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Chapter 225: Correct Use of Anti-aircraft Guns

Chapter 225: Correct Use of Anti-aircraft Guns


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 225 The Correct Use of Anti-aircraft Guns

  The north gate of Changjiu Farm.

  The sudden explosion of gunfire was like firecrackers, the whizzing bullets roared in the night, and the flames that shot up into the sky tore through the cold night, like a trumpet blown by hell.


  ”Use your bayonets to dissect their intestines! Cut off their heads and make them into wine jugs!”

  ”Go kill!”

  ”Go plunder!”

  ”Tear them apart!”

  The night raid was discovered.

  The looters were no longer hiding.

  The leader was a short-haired man who pulled out a centurion’s pistol and pulled the trigger in his hand while shouting wantonly. The figures crawling

  in the snow stood up one after another, like jackals pouncing on their prey, shouting like ghosts and monsters, and launched a surprise attack on the north wall.

  The battle is about to break out!

  There were less than four guards standing on the concrete wall and the tower on duty. They were caught off guard by the bullets, and two bodies were killed in one round of firefight.

  The other two were not in a good situation either. They were pressed behind the bunker by the whizzing bullets and could not even raise their heads.

  A shrill alarm sounded in the farm.

  The guards stationed there immediately picked up their weapons and rushed to their respective combat positions as they had practiced countless times in the exercises.

  Unlike the “hyenas” hiding in the ruins, these predators were not only well-trained, but also equipped with the weapons of the legion. Their firepower was unusually fierce.

  In addition to the bolt-action ripper rifles, they were not only equipped with automatic weapons, but also had five or six light machine guns!

  Even though Wrench bravely rushed up the wall with his men as soon as the battle started, he still felt tremendous pressure in the face of the sudden attack of more than a hundred predators and the surging firepower.

  Without the cooperation of the trenches, a wall alone could not stop so many people.

  Under the cover of the firepower from the back row, a team of ten predators took the lead in crossing the trenches buried in the snow and reached a place less than 20 meters away from the wall of Changjiu Farm.

  ”Molotov cocktails!”

  ”Throw them!”

  The short-haired man shouted loudly, and dozens of predators behind him lit Molotov cocktails and smashed them at the three-meter-high concrete wall.

  With a crash, the flames soared into the air.

  Although these Molotov cocktails did not cause substantial casualties to the guards on the wall, they still caused them a lot of chaos.

  This is a common trick used by predators in the wasteland.

  Using Molotov cocktails to create chaos, forcing the defenders to leave the lit bunkers, while compressing the defenders’ tactical space, concentrate their forces to launch a surprise attack on the weak points of defense.

  To a certain extent, the offensive of these predators worked.

  More and more Molotov cocktails were thrown onto the wall, and the wall was divided into several sections by the flames. A young guard risked his life to rush up the tower, replaced his fallen comrade, set up a light machine gun and fired at the wall, but within a few seconds, he was taken away by a rocket that shot from the darkness.

  The tower was burning.


  The wrench who was guarding the wall first cursed angrily and threw the wooden-handled grenade with the fuse removed.

  With a bang, the snowflakes splashed high, and a looter fell on the spot.

  However, in the face of the wave-like attack, this grenade was like a stone thrown into the sea, and it could not stop the surging waves at all.

  The looter holding a submachine gun rushed to the nearby area, took off the rocket on his back, and fired an iron fist at the north gate.

  The rocket as thick as an arm blasted a big hole in the iron gate, but did not break the door open.

  Seeing that the door failed to be broken, the looters did not give up, and then rushed up to place explosives.

  The guards on the wall opened fire and knocked down two people who rushed to the nearby area, but were soon suppressed by bullets from a distance.

  ”There are too many of them!”

  The wounded guard leaned against the concrete wall, his arm was covered with blood, and he shouted to the captain not far away while enduring the pain.

  ”Sir! They are placing explosives at the door!”

  ”Can you hit them?”

  ”I tried… their firepower is too strong!”

  Wrench gritted his teeth, made a prompt decision, and shouted at the top of his voice.

  ”Everyone retreat!”

  ”Let these beasts in and fight!”

