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Chapter 226: Why did you vote?

Chapter 226: Why did you vote?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 226 Why did they surrender?

  ”Hahaha! Awesome! 666! Your machine gun is so fucking cool – no, it’s so fucking unbalanced!”

  ”Is it reasonable not to cut it?”

  Mosquito, who was sitting in the gun position in the back of the truck, shouted excitedly after holding the trigger and shooting a round of bullets.

  Fully loaded with forty rounds of high-explosive bombs, a round of bullets was fired with only bangs, and the scene was much more exciting than fireworks.

  I have to praise it, the explosion effects and damage effects of this game are so damn real!

  It’s not like “Tech Storm V”, where the fist-sized anti-aircraft machine gun swept a round, and the power was as small as soaking water. It was outrageous that it didn’t hurt anyone at all!

  ”MMP! Can you save some ammunition!” Brother Levin, who was sitting in the truck, cursed while looking at the rearview mirror.

  Just that round just now directly used up half of their inventory.

  Is it that necessary?

  Forty people ran together in the snow, and there was no place to hide nearby. One shrapnel can kill two people, can’t we just fire in bursts? !

  ”What are you afraid of! Isn’t there someone paying for the ammunition? Where will the new orders come from if we don’t finish it? I’m clearing the inventory for you!”

  Mosquito smiled and looked at Brother Toilet next to him, and continued with a beaming face.

  ”Brother, help me load the bullet!”

  ”I’ll pee again!”

  The previous wave wiped out at least four teams.

  If they don’t die, they will be seriously injured!

  There is no doubt that I will definitely be the MVP of the game today!

  Mosquito was very happy, but Brother Toilet, who had been waiting for a long time, only heard a noise.

  Seeing that this guy was going to fire another round, he was immediately angry.

  ”Get out!”

  ”Get down here quickly, it’s my turn!”

  Didn’t we say that we would just fire two shots to try?

  What the hell is called two shots? !

  ”Don’t panic, don’t panic. Look how accurate I am. Let me fire another round!”

  ”Ass! You want to fire another round?! I only have 80 rounds of high explosives. One more round will be gone!”

  The mosquitoes and toilet ropes on the truck were still arguing.

  The debt-ridden big-eyed man who jumped out of the car earlier was holding the car door and vomiting.


  The light truck track was running fast, jumping up and down, rushing down the slope like flying in the sky. He felt that he had vomited out everything he had eaten yesterday. He

  took the LD-47j light machine gun from the car, inserted the thick drum, and glanced at the big-eyed brother who was still vomiting.

  ”Are you okay?”

  ”Men can’t say… no! Good brother, wait for me, I ate a little too much just now–Ugh!”

  The hand just retracted from the car door and held it up again in less than a second.

  Seeing the embarrassing guy, he shook his head and loaded the assault rifle in his hand.

  ”We can’t count on him, let’s go.”

  Big Eyes Debt: “Damn! Is it so real? Where’s the brotherhood?”

  Edge was paddling and ignored him.

  ”Brothers, charge!”

  ”Target the north gate, hurry up and grab the point, let’s attack from the front and back with the brothers on the front line!”

  Don’t let the anti-aircraft guns pick up all the fries!

  Before Edge could finish his words, the construction site boy and brick from the strength department had already rushed forward with machine guns.

  ”Go, go, go!”


  On the other side, Wang Tuo, with ten elite predators, had already gone around to the south gate of Changjiu Farm.

  According to Gray Wolf’s instructions, he would ambush the defenders who escaped from the south gate here and catch them all in one fell swoop.

  However, what made him depressed was that after he got here, he waited for a long time and saw no one sneaking out of the door.

  Just when Wang Tuo was wondering whether the survivors in the farm were wiped out by the brothers who rushed in, he saw a flare rising into the sky.


  He was stunned.

  ”Boss, it’s the boss’s signal flare!” The predator on the side saw it and said immediately.

  ”I’m not blind!”

  Wang Tuo cursed and looked up at the ball of fire in the sky, his eyes full of confusion.

  He knew what the signal flare meant.

  Gray Wolf told him before he set out that it was given to him by the centurion himself, and agreed to call for reinforcements after taking the fortress.

  But the battle in front was obviously not over yet?

  The gunshots that sounded like firecrackers were getting more and more intense.

  Just when he was confused, a truck drove across the snowfield to the front line from a kilometer away from them at an incredible speed.

  Before everyone could react to what happened, they heard a thunder-like cannon sound from the front.


  It was the sound of a cannon.

