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Chapter 229 “A Thousand Miles to Find Husband” Lu Jingyao

Chapter 229 “A Thousand Miles to Find Husband” Lu Jingyao


Author: The Bell Outside the Besieged City

  Chapter 229 “A Thousand Miles to Find Husband” Lu Jingyao

  , Beijing, Wei Mansion.

  The sunset in the sky was orange and red like fire, burning the clouds and turning them into a sunset glow.

  Lu Jingyao leaned on the window sill with her arms, looking at the beautiful sunset, but her heart was in pain.

  Today is the tenth day of March, and more than ten days have passed since her “half-year appointment” with Wei Changtian.

  Lu Jingyao originally counted the days every day, and went straight to Shuzhou when the time came.

  But at this critical moment, Daning was completely in chaos. In

  this case, Wei Xianzhi certainly would not let her travel thousands of miles to Shuzhou to find Wei Changtian, and even for safety reasons, he would not let her leave the mansion.

  After all, if the Liu family “repeated the old trick” to kidnap again, then this powerless daughter-in-law would be the best choice.

  Since she couldn’t go out, Lu Jingyao could only stay in the house all day and listen to the servants talk about what happened outside.

  At the Chunlong Poetry Meeting, the husband wrote nine poems that were handed down from generation to generation, the Liu family’s plot to assassinate the husband failed, the Xu family held the prince hostage to rebel, and Dafeng intended to send troops to the Western Frontier.

  Although under Wei Xianzhi’s instruction, the servants mostly reported good news but not bad news when talking about these things, Lu Jingyao still heard the turbulence of the current situation in Daning.

  The more this happened, the more she worried about Wei Changtian’s safety, and the more she wanted to go to Shuzhou at all costs.

  ”Madam, what are you looking at?”

  The door was gently pushed open, and Qiuyun, who had just fed the three big hens in the yard, walked in.

  ”I see you’ve been lying here for half an hour.”


  Lu Jingyao propped herself up, rubbed her numb arms, and asked with a frown: “Qiuyun, do you think if I go and beg my father-in-law again, will he allow us to go to Shuzhou?”

  ”Madam, I’m afraid the master won’t agree.”

  Qiuyun didn’t know how many times she had answered this question: “This is also for your own good.”


  Lu Jingyao murmured: “But I really can’t let go of my husband

  .” “I can’t let go of the young master either.”

  Qiuyun walked closer and continued to persuade: “Madam, but let’s listen to the master.”

  ”If the master doesn’t agree, we can’t go even if we want to.”


  Hearing this, Lu Jingyao immediately lowered her head and didn’t speak.

  At present, the Wei Mansion was surrounded by guards, both openly and secretly. Without Wei Xianzhi’s consent, she really couldn’t even leave the gate.

  On the other side, Qiuyun thought she had figured it out, so she took the opportunity to say, “Madam, the meal is ready.”

  ”I don’t want to eat.”

  Lu Jingyao interrupted sullenly, and then she went into the bed curtain without even taking off her clothes and began to shut herself up.

  Qiuyun was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and walked out of the room gently. When she came back, she was already holding a small wooden plate in her hand, on which were placed a few plates of refreshing side dishes and a bowl of white porridge.

  ”Madam, if you don’t want to eat, drink some porridge.”


  ”Madam, if you always don’t eat like this, what if you get hungry?”


  Madam, the young master asked me to take good care of you before he left.”


  ”Madam, if you still don’t eat, I will write a letter to complain to the young master.”


  With a muffled groan, Lu Jingyao finally poked her head out from the curtain.

  ”Qiuyun! If I had known this would happen, I shouldn’t have taught you to read!”

  ”Madam, it’s a bit too late to regret now.”

  Qiuyun calmly put down the wooden plate, arranged the chopsticks and spoon, but still had no intention of leaving.

  Lu Jingyao felt “threatened” and although she really had no appetite, she didn’t want to make Wei Changtian worry, so she had to get out of bed reluctantly and start eating.

