  Under the spacious shed, there is a long table, and next to the table are two braziers, with charcoal burning very vigorously.

  Chu Guang, wearing a blue power armor, stood in the shed, looking at the young players busy at the market, with a smile like an old father on his face.

  Not bad.

  Drawing a pie and letting the players bake it themselves, this is indeed what a planner should do.

  Originally, Chu Guang thought that holding this celebration would consume a lot of inventory, but now it seems that his worries are completely unnecessary.

  Those young players obviously read his event copy several times, and even from the perspective of the game background, they dug out what he wanted to express but was embarrassed to write in the copy.

  Wasteland gourmets.

  Then naturally you have to use some “original” food from the wasteland.

  Otherwise, how can you say that the dishes you cook are the “purest wasteland”?

  Crispy stove ant cricket meat, fried mutant cockroach legs, leeches jumping around in the pot, and glowing blood-sucking worm steaks, all of them!

  Of course, Chu Guang himself would not eat it.

  He does not have N lives.

  It is better to eat something healthy and hygienic.

  There are three prizes in the competition.

  One is the delicacy in the minds of wastelanders, one is the delicacy in the minds of players, and the other is the recognition from the administrator.

  The selection criteria of the three awards are different, and the judges are also different, but the rewards are basically the same.

  That is, huge event points!

  Limited title!

  And enter the Hall of Fame, shining on the forum!

  Like the previous events, you can get points by completing tasks in the event. The points can be used to exchange for event-limited rewards and New Year red envelopes – in fact, it is a lottery in a different name.

  The prizes include but are not limited to the first prize of 666 silver coins, and also include the special prize – a carbon nano bulletproof vest worth 6666 silver coins.

  This thing has never been on the shelves of the NPC store. The price is randomly marked by Chu Guang. Anyway, no one will refute it even if he adds another zero.

  In addition to the lottery, what interests players most is of course the limited title and the opportunity to enter the Hall of Fame.

  And according to the manager himself, if you get the title of “Wasteland Gourmet”, the dishes you design will be included in the menu of this year’s New Year’s Eve party.

  For professional life players, this temptation is too great.

  In order to compete for this title, the condiments in the warehouse except salt were almost sold out. So much

  so that Chu Guang had to temporarily adjust the activity strategy, temporarily removing the condiments from the shelves of the warehouse and changing them to completing tasks to receive them.

  It is precisely because of this that the progress of daily tasks in the past few days is quite gratifying, and he, as a manager, has also received a lot of reward points from the system.

  In order to meet the cooking needs of the players, Chu Guang has almost spent all his points on the primary blind box these days, and for this he has also obtained a lot of seeds of high-yield crops.

  This is also an unexpected harvest.

  Looking at the wooden sign on the table, Xia Yan looked at Chu Guang with a confused look and asked.

  ”What is a judge?”

  She had never heard of such a strange word.

  Chu Guang explained after a little thought.

  ”In simple terms, you walk around the north gate, and if you think the food looks good, take a portion back. If it tastes good, just give it a thumbs up.”

  Of course, you have to let Yaya taste it before eating.

  As a perception player, her talent is poison intuition, and she can tell at a glance what she can’t eat.

  In addition, her physical attribute is not high, so if she eats something that’s fine, other people can basically eat it.

  Yaya is very happy to be a “taster”.

  Chu Guang still remembers how the little player patted his chest and promised him that he would do his best to maintain the order of the celebration, and asked him to hand over this “glorious and arduous” task to her.

  ”Oh, that’s it.” Xia Yan nodded in confusion.

  To sum it up… Take whatever you like to eat?

  Eat and drink for free without spending money?

  This is too cool! ?

  Xiaoyu, who was sitting behind the long table, looked a little uneasy.

  She glanced at Brother Chu secretly and said in a low voice.

  ”But… is it really okay if I don’t pay?”

  To be honest, this question is a bit redundant.

  What money should the judges pay for food?

  Not charging an entry fee is already generous enough, isn’t it?

