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Chapter 233: The Sword and the Shadow, the Black Veil Empress

Chapter 233: The Sword and the Shadow, the Black Veil Empress


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 233: The Beautiful Sword and the Black Veiled Empress

  The night deepened, and the moonlight was half hidden.

  The air was dry in early summer, and there were already some insects chirping among the trees. And in the subtle sound of the wind, there was also a pleasant sword chant——


  The long corridor was dim, and the bright moonlight fell on the mossy walls like mercury.

  Yang Shifei straightened his clothes solemnly and stepped into the backyard silently. He came to keep the appointment with Aunt Shuang.

  After passing through the stone arch of the path, a tall and beautiful figure could be seen among the flowers.

  The Emperor of Yan was wearing a long black veil skirt, holding a thin sword, and walking slowly in the garden.


  The sword kept ringing, the graceful figure danced, the skirt swayed and flew, showing the beauty of the protruding and plump body.

  The slender legs under the skirt were intertwined, and the steps were graceful, all of which were elegant and dignified.

  Although Yang Shifei’s sword skills were not deep, he could see the mysterious sword theory, which was indeed worthy of the realm of heaven and man.

  Not long after, Emperor Yan turned around and raised his sword, and their eyes met.

  Amidst the flying snow-white hair, a pair of icy eyes were filled with surprise, and a little flustered and shy.


  She suddenly stopped and put away the sword, and a blush appeared on her cold face. “Are you really here?”

  Yang Shifei walked along the corridor into the garden and laughed, “Aunt Shuang invited me so kindly, how could I not come?” ”

  I just wanted to tease Jasmine with those words in the afternoon, don’t take it seriously.”

  Yan Lingshuang pretended to be calm and stroked her hair, “But since you are here tonight, you should sit down first.”

  Yang Shifei smiled, “Aunt Shuang, are you saying one thing and thinking another?”

  The beautiful woman’s face turned redder, and she suddenly stepped forward and took his arm, “You bad boy, can’t you give your aunt a way out?”

  While lightly scolding him, she pulled him into the garden pavilion and pressed his shoulder to sit down.

  Yang Shifei looked at the fruits and snacks on the table and chuckled, “Aunt Shuang has made such thoughtful preparations, why bother hiding it?”

  ”I was confused for a moment and said something careless just now.”

  Yan Lingshuang blushed and pouted, “I can’t take back what I said in front of the younger generation, so I can only prepare something first.

  If you really come, you won’t come with empty hands and can only stare blankly.”

  ”Your Majesty the Emperor Yan is wise and powerful, how could he be confused?”

  Facing Yang Shifei’s smiling gaze, the beautiful woman couldn’t help but poke him lightly on the forehead, “It’s because you are leaving that I’m confused.”

  Perhaps because of the embarrassment on her face, Yan Lingshuang hurriedly changed the subject:

  ”You came to see me late at night, aren’t Xian’er and Jasmine angry with you?”

  ”Xian’er didn’t say anything, but Jasmine…”

  Yang Shifei showed a bit of strangeness on his face, and took out a small pill from his arms: “When she came here, she secretly stuffed this into my pocket.”

  Yan Lingshuang took the pill, sniffed it twice curiously, and immediately blushed and spat: “This girl, when did you learn these little tricks!”

  ”Uh, what is the effect.”

  ”You are not allowed to know.”

  The beautiful woman took the pill away with her backhand and glared at him lightly: “Confiscate it.”

  Yang Shifei was stunned for a moment, and couldn’t help laughing. How could Aunt Shuang’s cold and arrogant demeanor be mixed with a bit of coquettishness.

  Yan Lingshuang brushed her sleeves and sat beside her, and casually put the long sword on the corner of the table.

  ”At this late hour, why is Aunt Shuang thinking about sword dancing?”

  Yang Shifei glanced at it: “You just took a bath and changed clothes?”

  Now that I have a closer look, I can see clearly that the black gauze long skirt is looming, which makes the tall and proud mature figure of the beautiful woman extremely attractive.

  There seemed to be a dragon pattern wrapped around her abdomen, and black silk flowers and butterflies were embroidered on her chest, which was lifted high by the ripe honeydew melon.

  The beautiful legs under the skirt were surprisingly white, and the fleshy curves were set off, showing their agility and fullness.

  ”It’s just a habit.”

  Yan Lingshuang’s heartbeat accelerated when she was looked at, and she couldn’t help but cross her legs to cover her chest: “When you are upset, practice swordsmanship more, and you will gradually calm down.”

  Yang Shifei teased: “Why are you wearing so cool clothes?”