  Inside the north gate of Changjiu Farm, facing a construction site, there are brick piles buried in snow and an unfinished dormitory building.

  This dormitory building was originally intended to accommodate refugees, but due to the blizzard, the construction period was delayed. At present, only the second floor has been built, and the outer wall of the third floor has only been repaired halfway.

  It is perfect for use as a shelter!

  As the voice fell, Wrench raised his rifle and fired a burst of bullets outside the shelter, attracting the firepower of the machine gun.

  Seeing that his comrades had already retreated to the stairs, he threw the last grenade, then drove the exoskeleton, jumped down from the wall, and ran after his comrades to join him.

  Almost at the same time when the guards retreated from the wall, a loud explosion came from the north gate.

  The heat and flames that rose to the sky blew the entire gate away, and the snow on the ground also flew several meters away.

  Seeing the gate breached, the looters cheered and rushed in with rifles.

  Fortunately, the people on the wall retreated in time.

  If they were a little slower, the looters would have attacked them from behind, and the people on the wall would have become birds on the trees, being shot from high places.

  The guards who retreated to the apartment building finally got a chance to breathe.

  While the looters had not yet completely rushed in, Wrench immediately organized the remaining thirty or so guards to set up a new line of defense around the apartment building.

  Some people were scattered around the dormitory building, while others set up machine guns at the windows and engaged in fierce exchanges of fire with the looters who rushed into the farm. In

  less than ten minutes, the battle had reached a fever pitch.

  The two sides fought around the north wall of the farm, leaving behind more than ten bodies each, all of them blood-thirsty.

  Facing the brutal looters, the guards resisted tenaciously and their morale was high.

  However, the looters had an absolute advantage in terms of numbers, equipment, and combat experience.

  Many of them followed the Lion’s Fang banner and fought their way here from the central part of the Valley Province. During this period, they experienced countless battles, both large and small, and burned and destroyed countless villages.

  Many of the guards here were new recruits who had just completed the inspection. They came from different backgrounds. Some were recruited from refugees, while others were from the surrounding survivor settlements.

  Some may have experienced the test of blood and fire, but most of them were on the battlefield for the first time.

  This was not shooting in the trenches.

  The murderous aura that was coming was suffocating, the fire was burning under the nose, and the strong smell of gunpowder even flooded the throat.

  In the chaos, only the flickering of fire could be seen, and it was impossible to see where the people were.

  As more and more predators crossed the north gate, the guards had to shrink the defense line again and again until they completely retreated into the dormitory building.

  The outcome seemed to be no longer in suspense.

  If nothing unexpected happened, this battle should be over within a few minutes.

  Gray Wolf, holding a telescope in hand, looked in the direction of Changjiu Farm, and a mocking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

  ”A bunch of weak chickens.”

  Victory came faster than he thought.

  Hearing that Black Snake had been defeated twice by these people, he was prepared for a tough battle, so he made a careful plan. After observing outside for a whole day, he ordered the raid tonight.

  However, he didn’t expect that after the fight, he found that the people standing in front of him were a group of rookies who had never been on the battlefield.

  With only less than ten casualties, his men rushed in effortlessly and captured the walls and towers.

  Is this an assault?

  What a waste of expression!

  The hyena crawling at his feet bared its teeth excitedly, hissing and growling in its throat, and a bloodthirsty light flashed in its eyes.

  It smelled the smell of death.

  It seems that there will be an extra meal tonight!

  ”…It’s so strange, I thought they had at least 70 or 80 people, but from the sound of gunfire, there are only 40 at most?”

  The scout with a white cloth on his shoulders, following the gray wolf, whispered in a low voice, with confusion in his eyes.

  He had been a scout for some time. Although he could not say that he could guess the number of people in the camp with 100%, with his rich experience, he rarely had an error of more than twice.

  Standing on the other side of the gray wolf, the burly man did not hide the mockery on his face at all. He looked at the wall with a huge flame and said with a sigh.

  ”And they are all new soldiers. Look at how they retreated. Many of them must have peed their pants in fear! Haha!”