  Not to mention that there are points rewards for participating in the competition. Even the worst consolation prize is definitely enough to pay for the meal.

  Chu Guang was originally going to say this, but seeing Xiaoyu’s guilty expression, he changed his mind.

  The dog planner can be the one himself.

  Don’t teach the children bad things.

  ”This is part of the celebration event, and the expenses of the event will be borne by the shelter… You can understand that the money has actually been paid.”

  He paused for a moment.

  Looking at Xiaoyu’s confused face, Chu Guang smiled gently and continued.

  ”Remember to say thank you to them before tasting.”

  ”They will be happy all day.”

  Boss Xia, who was standing aside with his arms folded, nodded as if he understood.

  Got it.

  It turns out that it’s not free food and drink.

  It’s public money.


  The food competition to welcome the New Year is in full swing. In order to get the limited title, both life professional players and combat professional players have tried their best.

  The event lasted until the last day of December.

  It was a rare sunny day.

  The howling north wind and blizzard were at their last gasp, and the harsh winter seemed to be coming to an end.

  Everything indicated that dawn was coming and victory was just around the corner!

  In order to welcome the upcoming Wasteland Era 212, the outpost was decorated with lights and colors, and it was very lively.

  Many houses had red paper pasted on their doors, and red cloth strips and ribbons were hung.

  In order to make the festive atmosphere stronger, Chu Guang also issued a special task, asking the carpenter’s hut to make more than 40 lanterns, which were hung from the square in front of the sanatorium to the market at the north gate.

  At dusk,

  more than forty lanterns were lit.

  The dim light, set against the blazing torches, made the entire outpost lively and festive.

  Chu Guang discovered that his little players were geniuses.

  In just one week, with a shortage of supplies, his little players surprisingly unlocked hundreds of recipes.

  Some of the most creative ideas even made him marvel.

  For example, Teng Teng.

  It is said that she gained experience from the nomads. With the help of the sisters Qiucao and Qiuye, she used the pupae of the devil moth to make shellac and made something similar to “earthworm jelly”.

  That thing is crystal clear, white, soft, and tastes like jelly. If you don’t mention it deliberately, no one will associate it with the devil moth.

  Without any suspense, this delicacy won the award for “the most popular wasteland delicacy among players”.

  After all, compared to Lao Na’s salt and pepper charcoal grilled mantis legs, and some “real food” that has nothing to do with the wasteland, this dish cleverly finds a balance between the two.

  And the taste and texture are pretty good, belonging to the “order neutral” kind.

  The only pity is that there is no chili sauce, otherwise it will be more delicious.

  However, not everyone is satisfied with such a result.

  Especially for those who “almost” won the competition…

  ”Gan! Why is it not me who is the wasteland gourmet! It’s so delicious!”

  ”That’s it!”

  ”Too much!”

  The award-giving session ended as early as noon, and now it’s celebration time.

  The unyielding Canyon Runaway Mole, the Elf King Fugui and Lao Na grilled all the unfinished mantis legs, trying to prove themselves with the taste.

  However, helplessly, there were few people in front of the three stalls, and no one patronized them at all.

  Even after confirming that there was no poison, Ya Ya still shook his head like a rattle.

  ”Sorry, I’m not feeling well. I just can’t accept this kind of food!”

  The beautiful and kind-hearted Miss Teng Teng took a closer look and thought about buying some to comfort them, but when she was about to pay, she couldn’t help but ask in a low voice.

  ”Speaking of this…are there really no iron wire worms?”

  Hearing this, Brother Mole felt as if his wounds were sprinkled with salt, and said with a look of grief and indignation.

  ”How can there be so many iron wire worms! Not all mantises have iron wire worms!”

  Elf King Fugui: “That’s right! It’s all blown up like this! And isn’t it non-toxic?”

  Irena: “Gan! Do you know how hard it is to find these things in the middle of winter!”