  Wang Tuo was sure that he would not hear it wrong. He had been a mercenary in the north with Gray Wolf and knew very well what this sound meant.

  The thunder-like bangs made him tremble with fear.

  He didn’t even have time to think about how the survivors could drive the truck as fast as an airplane on the snow, as two headlights approached on the road to the south.

  Soon he saw a light truck driving straight towards them.


  Wang Tuo, who was lying in ambush on the roadside, was startled and immediately looked at the guy carrying a rocket on his back.

  ”Blow up their truck for me!”

  We must not let it drive into the base!


  The predator had high combat literacy. After receiving the order, he immediately took off the Iron Fist rocket launcher on his back and crawled beside the snow pile on the roadside, ready to wait for the truck to get closer before shooting.

  However, just as he raised the rocket in his hand, the truck opposite seemed to have opened its eyes, and the machine gun on the roof aimed directly at him, and the muzzle instantly sprayed flames.

  Da da da——!

  The orange-yellow trajectory formed a net.

  In a flash, the looter carrying the canister had no time to react, and a stream of blood mist exploded from his body, and he was riddled with bullets.

  The looters crawling in the snow were all stunned by this scene.

  Wang Tuo, in particular, had no idea how he had been exposed.

  A drone?

  Or an awakener?

  Whatever it was, the other party had obviously discovered them. The truck stopped steadily in the middle of the road, and the front of the truck with its lights on was facing them from a distance of 300 meters.

  If they didn’t do something, they would all die here!


  Wang Tuo shouted loudly, picked up the barrel that had fallen on the ground, and rushed towards the reverse slope first.

  ”Go around the reverse slope!”

  Almost as soon as the words fell, a deadly rain of bullets swept over, and two more predators who were unable to dodge fell down.

  The vehicle-mounted machine gun fired a series of bursting snowflakes on the snow.

  No longer caring about the lives of his subordinates, Wang Tuo, carrying a rocket launcher, gritted his teeth and ran forward along the reverse slope.

  The distance of 300 meters was beyond the range of the Iron Fist rocket launcher. He had to get close to 150 meters, or even 100 meters, to ensure that the bulky warhead could effectively hit the target.

  However, at this moment, the vehicle-mounted machine gun suddenly stopped firing.

  Was it changing ammunition?

  Wang Tuo was slightly surprised, but he didn’t think much about it and rushed forward.

  However, at this moment, the expression on his face froze instantly.

  In front of him, a power armor holding a war hammer was just looking at him quietly.

  What the power armor was holding was actually not important.

  Wang Tuo made a choice in just one second.

  Throwing away the rocket launcher in his hand, he raised his hands above his head and knelt on the snow, using his awakened power and shouting loudly.

  ”Surrender! I surrender!”

  Chu Guang, who was about to make a move, was slightly stunned, and the lines that had just been brewing on his lips were held back.

  Good guy.

  I have rushed here.

  Why did you surrender? !


  ”I surrender!”

  Facing the dazzling car lights, Gray Wolf, with his hands raised high, took the initiative to walk towards the north gate of Changjiu Farm.

  The battle around here has ended. From the dense bullet holes on the wall, we can see how cruel the battle was dozens of minutes ago.

  Looking at the broken limbs and arms on the ground, as well as the snow piles soaked in blood, Gray Wolf felt a piercing cold.

  The guards who walked towards him had cold eyes.

  Gray Wolf could feel that they wished they could pick up the guns on the ground so that they could shoot him on the spot. Gray Wolf could

  n’t help but feel lucky. It seems that his bet was right. The reserve of civilized people made these people unwilling to attack the prisoners. They were the same as those

  in the Great Rift Valley. If it were somewhere else, I am afraid that even if he raised his hands, the final outcome might be hanging at the city gate.

  Such a tragic defeat, plus the flare fired in advance, would definitely mean death if he went back. If he didn’t go back, there was no other place to go around, and the snow up to his knees wouldn’t allow him to run too far.

  Surrender is the only way to survive.

  At least he wouldn’t be thrown into the oil pan or frozen to death in the snow.

  ”I surrender.”

  Fearing that these people would shoot, Gray Wolf repeated with his hands raised, and continued to speak while looking at the man who seemed to be the leader of these people.

  ”There is a thousand-man team stationed in Far Creek Town, and I am just an insignificant mercenary, a cannon fodder sent here to collect money.”

  ”If you win, there is no point in killing me, and my death is insignificant to Lion Fang. But if you give me a way to live, I may be able to help you win.”

  Wrench, wearing an exoskeleton, stepped forward.