  His name is Wang Tuo. He is one of the confidants of the gray wolf and a mercenary who followed the gray wolf to join the bone chewing tribe. Not

  only is he a first-class gunman, he is also an awakener!

  The scars engraved on his muscles are all proof of his bravery.

  Looking at the brothers who took down the wall with great momentum, Wang Tuo rubbed his fists excitedly and looked at the gray wolf on the side.

  ”Boss, let me go too!”

  I went too late, but I couldn’t even drink a mouthful of soup!

  The five teams of ten people left behind were originally to prevent the defenders from rushing out from the side door and outflanking them from behind.

  But now it seems that the enemy’s manpower is not enough to fill the front battlefield. At this time, sending troops to go around is no different from seeking death.

  It seems that it is over.

  Gray Wolf put down the telescope, thought calmly for a moment, and gave an order.

  ”You take a team of ten people and sneak along the east side to their south. Don’t let them run away.”

  ”Remember, wait until they come out of the door before fighting.”

  ”Don’t kill them all, leave two alive, I have something to ask them.”

  Chasing deserters?

  This kind of meat-eating job, he is so good at it!


  Wang Tuo excitedly accepted the order, and without saying a word, he immediately ran down the slope and came to his own people.

  The group of hungry wolves had been impatient for a long time. Holding rifles with bayonets already installed, they looked at the south and rubbed their hands, looking eagerly.

  Looking at this group of brothers who were as fierce as wolves and tigers, Wang Tuo shouted excitedly.

  ”Brothers, follow me!”

  ”Don’t let our prey escape!”


  Escape is impossible.

  The looters have surrounded the dormitory building, and the guards who are holding on to the building have no way to retreat.

  No one is going to retreat.

  They have already let go of the north gate.

  If they let go here, there will be no reliable bunkers to hold on, and the looters will completely occupy the entire farm.

  This is the last line of defense!

  After a fierce exchange of fire, the looters have controlled the stairs on the side of the dormitory building and threw a grenade up.

  Fire burst out!

  The gunfire upstairs suddenly stopped, and the looters squatting by the stairs were about to attack upstairs, but at the critical moment, gunfire suddenly rang out from the darkness on the side.

  ”Ah da da da da da——!”

  The tail who rushed to the front line from the back fired at the wall of the dormitory building while fiercely using his mouth to match the bullets.

  The bullets flew around without a care.

  The full-power bullets were not only scary, but also the fragments and dust splashed by the wall.

  The looters who were about to rush upstairs were startled by the sudden burst of fire in the darkness. They thought that reinforcements had arrived, so they did not dare to rush upstairs. They quickly looked for shelter on the spot and raised their guns to fire back at the source of the fire.

  Bullets whizzed over, almost flying past Tail in the chaos.

  Sis, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed, pulled the guy who rushed too fast back.

  Almost at the same time, dense rain of bullets hit the pile of red bricks in front of them, and broken bricks fell all over the ground.

  Being suppressed by the light machine gun, she couldn’t raise her head at all.

  Tail, who was leaning against the back of the bunker with a rifle, said indignantly.

  ”Damn it! If Tail’s bear was here!”

  ”Sis thinks that would be even worse.”

  Sis let go of the hand holding Tail’s collar, glanced at the map on the VM screen, and was about to think about the route of attack, when a look of surprise suddenly appeared on her face.

  ”Oh, how could I forget such an important thing.”

  Tail looked at her quickly.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  Sisi thought.

  ”Nothing, um… it doesn’t matter anyway, our reinforcements are here.”

  ”Huh?! So soon?”

  ”Look over there.”

  Seeing the startled Tail, Sisi stretched out his hand, pointed to the house to the south and continued, “Remember? That’s our save point.”

  Although there are not as many people here as in the outpost, those who come to Changjiu Farm to do missions in this weather are basically combat professional players, if not big shots. At

  the same time when the battle situation on the front line became tense, more than 90 hibernation chambers were opened in the save point on the south side of Changjiu Farm.

  With the sound of leaking air, faces popped out from the open hatches.

  Roller shampooer: “MMP, I’m having lunch! Does the planner have no family???”

