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Chapter 231 The Rain of Fire from the Sky

Chapter 231 The Rain of Fire from the Sky

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 231 The Rain of Fire from the Sky

  The entrance and exit of the inter-provincial highway, to the north is a relatively flat snowfield.

  At this moment, the thousand-man team under Black Snake is marching slowly on this snowfield.

  Although he failed to successfully persuade Black Snake to make a more cautious strategic choice, after all, they were in the same boat, so Vides still carefully planned the marching route.

  He chose to go straight south, bypassing the large forests and steep slopes on the west side, entering the inter-provincial highway and then heading west to cut off the connection between Changjiu Farm and the northern suburbs of Qingquan City. The

  actual distance of this route will be slightly longer.

  But it will also be relatively more practical.

  The back seat of the armored pickup truck.

  Vides had a map spread out on his knees, and his index finger moved on the map, drawing an arc around the front of their marching route.

  ”… To our west is the forest where the Dongliu camp is located. If nothing unexpected happens, the survivors there have evacuated more than a month ago.”

  ”Our target is the inter-provincial highway to the south. After advancing there, the road ahead will be smooth.”

  ”If the intelligence is correct, there should be a survivor settlement there.”

  ”Even if they have probably evacuated, we can still find something useful there.”

  ”It will be dark in about two hours. We can rest there for a night and then continue to move west. If the situation is optimistic, we should be able to reach Changjiu Farm at noon tomorrow. If they don’t blow it up, we should be able to obtain a fortress located in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City, and as you wish, before your friendly forces.”

  Black Snake touched his chin with a satisfied expression on his face.

  He believed in the professional ability of his staff.

  However, he still had some questions about the plan.

  While Vides was talking about his plan, Black Snake’s eyes stayed on a red mark on the map.

  It was the ecological experimental base of Zhongzhou Aerospace, and it was also a high ground that was easy to defend but difficult to attack. It not only had a complete wall as a shelter, but also had complete buildings to shelter from the wind and rain.

  Black Snake remembered very clearly that more than a month ago, Vides strongly recommended it to him as a springboard for their attack on the northern suburbs of Qingquan City.

  However, for some reason, this time his staff completely ignored the Feng Shui treasure land, and did not mention it at all from the beginning of the entire operation.

  It was as if he had forgotten it.

  ”Why don’t we just station at the ecological experimental base of Zhongzhou Aerospace? There is a high ground there, which is just right for deploying our artillery.”

  Vides shook his head and said.

  ”That location is good, but the terrain from there to Changjiu Farm is too flat.”

  Black Snake asked in confusion.

  ”Isn’t this a good thing?”

  Vides said.

  ”Of course it’s a good thing for them. They will arrive faster than us and occupy the high ground waiting for us to walk in their faces.”

  It sounds like it makes sense.

  Black Snake nodded thoughtfully, moved his eyes to the road that runs across the east and west on the map, and continued to ask.

  ”What if they ambush us on both sides of the road?”

  Vides sighed and answered patiently.

  ”The terrain of the inter-provincial highway is relatively high on both sides. No one would be stupid enough to ambush people on the top of the mountain at the foot of the mountain. We only need to send a team of people to search for explosives and traps on the ground in front, and then send two teams of people to search forward along the gentle slopes on both sides of the road to ensure that there is no risk of error.”

  This guy always asks questions that make people wonder how to answer.

  Vides feels that his head is big.

  However, unlike his headache, after getting a satisfactory answer, Black Snake showed a happy expression on his face and said easily.

  ”It seems that victory is just around the corner.”

  ”Yes, if everything goes as planned.”

  Vides closed the map in his hand and looked at the white snow outside the car window. His

  brows wrinkled slightly.

  The feeling of uneasiness in his heart became stronger.

  If the survivors in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City intend to stop them, now is probably the last and only chance.

  Once his convoy drove onto the highway from the wilderness, the enemy would lose all chances of winning and would no longer be able to stop them.


  it was not easy to ambush them here.

  He deliberately chose a highway entrance that was not so close to Changjiu Farm.

  Even if the enemy discovered them and responded immediately after receiving the warning, it was unlikely that they would arrive here before him.