  ”Sorry, sorry, I, I won’t ask anymore…” Teng Teng hurriedly took out the VM. Although she didn’t know why she had to apologize, she paid for it first.

  Ye Shi couldn’t stand it anymore, so he walked over, patted Irena on the shoulder, and sighed.

  ”Forget it, Lao Na, let’s give up, don’t struggle.”

  Irena said in grief and indignation: “Ni Zou Kai! I won’t log off until it’s sold out!”

  Ye Shi silently let go of her hand.


  So they’ve been preparing to stay up all night…


  The most popular food award among players was won by Teng Teng.

  The food that won the approval of NPCs including Boss Xia, Xiaoyu, Yin Fang, Heya, the guards, and the warehouse managers was the “Mushroom Cloud Cake” made by Yaya.

  As a taster, she also participated in this competition.

  Using the eggs bought from the Frostspear Clan and mixing them with sugar to beat the egg whites, Yaya cleverly used a round-mouthed piping bag to make small mushroom caps, and sprinkled chocolate chips around them.

  The whole cake looked like a mushroom cloud, and the chocolate chips around it formed a nuclear bomb crater. If you have to say it, it can barely be considered a wasteland-style food.

  But to be honest, in Chu Guang’s opinion, this was completely a trick.

  The chocolate, sugar, and eggs were all bought, and they were far from cheap.

  Although Chu Guang repeatedly emphasized that he needed cheap and delicious food, the NPCs were conquered by the taste of chocolate and had no interest in those wasteland-style foods.

  Looking at Xiaoyu with shining eyes, Chu Guang really couldn’t bear to veto it, so he didn’t say anything.

  Fortunately, he expected that the voting results would be biased, so he set up a third award – “the most recognized food by managers”.

  This award was presented by him personally.

  The food that won the award was the “cracked claw crab meat cake” of the Niu Ma team.

  400g of cracked claw crab meat is added to 450g of green wheat flour, and then mixed with 10g of salt and a little buffalo grass powder and white berry juice to get a full kilogram of cracked claw crab meat paste. The

  meat cake made of this minced meat has neither the sour grass taste of green wheat, but also retains the flavor of crab meat. It is undoubtedly delicious.

  The quantity is large, filling and easy to store. Chu Guang gave the award to its inventor without saying a word.

  Because it is a group work, except for the name of the chef’s tomato scrambled eggs, which will be displayed on the first-level page of the Hall of Fame, the list of other collaborators will be included in the second-level sub-page.

  The collaborators have no objection to this, after all, their names have long been in the Hall of Fame.

  Giving this rare opportunity to Brother Chaodan was originally their decision after discussing it themselves.

  Standing at the north gate of the base.

  Chu Guang, wearing a power armor, announced the final result of the game in a loud voice, and then raised his glass to the crowd in the celebration.

  ”Celebrate the last day of the old year!”

  ”Let’s toast to the harvest next year!”

  There were many things I wanted to say.

  But looking at the little players with excitement on their faces, Chu Guang suddenly felt that it seemed a bit redundant to talk at this time. It’s better

  to give the time to them. Just

  be a handsome NPC quietly.

  As the voice fell, the market at the north gate was instantly filled with cheers, and wooden wine glasses were raised high.


  ”The planner is awesome!”

  ”Woo woo woo, finally I don’t have to eat takeout alone on New Year’s Day this year!”

  ”Non-existent brother, you still have to eat even if you take off your helmet.”

  ”Okay, stop talking, tears are about to fall if you talk any more.”

  There are about 500 players who choose to celebrate the festival in the game, and basically all of them are here.

  As for the other 300 players, they either have something to do in real life or are with their families, and they will probably come after noon tomorrow.

  In addition to the players, the NPCs who came to participate in the celebration also had happy and joyful faces.

  It turns out that celebrations are such a happy thing.

  It turns out that festivals are such a thing!

  Life seems to have a new hope. Even if they don’t realize it, the sense of cultural identity is gradually taking shape in their hearts.

  Chu Guang took out the last few barrels of red wine in the inventory and distributed a small glass to everyone.