  Battlefield atmosphere group: “Hahaha, I’m eating too! My family made dumplings, I just ate a plate, and then I saw someone in the group calling for work!”

  I’m the worst: “Hurry up! I’ve only eaten half of my takeaway! I spent 20 yuan to order it!”

  Battlefield atmosphere group: “Where’s the fountain? Damn fountain, lead the team!”

  The fountain commander, who was busy putting on an exoskeleton, couldn’t help but spray when he heard this.

  ”Fuck! How can you talk to your father like this?”

  ”Don’t beep,” the rifle in his hand was loaded, and the battlefield atmosphere group rolled his eyes at him, “What’s the point of you wearing this thing? I didn’t see you rush forward.”

  ”You know shit!” Fountain cursed and pulled up his pants and put on his shoes, “If I fall, will you command me?”

  The equipment was next to the hibernation capsule.

  Within half a minute, the preparations were completed. Some players had already killed out, and a small number of players gathered on their own.

  After counting the number of team members in the shortest time, there were exactly 20 people divided into two teams of 10. The commander of the fountain made an immediate order.

  ”Group A will follow the battlefield guy to the front line to fight and reinforce the NPC in the unfinished building. Group B will follow me. Let’s go around the east wall and target the north gate to cut off their retreat!”

  ”These damn guys have no martial ethics and actually learned from us to launch a night attack!”

  ”Let’s go and tell them what a real tactical penetration is!”

  The morale of the crowd was high.

  Especially me, the darkest, excitedly fired two shots at the ceiling.


  ”Fuck him!”


  One kilometer north of Changjiu Farm.

  Listening to the endless gunfire in front, Gray Wolf took out his rusty pocket watch and took a look, frowning slightly.

  It has been half an hour since they captured the north gate, and it has been a while since his fierce general Wang Tuo set out.

  Logically speaking, this battle should have ended long ago.

  However, for some reason, the gunfire from the front line became more and more intense, and there was no sign of an end after fighting for a long time.

  Could it be that reinforcements have arrived?


  It is at least 10 kilometers from the urban area of ​​Qingquan City to here, and the snow along the road can even bury the knees. Even if they have transportation, it will not be much faster than two legs.

  Even if they responded to the attack as soon as possible, it would conservatively take an hour to rush from the urban area.

  And this is assuming that they have reinforcements.

  People can’t fall from the sky, right?

  ”Why haven’t you finished fighting yet?”

  Gray Wolf felt a bad premonition in his heart. His battlefield intuition told him that the ten teams that entered the wall might have encountered trouble.

  Picking up the telescope, he looked in the direction of Changjiu Farm.

  The concrete wall blocked the view, and it was impossible to see clearly what was happening inside the wall from here.

  However, at this moment, several figures suddenly appeared in Gray Wolf’s field of vision. They looked panicked and ran out of the north gate in a panic.

  Gray Wolf was slightly stunned.

  When he saw the faces and equipment of those people clearly, his eyes widened instantly, and he wanted to make them pop out of their sockets.

  Those deserters were none other than his subordinates.

  ”Boss, the situation on the front line doesn’t seem to be good…”

  The scout standing aside swallowed his saliva. He had a bad premonition since just now, but he didn’t dare to say it.

  And now, this premonition is getting stronger.

  ”What are these idiots doing!”

  More than a hundred people!

  To deal with just forty or so rookies, they turned into such a bear!

  Gray Wolf couldn’t help cursing, and he wanted to chop off the heads of those centurions who led the team and feed them to the dogs.


  The hyena crawling at his feet suddenly stood up all over its hair, and a hissing growl leaked from its bared teeth.

  The irritable Gray Wolf had no time to comfort it, so he just said something perfunctory.

  ”Wait a little longer, you’ll have food later.”

  The hyena whimpered, biting his trouser leg and pulling it back. The annoyed Gray Wolf kicked the beast aside and walked to his other four confidants.

  ”Take your men with you.”

  ”By the way, shoot those two deserters for me.”


  The four centurions took the order and led the eager plunderers to rush towards the north gate of Changjiu Farm.

  Gray Wolf took out a signal gun from his arms and fired a shot into the sky.