  Should we send a few people to take a look?

  Just as Vides was thinking this, a bang suddenly came from the southeast of the convoy.

  Then, with a whoosh, the shells seemed to fall in the center of the convoy.

  That seemed to be the location of the tanks.

  Vides’s face changed slightly.

  The black snake sitting next to him reacted quickly. He saw that the guy had already grabbed the walkie-talkie in his hand and yelled angrily.

  ”Damn it, you dare to ambush my convoy!”

  ”Shoot for me!”



  The muzzle ejected thick flames, and the sound of thunder echoed on the snowy field.

  A 20mm steel core armor-piercing bullet drew an orange-yellow track in the air, like lightning, and hit the tank 500 meters away.

  Sparks flew.

  There was a crisp sound, and the heavy track was broken, sliding off the road wheels uncontrollably. The moving tank immediately lost power and broke down in the snow.

  The looters nearby were all dumbfounded.

  Obviously, they had never thought that someone would dare to attack them.

  And it was to attack the invincible steel behemoth!

  Moving their eyes away from the scope, the construction site boy and the brick lying in the snow excitedly waved their fists and cheered excitedly.

  ”Hahaha! The tank’s track is broken! I hit it!”

  Looking closely, the tank looked quite intimidating.

  The nearly eight-meter-long body, the thick barrel, and the angular body looked like a steel behemoth lying on the snow.

  However, this thing was not as difficult to deal with as imagined. It broke the track with just one shot. Even the construction site boy and Zhuan were surprised.

  He originally thought that he would have to fire a few more shots…

  but unfortunately there were no teammates nearby to high-five him.

  While the looters were still not clear about the situation, he quickly removed the smoking shell, stuffed another armor-piercing shell into the gun chamber, and fired another shot at the tank’s turret. If

  the turret could be damaged, this thing would completely become a piece of scrap metal!

  However, his idea was good.

  But unfortunately, the 20mm caliber was still too small.

  The second shell that hit the turret was like a toothpick stuck in the wall. It was unsurprisingly thrown out and flew into the sky.


  ”It’s time to switch to high-explosive weapons!”

  With the second gunshot, the looters finally found him and began to shout and fire at him.

  Bullets whizzed at a distance of 500 meters .

  Unhurriedly putting away the bipod of the “cavalry rifle”, the construction site boy and the brick quickly moved to another position before the muzzle of the tank moved over.

  Almost at the same time he left the combat position, a high-explosive bomb hit his previous position.

  The snowflakes were blown up more than ten meters high, and two pine trees on the side were directly broken into two pieces, fell on the snow slope, and rolled down the slope.

  Looking at the snow fog rising into the sky from afar, the players who were ambushing not far away showed surprised expressions on their faces.

  ”Fuck! The caliber is estimated to be 80mm or more.”

  ”Be more confident, remove the estimate.”

  ”Oh my God… Do you think the construction site guy is still alive?”

  ”He is an awakened person after all, and he is a power type. It’s not so easy to be finished.” Bian Pashui looked at the big eyes next to him and continued, “The tank is left to you, be steady, we only have one robot, and we only have one chance.” The big eyes

  with the connection equipment were closing their eyes at this moment.

  His consciousness has been connected to the “crawler” deployed in front. The four mechanical legs that were swinging quickly were carrying the body and shuttling under the snow.

  The target is in front!

  Although he can’t see it, he can clearly feel it!

  His hand has already grasped the detonator, and his big eyes exhaled a white mist.

  ”Don’t worry.”

  ”It’s very stable!”


  Suddenly attacked.

  The team of predators was in chaos.

  They obviously had no experience in dealing with such a situation. The whole bloated team suddenly squeezed into a ball on the snow like a centipede.

  However, their combat quality is still good, and their reaction is still fast.

  After confirming the direction of the attack, the tank with broken tracks first turned the turret and fired a shot in the direction of the shell. Then the coaxial machine gun next to the barrel fired a burst of bullets in that direction.

  The bullets splashed a string of snowflakes on the snow slope.

  If there were still people there just now, they must be dead!

  ”Little guys, get on with it!”

  ”Find the rat who attacked us!”