  Although all of them were distributed, Chu Guang didn’t feel bad.

  First, he had decided to drink less in this life, and he would not drink if he could avoid it.

  Another thing is that this wine was snatched from the wine cellar of the old leech anyway, so it doesn’t matter if he finishes it.

  There will be new ones next year.

  ”Cheers! Burp——”

  Boss Xia raised the glass excitedly, drank it in one gulp, and ran over to ask Chu Guang if he had any more with a red face, which perfectly explained what it means to love food and drink.

  Xiaoyu, who was sitting next to the brazier, drank the milk in small sips and looked at Xia Yan with some concern, worried that she would pass out like last time.

  Yin Fang stared at the wine glass for a while, sniffed it, frowned and drank it, then returned to the shelter muttering and continued to work on his research.

  However, Heya drank it in one gulp, and her expression did not change at all. She stood there and watched the lively players and wastelanders with interest.

  For her who grew up in the shelter, everything here is so fascinating.

  Whether it is DNA or culture. After

  giving his own cup to Boss Xia, Chu Guang glanced at the empty cup in her hand, with a slightly surprised expression.

  ”I didn’t expect you to be able to drink so much.”

  Heya didn’t feel that there was anything difficult to understand, and said as a matter of course.

  ”After all, my liver and stomach and… are all bionic organs, which can selectively absorb or not absorb at all.”

  Chu Guang: “…”


  That’s a waste.

  It was not only the outpost that celebrated the New Year. After announcing the start of the celebration, Chu Guang issued a task through VM and selected several small players to go to the temporary shelter in the abandoned department store to send a New Year’s blessing to the refugees there.

  There was not much.

  About 300 kilograms of crab cakes.

  Although each person could only get a small piece of 200g crab cake, it was still the meat of the cracked crab.

  I believe that this New Year’s gift from Shelter No. 404 should be able to bring them a little warmth.


  ”Damn it, why can’t bear paw stewed catfish soup!”

  The celebration has entered the second half. Guarding a pot of black fish soup that is almost cold, Tail squatted on the ground with a deep shock, drawing circles on the snow with a branch.

  Sisi comforted her.

  ”I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the dish itself, maybe there’s something wrong with the cooking method… Why is the soup black after it’s stewed? I remember it was white before, right?”

  ”Please don’t worry about these details.”

  ”No… I think it’s better to figure it out.”

  Irene, who ate all the roasted mantis legs while no one was paying attention and pretended to have sold out all the food, happened to walk over here.

  Seeing the pot of dark cuisine stuffed with bear paws and fish heads, he couldn’t help but gloat and tease.

  ”Did you stew Rourou?”

  Tail looked at him dissatisfied.

  ”How is that possible! Rourou can talk!”

  And that’s her mount!

  It took a lot of effort to tame it.

  Sisi, who was accompanying Tail, sighed and said helplessly.

  ”It’s not Rourou’s hand, but it has something to do with Rourou. In short, Wei used Rourou as bait to lure the hibernating brown bear out of the cave. Emmm… The situation was a bit confusing at the time, so I won’t describe it.”

  Irena scratched the back of her head: “Well, although I’m curious about the details, should I not ask too much?”

  The players around who heard it all cast sympathetic eyes at Rourou, only Rourou looked like she was about to cry.

  ”Wait a minute, please explain it clearly, everyone obviously misunderstood!”

  Ignoring the noise of her teammates, Wei was still muttering there.

  ”Damn, it tastes okay!”

  Sisi patted her shoulder.

  ”Okay, don’t be sad… Ah, it seems that a mission has come, and it seems to be a hidden mission. Do you want to come with me, Wei?”

  When he heard that it was a hidden mission, Wei immediately stood up and said with shining eyes.


  Sisi showed a smile like an old father on his face.

  This child is too easy to coax.


  (I failed the 15,000 challenge, and the remaining 5,000 is not done… I can only leave it until tomorrow.)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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