  This signal gun was handed to him by the centurion Lion Fang himself, who ordered him to send a signal immediately after taking the fortress, and reinforcements would arrive in batches.

  Although it was a little early now, he felt that it was almost time.

  The flickering phosphorescence flew in the sky, like a bright lamp lighting up the night sky.

  Gray Wolf squinted his eyes and looked in the direction of Changjiu Farm. The two deserters had been shot, and more than 40 people had approached the north gate of the farm and were about to rush in.

  But at this moment, two lights suddenly lit up in the night, coming closer and closer from the east side of Changjiu Farm.

  The scout next to him was the first to discover the abnormality and shouted in surprise.

  ”Boss! It’s a truck!”

  Gray Wolf was startled and raised his telescope in the direction of the two lights. He saw a truck speeding on the snow.

  Wait –

  speeding? !

  How can it be that fast? !

  It was not until the truck continued to drive forward for a while, up and down, that Gray Wolf finally saw it clearly. He saw that under the chassis of the truck, there were no tires at all, but two black… tracks? !

  And the tracks seemed to be made of rubber?!

  Gray Wolf’s face changed wildly.

  Especially when he saw what was loaded on the back of the truck, a trace of fear appeared in his eyes.

  Four thick and long gun barrels were connected in series, pointing directly at the north gate of Changjiu Farm, aiming at his plunderers who had climbed up the wall, and the more than 40 people who had touched the north gate.

  The truck drove to a gentle slope and stopped.

  The slightly raised quadruple machine gun on the back was laid flat.

  The next second –

  a thick and long tongue of fire suddenly sprayed out!

  Bang bang bang, the sound of the guns resounded throughout the snowfield, and the orange-yellow tracers were like spears piercing the night. In just a few breaths, dozens of high-explosive bombs were poured into the snow in front of the north gate!

  There was no time to dodge, and there was nowhere to hide.

  The more than 40 looters who had reached the north gate were like mosquitoes slapped to death on the wall. In an instant, blood and flesh flew everywhere. They didn’t even have time to scream before they fell down like wheat being cut under the high-explosive bombs.


  Gray Wolf’s pupils were instantly filled with bloodshot. His eyes widened and his eyes were about to burst. A desperate voice came out of his hoarse throat, and his heart seemed to be bleeding.

  Those people were his confidants. They were

  also the forces he had painstakingly accumulated for several months!

  And now,

  everything turned into a bubble.

  The looters occupying the wall in the distance were all frightened by the sudden firepower and jumped off the wall in panic.

  The situation took a sharp turn for the worse.

  The sudden and rapid gunfire seemed to be the last madness.

  The focus of the battlefield was pushed back to the north gate. More and more deserters appeared, and they fled from the north gate in fear.

  However, that was the beginning of their nightmare.

  This fortress, standing alone in the wilderness, was surrounded by white snow, and even the trenches were buried.

  The quadruple machine gun on the truck had obviously been loaded.

  What awaited them was a massacre!

  Looking at the tragic battle in the distance, Gray Wolf felt as if a piece of ice was stuck in his throat. The chill and powerlessness that penetrated into his bones reminded him of the purgatory he had seen in the north.

  The scout standing beside him trembled all over and said tremblingly.

  ”Boss, boss… do we… still want to continue fighting?”


  What to continue with?

  A bitter expression appeared on Gray Wolf’s face, and he looked to the northwest – the Elm District, about nine kilometers away from here.

  There might be his only way to survive.

  There was no vehicle that could pass through the dense forest. As long as he passed through that forest, he would have a chance to return to Yuanxi Town in the north and join the main force…

  But then what?

  Looking at the flares slowly falling from the sky, Gray Wolf looked at the scout beside him.

  ”Go northwest and go through the woods to go back.”

  The scout was stunned.

  ”Then, what about you?”

  Gray Wolf glanced to the south.

  ”I’ll cover you.”

  (There is only one chapter today, just in time to finish writing a plot, but 6K words is equivalent to 3K in two chapters. I really haven’t finished the second chapter, otherwise I could just make a break… The clumsy fans are going to cry. Also, thank “Mu Yuan” for the reward… I’m sorry QAQ.)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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