  ”Fuck him, I’m going to skin him and make a sofa!”

  Amid the roar of a Marauder Centurion, four teams of ten people immediately set off and quickly advanced towards the snow slope 500 meters away.

  Seeing the firepower in the distance stopped.

  A crew member climbed out of the top cover of the tank, holding a toolbox in his hand, took out the tools and began to repair the broken track.

  Black Snake, sitting in the armored pickup, had a face full of irritation.

  Half a minute ago, he received news from the tank crew that the tank’s track was broken and it would take some time to repair it.

  Just because of a mere attacker, the whole team had to stop.

  ”I suggest that the infantry spread out and search the area carefully,” Vides looked at him and suggested carefully, “There may be more than one attacker.”

  Black Snake said impatiently.

  ”Once I find that guy, I will naturally figure out how many flies there are.”

  The repair work on the track went smoothly.

  The tank will soon be able to start again.

  Raising his arm to wipe the oil on his forehead, the predator who had gotten off the car earlier was about to install the last part.

  However, at this moment, he suddenly noticed that something seemed to be moving in the snow beside him.

  Was it a mouse?

  In the blink of an eye, the little guy had slipped under the chassis of the tank under the cover of the snow.

  ”What is that?”

  He vigilantly pulled out the pistol on his waist, squatted down, and put his face on the snow, intending to see what it was that got under the tank.

  However, the snow on the ground was too thick.

  After the thing got under the chassis of the tank, it stopped moving, as if it had disappeared out of thin air, so that he couldn’t help but wonder if he had seen it wrong.

  At this time, the driver’s voice came from the roof.

  ”Is it fixed?”

  He responded.

  ”It’s almost done, it will be done soon.”

  The driver continued to urge, with a hint of warning in his voice.

  ”You’d better hurry up. If you let Lord Black Snake wait too long, you know what the consequences will be.”

  He said perfunctorily.

  ”Okay, okay, I get it.”

  Was it an illusion?

  The plunderer was suspicious, but he didn’t have time to crawl in to confirm it. He

  stood up from the ground.

  However, just as he picked up his tools again and was about to finish the work at hand, a flash of fire suddenly shot out from under the chassis of the tank.

  Like a burning gas stove.

  In an instant, there was no time to react at all, and the shock wave of the explosion hit his chest and blew him away!


  The flames and smoke of the explosion engulfed the entire tank, and the violent air wave pushed it off the ground.

  The twisted steel broke into pieces, and the leaking fuel tank was ignited by the scorching heat, and exploded together with the ammunition rack, causing a tragic secondary explosion.

  The scene was simply miserable.

  Caught off guard, a centurion was killed on the spot, and nearly twenty predators around were instantly engulfed by the flames of the explosion.

  Broken limbs flew everywhere. There

  were wailing all over the ground.

  It was like purgatory!


  He witnessed the situation ahead through the telescope, paddled on the edge of the snow slope, and punched the snow beside him excitedly.

  The debt-ridden big-eyed man not far away shook his head and lost the connection on the spot, but soon logged back on, shaking his heavy head and muttering.

  ”MMP… Why did I lose it again.”

  At the same time, the black snake sitting in the armored pickup truck had red eyes in an instant, and his pupils were full of bloodshot.

  He stared out the window with his eyes wide open, and he felt his heart was like a knife, and every knife was dripping with blood!

  That was the tank given to him by the leader!

  It was also his greatest reliance!

  The reason why the thousand-man team he led was able to capture cities and territories all the way, from the central to the southern part of the Valley Province, sweeping across the province like a hurricane, at least half of the credit should be attributed to it!

  But now, the tank has turned into scrap metal…

  How dare those people!

  How dare they!

  ”I’m going to kill them!”

  ”I’m going to cut them into pieces and chop them into meat paste!”

  Listening to the angry roar of Black Snake, the driver sitting in the front trembled, not daring to breathe, for fear of being used as a punching bag for anger.

  Vides, who was sitting next to Black Snake, was completely confused at this moment.

  ”…What was that just now?”

  He whispered in his mouth, his eyes full of disbelief.

  There was no sign at all.

