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Chapter 233 Preemptive and Postponement

Chapter 233 Preemptive and Postponement


Author: The Bell Outside the Besieged City

  Chapter 233 Preemptive Strike and Post-Strike Strike

  ”Come and play~”

  This sentence directly reminded Wei Changtian of the rocking toys in the shape of Pleasant Goat placed on the roadside in his previous life.

  However, there are of course no rocking toys these days, nor are there streetwalkers soliciting customers on the street. The person

  who said this was an old man squatting on the ground with shifty eyes. In front of him was a chessboard, and there were also several open wooden boxes with some gold and silver jewelry in them.

  It looked like he was a chess player who played against others.

  If you lose, you will give some silver, and if you win, you can get a piece of jewelry, something like that.


  Speaking of Go, Wei Changtian’s level was limited to the few extracurricular interest classes he attended in elementary school under the coercion of his mother. Later, because the time of the Go class conflicted with the right brain development class, he “reluctantly gave up” and never went again.

  Wei Changtian didn’t know whether his right brain had been successfully developed, but he was very sure about his Go level.

  So it’s better not to embarrass himself.

  He glanced at the old man and prepared to leave.

  But at this time, Wei Changtian found that You Jia’s eyes seemed to stay on a certain place.

  Looking in the direction, he saw a hairpin with a peach-shaped ruby. After

  a little hesitation, he walked to the old man, squatted down, and picked up the hairpin.

  ”How much is this hairpin?”

  ”Hehe, sir, I don’t sell this hairpin.”

  The old man narrowed his eyes and pointed to the chessboard: “Three taels of silver per game, if you can win a game, you can take the hairpin away.”

  ”I don’t play chess.”

  Wei Changtian said impatiently: “Ten taels, is it enough?”

  ”Sir, only lose and don’t sell, this is my rule.”

  The old man was not moved at all: “If you want it, you have to play chess.”


  What a bullshit rule.

  Wei Changtian was unhappy and stood up to leave: “A game of chess will take at least half an hour, I don’t have the time.”

  ”Sir, this is not Go”

  The old man didn’t stop him, but corrected: “It’s Gobang.”



  Wei Changtian was startled, and immediately squatted on the ground again.

  In order to pick up girls, I learned the “Gobang winning method” in my previous life!

  I’ll beat you to death!

  ”Come on!”

  ”Watching the fun” is human nature – an external manifestation of curiosity.

  Therefore, seeing a young man like Wei Changtian, who was dressed elegantly, was going to play chess with an old man, many people soon gathered around. There were

  crowds of people around the small chess stall, but the game had not started yet.

  ”Why do you have the first move?”

  Wei Changtian was still squatting in front of the chessboard, and You Jia squatted beside him with her skirt pulled up, with a curious expression on her face.


  Faced with the questioning, the old man opposite was unmoved and threw out another sentence: “This is my rule.”

  ”What a bullshit rule, the first move has all the advantages, this is not fair at all.”

  ”Young master, you only spent three cents of silver but you can win my golden hairpin, isn’t it also unfair?”


  Hearing the old man insisting on going first, Wei Changtian had guessed that he should also know the “Gobang first move winning method”.

  It seems that you rely on this trick to cheat money.


  He curled his lips and threw out a silver note.

  ”This is one hundred taels, which is far more than the value of this hairpin. Can I go first now?”


  one hundred taels, such a huge sum of money was placed in front of him, and the old man was a little stunned for a while.

  But the onlookers were watching the excitement and did not mind the big deal, and immediately started to make a fuss:

  ”Old Zhang! You have set up a chess stall here for so many years, and you have always been the first to go. What’s wrong with letting you go first today?!”

  ”That’s right! This is one hundred taels! If you win, you don’t have to set up this chess stall anymore!”

  ”You are lucky to meet this young master today!”

  ”Did you step on dog shit when you went out this morning?”



  There were all kinds of noises, but most people were persuading the old man to let Wei Changtian go first.

