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Chapter 232: I have never fought such a rich battle (thanks to the silver alliance of “Be a penguin in the Arctic”!)

Chapter 232: I have never fought such a rich battle (thanks to the silver alliance of “Be a penguin in the Arctic”!)


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 232: I have never fought such a rich battle (thanks to the Silver Alliance of “Be a Penguin in the Arctic”!)


  Looking at the burning position 500 meters away, the face of Debt Eyes, which was reflected by the fire, was full of excitement.

  In the previous round of volleys, at least 20 rockets hit the heads of the Black Snake Thousand Team.

  After being attacked, the predators all rushed forward in a swarm, and the narrow team was squeezed into a big lump.

  Therefore, when the rockets flew over, they had no time to disperse and could only face the judgment of fire in despair.

  The support effect this time can be rated more than 90 points!

  At least no rockets went off the track one kilometer away, and no rockets fell on the heads of their own people.

  What surprised Debt Eyes was that the rockets fired by Mosquito this time were not only huge in momentum, but also quite powerful.

  In addition to the fragment damage caused by the explosion, there was also an additional burning effect, which was simply a full damage buff!

  The effect is obvious.

  This round of rocket bombing was much more fierce than when they besieged the ecological experimental base before!

  Looking at the sea of ​​fire in the distance, the roller shampooing machine couldn’t help but sigh.

  ”That buzzer is so cool. It hums when the rocket flies. If I were on the other side, I would definitely be scared silly!”

  Edge paddling: “Low-profile version of Stuka!”

  Debt Big Eyes: “A thumbs up from my good brother Fifty Yuan. I’m not exaggerating or slandering. Brother Mosquito is too good.”

  Roller shampooing machine: “I’ll go offline later. I have to go to the forum to praise him.”

  Hearing this, Debt Big Eyes hurriedly advised.

  ”Don’t do that! What if he gets arrogant? Have you forgotten those weird things he made before?”

  The roller shampooing machine was stunned for a moment, and when he heard it, he felt that what he said made some sense, and scratched the back of his head.

  ”Well, that’s true… Then what do you say we should do?”

  Debt Big Eyes said with a grin.

  ”It’s simple. We agreed to brag about the quad-mounted machine gun and the invincibility of Factory 81, and then pretend nothing happened.”

  Edgepad: “Fuck, you’re too mean!”

  Lao Wang next door: “That’s right! I can’t stand it!”

  Debt Big Eyes smiled embarrassedly.

  ”Thank you, thank you.”

  With the arrival of reinforcements and supporting firepower, the battle on the front line was basically over.

  The armored pickup truck lying in the snow was frantically harvested by the anti-aircraft tracked vehicles that were killed to the flank and rubbed in the snow.

  The previous 100-man team that rushed towards them under the cover of firepower also collapsed in the whistling of rockets.

  Especially when they saw that the armored pickup truck they were proud of was destroyed one after another by the monster with four gun barrels, they fled like crazy. Of

  course they couldn’t escape.

  In addition to a tracked truck carrying a quad-mounted anti-aircraft gun, there were two tracked troop carriers following behind.

  The players driving the truck were all experienced drivers. They slowly shifted to a low gear and just hung behind them.

  The gunner standing in the rear compartment, holding the fixed machine gun welded on the roof, chased them and fired three shots at a time.

  Until more than half of them were killed or injured, they dropped their weapons and lay on the ground with their hands on their heads.

  In this short round of confrontation, less than three minutes, the predators in front of them lost a quarter of their troops and more than half of their armor.

  Debt Big Eyes roughly counted that the quadruple anti-aircraft gun carried on the back of the truck could take down an armored pickup truck with an average of four shots.

  The riveted steel plates on the sides of the pickup trucks could not withstand the bursts of 20mm machine guns.

  Hitting the driver’s seat would be a bloody mess, and hitting the fuel tank would be a direct hit.

  The bang bang bang sound was as crisp as a bottle opener.

  Perhaps they were frightened by the miserable deaths of their teammates, and the passengers on the last armored pickup truck directly abandoned the car and fled before the machine gun targeted them.

  Seeing this, the drum shampooer immediately set up a light machine gun and swept the two men down with a burst of fire.

  Looking at the plunderer lying in the snow, the buddy didn’t finish him off, and cursed.

  ”Damn it! Did you enjoy sweeping us just now? Hmm? Do you still enjoy it now?”

  Not far away.

  The whistles of the charge sounded one after another.

  Friendly forces coming to reinforce from other places surrounded the Black Snake convoy from all directions as planned, and launched an attack on the Black Snake convoy.

  The three tracked vehicles continued to move forward and lined up in a row on the snow. The vehicle-mounted machine guns vented fierce firepower to cover the infantry team’s advance.

