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Chapter 223 This is too peaceful

Chapter 223 This is too peaceful


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 223 This is too peaceful

  . The bonfire made of wood was burning.

  Sparks flew to the sky with the heat wave.

  The herdsmen beat leather drums and played bone flutes in front of the fire. The young dancers covered their faces with veils and performed a dance for the New Year on the snow.

  The guards, workers and players who loved to join in the fun, who lived near the outpost, also joined in with food and liquor bought from the market.

  Although there was only one glass of free red wine, there was a lot of distilled liquor in the warehouse.

  A long time ago, players used Polygonum aviculare to make music and yam as ingredients to brew distilled liquor.

  Compared with red wine that takes time to taste, this kind of hot and exciting liquor is more popular among wastelanders.

  But few people can stand drinking red and white together.

  For a while, the market at the north gate was in a mess.

  Boss Xia wanted to drink more, but he was already lying on the table and sleeping soundly.

  Worried that she might catch a cold, Xiaoyu, who is very caring, went to the bank to get a blanket, stood on tiptoe and covered her shoulders.

  There was a brazier under the table.

  Xiaoyu patted her back gently, saying in a coaxing tone.

  ”Don’t drink so much next time, okay?”

  However, Boss Xia, who had already fallen asleep, obviously didn’t listen. He didn’t know what sweet dream he had. The corners of his lips were slightly raised, and he kept sipping.

  ”Hehe… I want more.”

  Not far away, a taster was anxiously looking for a toilet.

  A little further away, a duck’s voice was wailing like it was on fire.

  ”Water! Burp – give me water!”

  Makabazi was lying on the ground and calling, until the construction site boy and the brick stuffed a lump of snow into his mouth, which made this guy physically quiet down.

  The debt-ridden big-eyed expression was like a painful mask, and he covered his stomach and said.

  ”Damn, what on earth is it because of this? I feel my stomach is roaring!”

  Edgewater looked at his already bulging stomach and couldn’t help but complain.

  ”How much did you eat?”

  ”Not much, just a few hundred million,” the debt-ridden man burped and said in a vague voice, “Why do I have to eat again in reality when I have already eaten in the game?”

  Edge paddling: “…”

  Construction site boy and brick: “…”

  Is this a question that can be asked by the intelligence department? ?

  Fang Chang, who was drunk, sat crookedly on the wooden chair and began his improvisation.

  Listening to the nomads’ blacksmith-like percussion music and the long bone flute, his index finger beat the rhythm on the table and hummed a newly made ballad.


  ”The gears of heaven fell into the furnace.”

  ”Boiling molten steel splashed from the pot.”

  ”The undead disaster will never stop.”

  ”We will rebuild the mortal kingdom.”


  The hoarse voice that was roasted was like a saw blade pulling the violin, but in the rough accompaniment, there was an unexpected rhythm of ups and downs.

  It was like half a bottle of strong liquor in the throat.

  It was also like a forge with bursts of blacksmithing sounds.

  Fang Chang forgot the lyrics halfway through singing, and the players who were cheering him on continued to make up the lyrics, and they made a song one sentence after another.

  However, the style became more and more outrageous as they went on. From the sacred Terra to Ionia, the slogan “For the great cause of the revival of the human alliance” became “People live for XX”.

  Although they couldn’t understand what the residents of the shelter were singing, the natives around them also sang along.

  The singing dispelled the cold.

  It also blew away the barriers between people.

  Even with completely different cultures.

  People’s yearning for a better life and pursuit of beautiful things are the same.

  The heat wave and the firelight reflected on their faces, and the people sitting together were no longer different from each other.

  The drunk Zhao Shu patted Yu Hu’s shoulder, and his face, illuminated by the firelight, was as red as a monkey’s butt.

  ”Good brother, am I right? Life here is simply great!”

  Yu Hu drank a little too much and burped drunkenly.

  ”You’re right…”

  ”Next year, I will definitely move here next year!”

  A dance ended on the snow in front of the bonfire.

  The shy girl from the Frostspear clan bowed slightly.

  But people were not going to let her go.

  ”Another one!”

  ”Bring your crush!”

  ”Oh oh!”