  He only saw a beam of fire rising into the sky, and then the “Conqueror” that the legion was proud of was blown into scrap metal.

  That power…

  at least 10 kilograms of T-En-T.

  Maybe even more!

  A drop of cold sweat slid across his forehead, and Vides, realizing the seriousness of the problem, suddenly came back to his senses.

  He immediately looked at the Black Snake sitting beside him, and shouted loudly, ignoring the fury on the tyrant’s face.

  ”Quick! Call back all the six 100-man teams you sent out earlier!” He

  was only halfway through his words.

  Intensive gunfire came from the fan-shaped area in front.

  Bullets whizzed in like a storm, at least ten light machine guns – or even more automatic weapons, venting fierce firepower at them.

  The biggest threat has been eliminated!

  There is no need to hide anymore.

  Crawling in the snow, holding the light machine gun on the snow slope, paddling on the edge and pulling the trigger desperately, shouting loudly.


  ”Hit hard!”

  The fire from the muzzle turned the debt-eye face red, and the index finger seemed to be welded to the trigger, and the voice was excited.

  ”Ah, ah, ah!”

  Bullets whizzed around the battlefield, and some even landed on the steel plate of the armored pickup truck, making the hood bang!

  Before they had recovered from the previous explosion, they were hit head-on again. The entire convoy was in complete chaos. The

  long team had no one to look after each other, and they were stuck in the snow. They couldn’t retreat or not retreat. They were in a dilemma.

  Fortunately, Vides was an experienced staff officer. Although the sudden attack caught him off guard, it did not make him lose his composure.

  Vides, who took over the command after snatching the walkie-talkie from Black Snake, issued several orders in succession and barely controlled the chaotic situation.

  The looters also gradually discovered

  that the enemy seemed to be very powerful, but in fact there were not many people.

  The four armored pickup trucks with tires spinning in the snow finally drove to the front of the convoy. Four vehicle-mounted machine guns with welded steel plates fired wildly at the snow slope 500 meters away, and quickly suppressed the enemy.

  Led by a centurion, 120 looters were divided into 12 teams and surrounded the front.

  The bayonets shone brightly in the snow, like the fangs of wild animals.

  Their eyes flashed with bloodthirsty light, like a pack of wolves surrounding their prey.

  ”Tear them apart!”

  ”Cut off their heads! Kill them in the most cruel way!”

  ”Let those rats in the gutter know the consequences of angering Lord Black Snake!”

  The centurion roared, urging his men forward.

  However, at this moment, a sharp scream suddenly came from above their heads.

  The centurion subconsciously raised his head, and then his eyes widened. The bloodthirsty pupils were instantly replaced by the color of fear.

  I saw rockets, dragging thick tails across the sky, like a rain of fire falling from the sky, bringing the afterglow of the sunset to the ground.

  He screamed, fell to the ground in the snow, and shouted with all his strength.


  The rocket did not fall on his head.

  Instead, it fell behind him and hit the rear position heavily.

  The flames of the explosions were connected, and shrapnel flew wildly in the open space. The boiling heat seemed to ignite the snow and burn the psychological defenses of the predators.

  Looking at the sea of ​​fire behind him, the Centurion lying on the ground, the fear in his heart gradually turned into despair, and he lost the last bit of courage to move forward.

  At this time, sharp whistles came from all directions, sweeping across the entire snowfield. In the dense smoke, he saw his men turning their backs to the enemy and running away, and then being shot in the snow. They

  were attacked from the rear.

  The armored pickups covering their attack seemed to want to withdraw to help, but the snow was almost buried up to their hoods. It

  was more difficult than they thought to control the tires stuck in the snow.

  There was a bang bang bang sound of machine guns in the distance, and an armored pickup was shot through the fuel tank by an incendiary bomb, followed by the second, the third…

  Indistinctly, the Centurion, who buried his head in the snow, heard shouts of killing like waves.

  He couldn’t understand what those people were shouting. He

  didn’t know how many people there were.

  He only knew that this war might end faster than Lord Black Snake imagined. Maybe

  it wouldn’t even take until tomorrow.

  Maybe tonight, they could spend the night in the houses of the survivors…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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