  ”Gurgle gurgle~”

  ”Baji baji~”

  Qiuyun didn’t have much food to begin with, and Lu Jingyao just wanted to finish eating quickly and go back to her own room, so the bowl of porridge was quickly finished.

  ”Madam, I’ll get another bowl.”

  Qiuyun wanted to take the bowl at the first moment, but Lu Jingyao immediately reached out to protect the porcelain bowl.

  ”No more! I’m full!”

  Although she didn’t know whether Lu Jingyao was really full or just angry, Qiuyun hesitated for a moment and didn’t force her. She turned around with the wooden tray and prepared to leave.

  However, at this moment…


  A muffled sound suddenly came from behind.

  Qiuyun looked back hurriedly, and then saw Lu Jingyao covering her forehead with tears in her eyes, and at the same time kicked the bedpost in front of her fiercely.


  It was obvious that she accidentally hit her head.

  Qiuyun felt distressed and wanted to laugh for a while, and wanted to ask Lu Jingyao if she was okay.

  But the next moment, she was stunned again.

  Not only Qiuyun, but also Lu Jingyao forgot the pain on her forehead for a while, and looked at a place beside the bed with her mouth wide open.

  There was nothing here originally, but now there is a big black hole.

  ”Husband, Madam, what is this.”

  ”Well, it seems to be a secret passage.”

  Two hours later.

  In a dead end about half a mile away from the Wei Mansion, a piece of grass suddenly shook slightly a few times, and then rose up little by little.

  A pair of big eyes slowly appeared in the gap, looked around vigilantly, and then quickly shrank back.

  ”Qiuyun! Outside is Qingyu Lane!”

  In the fluorescent tunnel, Lu Jingyao looked excited: “The guards at home will not notice if we go out from here! Then we can go to Shuzhou to find my husband by ourselves!”


  Qiuyun, holding the night pearl, looked helpless: “Even if the guards in the mansion can’t notice it, how can we two women get to Shuzhou from the capital?”

  ”Oh, just find an escort agency.”

  Lu Jingyao said nonchalantly: “If it doesn’t work, just buy a carriage and hire a coachman!”

  ”We have money, why can’t we go?”

  ”But if we run away secretly,”

  Qiuyun said worriedly, “the master will be furious when he finds out.”

  ”If my father-in-law wants to blame, he will blame me. It has nothing to do with you.”

  Lu Jingyao first took the initiative to take all the responsibility, but seeing that Qiuyun was still resisting, she suddenly changed her strategy with a turn of her eyes.

  ”Qiuyun, the Wei family and the Liu family are fighting to the death now, and my husband will definitely not have a peaceful life in Shuzhou.”

  ”Don’t you worry about my husband?”

  ”I worry, but…”

  ”Don’t you want to be with my husband at this time?”

  ”I hope, I can.”

  ”Don’t you want to share life and death and adversity with my husband?”


  ”Then do you want to go to Shuzhou with me?”


  Although Qiuyun is more mature than Yuan’er, she is not very opinionated.

  What’s more, Lu Jingyao used Wei Changtian as a “bait” to shake her at once.

  ”What’s more”

  Looking at Qiuyun with a tangled face, Lu Jingyao added the last blow at the right time.

  ”What’s more, my husband has promised to marry you and Yuan’er.”

  ”If we go to Shuzhou earlier, my husband can fulfill this matter earlier, right?”

  ”And if we delay it any longer, when my husband has a new love in Shuzhou, then…”


  Qiuyun suddenly interrupted:

  ”Let’s go back and pack our luggage!”

  (End of this chapter)


I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am Villain In The Book I Turned Out to Be the Arch-Villain of the Book 我竟是书中大反派
Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

Wei Tian transmigrated to a fantasy novel, and found out that he was the villain who was beaten up by the protagonist from beginning to end? ? ?

He has a powerful family background, but all he does is eat, drink, and have fun; he has a handsome face, but all he does is commit evil deeds; he has abundant cultivation resources, but all he does is waste them away… and he can’t even lie down properly, because the protagonist is about to come and steal his wife!

I used to want to be a good person, but now I really have no choice!


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