  Under the people’s jerk and instigation, the young girl from the Frostspear tribe mustered up her courage, but did not choose her dream lover in front of the bonfire, but walked to the dark blue power armor by some strange coincidence.

  ”Can I ask you to dance with me?”

  There was a hint of trepidation in her eyes, just like the unlucky child who lost the truth or dare game.

  Chu Guang looked at her with a slight surprise, and then said jokingly in a gentle tone.

  ”You can’t dance in my outfit, find someone who can keep up with you.”

  The young girl blushed and turned and ran away like a frightened little animal.

  Heya, who was standing by with her arms folded and observing, looked at Chu Guang curiously.

  ”Why don’t you dance?”

  Chu Guang rolled his eyes at her, a little dissatisfied with the way this guy looked at the animal world.

  ”Do you know how much power it consumes to dance in a power armor that weighs more than a ton?”

  It’s not impossible to not turn on the power, which is probably similar to weight training, but even if 70% to 80% of the weight can be transferred to the support structure of the power armor, it still takes a lot of power to drive such a heavy armor without the help of a motor.

  And it’s easy to hurt others.

  Chu Guang chose to stand there as a background board, not without reason.

  ”But this way, you can’t enjoy the celebration.” He Ya reminded.

  ”You don’t understand, this is how I enjoy the celebration.”

  For a manager, what can make him happier than watching the settlement singing and dancing, and the residents living and working in peace and contentment?

  This is the highest level of enjoyment.

  Heya fell into deep thought.

  Her expression seemed to recall the past of Shelter 117.

  At this moment, Yin Fang’s teasing suddenly floated behind him.

  ”You hurt the girl’s heart.”

  Chu Guang ignored his teasing, but looked at him strangely.

  ”Why are you back again?”

  ”I just went back to get something.”

  Yin Fang took out a small robot with four short legs and a square head from behind.

  ”The academy does not celebrate the New Year, but only celebrates great discoveries, but you seem to have the custom of celebrating the New Year here… It just so happens that I have finished it, so I will give it to you as a New Year’s gift.”

  Chu Guang’s face was full of surprise, and he reached out to take the small robot.

  Unlike the original one, there is an extra camera on the square head.

  Now it is not only laser mapping the nearby terrain, but users wearing neural connection devices can also share its vision with the help of its camera.

  Although it is only a small change, the practicality has been increased by more than one time.

  This little robot is much more powerful than the original one!

  Looking at Chu Guang who was playing with the small robot in his hand with interest, Yin Fang continued.

  ”Crawler, that’s what I call it, or maybe you have a better name. It has one more eye than the original little robot, but there aren’t many other changes.”

  ”Thank you.” Chu Guang expressed his gratitude sincerely.

  Yin Fang coughed lightly and said.

  ”No need to thank me, I got all the materials from you, I just helped you deal with it.”

  At this point, he remembered something important, so he continued.

  ”By the way, its power source is metal hydrogen batteries… It seems that there are not many reserves in your shelter, only about forty or fifty. If you have a chance, you can get more, it’s a good thing.”

  Chu Guang made a helpless expression.

  ”I know this without you saying it.”

  The metal hydrogen batteries produced by the enterprise contain many Class A technologies, and this thing is very popular everywhere.

  At present, the only thing that Boulder City can produce independently is solid hydrogen batteries. If you want to buy metal hydrogen batteries, you can only hope that the caravan from the East Coast can bring some.

  Chu Guang bought dozens of them from the Pioneer before, intending to use them to make exoskeletons.

  However, what his players need most at the moment is not exoskeletons, but cheap and easy-to-use equipment, as well as industrial equipment that can produce these equipment, so this matter was put on hold.

  Looking at the robot in his hand, Chu Guang suddenly remembered a very serious matter.

  ”If this thing explodes…”

  Yin Fang answered in a relaxed tone.

  ”It’s about the equivalent of 6 kilograms of T-En-T, and the power should be able to cover… uh, a football field?”

  Chu Guang: “???”

  What the hell? !

  Without saying a word, he stuffed the robot into Yin Fang’s hand, and Chu Guang quietly moved half a step to the side.

  ”You hold it for me first.”

  Looking at the robot that was returned to him, Yin Fang was stunned for a moment, with a look of tears and laughter on his face.