  But the old man seemed not to hear what these people said. He looked at Wei Changtian, and after a long silence, he suddenly handed over the silver note and hairpin.

  ”Young master, this hairpin is for you.”

  ”Let’s not play chess anymore.”


  Wei Changtian was stunned, and soon understood what the old man meant.

  The other party should have guessed that he would win if he went first, so he wanted to use this method to prevent himself from exposing his “cheating”. ”

  If I don’t want to play, then I won’t play.”

  Wei Changtian took the hairpin and silver note and slowly stood up.

  Cutting off someone’s wealth is like killing his parents.

  Since he had the hairpin in his hand, he had nothing to do but to “reveal the scam” to these onlookers. After handing the hairpin to You Jia, he was ready to leave.

  But at this time, the old man suddenly said behind him:

  ”Sir, I live in Luoguo Lane, and there is an old willow tree in front of the door.”

  ”If you have time tomorrow, you can come and see me.”

  A quarter of an hour later.

  In a private room of a teahouse, Wei Changtian and You Jia sat opposite each other.

  Wei Changtian heard the old man’s last words, but he didn’t take it to heart.

  He still had to negotiate with the Xu family tomorrow, so how could he have time to find such an old man.

  If it was a beautiful young woman, he could still squeeze out some time.

  Wei Changtian had already forgotten about this matter, but You Jia was very interested in what happened just now.

  She looked at the hairpin in the box with great interest for a while, then raised her head and asked:

  ”Sir, why do you and the old man insist on going first?”


  Wei Changtian was too lazy to explain what the “Gobang winning method” was, and casually said: “Playing chess is like planning something, and the one who seizes the initiative will naturally win more easily.”


  You Jia nodded as if she understood, and asked in a low voice: “Isn’t there also the strategy of striking back and striking back?”
Striking back and

  striking back?

  Wei Changtian thought to himself that I am going to use you to strike back against Ning Yongnian, and explained it again.

  ”The strong may strike back and strike back, but the weak can only strike first.”


  You Jia frowned and thought for a while, but it seemed that she didn’t understand the meaning of this sentence.

  Regardless of whether she understood it or not, Wei Changtian was ready to get to the point.

  ”Miss You, now that we have arrived in Jizhou, I’m sure you have guessed what I am here for.”

  ”The situation in Daning is in chaos now, and the dispute between Liu and Wei has reached a life-and-death situation.”

  ”And if I want to defeat the Liu family as soon as possible, I must borrow the power of the Xu family.”

  ”But this also means,”

  Wei Changtian paused here, looking at You Jia and said word by word:

  ”Sooner or later, the Wei family will become a thorn in Ning Yongnian’s eyes and a thorn in his flesh.”


  This teahouse has a good location. Outside the window, a river of light blue water quietly flows across the river, and in the distance, one can vaguely see the shadows of mountains painted in ink outside the city.

  On the river bank, wooden buildings with banners hanging are close to each other, and small stalls and small stalls are lined up on the bridgeheads of the street. The

  bluestone street is crowded with people. Amid the hawking and bargaining, satisfied smiles bloom on the faces of pedestrians who buy and sell goods, and there is no sign of an imminent war.

  Compared with the noise outside the window, there is a long silence inside the window.

  Ning Yongnian.

  Hearing this name again, You Jia seemed to have a premonition.

  She lowered her head and remained silent for a long time, then used all her strength to force a smile, looked at Wei Changtian and asked softly:

  ”Sir, what do you want me to do?”

  (End of this chapter)


I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am Villain In The Book I Turned Out to Be the Arch-Villain of the Book 我竟是书中大反派
Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

Wei Tian transmigrated to a fantasy novel, and found out that he was the villain who was beaten up by the protagonist from beginning to end? ? ?

He has a powerful family background, but all he does is eat, drink, and have fun; he has a handsome face, but all he does is commit evil deeds; he has abundant cultivation resources, but all he does is waste them away… and he can’t even lie down properly, because the protagonist is about to come and steal his wife!

I used to want to be a good person, but now I really have no choice!


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