  Only half of the polymer bulletproof plate on his chest was left, and two crushed bullets were embedded in that half of the bulletproof plate.

  Wrench stared at him for a while, moved his eyes away from his face, and looked at the boy with blood on his face.

  ”Take him to see the administrator.”

  The boy looked at Gray Wolf with hatred, and although he wanted to tear him into pieces, he still nodded in compliance with the order.


  Gray Wolf obediently raised his hands and walked in front without making any suspicious moves.

  He knew that the man behind him was waiting for an opportunity to shoot, and he couldn’t let him succeed. He

  passed Changjiu Farm and arrived at the south gate.

  Two trucks were parked there, surrounded by some fully armed people, and squatting on the ground were the ambush soldiers he sent to intercept the defenders.

  Judging from the relaxed expressions on the faces of those fully armed survivors, they should not have encountered too strong resistance. It is even possible that when they arrived here, the battle was over, so that many people even had some… uh, regret on their faces?

  What embarrassed Gray Wolf was that among the captives squatting on the ground, he happened to see his confidant Wang Tuo.

  Wang Tuo, who was squatting with his hands on his head, also saw him.

  Their eyes met.

  Both of them were a little embarrassed and unconsciously looked away.

  At this time, a dark blue powered armor came over here.

  After seeing the powered armor, Gray Wolf finally understood why Wang Tuo had no injuries on his body.

  Good guy.

  Even a powered armor.

  What the hell is this?

  No matter how strong the awakened are, they are still mortal. The only ones who can compete with the power armor are probably the real “monsters” like the Death Claw or the Cracked Claw Crab Queen.

  Chu Guang didn’t waste time talking to this man. He looked at his face and got straight to the point.


  Gray Wolf said respectfully with his head lowered.

  ”Gray Wolf, sir.”

  ”Centurion? Or staff officer?”

  ”It’s Centurion, sir.”

  Before Chu Guang could ask again, Gray Wolf took the initiative to speak respectfully.

  ”Respected Lord of Qingquan City… Sir Administrator, you and your subordinates are so brave that I am impressed. I know I am not your opponent. Please give me a chance to turn from darkness to light.” Turning

  from darkness to light is okay.

  Chu Guang stared at him for a while and thought this guy was quite interesting. He couldn’t help but laugh.

  ”I don’t hate people who know what’s interesting. If you had brought people to me to surrender at the beginning, I might have found a chair for you to sit. But don’t you think it’s a little late to say this now?”

  Gray Wolf said with his head lowered.

  ”Sir, I am just a mercenary. To the people of the Bone Chewing Tribe, I am just a foreigner who can fight. Even though I admire your–”

  ”It’s early morning now, not the time to tell jokes, don’t waste my time,” Chu Guang interrupted him impatiently, staring at him and said, “You have two choices now, go over there and squat, or say something that makes me think you are useful.”

  Then squat somewhere else.

  But working in a brick kiln would be a little more comfortable than clearing roads on a snowy day.

  Gray Wolf did not dare to hesitate, let alone put forward any conditions, and quickly explained everything he knew.

  As Vanus speculated, the 1,000-man plunderer team stationed in Yuanxi Town, 20 kilometers away, was not the same group of plunderers who attacked Dongliu Camp and the battery factory before, but was led by a centurion named Lion Fang.

  Because the 1,000-man team led by Lion Fang lacked sufficient vehicles, the marching speed was very slow, and the pace of looting to the south fell behind Black Snake.

  It was not until the first snowstorm in the southern part of the Valley Province that they barely reached Yuanxi Town. They had to stop their march southward and set up camp there to avoid the snowstorm.

  ”… Black Snake and his men had many vehicles, and they might even have a tank from the Legion, so they moved much faster than us and arrived at the southern suburbs of TS City half a month earlier than planned.”

  ”Originally, according to the agreement, after passing through TS City, they should have followed the plain corridor in the southern part of the Valley Province eastward, heading to the Red River Town area to plunder and expand their territory eastward. But they did not follow the rules, but continued southward and extended their claws to the northern suburbs of Qingquan City… This was originally the territory awarded to Lion Fang by the leader.”

  ”Their behavior annoyed Lion Fang, especially since they refused the invitation to hunt together after the reunion and planned to eat alone.”

  ”So you started early?” Chu Guang looked at him and asked.

  Gray Wolf nodded and said.

  ”Lion Fang plans to build a bridgehead in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City before the snow melts, so that the main force can cross the snow. And I am the vanguard sent by Lion Fang, but now it seems… I should be used as cannon fodder.”