  ”Don’t get excited… This thing is not that easy to explode. And 6 kilograms of T-En-T is the theoretical equivalent. Without detonators and accelerants, how can it really reach that power… This is not a bomb.”

  There are at least 2 B-level technologies between the metal hydrogen battery and the metal hydrogen shell. The oxygen in the air is not enough to make the metal hydrogen react completely.

  And you are wearing a power armor, what are you afraid of!

  But Chu Guang didn’t want to listen to his explanation, he just wanted to stay away from this guy.


  One more rule will be added in the future.

  Robots and exoskeletons with metal hydrogen power sources are prohibited from staying in the shelter for a long time.


  Abandoned department store.

  More than a thousand beds are crowded in the empty hall.

  The New Year’s songs can’t float here, and no one sings, only the crackling of the fire, and the mother coaxing the child to sleep.

  This is a temporary shelter for refugees. They can only stay here temporarily before the end of the cold winter.

  Thanks to the wood sent by the blue coats, the survivors who are temporarily living here used the wood to repair the damaged walls and floor-to-ceiling doors and windows, and finally made it airtight.

  Some of the remaining wood was chopped into firewood, or burned into charcoal, and thrown into the red brick stove together with the fire starter.

  The blazing flames brought a little light and warmth to the empty hall in winter.

  Although the environment here is a bit simple, at least it is free from wind, snow and hunger.

  The refugees from the central and northern parts of the River Valley Province, the survivors of the Winter Willow Camp and the Battery Factory, are all grateful to the blue coats.

  The fleeing army on the front line, the looters of the Bone Chewing Tribe, and the chaos that is doing evil everywhere destroyed their homes and burned their farmland and houses.

  If it weren’t for the blue coats, they might have frozen to death on the road or been eaten by the looters.

  Of course, they can only represent themselves.

  Not everyone is grateful for the current situation.

  Of the five survivor settlements in the first batch of relocation plans, only two were actually attacked by looters, and the residents of the other three survivor settlements did not even see the shadow of looters, and moved here only out of fear.

  More than a month has passed since the first blizzard, and even if no one died in the cold, some people have suffered frostbite from working in the cold. The

  terrible weather is still not going to end, and the supply of materials is getting tighter and tighter. It is often heard that there is not much food left.

  As time went on, some people inevitably began to wonder.

  Is it really necessary to relocate?

  Those survivors who did not relocate seemed to be living well.

  ”I’m always worried that this house will collapse.”

  Looking at the stone chips falling from the ceiling, the man wrapped in torn bedding couldn’t help but say.

  In fact, he didn’t really think that the building would collapse, he just wanted to find something unlucky to vent his dissatisfaction with his bad life.

  However, these words somewhat affected the people around.

  Looking at the tattered ceiling, many people showed worried expressions on their faces, exchanged frightened glances, and whispered in a low voice.

  ”How long do we have to stay here…”

  ”Those blue coats said it’s spring.”

  ”Why don’t we live in Changjiu Farm? This is different from what we agreed on.”

  ”They said there aren’t enough houses…”

  ”Heh, it’s not like we can’t build our own houses. I think they just want to get rid of the trouble a little bit.”

  Most of them are residents of the Scavengers’ Home and Hope Mountain Cooperative.

  Compared with Dongliu Camp, Battery Factory and Highway Town, these two survivor settlements are located a little further south, and one is hidden on the edge of the city, and the other is hidden in the mountains and forests.

  Now some people are beginning to think that those looters may not be able to find their homes so easily.

  After all, their eyes are not in the sky, and not all survivor settlements will be looted…

  Ma Zhanqiu, the village chief of Dongliu Camp, saw that the dissatisfaction was spreading. In order to avoid affecting his own people, he immediately came out to appease everyone and said.

  ”Don’t say such things. It hasn’t collapsed for more than 200 years. How could it collapse at this time!”

  At this time, a discordant voice suddenly came from the side.

  ”That’s hard to say.”

  ”The snow is so heavy this year, what if the building is blown down?”

  The man who spoke was Ding Tian from the scavenger’s home, and he was also one of the more influential scavengers there. Ma Zhanqiu recognized this man.

  Seeing him frown, Ma Zhanqiu said in a deep voice.