  Looking at the fierce battle ahead, Debt Eyes suddenly sighed.

  ”This battle is too rich.”

  Edgewater nodded in agreement.


  When I was in the battery factory, there were not so many awesome equipment.

  The marauders drove two armored pickup trucks and two machine guns with welded steel plates, which could pin them down behind the bunkers.

  Even if they tried their best, they could only kill one.

  Now, their firepower has not only been improved in all aspects, but also passed the test of practice on the battlefield.

  Both the goblin rockets of Mosquito and the “20 guns” produced by the No. 81 Steel Plant have shown amazing potential.

  Edge Strike suddenly felt a little relieved.

  He thought it would be a brutal bloody battle, but he didn’t expect that none of his team members died in the whole battle.

  It was like a dream.

  The whistles in front of him kept blowing, and the shouts of the charge made the roller shampooer feel itchy and couldn’t help looking at his teammates.

  ”Why don’t we charge together? Anyway, they have already fought to this point, and they won’t have the energy to charge us.”

  Edge Strike admitted that this was a very attractive suggestion, but still shook his head.

  ”Our mission is to hold our position. Before the mission is updated, we should follow the mission instructions.”

  One more team of them on the front line won’t make a difference, and one less team of them won’t make a difference. Instead of rushing over to join in the fun, it’s better to position yourself well. In

  addition to the predators in front of us, there are six hundred-man teams scattered outside.

  Even if these people can’t get back for a while, they have to be prepared for possible accidents.

  Big Eyes in Debt also agreed.

  ”+1, and I think it’s useless to rush in. By the time we get there, 80% of the time it’s over. It’s better to just hang around here and get points.”

  For the defense mission, you can get points as long as you stand in the defense point.

  The roller shampooer sighed.

  ”Alas, a salted fish without dreams!”

  I ignored this guy, and suddenly remembered the little robot, so I looked at Big Eyes in Debt on the side.

  ”By the way, what about your robot?”

  Big Eyes in Debt said with a grin.

  ”It’s okay, the manager told me that it’s just right to use a new model if it’s broken. The new model also has a camera, which is much more useful than the old one!”

  ”As for the old one, let it blow up!”

  The load-bearing capacity of the crawler is not high, and it can carry at most about four kilograms of explosives.

  And this is at the expense of mobility. It

  is still difficult for a four-kilogram T-En-T to blow up a heavy tank.

  However, the metal hydrogen battery used by the crawler itself is also an explosive item, and the explosion equivalent is not low, equivalent to six kilograms of T-En-T.

  Bringing an extra four kilograms of T-En-T, the total is barely equivalent to ten kilograms. In terms of explosive equivalent alone, it is equivalent to two anti-tank mines.

  This power should be enough to blow up a tank.

  Even if the tank is not completely blown up, it can still shock the crew inside the tank to smoke.

  Of course, now it seems that this worry is completely unnecessary.

  The damage from the explosion is obviously overflowing. Not only did the tank become scrap metal, but the fuel tank and ammunition rack were also blown up.

  After staring at Da Yan in amazement for a long time, Bian Pashui shook his head and said.

  ”This is too extravagant.”


  Changjiu Farm Command Post.

  After the operation began, Chu Guang moved here from the outpost.

  Overlooking the battlefield through the hummingbird drone, he had a panoramic view of the situation on the front line, and shared the picture with everyone in the command post through the tablet computer converted from VM.

  At the same time, there was a paper map on the table in the command post.

  There were dozens of arrows of different sizes drawn on the map, with numbers on them, and almost every ten-man team’s attack route was planned out.

  At present, the plan is going quite smoothly.

  A total of 21 10-man infantry teams served as the main force of the attack. After the supporting firepower arrived at the battlefield, they launched the attack tacitly.

  Although the number of enemies and us was very different, it did not affect the players to rush forward and surround the predators who were stunned by the rockets.

  Under the cover of the tracked vehicles, in just the first round of firefights, the three 100-man teams guarding the convoy were defeated by the players with light weapons, and fled to the forest on the west side.

  Originally, according to the plan, these 21 teams should be divided into three echelons, advancing northward in a concave-shaped offensive, driving the predators to the north, and finally harvesting them with light vehicles.

  Unfortunately, the speed at which the predators’ defense line collapsed was somewhat beyond Chu Guang’s expectations.

  So that before the flank teams formed an encirclement, the players attacking from the front had already torn the predators’ defense line, disintegrated their will to resist, and led to their collapse.

  The offensive of the last two echelons has lost its meaning.

  The fastest rushing property killer chicken, with his team members, has already fought with the marauders with bayonets.