  Chu Guang chuckled.

  ”So you were forced?”

  Gray Wolf said with a wry smile.

  ”My lord, before I joined them, I was just a mercenary who exchanged my life for money. Many of my subordinates were outsiders to them. Our lives are insignificant to them, and being used as cannon fodder is not a rare thing.”

  Chu Guang chuckled and did not take his words to heart.

  Reasons are not important at all.

  Who cares whether he came to Qingquan City on his own initiative to seek quick success or was sent here as cannon fodder to die?

  Chu Guang was too lazy to verify whether there were any truths in such insignificant matters.

  There were more issues worthy of his attention.

  For example –

  ”You said Black Snake might have a tank? What does the tank look like? How thick is the armor? What is the caliber? And tonnage? And… what is the power source?”

  Hearing this series of questions, Gray Wolf looked confused and said immediately.

  ”I haven’t seen it… It’s just that Lion Fang often complained that the leader actually gave the tank to that guy, and he didn’t even get an armored vehicle.”

  After a pause, Gray Wolf continued with a serious face.

  ”My lord, you must be careful. That Lion Fang is a very cunning guy. Although his name contains a lion, he is more like a hyena. In addition, the Tooth Clan he belongs to is still the direct descendant of the Bone Chewing Tribe, and Xizhou City, which is directly north of you, is the base camp of the Tooth Clan!”

  After listening to Gray Wolf’s words, Chu Guang had a preliminary understanding of the strategic deployment of the Bone Chewing Tribe in the southern part of the Valley Province.

  In fact, there is no deployment.

  These looters who make a living by plundering are like barbarians. They take whatever they can grab, but they just happen to hold the weapon of civilization in their hands.

  After a little thought, Chu Guang continued.

  ”I’m giving you a chance to atone for your sins. Write down everything you know about the equipment, number of people, number of supplies, patrol routes, and defense facilities including trenches, foxholes, and machine gun fire points of the thousand-man team stationed in Yuanxi Town, and mark them on the map.”

  Gray Wolf nodded respectfully.

  ”Yes, sir.”

  After having the guy taken away, Chu Guang continued to interrogate several prisoners separately. The intelligence he got from them was not much different from what Gray Wolf provided to him.

  After summarizing the intelligence he had collected, Chu Guang summoned Vanus to the temporary command post of Changjiu Farm and threw the notebook into his hand.

  ”You guessed it right. Now we are facing two thousand-man teams, which may have two or three thousand people in total.”

  ”But fortunately, they are not a monolithic group.”

  ”The Lion Fang stationed in the north has about 1,500 people under its command, and there are suspected to be reinforcements in the further north. The Black Snake to our northeast has a small number of people, about 1,000 people, and we beat them up before. But the trouble is that the Black Snake has a lot of vehicles, maybe they can get together 20 to 30 trucks, and there may even be a tank from your legion.”

  Vanus asked immediately.

  ”What type of tank is it?”

  Chu Guang replied.

  ”Not sure.”

  Vanus shook his head.

  ”The expeditionary force carries three main types of tanks. One is the Conqueror 5 light tank used to deal with infantry, one is the Conqueror 10 heavy tank that cooperates with infantry advancement and undertakes anti-armor tasks, and the other is for support purposes. It uses the Conqueror 10 chassis, and the main gun is replaced with a 100mm howitzer.”

  Chu Guang asked.

  ”If it’s the latter two, can a 20mm machine gun penetrate it?”

  Vanus was silent for a while.

  ”It should be able to break the track, but I’m not sure.”

  Chu Guang: “…”

  ”In fact, tanks are not difficult to deal with, especially if there is only one. I think what you should worry about now is not the tank problem, but…”

  After a pause, Vanus looked at the map on the wall.

  ”The enemy to your north is probably not an advance team sent to establish a bridgehead in the northern suburbs.”

  Chu Guang frowned.

  ”Do you mean that the Gray Wolf is lying?”

  Vanus shook his head and said.

  ”Not necessarily lying, but also maybe not knowing. After all, if I were the commander, I would definitely not tell him all my plans.”

  The sight that stopped on the map moved from Yuanxi Town to the southern suburbs of TS City, and Vanus continued to speak thoughtfully.

  ”If I were the commander, I know my opponent is difficult to deal with, and my friendly forces are unwilling to cooperate with me. I am afraid that this battle will cost a lot of casualties.”

  ”I have two choices.”

  ”Either notify the superiors.”

  ”Or force them to take action first.”

  (next chapter around 12 o’clock)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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