  ”What do you want to say?”

  The man wrapped in a fur coat curled his lips.

  ”What do I want to say? I also want to ask, what are we doing it for? To fight against those predators from the north?”

  ”Or to work as laborers for those blue coats?”

  Ma Zhanqiu was stunned.

  Before the old man came to his senses, someone next to him immediately took over.

  ”Maybe the people of the Bone Chewing Tribe will not come at all.”

  ”That’s right, aren’t there still eight survivors living in places that have not been relocated? I think they are staying well in their own homes…”

  Although everyone here has food, staying here is not free.

  They need to go to the factory to work, and then get a few coins that they don’t know what to do with, and they can’t buy what they need at all.

  Even if the blue coats promise that the money will be useful in the spring of next year, in their eyes, it is no different from drawing cakes.

  Since the blue jackets really wanted to pay them, why not use chips?

  If not, toilet paper from the East Coast would do, at least someone might want it.

  The mood of complaint was spreading.

  This has been going on for a long time.

  Out of fear of the Bone Chewing Tribe, they accepted the resettlement of the blue jackets and moved here in compliance with the arrangements.

  But it has been a month.

  Many people have not seen the looters.

  Nothing has happened except the increasingly severe blizzards and the hard days that

  will never end. Some people even speculated maliciously that the so-called invasion of Qingquan City by the Bone Chewing Tribe was a lie from the beginning.

  The sleeping child was awakened and cried, and the mother coaxed him in a panic, not daring to say anything to the noisy people.

  Looking at the increasingly agitated people, some survivors who had seen it with their own eyes and even had wounds on their bodies wanted to refute, but they dared not say a word.

  At this moment, someone stood up.

  ”My eldest brother is dead.”

  Perhaps it was because of the word death.

  The noisy voice paused.

  Facing the pairs of eyes looking over, Ma Li was silent for a while, and slowly opened his mouth to continue.

  ”The looters cut open his stomach with bayonets because he refused to surrender.”

  Ma Zhanqiu sighed softly and closed his eyes in pain.

  That was his child. It was

  also the thing he least wanted to recall.

  Ma Li paused and continued.

  ”I only found out later, and I didn’t even see his body until the end.”

  ”I really didn’t see the looters of the Bone Chewing Tribe with my own eyes. I only heard a few rumors about their brutality.” ”

  But if you say this is a lie, then tell me, where is my eldest brother? Where are those who didn’t make it here?”

  ”It’s not only naive but also ridiculous to expect them not to come again. It’s not even self-deception.”

  ”Those residents of the shelter could have stayed out of it. As long as they closed the door, let alone the people of the Bone Chewing Tribe, even if the Legion drove a tank over their heads, they could sit back and wait for those people to die of old age before coming out.”

  No one can open the shelter from the outside before the shelter is opened actively.

  This is common sense in the wasteland.

  Seeing that half of the people who supported him were gone in an instant, Ding Tian was about to say something, when a mother holding a child stood up.

  ”I’ve seen it too.”

  She was sitting next to the group of people in the battery factory.

  The voice was trembling, like a wounded lioness, and she stared at the person with her eyes fixed on her, and continued.

  ”We retreated to the warehouse at that time, and there was no way to go. The predators who surrounded us rushed up one after another, and in order to protect us, they didn’t retreat a single step…”

  ”…died in front of us.”

  She couldn’t go on.

  The hall was silent.

  Even the noisiest people, being watched by pairs of eyes, couldn’t help but keep silent.

  People recalled the fear of that day. They

  also recalled those heroes.

  Ding Tian’s Adam’s apple moved, and a trace of anger flashed across his face.

  He knew he was in the wrong.

  But that didn’t mean he liked to be taught a lesson.

  Especially by people who looked much weaker than him.

  Looking at the two groups of people in a stalemate, Ye Xiao, with his arms folded, shook his head. He was about to step forward and say something, but was stopped by Hook who was standing next to him.

  ”What are you going to do?” The lame old man stared at him.

  Ye Xiao said bluntly.

  ”Someone has to persuade them. I’m worried that they will turn into a physical conflict soon.”

  This is a wasteland.

  No matter how many words you say, it will not be as effective as fists.