  The beautiful woman glared at him shyly: “No one will come near my bedroom, and I didn’t wear like this before.” She

  immediately picked up a small piece of sweet cake and stuffed it into his mouth: “It’s all because of you that you messed up my mood.”

  Yang Shifei chewed it twice and swallowed it whole.

  Yan Lingshuang helped pour a cup of tea and handed it to him: “Don’t choke, and be careful of the burns.”


  Yang Shifei took two sips and smiled gently: “What does Aunt Shuang do on a daily basis?”

  Yan Lingshuang’s expression became softer, and she murmured softly: “Actually, it’s nothing. I have been accompanied by swords almost all my life. Except for attending court to discuss politics, I practice swords alone.”

  She lowered her snow-white eyelashes slightly, and stroked the cold sword with her white hands: “No matter spring, summer, autumn or winter, I practice day after day. And after Xian’er’s mother passed away, I tried to learn to play the piano.”

  Having said that, the beautiful woman shook her head again with self-mockery: “Unfortunately, my piano playing is just average.”

  ”I think it’s pretty good.”

  Yang Shifei stroked his chin and recalled a little: “When I heard it in Qianren Bingtan, I was amazed. There is such a superb piano skill in the world.”

  Yan Lingshuang couldn’t help but smile: “It’s just that you haven’t heard of famous masters and famous songs.”

  ”I just love Aunt Shuang’s craftsmanship.”


  Seeing that he was stubborn, Yan Lingshuang felt amused and simply stretched out her hand.

  The sword box not far away suddenly opened, and the long zither flew out and fell steadily into her hand.

  She put the zither flat on the table with her backhand, and said with a smile: “If you really like it, I will play a song for you.”

  After that, Her Majesty the Empress lightly swiped the strings of the zither, and the music suddenly sounded.

  But unlike before, she did not use her internal force to urge the strings this time, but only used her fingertips to pluck and pluck, and the clear sound of the zither echoed slowly in the deserted courtyard.

  After the simple little song was finished, she pressed the vibrating strings with her bare hands.

  Yan Lingshuang raised her eyes nervously, just in time to see Yang Shifei clapping repeatedly, and exclaimed: “It sounds pretty good!”


  The beautiful woman felt sweet in her heart, and said with a little smile: “This song is played mediocrely, how can it be good.”

  Yang Shifei said seriously: “This music is full of affection, and it is more like a beauty confessing her love in her heart. How can it not be liked?”


  Yan Lingshuang was choked by the words.

  Immediately, she couldn’t help but murmured shyly: “Shifei, your love words sound… weird.”

  Before she finished speaking, her hands that

  were playing the zither were gently held. The warmth from the palms of her hands immediately made the beautiful woman’s heart soften, and waves of blushing rose on her cheeks: “Why are you suddenly touching me?”

  ”Such a piano skill comes from such a pair of soft hands, how can I not want to touch it?”

  Yang Shifei used a little force to pull Yan Lingshuang closer, almost leaning into her arms.

  The black butterfly melon rippled and trembled lightly, as if it was about to jump out of her chest, and there was a lingering cold fragrance.

  Her Majesty did not break free, but blushed and hummed: “Touch it if you want, and say these embarrassing words. I’m so old, I’m not a little girl anymore”

  ”Auntie Shuang, do you still count the promise you made today?”

  Yan Lingshuang was stunned when she heard the words, and soon smiled gently: “Whatever wish Shifei thinks of, I will fulfill it for you.”

  Yang Shifei suddenly kissed her plump lips.


  The beautiful woman’s eyes opened wide, then gradually softened, and she responded with a slightly awkward kiss.


  The two kissed intermittently for a long time, and just separated slightly, and the charm gradually rose.

  Looking at the seductive empress with blurred eyes in front of him, Yang Shifei put his arms around her waist and whispered: “I want Aunt Shuang to dance with swords and play music for me only, and to be able to watch you for the rest of my life.”

  Yan Lingshuang’s heart was shaken, and there was a trace of water in the corners of her eyes.

  She felt as if there were waves surging in her heart, and unspeakable joy filled her lonely body and mind.

  ”Okay, I agree to your wish.”

  Yan Lingshuang spoke in a trembling voice almost without thinking, and couldn’t help leaning into his arms, raising her head and kissing again.

  ”I will be your Lingshuang from now on.”

  During the passionate kiss, the two were groping each other’s bodies, and the fire of passion was out of control.

  As they kissed, Yang Shifei hooked the beautiful woman’s legs and bent up, almost pressing her down on the stone table.

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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