  The most stable Fountain Team, after finding that the battle was already decided, also quickly changed its strategy, took a light vehicle and quickly inserted into the rear of the marauders’ position, dividing and encircling them.

  At this point in the battle, it doesn’t matter how to fight. The opponent’s flag has obviously been beaten white, and the morale is gone.

  Since it is a point-scoring link, for the players, it is natural to get as much as they can.

  Looking at the pictures taken by the drone, Vanus suddenly spoke.

  ”Your opponents have made at least two strategic mistakes, otherwise this battle would not be so easy.”

  One is that the march was too hasty, the battle line was too long, and the head and tail of the team could not take care of each other. The team in front fought, and the team behind immediately squeezed into a ball.

  Another is that they were too confident in the advantage of armor and underestimated the impact of climate factors on mobility.

  The only tank broke down, and the remaining wheeled vehicles, no matter how fast they ran on the plains, would still be sitting ducks in the snow.

  Of course, there was actually a third mistake.

  Choosing to launch an offensive in winter was a stupid decision in itself.

  What’s more, all the chips were put on the line at once, turning the entire war into a gamble.

  If they win, they can spend the winter in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City. If

  they lose, in another sense, they will have to stay here for the winter.

  Wrench said solemnly.

  ”There are still six hundred-man teams left in the northern suburbs, with a total of seven or eight hundred people. If they resist to the end, I’m afraid there will be another hard battle next.”

  Vanus shook his head.

  ”I have a different opinion on this point. We have already defeated their main force. Even if they still have the courage to continue resisting, they do not have the supplies to support them to fight. In comparison, we need to pay more attention to the north.”

  Wrench frowned and said, “You mean… the Lion’s Fang stationed to our north will take this opportunity to launch a surprise attack on us?”

  Vanus: “This possibility cannot be ruled out, but the possibility of this happening is very small. According to the intelligence we got from Gray Wolf, although they have supporting firepower, they lack reliable vehicles and march slowly, unless they intend to stretch the team very long like their friendly forces, giving us an opportunity to take advantage of them.”

  Wrench asked in confusion: “Then what you mean…”

  Vanus continued: “After losing their organization, the six hundred-man teams are likely to move towards Yuanxi Town and join the Lion’s Fang stationed there. Every time one of them escapes, we may encounter one more in the next battle.”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”I’ve thought about this. Before the battle began, I sent people to intercept them. However, our main forces are at the front line, so it’s hard to say how many we can intercept.”

  Vanus looked at Chu Guang in surprise and nodded.

  ”It’s better to intercept as many as possible than to just let them go.”

  Chu Guang said with a faint smile.

  ”That’s impossible.”

  There were only more than 200 players deployed at the front line to ambush Black Snake, but he mobilized more than that.

  The remaining 200 players were heading northeast.

  If the six hundred-man teams choose to go back for support, they will be caught in the middle by the players.

  If they choose to retreat to the northwest, the two hundred reinforcements he sent to the front should be able to stop some of them.

  There is no suspense about the battle situation on the front line.

  The defense line around the convoy has collapsed, leaving only sporadic resistance scattered in the forest on the west side and the tail of the convoy.

  By now, the victory of this war can be basically declared, and it is only a matter of time to clear out those stubborn elements.

  Two hundred against five hundred, one tank was destroyed, seven armored pickup trucks were captured, and another was captured.

  In addition, two 100mm howitzers, more than twenty light trucks, and supplies loaded on the trucks were also captured.

  The black snake went on this expedition, and it can be said that he brought all his belongings, even the spoils he looted from the central part of the Valley Province.

  Chu Guang will soon know what good things are in his car.

  In addition, according to the feedback from the front-line troops, hundreds of slaves who followed the army were also liberated.

  There is no doubt that this is an epic victory!

  Even though the battle report has not been compiled yet, Chu Guang can make such a judgment in an affirmative tone.

  And not only that, this battle is also the largest battle launched by Shelter No. 404 so far.

  Whether it is the manpower or equipment invested, or the number of enemy forces faced, it has reached the “highest in history” since the server was launched. It will be

  difficult to end this without celebrating.

  ”The danger from the northeast has been lifted.”

  Chu Guang looked at the map, his eyes fell on the north of Qingquan City-Yuanxi Town, 20 kilometers away from Changjiu Farm.

  The predators there probably never dreamed that now they would have to face themselves alone.

  A smile appeared on Chu Guang’s face.

  I really want to know what kind of expression they have on their faces.

  It must be very exciting.

  (Thanks to the Silver Alliance of “Be a Penguin in the Arctic” for the reward! Big brother is awesome! So excited, damn, why don’t I have a manuscript! QAQ)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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