  Ye Nan, who was standing aside, heard his son’s words and shook his head gently.

  ”This is not our business.”


  ”Go notify the guards and let them handle it.”

  At this moment, the main door of the first floor hall of the department store suddenly opened.

  The whistling north wind blew a few snow leaves in.

  Two guards wearing black coats and carrying rifles walked in carrying an iron rack. There was some charcoal in the iron rack.

  Behind them, there were several residents of the shelter.

  Even if they were not wearing blue coats, they could recognize their energetic temperament.

  ”Happy New Year!”

  ”New Year’s gifts are here! Sorry to have kept you waiting!”

  Cat Ear shook happily, but the hat fell off. Sesame paste made a sound and bent down rashly to pick it up.

  Weiwei, who was standing at the door, turned his head and glanced at Sisi next to him.

  ”Weiwei thought it was some kind of mission, but it turned out to be running errands.”

  What about the hidden mission?

  She even brought her equipment!

  ”Emmm… Sisi thinks it would be better for Weiwei to blow some cold wind instead of being forced to go offline because of a stomachache.”

  Everyone in the hall was stunned.

  Including the two groups in the confrontation, they were also stunned there.

  They didn’t understand what the blue jackets were saying at all.

  Fortunately, the guard who put down the grill came to the rescue and spoke in human language.

  ”Today is the last day of 211!”

  ”The manager asked me to give everyone a New Year’s gift. Thank you for your cooperation. We have survived the most difficult days.”

  Everyone in the shelter whispered.

  ”New Year…gift?”

  ”What is that?”

  This time they understood, but their faces were still confused.

  The young guard didn’t explain, and politely signaled the “player” wearing a chef’s hat next to him to start.

  The charcoal fire was lit, and the tomato scrambled eggs were brushed with a layer of oil on the iron rack with a brush, and then the palm-sized crab cakes were placed on the iron rack.

  ”Everyone line up, one by one.”

  ”There are enough things.”

  ”Everyone has a share!”

  The guard maintained order at the scene and led everyone to line up in a long line.

  The sound of oil sizzling, the aroma of meat filled the hall, and the soft and fragrant crab cakes had an indescribable taste of happiness.

  There was actually meat to eat!

  All the rumors about food shortages were dispelled.

  Almost everyone’s eyes were filled with desire.

  Looking at the meat pie in his hand, Ding Tian couldn’t help but feel guilty. Those who had followed him to make trouble before all kept silent and lowered their heads to eat the pie.

  Standing at the door and feeling hungry, Wei Ba couldn’t help swallowing his saliva, staring straight at the barbecue grill.

  ”Does Wei Ba have a portion too?”

  Si Si tugged at her clothes.

  ”It’s time to go. Everyone at Changjiu Farm is still waiting. If you want to eat, I’ll order you a takeaway when I log off.”

  ”Wei Ba wants beef flavor!”


  This person – no, this Wei Ba!

  Si Si looked at her in surprise.

  ”I’m just being polite.”

  Wei Ba: “Chicken flavor is also OK!”

  Si Si: “…”

  Outside the door.

  On the trunk of a truck.

  A big rat in a coat was rubbing his hands in the cold wind.

  Next to him were the supplies that were about to be sent to Changjiu Farm.

  Because he was worried that his appearance would scare the residents in the shelter, he was left behind to watch over the supplies on the truck to prevent alien species from coming to steal food.

  Before those people left, they repeatedly told him not to eat the mission props.

  These people are really!

  He is not a real rat!

  Where is the trust between people!


  this smell is so fragrant.

  Is it noodles?

  Feeling the impulse of biological instinct, he decided not to look over there or think about it, and turned to look at the street on the side.

  The street was very quiet.

  The white snow under the moonlight was peaceful. There was

  not even a shadow of alien species here. If it were not for the damaged buildings and walls, it would be impossible to associate this place with wasteland.

  Sure enough, I entered the server at the wrong time?

  I heard that there were fights every day in the previous versions. The front fell and the back followed. The professional players who fought for life all picked up weapons and almost ran out of resurrection coins.

  It would be better if I came in earlier.

  Looking at the quiet street, the big rat sighed softly and spoke human words.

  ”This is too peaceful.”

  (Next chapter around 11 o’clock!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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